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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - film


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Перевод с английского языка film на русский

1. пленка; тонкий слой (чего-л.) film of oil —- нефтяная пленка film of dust —- тонкий слой пыли film crust —- тех. твердая пленка 2. фотопленка; кинопленка coloured film —- цветная пленка to develop a film —- проявлять фотопленку reversal film —- обратимая пленка nonreversal film —- необратимая пленка fast film —- чувствительная пленка 3. (кино)фильм, (кино)картина feature —- художественный фильм dubbed(-in) film —- дублированный фильм popular-science film —- научно-популярный фильм three-dimensional —- (часто 3 D) film стереофильм art film —- экспериментальный, некоммерческий фильм; документальная картина о художественных выставках, работе художников и т. п. to release a film —- выпускать фильм на экраны to screen a film —- показывать фильм the film is on (playing, showing) —- фильм идет 4. кино, киноискусство the art of the film —- искусство кино the great masters of the film —- мастера кино film actor —- киноактер film director —- кинорежиссер film producer —- продюсер film people —- кинематографисты, деятели кино film unit —- съемочная группа film writer —- сценарист, кинодраматург film company —- кинокомпания, кинофирма film medium —- выразительные средства кино film studio —- киностудия film test —- кинопроба будущего актера или актрисы film analysis —- спец. исследование с помощью киносъемки to have a film face —- быть фотогеничным 5. (the films) pl. разг. кино to be in the films —- быть киноактером to quit the films —- уйти из кино 6. легкий туман, дымка 7. тонкая нить 8. тех. перепонка, оболочка 9. снимать (кино)фильм; производить киносъемки; снимать на кинопленку to film a meeting —- заснять собрание 10. экранизировать (литературное произведение) the story won't film well —- этот рассказ не подойдет для экранизации 11. сниматься в кино; быть киноактером this actor has been filming for many years —- этот актер уже много лет снимается в кино 12. быть подходящим материалом для кино this story films easily —- этот рассказ легко экранизировать he films well —- он фотогеничен 13. покрывать пленкой, оболочкой 14. покрываться пленкой; застилаться дымкой, туманом (также film over)
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) пленка; легкий слой чего-л.; оболочка; перепонка - film of fog  2) фотопленка, кинопленка, пленка  3) фильм; oft. pl. кино to be in the films - сниматься в кино  4) фотослой  5) тонкая нить  6) attr. кино-  2. v.  1) покрывать(ся) пленкой, оболочкой; застилать(ся) дымкой (over) Her eyes filmed over with tears. A mist filmed over the stars.  2) снимать, производить киносъемку; экранизировать (литературное произведение)  3) сниматься в кино she films well - она фотогенична FILM of fog легкий туман; дымка FILM star noun кинозвезда FILM test noun кинопроба будущего исполнителя роли ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) плёнка; налёт; поверхностный тонкий слой; покрываться плёнкой 2) мазок – blood film – formvar film – thick blood film – thin blood film ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) кинопленка 2) кинофильм 3) мембрана 4) машиностр. перепонка 5) пленка 6) пленок 7) пленочный 8) производить киносъемку 9) рыхлосвязанный 10) снимать 11) снимать на пленку 12) телевизионный 13) фильмовый 14) фотопленка black-and-white cine film — черно-белая кинопленка cellulose acetate film — ацетилцеллюлозная кинопленка cellulose nitrate film — нитроцеллюлозная кинопленка color cine film — цветная кинопленка continuously moving film — непрерывно движущаяся пленка film drum drier — вальцовая сушилка film integrated circuit — пленочная микросхема, пленочная интегральная микросхема film overwrapping machine — оберточная машина для пленки film production staff — киносъемочная группа film testing laboratory — фотоиспытательная лаборатория fine-grain cine film — мелкозернистая кинопленка knife-cut film stencil — пленочный трафарет lattice-work cross-lines film — растрированная фотопленка lenticular cine film — линзово-растровая кинопленка negative cine film — негативная кинопленка polycrystalline film photocell — фотоэлемент на поликристаллической пленке positive cine film — позитивная кинопленка reversal cine film — обратимая кинопленка roll film adapter — адаптер для катушечной пленки telerecording equipment for film — записывающая телевизионная аппаратура - X-ray film - acetate film - adhesive film - adsorbed film - animation film - antispray film - backed...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пленка – magnetic film – photoconductive film – projection film – radiographic film ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  плёнка (напр. краски или лака) biological film breather film plastic film ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) плёнка, тонкий слой покрываться плёнкой 2) оболочка; покрытие 3) слабый туман; дымка 4) (фото)плёнка 5) киноплёнка; кинолента 6) (кино)фильм; фильмокопия производить киносъёмку; снимать на киноплёнку 7) геофиз. диаграмма (сейсмограмма), записанная на фотоплёнке 8) полимерная плёнка film perforated (along) one edge — киноплёнка с односторонней перфорацией; to run through the film — просматривать фильм; to thread the film — заряжать киноплёнку - acetate film - adhesive film - adsorbed film - advertising film - aerial film - air film - air bubble film - aligning film - amateur film - amorphous film - animated film - anodized film - antifogging film - antihalation film - antireflection film - autopositive film - axially oriented film - balanced film - base film - biaxially-oriented film - bimetallized film - black-and-white film - blank film - blown film - blue diazo assembly film - boundary film - bubble film - bubble-free film - burnished film - calendered film - carrying film - cartoon film - cast film - center fold film - cinema film - cine film - clearbase film - cling film - coarse-grain film - color film - commercial film - composite film - conducting film - contact film - continuous film - continuous lubricating film - continuous tone film - convergent lubricant film - convergent film - cooling film - cryovac film - crystalline film - cut film - diazo-type film - diazo film - dichromated gelatine film - dichromated gelatin film - dielectric film - discontinuous film - distillation film - doped film - double-coated film - drafting film - dry process film - dry silver film - dubbed film - duplicating film - dye-degraded library film - educational film - elastohydrodynamic lubrication film - electrodcposited film - electron-beam evaporated film...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a thin coating or covering layer. 2 Photog. a strip or sheet of plastic or other flexible base coated with light-sensitive emulsion for exposure in a camera, either as individual visual representations or as a sequence which form the illusion of movement when shown in rapid succession. 3 a a representation of a story, episode, etc., on a film, with the illusion of movement. b a story represented in this way. c (in pl.) the cinema industry. 4 a slight veil or haze etc. 5 a dimness or morbid growth affecting the eyes. 6 a fine thread or filament . --v. 1 a tr. make a photographic film of (a scene, person, etc.). b tr. (also absol.) make a cinema or television film of (a book etc.). c intr. be (well or ill) suited for reproduction on film. 2 tr. & intr. cover or become covered with or as with a film. Phrases and idioms film-goer a person who frequents the cinema. film star a celebrated actor or actress in films. film-strip a series of transparencies in a strip for projection. Etymology: OE filmen membrane f. WG, rel. to FELL(5) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English ~en; akin to Greek pelma sole of the foot, Old English fell skin — more at fell  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a thin skin or membranous covering ; pellicle  b. an abnormal growth on or in the eye  2. a thin covering or coating a ~ of ice  3.  a. an exceedingly thin layer ; lamina  b.  (1) a thin flexible transparent sheet (as of plastic) used especially as a wrapping  (2) a thin sheet of cellulose acetate or nitrocellulose coated with a radiation-sensitive emulsion for taking photographs  4. motion picture  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 1602  transitive verb  1. to cover with or as if with a ~  2. to make a motion picture of or from ~ a scene  intransitive verb  1. to become covered or obscured with or as if with a ~  2. to make a motion picture  • ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (films, filming, filmed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A film consists of moving pictures that have been recorded so that they can be shown at the cinema or on television. A film tells a story, or shows a real situation. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use movie) Everything about the film was good. Good acting, good story, good fun. = movie N-COUNT 2. If you film something, you use a camera to take moving pictures which can be shown on a screen or on television. He had filmed her life story... Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a commendable job. VERB: V n, V 3. Film of something is moving pictures of a real event that are shown on television or on a screen. They have seen news film of families queueing in Russia to buy a loaf of bread. = footage N-UNCOUNT 4. A film is the narrow roll of plastic that is used in a camera to take photographs. The photographers had already shot a dozen rolls of film. N-VAR 5. The making of cinema films, considered as a form of art or a business, can be referred to as film or films. (mainly BRIT) Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses... She wanted to set up her own company to invest in films. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl 6. A film of powder, liquid, or oil is a very thin layer of it. The sea is coated with a film of raw sewage. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 7. Plastic film is a very thin sheet of plastic used to wrap and cover things. (BRIT; in AM, use plastic wrap, Saran wrap) Cover with plastic film and refrigerate for 24 hours. N-UNCOUNT: usu adj N see also clingfilm ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 especially BrE a story that is told using sound and moving pictures, shown at a cinema or on television for entertainment; movie AmE  (Have you seen any good films recently? | a French film)  (- see also silent film silent (4)) 2 the making of films considered as an art or a business  (I'm interested in photography and film. | the film industry) 3 the material used in a camera for taking photographs or recording moving pictures for the cinema  (roll of film (=film in a metal container))  (I shot five rolls of film on vacation. | on film)  (The whole incident was recorded on film.) 4 BrE a metal container with film in it that you put inside a camera to take photographs 5 a very thin layer of something that appears on the surface of something else  (a film of oil on the surface of the water)  (- see also clingfilm) ~2 v to use a camera to record a story or real events so that it can be shown in the cinema or on television  (The explosion had been filmed by an amateur cameraman. | filming on location in Prague) film over phr v if your eyes film over they become covered with a thin layer of liquid  (The dog's eyes had filmed over, and it was breathing heavily.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. bus. abbr. Financial Information Logistics And Marketing NASDAQ abbr. Intelefilm Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. filmen "membrane, skin," from P.Gmc. *filminjan. Sense of "a thin coat of something" is 1577, extended by 1845 to the coating of chemical gel on photographic plates. By 1895 this meant the coating plus the paper or celluloid. First used of "motion pictures" in 1905. The verb "to make a movie of" is from 1915. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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