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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - labour


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Перевод с английского языка labour на русский

1. труд manual labour —- физический труд foreced labour —- принудительный труд surplus labour —- полит. эк. прибавочный труд labour code —- кодекс законов о труде labour legislation —- трудовое законодательство labour contract —- трудовой договор 2. работа, задание; задача (особ. трудная) labour company —- воен. рабочая рота labour detail —- воен. рабочая команда; наряд на работу 3. возв. житейские дела, заботы; невзгоды his labours are over —- его жизнь кончилась 4. рабочий класс; труд L. and Capital —- труд и капитал the rights of labour —- права рабочего класса 5. рабочие; работники; рабочая сила direct labour —- эк. основные производственные рабочие shortage of labour —- нехватка рабочей силы 6. (L.) лейбористская партия labour —- МР член парламента от лейбористской партии the labour vote —- голоса, поданные за лейбористов to vote labour —- голосовать за лейбористскую партию 7. чрезмерное усилие; затрудненность the engine works with labour —- двигатель работает с трудом 8. родовые муки, роды a woman in labour —- роженица labour pains —- родовые схватки labour ward —- родильная палата, родильный покой to be in labour —- мучиться родами, рожать 9. уст. продукт или результат труда Id: labour of love —- бескорыстный труд; любимое дело Id: lost labour —- напрасный труд, тщетные усилия Id: hard labour —- каторжные работы, каторга 10. лейбористский labour government —- лейбористское правительство 11. трудиться, (тяжело) работать to labour in the fields —- работать в поле to labour at a task —- напряженно работать над заданием he is labouring to finish his article —- он прилагает все усилия, чтобы кончить статью 12. прилагать усилия, добиваться, стремиться to labour for peace —- бороться за мир to labour for breath —- задыхаться, дышать с трудом 13. двигаться, продвигаться с трудом to labour along a bad road —- медленно продвигаться по плохой дороге the car laboured up the hill —- машина с трудом шла в гору she laboured up the stairs with her bags —- она еле плелась по лестнице со своими сумками 14. мор. испытывать сильную качку; преодолевать волнение the ship was labouring —- корабль боролся с волнами 15. тщательно, кропотливо разрабатывать; рассматривать подробно, во всех деталях (вопрос) to labour an argument —- детализировать аргументацию I will not labour the point —- я не буду подробно останавливаться на этом 16. быть в затруднении, мучиться, страдать (от чего-л); подвергаться (чему-л) to under a delusion —- впадать в ошибку, быть в заблуждении, жестоко заблуждаться to labour under bad health —- постоянно хворать 17. мучиться родами, рожать 18. уст. обрабатывать (землю)
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См. в других словарях

  legislation трудовое законодательство LABOUR  1. noun  1) труд; работа; усилие - surplus labour - forced labour  2) рабочий класс; труд (в противоп. капиталу) - Labour and Capital  3) родовые муки; роды to be in labour - мучиться родами, родить  4) attr. трудовой; рабочий - labour force - labour hours - labour code - labour contract - labour dispute - labour input - labour legislation  6) attr. лейбористский labour leader -  а) лейбористский лидер;  б) руководитель тред-юниона  7) attr. - labour pains - labour ward labour of love -  а) безвозмездный/бескорыстный труд;  б) любимое дело - lost labour Syn: drudgery, grind, toil, travail, work Ant: idleness, leisure, pleasure, relaxation  2. v.  1) трудиться, работать (at/over) Dont labour at/over your writing, try to make it seem easy and natural.  2) прилагать усилия, добиваться (for) to labour for breath - дышать с трудом to labour for peace - добиваться мира he laboured to understand what they were talking about - он прилагал усилия, чтобы понять, о чем они говорили  3) подвигаться вперед медленно, с трудом (обыкн. labour along, labour through)  4) кропотливо разрабатывать, вдаваться в мелочи to labour the point - рассматривать вопрос, вникая во все детали  5) obs. мучиться родами  6) obs.; poet. обрабатывать землю - labour under LABOUR and Capital труд и капитал LABOUR camp noun исправительно-трудовой лагерь LABOUR capacity производительность труда LABOUR code кодекс законов о труде LABOUR contract...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) труд, работа 2) усилие 3) рабочая сила 4) рабочие 5) рабочий класс 6) труд (противоположность капиталу) - Labour and Capital - Ministry of Labour - abstract labour - agricultural labour - common labour - complex labour - concrete labour - cooperative labour - dilute labor - direct labour - directly social labour - embodied labour - farm labour - female labour - forced labour - hired labour - idle labour - industrial labour - intensity of labour - labour discipline - labour exchange - labour force - labour in common - labour intensity - labour mobility - labour of overlooking - labour organization - labour paid for - labour performance - labour pirating - labour power employed - labour relations - labour turnover - labour-saving innovation - living labour - male labour - manual labour - materialized labour - non-productive labour - personal labour - physical labour - private labour - productive labour - semi-skilled labour - simple labour - skilled labour - slave labour - social division of labour - social labour - socialized labour - socially necessary labour - surplus labour - sweated labour - union labour - unskilled labour - wage labour Syn: human resources, manpower, labour force 2. гл. 1) трудиться 2) выполнять тяжелую работу 3) добиваться 4) стремиться LABOUR 1. сущ. 1) общ. труд (особенно физический), работа (приложение усилий для достижения какого-л. результата) Syn: work, business 2) общ. усилие Syn: effort 3) эк. труд, работа (деятельность наемных работников по производству товаров и услуг в обмен на заработную плату) Ministry of Labour — министерство труда shift labour — работа по сменам, посменная работа universal labour — всеобщий труд See:...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) работа 2) работать 3) труд 4) трудиться 5) усилие - labour statistics - surplus labour ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. (US, Austral. labor) --n. 1 a physical or mental work; exertion; toil. b such work considered as supplying the needs of a community. 2 a workers, esp. manual, considered as a class or political force (a dispute between capital and labour). b (Labour) the Labour Party. 3 the process of childbirth, esp. the period from the start of uterine contractions to delivery (has been in labour for three hours). 4 a particular task, esp. of a difficult nature. --v. 1 intr. work hard; exert oneself. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by for, or to + infin.) strive for a purpose (laboured to fulfil his promise). 3 tr. a treat at excessive length; elaborate needlessly (I will not labour the point). b (as laboured adj.) done with great effort; not spontaneous or fluent. 4 intr. (often foll. by under) suffer under (a disadvantage or delusion) (laboured under universal disapproval). 5 intr. proceed with trouble or difficulty (laboured slowly up the hill). 6 intr. (of a ship) roll or pitch heavily. 7 tr. archaic or poet. till (the ground). Phrases and idioms labour camp a prison camp enforcing a regime of hard labour. Labour Day May 1 (or in the US and Canada the first Monday in September), celebrated in honour of working people. Labour Exchange Brit. colloq. or hist. an employment exchange; a jobcentre. labour force the body of workers employed, esp. at a single plant. labouring man a labourer. labour-intensive (of a form of work) needing a large work force. labour in vain make a fruitless effort. labour-market the supply of labour with reference to the demand on it. labour of Hercules a task needing enormous strength or effort. labour of love a task done for pleasure, not reward. Labour Party 1 a British political party formed to represent the interests of ordinary working people. 2 any similar political party in other countries. labour-saving (of an appliance etc.) designed to reduce or eliminate work. labour union US a trade union. lost labour fruitless effort. Etymology: ME f. OF labo(u)r, labourer f. L labor, -oris, laborare ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   chiefly British variant of labor ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (labours, labouring, laboured) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'labor' 1. Labour is very hard work, usually physical work. ...the labour of seeding, planting and harvesting... The chef at the barbecue looked up from his labours; he was sweating. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl, oft supp N see also hard labour 2. Someone who labours works hard using their hands. ...peasants labouring in the fields... Her husband laboured at the plant for 17 years. VERB: V, V 3. If you labour to do something, you do it with difficulty. For twenty-five years now he has laboured to build a religious community. ...a young man who’s labouring under all kinds of other difficulties. = struggle VERB: V to-inf, V under n 4. Labour is used to refer to the workers of a country or industry, considered as a group. Latin America lacked skilled labour... They were cheap labour. N-UNCOUNT: oft supp N 5. The work done by a group of workers or by a particular worker is referred to as their labour. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour–they have no power. N-UNCOUNT: oft poss N 6. In Britain, people use Labour to refer to the Labour Party. They all vote Labour. N-PROPER-COLL 7. A Labour politician or voter is a member of a Labour Party or votes for a Labour Party. ...a Labour MP... Millions of Labour voters went unrepresented. ADJ 8. If you labour under a delusion or misapprehension, you continue to believe something which is not true. She laboured under the illusion that I knew what I was doing... You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions. VERB: V under n, V under n 9. If you labour a point or an argument, you keep making the same point or saying the same thing, although it is unnecessary. I don’t want to labour the point but there it is. VERB: V n 10. Labour is the last stage of pregnancy, in which the baby is gradually pushed out of the womb by the mother. I thought the pains meant I was going into...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n (uncountable, not with the) the British labour party  (We all vote Labour in this house.) labour ~1 BrE, labor AmE n 1 »WORK« effort or work, especially physical work  (The garage charges -30 an hour for labour. | manual labour (=work with tools you hold in your hands))  (Building still involves a lot of manual labour. | withdraw your labour (=protest by stopping work))  (Workers withdrew their labour for twenty-four hours.)  (- see also hard labour) 2 »WORKERS« all the people who work for a company or in a country  (Organized labour banded together to fight the anti-union laws. | skilled/unskilled labour)  (a shortage of skilled labor | cheap labour (=people who are paid very low wages) | labour costs/shortages etc)  (Immigrants may help to solve labour shortages.)  (- see also labour force) 3 »BABY« the process in which a baby is born by being pushed from its mother's body, or the period of time during which this happens  (be in labour)  (Meg was in labour for 6 hours. | go into labour)  (Diane went into labour at 2 o'clock. | labour pains/ward/room)  (No men were allowed in the labour room.) 4 a labour of love something that is hard work but that you do because you want to 5 my/your labours formal a period of hard work  (We sat down to rest after our labours.) ~2 adj supporting or connected with the British labour party  (a Labour MP | Labour policies) ~2 BrE labor AmE v 1 to try very hard to do something; struggle + over  (I've been labouring over this report all morning.) labour to do sth  (Ray had little talent but labored to acquire the skills of a writer.) 2 to work hard  (Marina had laboured late into the night to finish her essay.) 3 labour under a delusion/misconception/misapprehension etc to believe something that is not true 4 labour the point to describe or explain something in too much detail or when people have already understood it 5 if an engine labours it turns too slowly and with difficulty ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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