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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - not


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1. не, ни (в соединении с вспомогательными и модальными глагодами в разговорной речи n't) not infrequently —- довольно часто not unconnected with —- имеющий некоторую связь с not without reason —- не без причины, довольно обоснованно not inconsiderable —- довольно значительный I do not know, —- уст. I know not я не знаю don't be afraid, don't fear, —- уст. fear not не бойтесь not knowing —- не зная not to wait —- не ждать I started early so as not to miss the train —- я выехал пораньше, чтобы не опоздать на поезд not a world! —- ни слова! it is cold, it is not? —- холодно, не правда ли? everybody has not had your opportunities —- не у всех были ваши возможности 2. преим. в ответах: нет is he ill? - I hope, not —- он болен? - Надеюсь, что нет probably not —- вероятно, нет not so —- это не так; нисколько; отнюдь нет if it is clear, we eill go out; if not, —- если погода будет хорошая, мы выйдем, если плохая, то нет 3. в эмоц-усил. значении: he won't pay you, not he —- уж он-то вам не заплатит, не такой он человек! I won't go there, not I! —- я-то уж не пойду туда, от меня этого не ждите are you going to tell him? - Not I! —- вы ему скажете? - Только не я! 4. в сочетаниях: not a bit (of it) —- нисколько, вовсе нет not at all —- нисколько, ничуть; отнюдь нет; вовсе не; не стоит (благодарности) are you ill? - Not at all —- вы больны? - Вовсе нет not but, not but that, not but what —- хотя; не то, чтобы; все же; тем не менее one cannot but wonder —- нельзя не задуматься we cannot but hope he is right —- нам остается только надеяться, что он прав not ... but that, not ... because —- не потому, что... a the Unknown Soldier did not die for the glory of one country, but that all nations may live in peace —- Неизвестный солдат погиб не во славу одной страны, но для того, чтобы все народы могли жить в мире not half —- эмоц-усил. совсем не; очень сильно. ужасно not half bad —- недурно was he annoyed? - Not half! —- он обозлился? - Еще как! not in the least —- нисколько, ничуть he was not in the least embarrassed —- он нисколько не смутился not once —- ни разу; не раз, неоднократно he did not glance at me, no, not once —- он так не разу и не взглянул на меня! not once nor twice —- не раз и не два, часто not that —- не то, чтобы; насколько if he said so - not that I heard him say so - he lied —- если он так сказал - правда, я этого не слышал - то он солгал I never heard of him, not that that proves anything —- я никогда не слышал о нем, конечно, это ничего не доказывает not that I fear him but... —- я не то, чтобы его боюсь, но... not that I know of —- насколько мне известно, нет not... till —- только после, к he will not come till after dinner —- он придет только после обеда the territory was not liberated until 1943 —- территория была освобождена только в 1943 году not too —- не слишком, довольно not too well —- довольно скверно, неважно not too loud, please! —- пожалуйста, потише! not to say —- чтобы не сказать it is warm, not to say hot —- тепло, чтобы не сказать жарко this is not to say that... —- этим я не хочу сказать, что...; это не значит, что... not to speak of —- не говоря уже о... it will need much time, not to speak of the expense —- это потребует много времени, не говоря уже о расходах that is not to be thought of —- об этом нечего и думать, это исключено as likely as not —- вполне вероятно as soon as not —- столь же вероятно; скорее да, чем нет Id: not for the world —- ни в коем случае; ни за что на свете Id: not on your life —- ни в коем случае, вовсе нет; и ни думайте Id: not all there —- не все дома, винтика не хватает
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См. в других словарях

  to care a rush быть равнодушным; NOT worth the trouble игра не стоит свеч NOT adv.  1) не, нет, ни (в соединении с вспомогательными и модальными глаголами принимает в разг. речи форму nt isnt, dont, didnt, cant и т.п.); I know not obs. (= I do not know) - я не знаю; it is cold, is it not (или isnt it)? - холодно, не правда ли? it is not cold, is it? - не холодно, правда?; not a few - многие; немало; not too well - довольно скверно  2) для усиления: he wont pay you, not he! - он-то вам не заплатит, это уж поверьте!; I wont go there, not I - я-то уж не пойду туда not at all -  а) нисколько, ничуть;  б) не стоит (благодарности) not a bit (of it) - нисколько not but, not but that, not but what - хотя; не то чтобы not half - очень, сильно; еще как! not for the world - ни за что на свете not in the least - нисколько not on your life - ни в коем случае not to speak of - не говоря уже о NOT a bit ничуть NOT a circumstance to amer. ничто по сравнению с, не идет ни в какое сравнение с NOT a mite coll. ничуть, нисколько NOT a scintilla . ни капельки, ни намека на что-л. (of smth) NOT at all  а) ничуть  б) пожалуйста, не стоит благодарности (в ответ на спасибо) NOT at any price ни за что NOT by a long shot отнюдь не NOT exchangeable обмену не подлежит NOT half  а) очень, ужасно he didnt half swear он отчаянно ругался  б) отнюдь нет; как бы не так I dont half like it мне это совсем не нравится NOT proven scot. leg....
Англо-русский словарь
  1) не 2) нет 3) ни 4) операция "не" diode is not conducting — диод закрыт drill does not run true — сверло отклоняется от прямой equation does not work out — уравнение не годится it does not matter — это не имеет значения it is not difficult — нетрудно it is not hard to establish that — не представляет труда установить, что it is not the case — это не так it will not be suggested — трудно допустить not serving as a proof — недоказательный not simply connected space — неодносвязное пространство not so many as — меньше чем not so much as — меньше, чем not to intersect itself — самонепересекаться we need not seek x — нам не нужно находить x worker not pulling his weight — дачник - NOT AND circuit - NOT OR circuit - NOT gate - NOT operation - if not - not any more - not at all - not busy - not circuit - not comforting - not compact - not complicated - not constant - not coplanar - not degenerating - not derivable - not engaged - not equidistant - not exactly - not far from - not far - not greater sign - not homeomorphic - not homologous - not homotopic - not identical - not identically - not in equilibrium - not infrequently - not isomorphic - not large - not leaning - not less sign - not many - not monotone - not much - not numerous - not preferred - not prime - not properly understood - not proportional - not proved - not quantized - not readily soluble - not self-adjoint - not self-conjugate - not semi-simple - not significant - not simple - not simply connected - not standard - not straining - not substantial - not substantively - not substituted - not too large - not trigger - not uniform - not unique - not valid - not without interest - not written out - party not available ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сокр. от number of turns число витков ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adv. expressing negation, esp.: 1 (also n't joined to a preceding verb) following an auxiliary verb or be or (in a question) the subject of such a verb (I cannot say; she isn't there; didn't you tell me?; am I not right?; aren't we smart?). Usage Use with other verbs is now archaic (I know not; fear not), except with participles and infinitives (not knowing, I cannot say; we asked them not to come). 2 used elliptically for a negative sentence or verb or phrase (Is she coming? -- I hope not; Do you want it? -- Certainly not!). 3 used to express the negative of other words (not a single one was left; Are they pleased? - Not they; he is not my cousin, but my nephew). Phrases and idioms not at all (in polite reply to thanks) there is no need for thanks. not but what archaic 1 all the same; nevertheless (I cannot do it; not but what a stronger man might). 2 not such ... or so ... that ... not (not such a fool but what he can see it). not half see HALF. not least with considerable importance, notably. not much see MUCH. not quite 1 almost (am not quite there). 2 noticeably not (not quite proper). not that (foll. by clause) it is not to be inferred that (if he said so - not that he ever did - he lied). not a thing nothing at all. not very see VERY. Etymology: ME contr. of NOUGHT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adverb  Etymology: Middle English, alteration of nought, from nought, pronoun — more at naught  Date: 13th century  1. — used as a function word to make negative a group of words or a word  2. — used as a function word to stand for the negative of a preceding group of words is sometimes hard to see and sometimes ~ NOT  noun  Etymology: not  Date: 1947 a logical operator that produces a statement that is the inverse of an input statement ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Not' is often shortened to 'n’t' in spoken English, and added to the auxiliary or modal verb. For example, ‘did not’ is often shortened to ‘didn’t’. 1. You use not with verbs to form negative statements. The sanctions are not working the way they were intended... I was not in Britain at the time... There are many things you won’t understand here... I don’t trust my father anymore. NEG 2. You use not to form questions to which you expect the answer ‘yes’. Haven’t they got enough problems there already?... Didn’t I see you at the party last week?... Didn’t you just love the Waltons? NEG 3. You use not, usually in the form n’t, in questions which imply that someone should have done something, or to express surprise that something is not the case. Why didn’t you do it months ago?... Hasn’t anyone ever kissed you before?... Shouldn’t you have gone further?... NEG 4. You use not, usually in the form n’t, in question tags after a positive statement. ‘It’s a nice piece of jewellery though, isn’t it?’... I’ve been a great husband, haven’t I?... NEG 5. You use not, usually in the form n’t, in polite suggestions. Actually we do have a position in mind. Why don’t you fill out our application?... Couldn’t they send it by train? NEG c darkgreen]politeness 6. You use not to represent the negative of a word, group, or clause that has just been used. ‘Have you found Paula?’—‘I’m afraid not, Kate.’... At first I really didn’t care whether he came or not. NEG 7. You can use not in front of ‘all’ or ‘every’ when you want to say something that applies only to some members of the group that you are talking about. Not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely... Not every applicant had a degree. NEG 8. If something is not always the case, you mean that sometimes it is the case and sometimes it is not. She couldn’t...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adv 1 used to make a word or expression negative  ("Can we go to the park?" "No, not today, dear." | Lorna was not a tidy child and left toys everywhere. | The store is open all week but not on Sundays. | Sally will not eat meat. | You were wrong not to inform the police. | not at all easy/difficult etc)  (I was not at all surprised to see her at the meeting. | not at all)  (I don't like his attitude at all.)  (- compare no1, - see also n't, -see no2) 2 used instead of a word or expression to mean the opposite of something that has been mentioned before it  (Are you ready to eat or not? | I hope to see you tomorrow, but if not, leave me a message. | hope/think/be afraid etc not)  ("Is Fiona coming?" "I hope not, she's so boring." | I asked if she would be able to help out but she said not.)  (- compare so1 (4)) 3 used to give a word or expression the opposite meaning  ("Will the journey take much longer?" "Oh, it's not far now." | Madeline is such a caring person, not without problems of her own. | In the war years diptheria was not an uncommon disease. | They want a cheap service but they're not slow to complain if the trains break down. | not very tall/expensive etc (=fairly short, cheap etc))  (These teabags aren't very good, are they?) not a little/a few etc (=quite a lot)  (He drank not a little of the wine. | not a lot/much/many etc (=only a few/a little etc))  (It's a new remedy for hay fever which not many people have heard of.) 4 not a/not one not any person or thing  (Since she went abroad she hasn't even written a letter, not one word! | not even a)  (Her face was stony, not even a smile. | not a single)  (He has none of his savings left, not a single penny!) 5 not at all especially BrE used to be polite when someone has thanked you or asked you to do something  ("Would you mind helping me with my suitcase?" "Not at all.") 6 not only used to say that besides someone doing one thing they have also done something else  (not only...but (also)...)  (Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor. | not...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Not On Tobacco airport code Novato, California USA railroad abbr. New Orleans Terminal comp. assem. abbr. Logical NOT file ext. abbr. Notation or note ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1250, unstressed variant of noht, naht "in no way" (see naught). As an interjection to negate what was said before or reveal it as sarcasm, it is first attested 1900; popularized 1989 by "Wayne's World" sketches on "Saturday Night Live" TV show. To not know X from Y (one's ass from one's elbow, shit from Shinola, etc.) was a construction first attested c.1930. Shinola was a brand of shoe polish. Double negative construction not un- was derided by Orwell, but is persistent and ancient in English, popular with Milton and the Anglo-Saxon poets. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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