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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - function


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Перевод с английского языка function на русский

1. функция, назначение the function of education is to develop the mind —- образование имеет своей целью развить умственные способности glass has an important function in modern architecture —- стекло занимает важное место в современной архитектуре 2. функция, деятельность; отправление (организма) regular functions of the body —- нормальные функции организма functions of the nerves —- функционирование нервной системы 3. обыкн pl. должностные обязанности, функции; круг обязанностей to perform one's daily functions —- выполнять повседневные служебные обязанности to exercise administrative functions —- исполнять административные обязанности 4. торжественная церемония; торжество function to be held on... —- торжественное собрание состоится... to attend a great state function —- присутствовать на большом торжестве 5. разг. прием, вечер quite a small function —- вечеринка to see smb. at a function —- встретить кого-л на приеме 6. мат. функция function linear function —- линейная функция 7. функционировать, действовать; работать the telephone was not functioning —- телефон не работал 8. выполнять функции, исполнять обязанности the new official started functioning —- новый чиновник приступил к своим обязанностям when the mother was ill the eldest girl had to function as both cook and housemaid —- когда мать была больна, старшей девочке приходилось и готовить, и убирать дом in earlier English the present tense often functioned as the future —- в древнеанглийском языке настоящее время часто заменяло будущее
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) функция, назначение  2) отправление (организма)  3) usu. pl. должностные обязанности  4) торжество; торжественное собрание  5) coll. вечер, прием (часто public или social function)  6) math. функция  2. v. функционировать, действовать; выполнять функции ...
Англо-русский словарь
  функция; функционировать – adrenomedullary function – antixenic function – bounded function – characteristic function – cumulative distribution function – distribution function – effector function – exponential function – homologous function – immunoregulatory function – likelyhood function – linear function – logarithmic function – logistic function – metabolic function – ovarian function – template function ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) функция, назначение 2) функционировать, действовать, выполнять функции – function of a machine – intrinsic utilitarian function FUNCTION 1. сущ. 1) функция, назначение 2) деятельность - access function - function chart structure - function level - function of a variable - function quality integration - function relations - incentive function - social and cultural functions Syn: activity 2. гл. функционировать, действовать, работать FUNCTION 1. сущ. 1) общ. функция, (пред)назначение the function of a teacher — функция учителя The function of an auger is to bore holes. — Сверло предназначено для сверления дыр. 2) мн., упр. функции, (должностные) обязанности Specifically, his function is to advise the President of the Philippines on matters related to trade and investments. — В частности, в его обязанности входит консультировать президента Филиппин по вопросам торговли и инвестиций. 3) упр. функция (управления) (специализация управленческих процессов (напр. сбыт)) See: functional area 4) а) мат. функция (зависимость между переменными; зависимая переменная) б) общ. зависимость (в переносном смысле) Height is a function of age. — Рост зависит от возраста. 5) упр. функция (элемент системы, повышающий ее организованность, т. е. способствующий работе системы в целом) Ant: disfunction 6) общ. торжественная церемония, вечер, прием to attend a function — посещать прием annual function — ежегодный...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) действовать 2) зависимость 3) назначение 4) роль 5) функционировать 6) функция a posterior risk function — функция апостериорного риска absolutely integrable function — абсолютно интегрируемая функция algebraically definable function — алгебраически определимая функция almost everywhere defined function — почти всюду определенная функция almost separably-valued function — почти сепарабельнозначная функция analytically extended function — аналитически продолженная функция approximately differentiable function — аппроксимативно дифференцируемая функция asymptotical distribution function — асимптотическая функция распределения be an explicit function of — зависеть явно bounded below function — ограниченная снизу функция cellwise continuous function — клеточно непрерывная функция comparison comparative function — функция сравнения completely computable function — вполне вычислимая функция completely subadditive function — вполне субаддитивная функция conditional power function — условная функция мощности (критерия) contrast transfer function — оптика характеристика частотно-контрастная countably valued function — счетнозначная функция cyclically monotone function — циклически монотонная функция define function implicitly — задавать функцию неявно distribution function analyzer — анализатор функции распределения doubly orthogonal function — дважды ортогональная функция effectively...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) функционирование, работоспособность 2) назначение 3) функция – battery-saving function – caraoke function – countours leveling function – Erlang function – extension copy function – help function – internetworking functions – journal auto-print function – list function – locus function – logo position function – mediation function – modulation transfer function – music-sensor function – paper-saving function – periodic function – plausibility function – power save function – psophometric weighting function – Rademacher function – random function – rate distortion function – response function – sheet strengthening function – text messages on demand function – transfer function – transmission function – trellis function – voice messages on demand function – voltage function – Walsh function ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  функция Airy's stress function bed load function stress function transfer function vector function ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) функция, назначение 2) функциональная зависимость 3) функционировать; действовать; срабатывать 4) матем. функция to apply function to... — применять функцию к... function of best approximation — функция наилучшего приближения function of complex variable — функция комплексного переменного function of N variables — функция от N переменных function of real variable — функция действительного переменного - alert function - algebraic function - all-pole function - all-zero function - ambiguity function - amplitude function - analog function - analytic function - approximation function - autocorrelation function - base-conversion function - basic function - Bessel function - beta function - Boolean function - Butterworth function - calculable function - characteristic function - circular function - complex-valued function - complex function - composite function - continuous function - contrast transfer function - control function - convolution function - cooling function - coordinate function - correction function - correlation function - criterion function - cross-ambiguity function - cross-correlation function - cylindrical function - damage function - damped sinusoidal function - decision function - decreasing function - Dirac delta-function - delta-function - demodulation transfer function - density function - describing function - differentiable function - digital function - discontinuous function - distribution function - driving function - driving-point function - elementary function - elliptic function - entire function - ergodic function - error function - evaluation function - even function - explicit function - exponential function - failure rate function - forcing function - fractional rational function - frequency function - frequency response function - gamma function - gate function - generalized function...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a an activity proper to a person or institution. b a mode of action or activity by which a thing fulfils its purpose. c an official or professional duty; an employment, profession, or calling. 2 a a public ceremony or occasion. b a social gathering, esp. a large, formal, or important one. 3 Math. a variable quantity regarded in relation to another or others in terms of which it may be expressed or on which its value depends (x is a function of y and z). 4 a part of a program that corresponds to a single value. --v.intr. fulfil a function, operate; be in working order. Derivatives functionless adj. Etymology: F fonction f. L functio -onis f. fungi funct- perform ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin ~-, functio performance, from fungi to perform; probably akin to Sanskrit bhu?kte he enjoys  Date: 1533  1. professional or official position ; occupation  2. the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists ; purpose  3. any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action; especially the normal and specific contribution of a bodily part to the economy of a living organism  4. an official or formal ceremony or social gathering  5.  a. a mathematical correspondence that assigns exactly one element of one set to each element of the same or another set  b. a variable (as a quality, trait, or measurement) that depends on and varies with another height is a ~ of age; also result illnesses that are a ~ of stress  6. characteristic behavior of a chemical compound due to a particular reactive unit; also ~al group  7. a computer subroutine; specifically one that performs a calculation with variables provided by a program and supplies the program with a single result  • ~less adjective Synonyms:  ~, office, duty, province mean the acts or operations expected of a person or thing. ~ implies a definite end or purpose that the one in question serves or a particular kind of work it is intended to perform the ~ of language is two-fold: to communicate emotion and to give information — Aldous Huxley. office is typically applied to the ~ or service expected of a person by reason of a trade or profession or a special relationship to others they exercise the offices of the judge, the priest, the counsellor — W. E. Gladstone. duty applies to a task or responsibility imposed by one's occupation, rank, status, or calling it is the judicial duty of the court, to examine the whole case — R. B. Taney. province applies to a ~, office, or duty that naturally or logically falls to one I felt it was not my province to inquire — Anne Bronte.  II. intransitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1856  1. to have a ~ ; serve an attributive noun ~s as an...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (functions, functioning, functioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The function of something or someone is the useful thing that they do or are intended to do. The main function of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry. = purpose, role N-COUNT: with supp 2. If a machine or system is functioning, it is working or operating. The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally... VERB: V 3. If someone or something functions as a particular thing, they do the work or fulfil the purpose of that thing. On weekdays, one third of the room functions as workspace. VERB: V as n 4. A function is a series of operations that a computer performs, for example when a single key or a combination of keys is pressed. N-COUNT 5. If you say that one thing is a function of another, you mean that its amount or nature depends on the other thing. (FORMAL) Investment is a function of the interest rate. N-COUNT: usu sing, N of n 6. A function is a large formal dinner or party. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the purpose that something is made for, or the job that someone does  (The function of a cash-machine is to provide people with cash when the bank is shut. | perform a function)  (In your new job you will be expected to perform many different functions.) 2 a large party or ceremonial event, especially for an important or official occasion  (This room may be hired for weddings and other functions.) 3 the way in which something works or the way in which it is used  (Bauhaus architects thought that function was more important than form.) 4 a function of a) if one thing is a function of another, it is produced by or varies according to the other thing b) technical a mathematical quantity that changes according to how another mathematical quantity changes  (in x = 5y, x is a function of y) 5 one of the basic operations performed by a computer ~2 v 1 if something functions, it works in the way it is supposed to  (When the camera is functioning properly the green light comes on.) 2 if something functions in a particular way, it works in that way  (Can you explain exactly how this new system will function?) 3 not function if someone cannot function, they cannot do the activities that people normally do  (She nurses people in their homes who are too ill to function alone.) function as sth phr v to be or work as something  (Athens functioned as a centre of trade in the thirteenth century.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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