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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - quite


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Перевод с английского языка quite на русский

1. вполне, совсем; совершенно, полностью; всецело work not quite done —- не совсем законченная работа to be quite mistaken —- глубоко ошибаться I quite agree with you —- я вполне согласен с вами I'm quite alone —- я совсем один quite by myself —- совершенно самостоятельно; совсем один my watch is quite right —- мои часы абсолютно правильны for quite another reason —- по совершенно иной причине it's quite the thing —- это именно то, что нужно (что имелось в виду) not quite the thing to do —- это не совсем то, что следует делать, этого не следует делать quite another —- совсем другой (иной) I quite see that... —- я хорошо вижу, что... 2. почти, до некоторой степени; более или менее; довольно quite polite —- довольно вежливо quite a good fellow —- неплохой парень to be quite a success —- иметь немалый успех it's quite cold —- довольно холодно quite a long time —- довольно долго quite a few (a lot, a number, a little) —- разг. довольно много; порядочно they are quite young —- они еще довольно молоды; они совсем (такие) молодые 3. усил. действительно, в самом деле, решительно quite a beauty —- самая настоящая красавица it was quite a journey —- путешествие было довольно длительным; это было неплохое путешествие it was quite a scene! —- вот это было зрелище! up to quite a recent time —- до самого недавнего времени 4. при ответах выражает согласие, понимание oh, quite! —- о да! yes, quite!, quite so! —- безусловно, несомненно; правильно, очень хорошо Id: it's quite the thing —- это (сейчас) модно
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  a character оригинальный человек QUITE adv.  1) вполне, совершенно, совсем; полностью; всецело; I quite agree - я вполне согласен; she is quite alone - она совсем одна; my watch is quite right - мои часы абсолютно правильны  2) довольно; до некоторой степени; более или менее; quite a few - довольно много, порядочно; quite a long time - довольно долго  3) действительно, в самом деле; she is quite a beauty - она настоящая красавица it is quite the thing coll. -  а) это именно то, что нужно;  б) это то, что сейчас модно - quite so! QUITE a few порядочное число, довольно много QUITE the potato coll. как раз то, что надо QUITE so! о да!, несомненно! ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) вполне 2) довольно 3) полностью 4) совершенно 5) совсем quite full logic — вполне полная логика - quite a few - quite good ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adv. 1 completely; entirely; wholly; to the utmost extent; in the fullest sense. 2 somewhat; rather; to some extent. 3 (often foll. by so) said to indicate agreement. Phrases and idioms quite another (or other) very different (that's quite another matter). quite a few colloq. a fairly large number of. quite something a remarkable thing. Etymology: ME f. obs. quite (adj.) = QUIT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from ~, adjective, quit  Date: 14th century  1. wholly, completely not ~ finished  2. to an extreme ; positively ~ sure — often used as an intensifier with a ~ a swell guy ~ a beauty  3. to a considerable extent ; rather ~ near  Usage: see plenty ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use quite to indicate that something is the case to a fairly great extent. Quite is less emphatic than ‘very’ and ‘extremely’. I felt quite bitter about it at the time... Well, actually it requires quite a bit of work and research... I was quite a long way away, on the terrace... ADV: ADV adj/adv, ADV a n, ADV before v c darkgreen]vagueness 2. You use quite to emphasize what you are saying. It is quite clear that we were firing in self defence... That’s a general British failing. In the USA it’s quite different... ADV: ADV group, ADV before v c darkgreen]emphasis 3. You use quite after a negative to make what you are saying weaker or less definite. Something here is not quite right... After treatment he was able to continue but he was never quite the same... ADV: with brd-neg, ADV group, ADV before v c darkgreen]vagueness 4. You use quite in front of a noun group to emphasize that a person or thing is very impressive or unusual. ‘Oh, he’s quite a character,’ Sean replied... It’s quite a city, Boston. PREDET: PREDET a n c darkgreen]approval 5. You can say ‘quite’ to express your agreement with someone. (SPOKEN) ‘And if you buy the record it’s your choice isn’t it.’—‘Quite’... ADV: ADV as reply c darkgreen]formulae ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ predeterminer, adverb 1 + adj/adv especially BrE fairly  (quite big/tall etc)  (The restaurant does great food and the prices are quite reasonable. | I got a letter from Sylvia quite recently. | quite a big sth/a tall sth etc)  (He's quite a good soccer player really. | quite a lot/a few etc)  (We managed to get quite a lot of information for the survey.)  (- see rather) 2 quite good/funny etc AmE very good, funny etc  (The food was quite good!) 3 quite a lot/bit/few large number or amount  (She must have left here, oh, quite a few years ago.) 4 not quite why/what/where etc not exactly why, what, where etc  (I must admit, the play wasn't quite what we expected.) 5 not quite not completely  (They weren't quite ready so we waited in the car.) 6 quite a/quite some used to describe something that is unusually good, long, interesting etc  (That was quite a party you had last night. | That makes quite a noise, doesn't it? | He ran quite some distance before he found a public telephone.) 7 + adj/adv BrE very or completely  (It's one thing driving a car but a lorry is quite different. | That's quite ridiculous! | quite the best/the worst etc)  (It was quite the most interesting museum I've ever visited.) 8 I'm not quite sure used to say that you are not certain about something  (I'm not quite sure what her second name is.) 9 quite right BrE used to show that you strongly agree with someone  ("Why should they get paid more than us?" "Quite right, it's completely unfair.") 10 quite like BrE to like something, but not very much  (Well, I quite like maths, but I don't like the teacher. | It's funny, but he quite likes it after all.) 11 that's quite all right used to reply to someone that you do not mind what they are doing  ("I hope I'm not disturbing you." "That's quite all right.") 12 I'm quite happy to do something BrE used to say that you are very willing to do something  (If they want to come in and discuss it, I'd be quite happy to meet them.) 13 quite frankly/honestly BrE used when you are giving a very direct or honest opinion...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., adverbial form of M.E. quit, quite (adj.) "free, clear" (see quit). Originally "thoroughly;" the weaker sense of "fairly" is attested from mid-19c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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