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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - grow


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Перевод с английского языка grow на русский

1. расти, увеличиваться; усиливаться to grow to a large size —- увеличиваться до больших размеров to grow in size —- увеличиваться в размере to grow in price —- возрастать в цене to grow in experience —- обогащаться опытом to grow in importance —- становиться более значительным to grow in favour —- все больше завоевывать расположение, пользоваться все большим расположением to stop growing —- перестать расти she has decided to let her hair grow —- она решила отпустить волосы the crowd grew —- толпа росла his fortune has grown —- его состояние увеличилось his influence grew —- его влияние возрастало the pain is growing —- боль усиливается the rumour was growin —- слух распространялся my troubles are growing —- у меня становится все больше неприятностей 2. расти, вырастать children grow so quickly —- дети так быстро растут you've grown since I saw you last —- ты вырос с тех пор, как я видел тебя в последний раз he hasn't stopped growing —- он все еще растет 3. расти, произрастать the olive grows in Intaly —- оливки растут в Италии roses growing in the garden —- розы, растущие в саду to grow quickly —- расти быстро to grow prolifically —- сильно разрастаться to grow prolifically —- идти в ботву 4. выращивать, культивировать to grow corn —- выращивать кукурузу to grow roses —- разводить розы 5. производить, давать урожай this soil will not grow fruit-trees —- на этой почве фруктовые деревья не растут 6. отращивать, отпускать (волосы, бороду) to grow a moustache —- отпускать усы the stag grows fresh antlers every year —- у оленя каждый год вырастают новые рога 7. мор. смотреть (о якорной цепи) 8. врастать во что-либо to grow into the soil —- врастать в почву; пускать корни 9. превращаться во что-либо to grow into a man —- стать мужчиной to grow into a beautiful woman —- превратиться в красивую женщину to grow into boyhood —- стать подростком to grow into a big business —- превратиться в большое предприятие 10. входить (в употребление) to grow into fashion —- войти в моду with him boasting has grown into a habit —- хвастовство вошло у него в привычку 11. вырастать, возникать из чего-либо this state grew out of a few small towns —- это государство выросло из нескольких небольших городков his troubles grew out of his bad temper —- причина всех его неприятностей - скверный характер 12. перерастать что-либо, выходить за рамки, размеры, границы to grow out of one's clothes —- вырасли из одежды 13. выходить (из употребления) to grow out of use —- выйти из употребления 14. отвыкать от чего-либо с возрастом или с течением времени to grow out of a bad habit —- отвыкнуть от дурной привычки he is mischievous but the will grow out of it —- он шкодлив, но это у него пройдет 15. зарастать чем-либо, быть покрытым чем-либо the garden was all grown with weeds —- весь сад был заглушен бурьяном 16. оказывать возрастающее воздействие на кого-либо a habit that grows on him —- привычка, от которой ему все труднее отделаться 17. нравиться все больше кому-либо this picture grows on me —- эта картина нравится мне все больше the book seems uninteresting at first but it grows on you —- книга сначала кажестя неинтересной, но потом захватывает вас 18. как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом делаться, становиться to grow angry —- рассердиться to grow alarmed —- начинать беспокоиться to grow tall —- вырасти to grow big —- увеличиваться to grow big —- вырастать to grow big —- толстеть to grow dear —- дорожать to grow old —- стареть to grow young —- молодеть to grow dark —- темнеть it is growing dark —- смеркаться to grow light —- светать to grow weary —- уставать, утомляться to grow worse —- ухудшаться to grow better —- поправляться to grow well —- поправиться to grow less —- уменьшаться to grow smaller —- делаться меньше 19. в сочетании с последующим инфинитивом означает начало действия, выраженного инфинитивом to grow to like —- полюбить to grow to be more obedient —- делаться более послушным the factory has grown to be a big business —- фабрика выросла в большое предприятие I have grown to think that... —- теперь я думаю, что...; постепенно я пришел к мысли, что... Id: to grow near —- уст. приближаться Id: it grows near harvest —- наступает время жатвы Id: it doesn't grow on trees —- золотые на деревьях не растут
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См. в других словарях

  up  а) созревать; становиться взрослым Jane is growing up so fast, I think shes going to be a tall woman.  б) создаваться, возникать (об обычаях) GROW together срастаться These two bushes can grow together, they like the same kind of soil. GROW upon = grow on GROW over зарастать When we returned from our holidays after only three weeks, the whole garden was grown over with strange plants with wide leaves and long roots. GROW v.; past grew; past part. grown  1) расти, произрастать to grow into one - срастаться  2) вырастать; расти, увеличиваться; усиливаться (о боли и т.п.) to grow in experience - обогащаться опытом  3) как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом делаться, становиться to grow pale - бледнеть it is growing dark - смеркается  4) выращивать, культивировать  5) отращивать (бороду, волосы и т.п.) - grow down - grow from - grow downwards - grow into - grow on - grow out - grow over - grow together - grow up - grow upon he grew away from his family - он стал чужим в своей собственной семье GROW down уменьшаться; укорачиваться Even if you plant the seed upside down, the roots will still grow down. GROW downwards уменьшаться; укорачиваться GROW from развиваться Most international firms have grown from small family businesses. GROW in momentum усиливаться GROW into  а) врастать The old tree has grown into the wall of the building.  б) превращаться  в) привыкать You need time to grow into a new job. GROW old стариться GROW on  а) овладевать a habit that grows on me привычка, от которой мне все трудней избавиться  б)...
Англо-русский словарь
  расти, произрастать – to grow into the soil – to grow out – to grow over ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. 1) расти, возрастать, увеличиваться 2) вырастать 3) выращивать 4) культивировать 5) возникать из чего-л. 6) перерастать что-л. 7) делаться, становиться, превращаться (глагол-связка) • - grow down - grow in prices - grow into a big business - grow out Syn: increase, develop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) взрастать 2) взрасти 3) возрастать 4) вырастать 5) вырасти 6) выращивать 7) делаться 8) дорастать 9) дорасти 10) культивировать 11) нарастать 12) разрастаться 13) расти grow a single crystal — выращивать монокристалл grow beet for fodder — выращивать свеклу на корм grow beet for sugar — выращивать свеклу на сахар grow laser material — выращивать активный материал - grow tobacco - grow yeast ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) расти, произрастать 2) выращивать 3) наращивать ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. (past grew; past part. grown) 1 intr. increase in size, height, quantity, degree, or in any way regarded as measurable (e.g. authority or reputation) (often foll. by in: grew in stature). 2 intr. a develop or exist as a living plant or natural product. b develop in a specific way or direction (began to grow sideways). c germinate, sprout; spring up. 3 intr. be produced; come naturally into existence; arise. 4 intr. (as grown adj.) fully matured; adult. 5 intr. a become gradually (grow rich; grow less). b (foll. by to + infin.) come by degrees (grew to like it). 6 intr. (foll. by into) a become, having grown or developed (the acorn has grown into a tall oak; will grow into a fine athlete). b become large enough for or suited to (will grow into the coat; grew into her new job). 7 intr. (foll. by on) become gradually more favoured by. 8 tr. a produce (plants, fruit, wood, etc.) by cultivation. b bring forth. c cause (a beard etc.) to develop. 9 tr. (in passive; foll. by over, up) be covered with a growth. Phrases and idioms growing bag a bag containing peat-based potting compost in which plants may be grown. growing pains 1 early difficulties in the development of an enterprise etc. 2 neuralgic pain in children's legs due to fatigue etc. grown-up adj. adult. --n. an adult person. grow out of 1 become too large to wear (a garment). 2 become too mature to retain (a childish habit etc.). 3 be the result or development of. grow together coalesce. grow up 1 a advance to maturity. b (esp. in imper.) begin to behave sensibly. 2 (of a custom) arise, become common. Derivatives growable adj. Etymology: OE growan f. Gmc, rel. to GRASS, GREEN ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (grew; ~n; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English growan; akin to Old High German gruowan to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to spring up and develop to maturity  b. to be able to ~ in some place or situation trees that ~ in the tropics  c. to assume some relation through or as if through a process of natural ~th ferns ~ing from the rocks  2.  a. to increase in size by assimilation of material into the living organism or by accretion of material in a nonbiological process (as crystallization)  b. increase, expand ~s in wisdom  3. to develop from a parent source the book grew out of a series of lectures  4.  a. to pass into a condition ; become grew pale  b. to have an increasing influence habit ~s on a person  c. to become increasingly acceptable or attractive didn't like it at first, but it grew on him  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to ~ ~ wheat  b. to let ~ on the body grew a beard  2. to promote the development of start a business and ~ it successfully — J. L. Deckter  • ~er noun  • ~ingly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (grows, growing, grew, grown) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When people, animals, and plants grow, they increase in size and change physically over a period of time. We stop growing at maturity. VERB: V 2. If a plant or tree grows in a particular place, it is alive there. The station had roses growing at each end of the platform. VERB: V 3. If you grow a particular type of plant, you put seeds or young plants in the ground and look after them as they develop. I always grow a few red onions... VERB: V n 4. When someone’s hair grows, it gradually becomes longer. Your nails also grow. Then the hair began to grow again and I felt terrific. VERB: V 5. If someone grows their hair, or grows a beard or moustache, they stop cutting their hair or shaving so that their hair becomes longer. You can also grow your nails. I’d better start growing my hair. VERB: V n 6. If someone grows mentally, they change and develop in character or attitude. They began to grow as persons. VERB: V 7. You use grow to say that someone or something gradually changes until they have a new quality, feeling, or attitude. I grew a little afraid of the guy next door... He grew to love his work. V-LINK: V adj, V to-inf 8. If an amount, feeling, or problem grows, it becomes greater or more intense. Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate. ...a growing number of immigrants. VERB: V, V-ing 9. If one thing grows into another, it develops or changes until it becomes that thing. The boys grew into men... This political row threatens to grow into a full blown crisis. VERB: V into n, V into n 10. If something such as an idea or a plan grows out of something else, it develops from it. The idea for this book grew out of conversations with Philippa Brewster. VERB: V out of n 11. If the economy or a business grows, it increases in wealth, size, or importance. (BUSINESS) The economy continues to grow. ...a fast growing business. VERB: V,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v past tense grew past participle grown 1 »PERSON/ANIMAL« to become bigger and develop over a period of time  (How you've grown since the last time I saw you! | grow 2 inches/5cm etc)  (Stan grew two inches in six months. | growing boy/girl)  (Of course he eats a lot - he's a growing boy!) 2 »PLANTS/CROPS« a) to exist and develop somewhere in a natural way  (There's corn growing in that field. | It's too cold for orchids to grow here.) b) to make plants or crops grow by taking care of them  (We grow all our own vegetables.)  (- see raise1) 3 »HAIR/NAILS« a) if hair, nails etc grow, they become longer b) if you grow your hair, nails, you do not cut them 4 »INCREASE« to increase in amount, size, or degree  (De Niro's reputation continues to grow. | Fears are growing for the safety of the crew. | growing concern/interest/disbelief etc)  (Scientists view the hole in the ozone layer with growing concern. | a growing number)  (A growing number of people are taking part-time jobs. | grow in strength/confidence (=become stronger, more confident)) 5 grow old/hot/worse etc to become old etc over a period of time  (She grew impatient with his constant excuses. | I'm scared of growing old.) 6 grow to like/fear/respect etc to gradually start to like etc someone or something  (After a while the kids grew to like Mr Cox.) 7 »IMPROVE« to improve in ability or character  (She's grown tremendously as a musician since Pallino took her on.) 8 »BUSINESS« to make something increase in size or importance  (We want to grow the export side of the business.) 9 it doesn't grow on trees spoken used about money, to mean that you should not waste it grow apart phr v if two people grow apart, their relationship becomes less close  (He said the couple had been growing apart for at least a year.) grow away from sb phr v T not in passive to begin gradually to have a less close relationship with someone that you loved  (While at university she had grown away from her family.) grow into sb/sth phr v T not in passive 1 to develop over a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Girls Receiving Other's Wisdom funny abbr. Girls Receiving Others Wisdom non-prof. org. abbr. Gathering And Reaching Our Women non-prof. org. abbr. Grand Rapids Opportunities For Women religion abbr. God Rocks Our World religion abbr. God Rules Our World religion abbr. Go Reach Our World religion abbr. Giving Roots To Our Witness religion abbr. God Rewards Our Work gen. bus. abbr. Get Rid Of Worksheets gen. bus. abbr. Giving Rewarding Opportunities To Work NASDAQ abbr. U. S. Global Investors, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. growan (of plants) "to flourish, develop, get bigger" (class VII strong verb; past tense greow, pp. growen), from P.Gmc. *gro- (also root of grass, green). Application to animals and people began in 14c., supplanting O.E. weaxan (see wax (v.)). Grown-up is 14c.; growth is 1557, on model of health, stealth, etc. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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