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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - knight


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Перевод с английского языка knight на русский

1. рыцарь; витязь Knights of the Round Table —- рыцари Круглого стола knight's fee —- ист. отводимый рыцарю участок земли, за владение которым он должен нести воинскую службу K. without Fear and Reproach —- рыцарь без страха и упрека K. of the Rueful Countenance —- рыцарь Печального Образа, Дон-Кихот the K. of the Swan —- рыцарь Лебедя, Лоэнгрин 2. рыцарь, благородный человек 3. рыцарь, поклонник (дамы) 4. рыцарь (личное дворянское звание) 5. кавалер одного из высших английский орденов K. of the Garter —- кавалер ордена Подвязки 6. рыцарь (какой-л. профессии); мастер knight of the brush —- художник knight of the pen —- рыцарь пера; журналист; писатель knight of the pencil —- букмекер (на скачках) 7. всадник (в Древнем Риме) 8. шахм. конь 9. карт. уст. валет Id: knight of the carpet —- ист. рыцарь. получивший свое звание не на войне, а за службу при дворе; салонный шаркун; солдат, отсиживающийся в тылу Id: knight of the road —- разбойник (с большой дороги); бродяга Id: knight of knife —- уст. разбойник; вор Id: knight of the post —- мошенник, пройдоха Id: knight of fortune —- авантюрист, искатель легкой наживы Id: Knights of Labor —- ам. ист. "Рыцари труда" (профсоюз) 10. посвящать в рыцари; возводить в рыцарское достоинство 11. присваивать личное дворянсоке звание рыцаря to be knighted for war services —- получить звание ряцаря за военные заслуги
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См. в других словарях

  of the road  а) коммивояжер  б) разбойник KNIGHT  1. noun  1) рыцарь; витязь  2) joc. рыцарь (какой-л. профессии); мастер - knight of the pen - knight of the brush - knight of fortune - knight of the road  3) рыцарь (личное дворянское звание)  4) кавалер одного из высших английских орденов - Knight of the Garter  5) chess конь  6) всадник (член сословия всадников в древнем Риме)  2. v. давать звание knight; возводить в рыцарское достоинство KNIGHT errant  1) странствующий рыцарь  2) донкихот, мечтатель KNIGHT of fortune авантюрист KNIGHT of the brush художник KNIGHT of the Garter кавалер ордена Подвязки KNIGHT of the pen журналист ...
Англо-русский словарь
  мор. кнехт ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a man awarded a non-hereditary title (Sir) by a sovereign in recognition of merit or service. 2 hist. a a man, usu. noble, raised esp. by a sovereign to honourable military rank after service as a page and squire. b a military follower or attendant, esp. of a lady as her champion in a war or tournament. 3 a man devoted to the service of a woman, cause, etc. 4 Chess a piece usu. shaped like a horse's head. 5 a Rom.Hist. a member of the class of equites, orig. the cavalry of the Roman army. b Gk Hist. a citizen of the second class in Athens. 6 (in full knight of the shire) hist. a gentleman representing a shire or county in parliament. --v.tr. confer a knighthood on. Phrases and idioms knight bachelor (pl. knights bachelor) a knight not belonging to a special order. knight commander see COMMANDER. knight errant 1 a medieval knight wandering in search of chivalrous adventures. 2 a man of a chivalrous or quixotic nature. knight-errantry the practice or conduct of a knight errant. Knight Hospitaller (pl. Knights Hospitaller) a member of an order of monks with a military history, founded at Jerusalem c.1050. knight marshal hist. an officer of the royal household with judicial functions. knight of the road colloq. 1 a highwayman. 2 a commercial traveller. 3 a tramp. 4 a lorry driver or taxi driver. knight-service hist. the tenure of land by military service. Knight Templar (pl. Knights Templar) a member of a religious and military order for the protection of pilgrims to the Holy Land, suppressed in 1312. Derivatives knighthood n. knightlike adj. knightly adj. & adv. poet. knightliness n. Etymology: OE cniht boy, youth, hero f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cniht man-at-arms, boy, servant; akin to Old High German kneht youth, military follower  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a mounted man-at-arms serving a feudal superior; especially a man ceremonially inducted into special military rank usually after completing service as page and squire  (2) a man honored by a sovereign for merit and in Great Britain ranking below a baronet  (3) a person of antiquity equal to a ~ in rank  b. a man devoted to the service of a lady as her attendant or champion  c. a member of an order or society  2. either of two pieces of each color in a set of chessmen having the power to make an L-shaped move of two squares in one row and one square in a perpendicular row over squares that may be occupied  II. transitive verb  Date: 13th century to make a ~ of ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (knights, knighting, knighted) 1. In medieval times, a knight was a man of noble birth, who served his king or lord in battle. N-COUNT 2. If someone is knighted, they are given a knighthood. He was knighted in the Queen’s birthday honours list in June 1988. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 3. A knight is a man who has been knighted. N-COUNT 4. In chess, a knight is a piece which is shaped like a horse’s head. N-COUNT 5. If you refer to someone as a knight in shining armour, you mean that they are kind and brave, and likely to rescue you from a difficult situation. Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor. PHRASE: knight inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a man with a high rank in former times who was trained to fight while riding a horse  (knights in armour)  (- see also white knight) 2 a man who has received a knighthood and has the title ' sir (4) ' before his name 3 the chess piece with a horse's head on it 4 a knight in shining armour a brave man who saves someone from a dangerous situation ~2 v to give someone the rank of knight ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. cniht "boy, youth, servant." Began to be used in a specific military sense in Hundred Years War, and gradually rose in importance through M.E. period until it became a rank in the nobility 16c. Knighthood is O.E. cnihthad "the period between childhood and manhood;" sense of "rank or dignity of a knight" developed in M.E. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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