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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - property


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Перевод с английского языка property на русский

1. собственность, имущество private property —- частная собственность movable property —- движимое имущество real property —- недвижимое имущество personal property —- личное имущество; личные вещи; личная собственность property left in taxicabs —- вещи, забытые в такси 2. земельная собственность, земельный участок; имение freehold property —- полная земельная собственность; земельный участок, свободный от уплаты ренты за пользование им 3. достояние the news is common property —- эта новость стала всеобщим достоянием 4. право собственности property in the goods —- право собственности на товар to have property in land —- иметь право собственности на землю; владеть землей 5. свойство, качество; характеристика; способность the chemical properties of iron —- химические свойства железа 6. театр. кин. бутафория; реквизит property department —- реквизиторский цех property sword —- бутафорский меч 7. профес. кин. театр. пьеса, сценарий, приобретенные для коммерческого использования; "купленный материал" most properties come from such sources as novels, plays and musical comedies —- в основе большинства (кино-) сценариев лежат романы, пьесы и музыкальные комедии 8. разг. лицо, работающее по контракту (об артистах, спортсменах-профессионалах) overnight he turned into one of the most valuable "properties" in the music business —- за одну ночь его "акции" в мире музыки поднялись до самого высокого уровня
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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) имущество; собственность; хозяйство; a property - земельная собственность, поместье; имение - man of property  2) fig. достояние; the news soon became a common property - известие вскоре стало всеобщим достоянием  3) свойство, качество; the chemical properties of iron - химические свойства железа  4) usu. pl.; theatr.; cin. бутафория; реквизит  5) attr. имущественный; property qualification - имущественный ценз; property tax - поимущественный налог Syn: see wealth ...
Англо-русский словарь
  свойство – additive property – catch property – emergent property – functional property – kinetic property – lyophilic property – lyophobic property – self-locking property – spectral property ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) собственность; право собственности 2) объект права собственности 3) свойство – property in patent – basic property – common property – comparing properties – copyrighted property – corporate property – health-giving property – industrial property – intangible property – intellectual property – joint property – literary property – national property – novel properties – operational property – particular properties – patent property – patented property – personal property – physical property – private property – public property – real property – scientific property – separate property – state property – tangible property – transferred property – useful properties PROPERTY 1. сущ. 1) собственность 2) имущество; достояние 3) земельная собственность 4) имение 5) свойство, качество 6) право собственности • - abandoned property - adjoining property - administration of property - after acquired property - alien property - assessed value of real property - carrier of property - claim to personal property - claim to property - claims to property - commercial property - common property - conveyance of property - credit on property - credit secured on real property - damage to property of others - damage to property - depreciable property - deprivation of property - disposal of property - distribution of property - estate property - exchange of real property - exchange property - execution on property - freehold property - government property - immovable property - incorporeal property - intangible property - intellectual property law - landed property - leasehold property - lost property - mineral property - movable property - other property - partnership property - pecuniary property - personal property - private property - property damage - property in the goods - property management - property of judgement - property rights -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) атрибут 2) имущество 3) качество 4) обстоятельство 5) свойство 6) собственность 7) способность 8) характеристика absolute property of a surface — геом. свойство поверхности внутреннее acoustical property of conic — фокальное свойство конического сечения asymptotic equipartition property — свойство асимптотической равнораспределенности best approximation property — свойство наилучшего приближения covering homotopy property — свойство накрывающей гомотопии extensionally attainable property — экстенсивно достижимое свойство finite intersection property — свойство конечных пересечений fixed point property — свойство неподвижной точки impart property to — придавать свойство inside sphere property — свойство сферичности изнутри loss of memory property — отсутствие последействия minimum curvature property — свойство минимальной кривизны (в теории сплайнов) minimum norm property — свойство минимальной нормы (в теории сплайнов) property of being Archimedian — архимедовость property of being atomistic — атомистичность property of being centered — центрированность property of being holomorphic — голоморфность property of being meromorphic — мероморфность property of being odd — нечетность property of being two-valued — матем. двузначность property of being unitary — унитарность unique decomposition property — свойство единственности разложения variation diminishing property — свойство...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  свойство; качество; характеристика; способность владение; земельная собственность; застроенный земельный участок; хозяйство properties of cross sections properties of materials acoustical properties adjacent property application property basic material properties cementing property characteristic properties cold resisting property cryogenic properties of concrete durability-related properties geometric properties of sections index properties insulating properties mechanical properties physical properties pozzolanic properties real property sectional properties setting properties viscoelastic properties wearing property ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) свойство; характеристика; качество; способность; характерная [отличительная] особенность 2) мн. ч. реквизит, бутафория - acoustic properties - adhesion property - adsorption property - aerodynamic properties - antiknock properties - antioxygenic properties - antireflection properties - antisquawk property - antiwear properties - antiwelding properties - associative property - blocking property - bonding property - boundary properties - bulk properties - caking property - carbon forming property - casting properties - cementing propertics - coking property - cold resisting property - colligative property - commutative property - compounding properties - constitutive properties - cornering property - creasing property - creep property - cryoprotective properties - cycle-and-add property - decay property - deplastering properties - directional property - distributive property - drainage property - ductility property - elastic properties - electrochemical properties - electrode properties - end-use properties - extensive property - extremal property - extreme pressure properties - extrinsic properties - fatigue properties - flexural properties - flow property - fluid loss properties - friction and wear properties - gelling property - general properties - geophysical properties - geotechnical properties - greasy property - group property - gum-forming property - heat-transfer properties - hiding property - hydrophobic property - hydrophylic property - hygroscopic property - image transfer property - intensive property - interfacial properties - intrinsic properties - leveling property - lightfastness property - linear property - low-temperature mechanical properties - lubricating property - metric property - minimal property - minimax property - minimum property - moisture barrier property - mud-making properties - oil-resisting property - oil-retaining property - oil-sweeping properties - optical properties - optoclectronic properties - oxygen...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a something owned; a possession, esp. a house, land, etc. b Law the right to possession, use, etc. c possessions collectively, esp. real estate (has money in property). 2 an attribute, quality, or characteristic (has the property of dissolving grease). 3 a moveable object used on a theatre stage, in a film, etc. 4 Logic a quality common to a whole class but not necessary to distinguish it from others. Phrases and idioms common property a thing known by most people. property man (or mistress) a man (or woman) in charge of theatrical properties. property qualification a qualification for office, or for the exercise of a right, based on the possession of property. property tax a tax levied directly on property. Etymology: ME through AF f. OF propri{eacute}t{eacute} f. L proprietas -tatis (as PROPER) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -ties)  Etymology: Middle English proprete, from Anglo-French proprete, from Latin proprietat-, proprietas, from proprius own  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a quality or trait belonging and especially peculiar to an individual or thing  b. an effect that an object has on another object or on the senses  c. virtue 3  d. an attribute common to all members of a class  2.  a. something owned or possessed; specifically a piece of real estate  b. the exclusive right to possess, enjoy, and dispose of a thing ; ownership  c. something to which a person or business has a legal title  d. one (as a performer) who is under contract and whose work is especially valuable  e. a book or script purchased for publication or production  3. an article or object used in a play or motion picture except painted scenery and costumes  Synonyms: see quality  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (properties) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Someone’s property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them. (FORMAL) Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him... Security forces searched thousands of homes, confiscating weapons and stolen property. N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss 2. A property is a building and the land belonging to it. (FORMAL) This vehicle has been parked on private property. N-VAR 3. The properties of a substance or object are the ways in which it behaves in particular conditions. A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties. N-COUNT: usu pl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ plural properties n 1 the thing or things that someone owns  (That's my personal property! Leave it alone! | Some of the stolen property was found in Mason's house.) 2 land, buildings, or both together  (Property prices have shot up recently.) 3 a word meaning a building, a piece of land, or both together, used especially by lawyers or estate agents  (Several properties on this street are for sale.) 4 a quality or power that belongs naturally to something  (a herb with healing properties | One of the most important properties of gold is its malleability.) 5 ownership of land, goods etc  (a belief in the idea of communal property)  (- see also lost property, real property) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, "nature, quality," later "possession," from O.Fr. propretй, from L. proprietatem (nom. proprietas) "special character," from proprius "one's own, special" (see proper). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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