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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - learn


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Перевод с английского языка learn на русский

1. изучать, учить (что-л.); учиться (чему-л.) to learn English —- изучать английский язык to learn to swim —- учиться плавать to learn how to ride a horse —- учиться верховой езде to learn one's lesson —- см. <> to learn smth. by heart —- учить что-л. наизусть to learn smth. by rote —- зубрить что-л. she is learning her part —- она учит (разучивает) свою роль he is learning to be an interpreter —- он учится на переводчика 2. усваивать; учиться to learn slowly —- с трудом (медленно) усваивать to learn to be more careful —- учиться осторожности to learn smth. from smb. —- учиться чему-л. у кого-л. to learn from mistakes —- учиться на ошибках he learned that hard work paid —- он убедился, что упорная работа дает результаты 3. узнавать to learn the good news —- узнавать (слышать) хорошие новости I am sorry to learn of his illness —- я с сожалением воспринял весть о его болезни to learn when smb. arrived —- узнать, когда кто-л. прибыл I am (have) yet to learn this —- ирон. мне это пока неизвестно 4. простореч. учить кого-л. I'll learn him ! —- я его проучу! я ему покажу! Id: soon learnt, soon forgotten —- посл. наскоро заучишь - скоро забудешь
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  off выучивать наизусть; Actors have to learn their words off in a very short time. LEARN the ropes хорошо ориентироваться (в чем-л.); знать все ходы и выходы LEARN with ease учиться без труда LEARN v.; past and past part. learnt, learned  1) учиться; учить (что-л.); to learn by heart - учить наизусть; to learn by rote - зубрить  2) научиться (чему-л.); to learn to be more careful - научиться быть более осторожным; to learn ones lesson - получить хороший урок  3) узнавать  4) obs.; joc. учить (кого-л.) - learn off Syn: see find ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) общ. учиться, обучаться to learn a trade — обучаться ремеслу Syn: study 2) общ. учить; зубрить, заучивать; запоминать to learn by heart — учить наизусть to learn the lines of a play — заучивать строки из пьесы Syn: memorize 3) общ. узнавать (о чем-л.), быть осведомленным We have learned that she has found a job. — Мы узнали, что она нашла работу. Syn: discover ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) научаться 2) научиться 3) сбор информации 4) учиться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. (past and past part. learned or learnt) 1 tr. gain knowledge of or skill in by study, experience, or being taught. 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) acquire or develop a particular ability (learn to swim). 3 tr. commit to memory (will try to learn your names). 4 intr. (foll. by of) be informed about. 5 tr. (foll. by that, how, etc. + clause) become aware of by information or from observation. 6 intr. receive instruction; acquire knowledge or skill. 7 tr. archaic or sl. teach. Phrases and idioms learn one's lesson see LESSON. Derivatives learnable adj. learnability n. Etymology: OE leornian f. Gmc: cf. LORE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English lernen, from Old English leornian; akin to Old High German lernen to ~, Old English last footprint, Latin lira furrow, track  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience ~ a trade  (2) memorize ~ the lines of a play  b. to come to be able ~ to dance  c. to come to realize ~ed that honesty paid  2.  a. nonstandard teach  b. obsolete to inform of something  3. to come to know ; hear we just ~ed that he was ill  intransitive verb to acquire knowledge or skill or a behavioral tendency  Synonyms: see discover  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun Usage:  Learn in the sense of “teach” dates from the 13th century and was standard until at least the early 19th made them drunk with true Hollands—and then ~ed them the art of making bargains — Washington Irving. But by Mark Twain's time it was receding to a speech form associated chiefly with the less educated never done nothing for three months but set in his back yard and ~ that frog to jump — Mark Twain. The present-day status of ~ has not risen. This use persists in speech, but in writing it appears mainly in the representation of such speech or its deliberate imitation for effect. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (learns, learning, learned, learnt) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: American English uses the form 'learned' as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either 'learned' or 'learnt'. 1. If you learn something, you obtain knowledge or a skill through studying or training. Their children were going to learn English... He is learning to play the piano. ...learning how to use new computer systems... Experienced teachers help you learn quickly. VERB: V n, V to-inf, V wh, V, also V about n • learning ...a bilingual approach to the learning of English. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you learn of something, you find out about it. It was only after his death that she learned of his affair with Betty... It didn’t come as a shock to learn that the fuel and cooling systems are the most common causes of breakdown... ...the Admiral, who, on learning who I was, wanted to meet me. = find out VERB: V of n, V that, V wh 3. If people learn to behave or react in a particular way, they gradually start to behave in that way as a result of a change in attitudes. You have to learn to face your problem... We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality. VERB: V to-inf, V wh to-inf 4. If you learn from an unpleasant experience, you change the way you behave so that it does not happen again or so that, if it happens again, you can deal with it better. I am convinced that he has learned from his mistakes... The company failed to learn any lessons from this experience. VERB: V from n, V n from n 5. If you learn something such as a poem or a role in a play, you study or repeat the words so that you can remember them. He learned this song as an inmate at a Texas prison. VERB: V n 6. see also learned, learning 7. to learn something the hard way: see hard to learn the ropes: see rope ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v past tense and past participle learned or learnt especially BrE 1 »SUBJECT/SKILL« to gain knowledge of a subject, or skill in an activity, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught  (What's the best way to learn a language? | Children are usually very quick at learning.) + abou  (I am very keen to learn about the town's history.) learn (how) to do sth  (I learnt to drive when I was 17. | learn how/what/who etc)  (In the first lesson we'll learn how to format a text file.)  (- compare teach, -see know1) 2 »FIND OUT« formal to find out information, news etc by hearing it from someone else + of/abou  (We were all saddened to learn of her death. | learn sth)  (Where did you learn the news? | learn (that))  (May was pleased to learn that he had arrived safely. | learn who/what/whether etc)  (We have yet to learn who will be the new manager.) 3 »REMEMBER« to get to know something so well that you can easily remember it; memorize  (The actor was busy learning her lines.) 4 »CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOUR« to gradually understand a situation and start behaving in the way that people expect you to behave  (learn (that))  (They have to learn that they can't just do whatever they like. | learn to do sth)  (gamblers who had learned to modify their behaviour) 5 learn from your mistakes to improve the way you do things because of mistakes you have made 6 learn (sth) the hard way to understand a situation or develop a skill by learning from your mistakes and bad experiences 7 learn your lesson to suffer so much because you did something wrong or stupid, that you will not do it again  (I really learned my lesson when I got sunburned last year on vacation.)  (- see also live and learn live1 (27)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Lifestyle Exercise Attitude Relationships And Nutrition univ. abbr. Link Environmental And Academic Research Network univ. abbr. Latino Educational Advancement And Research Network network. abbr. Labor Educators Assistance And Redesign Network non-prof. org. abbr. Leadership For Education Accountability And Reform Now educ. abbr. Lending Educational Assistance To Residents Now educ. abbr. Lynn's Education And Research Network educ. abbr. Learning Education And Recreation Network educ. abbr. Living Education And Resource Networking educ. abbr. Let Education Always Remain Natural law abbr. Legislation For Education Accountability Right Now law abbr. Law Enforcement Administrative Radio Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: LIVE AND LEARN. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. leornian "to get knowledge, be cultivated," from P.Gmc. *liznojan, from PIE *leis- "track." The transitive sense (He learned me how to read), now vulgar, was acceptable until early 19c., from O.E. lжran "to teach" (see lore), and is preserved in the adj. learned. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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