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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - fight


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Перевод с английского языка fight на русский

1. бой, битва; воен. также боевые действия hand-to-hand fight —- рукопашный бой fight in retreat —- отход с боем running fight —- отход с боями; бой на отходе; упорное отстаивание своих позиций to start the fight —- завязать сражение, начать бой 2. драка, схватка free fight —- всеобщая драка, свалка to make a poor fight of it —- оказывать слабое сопротивление to put up a good fight —- сражаться мужественно, (храбро) 3. встреча по боксу, бой (на ринге) 4. ссора, стычка 5. борьба finish fight —- ам. борьба до конца a fight for social justice —- борьба за социальную справедливость fight to the death —- борьба не на жизнь, а на смерть the good fight —- борьба за правое дело; библ. подвиг добрый to carry on a stubborn fight against smb. —- вести упорную борьбу против кого-л. to have a hard fight to make the two ends meet —- с большим трудом сводить концы с концами 6. боевой дух; задор; драчливость to have plenty of fight in one —- быть полным боевого задора he had still some fight in him —- он еще не совсем пал духом to put some fight into smb. —- подбодрить, (воодушевить) кого-л. to show fight —- быть готовым к борьбе, не поддаваться 7. вести боевые действия, бой; сражаться, воевать to fight for one's country —- сражаться (воевать) за родину to fight a battle —- принимать участие в сражении; драться to fight a duel —- драться на дуэли to fight desperately —- отчаянно сражаться to fight fair —- драться честно to fight like a lion —- сражаться, как лев porters fought for our luggage —- носильщики наперебой хватали наши вещи 8. вести бой (бокс); встречаться на ринге to fight a bout with —- провести схватку (с кем-л.) 9. ссориться 10. бороться to fight against disease —- бороться с болезнью to fight a fire —- бороться с огнем, тушить пожар to fight against temptation —- бороться с искушением he fought through all these troubles —- он успешно преодолел все эти трудности to fight the good fight —- бороться за правое дело; библ. подвизаться подвигом добрым to fight a bad habit —- бороться с дурной привычкой 11. защищать, поддерживать (в борьбе) to fight a case (an action) —- защищать дело (в суде) 12. редк. руководить, управлять; маневрировать (чем-л. в сражении) to fight one's ship —- вести морской бой to fight the gun —- вести огонь из орудия в бою 13. стравливать, натравливать друг на друга; заставлять драться to fight cocks —- устраивать петушиный бой Id: to fight one's way —- с боем прокладывать (пробивать) себе дорогу Id: to fight one's way in life (in the world) —- пробивать себе дорогу в жизни Id: to fight with one's own shadow —- бороться с призраками; вести бесполезную борьбу; бороться с воображаемым врагом; бояться собственной тени Id: to fight the problem —- ам. полит. уклоняться от решения вопроса; финтить, вилять Id: to fight for one's own hand —- отстаивать свои интересы, постоять за себя Id: to fight a lone hand —- бороться в одиночку Id: to fight shy of smb., smth. —- уклоняться, избегать кого-л., чего-л.; держаться в стороне от кого-л., чего-л. Id: to fight dog, to fight bear —- биться до последнего Id: an army fights on its belly —- посл. голодная армия сражается плохо
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См. в других словарях

  out to fight (it) out  а) довести борьбу/спор до конца;  б) добиваться силой FIGHT off  а) отбить, отогнать, выгнать He fought off three men who attacked him.  б) предотвратить, избегать I must wear warm clothes, as I am fighting off this cold. FIGHT down победить; подавить He fought down his terror as darkness descended, and walked on through the wood. FIGHT back  а) сопротивляться, давать отпор to fight back tooth and claw яростно сопротивляться  б) сдерживать She fought back her tears as she said goodbye. I had to fight back a desire to laugh at the small childs remark. FIGHT  1. noun  1) бой - running fight - sham fight  2) драка  3) спор, борьба to have the fight of ones life - выдержать тяжелую борьбу  4) задор, драчливость to have plenty of fight in one - быть полным боевого задора; не сдаваться - show fight Syn: action, affray, battle, bout, clash, engagement, fray, skirmish Ant: detente, pacification, reconciliation  2. v.; past and past part. fought  1) драться, сражаться, воевать, бороться (against - против; for/about - за; with - с) to fight for dear life - драться отчаянно; сражаться не на живот, а на смерть to fight a battle -  а) провести бой; дать сражение;  б) sport вести бой (в боксе, фехтовании) to fightabout - провести схватку (в боксе) to fight a duel - драться на дуэли  2) отстаивать, защищать - fight a suit  3) mil. вести бой  4) naut. управлять, маневрировать (кораблем в шторм, в бою)  5) науськивать, стравливать to fight cocks - проводить петушиные бои - fight...
Англо-русский словарь
  бороться, борьба ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. fought) 1 intr. (often foll. by against, with) contend or struggle in war, battle, single combat, etc. 2 tr. contend with (an opponent) in this way. 3 tr. take part or engage in (a battle, war, duel, etc.). 4 tr. contend about (an issue, an election); maintain (a lawsuit, cause, etc.) against an opponent. 5 intr. campaign or strive determinedly to achieve something. 6 tr. strive to overcome (disease, fire, fear, etc.). 7 tr. make (one's way) by fighting. 8 tr. cause (cocks or dogs) to fight. 9 tr. handle (troops, a ship, etc.) in battle. --n. 1 a a combat, esp. unpremeditated, between two or more persons, animals, or parties. b a boxing-match. c a battle. 2 a conflict or struggle; a vigorous effort in the face of difficulty. 3 power or inclination to fight (has no fight left; showed fight). Phrases and idioms fight back 1 counter-attack. 2 suppress (one's feelings, tears, etc.). fight down suppress (one's feelings, tears, etc.). fight for 1 fight on behalf of. 2 fight to secure (a thing). fighting chair US a fixed chair on a boat for use when catching large fish. fighting chance an opportunity of succeeding by great effort. fighting fish (in full Siamese fighting fish) a freshwater fish, Betta splendens, native to Thailand, the males of which sometimes kill each other during fights for territory. fighting fit fit enough to fight; at the peak of fitness. fighting fund money raised to support a campaign. fighting-top Naut. a circular gun-platform high on a warship's mast. fighting words colloq. words indicating a willingness to fight. fight off repel with effort. fight out (usu. fight it out) settle (a dispute etc.) by fighting. fight shy of avoid; be unwilling to approach (a person, task, etc.). make a fight of it (or put up a fight) offer resistance. Etymology: OE feohtan, feoht(e), f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (fought; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English feohtan; akin to Old High German fehtan to ~ and perhaps to Latin pectere to comb — more at pectinate  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to contend in battle or physical combat; especially to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons  b. to engage in boxing  2. to put forth a determined effort  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to contend against in or as if in battle or physical combat  (2) to box against in the ring  b.  (1) to attempt to prevent the success or effectiveness of the company fought the takeover attempt  (2) to oppose the passage or development of ~ a bill in Congress  2.  a. wage, carry on ~ a battle  b. to take part in (as a boxing match)  3. to struggle to endure or surmount ~ a cold  4.  a. to gain by struggle ~s his way through  b. to resolve by struggle fought out their differences in court  5.  a. to manage (a ship) in a battle or storm  b. to cause to struggle or contend  c. to manage in an unnecessarily rough or awkward manner  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a hostile encounter ; battle, combat  b. a boxing match  c. a verbal disagreement ; argument  2. a struggle for a goal or an objective a ~ for justice  3. strength or disposition for ~ing ; pugnacity still full of ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (fights, fighting, fought) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you fight something unpleasant, you try in a determined way to prevent it or stop it happening. More units to fight forest fires are planned... I’ve spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice. VERB: V n, V against n • Fight is also a noun. ...the fight against drug addiction. N-COUNT: oft N against n 2. If you fight for something, you try in a determined way to get it or achieve it. Our Government should be fighting for an end to food subsidies... I told him how we had fought to hold on to the company... The team has fought its way to the cup final. VERB: V for n, V to-inf, V way prep/adv • Fight is also a noun. I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice. = battle N-COUNT: usu N for n 3. If an army or group fights a battle with another army or group, they oppose each other with weapons. You can also say that two armies or groups fight a battle. The two men fought a battle over land and water rights... In the latest incident at the weekend police fought a gun battle with a gang which used hand grenades against them... The Sioux had always fought other tribes for territorial rights. V-RECIP: pl-n V n over/for n, V n with n, V n for/over n, also pl-n V, V n 4. If a person or army fights in a battle or a war, they take part in it. He fought in the war and was taken prisoner by the Americans... If I were a young man I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country... My father did leave his university to fight the Germans... Last month rebels fought their way into the capital. VERB: V, V for n, V n, V way prep/adv see also dogfight • fighting More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting. N-UNCOUNT 5. If one person fights with another, or fights them, the two people hit or kick each other because they want to hurt each other. You can also say that two people fight. As a child she fought with her younger sister......
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 past tense and past participle fought ~ v 1 »WAR« to take part in a war or battle  (Did your Uncle fight in the last war? | fight sb)  (Vietnam fought France and then the US over 30 years.) + against/with  (He fought against the Russians on the Eastern Front.) + about/over/for  (Britain and Argentina fought for control of the islands. | fight a war)  (Neither country is capable of fighting a long war.) 2 »HIT PEOPLE« if someone fights another person, or if two people fight, they hit and kick each other in order to hurt each other  (Two guys were fighting in the street outside the bar. | fight sb)  (Grant has fought most of the boys in his street.)  (Phil was fighting with Ryan in the playground.) + about/over/for  (two dogs fighting over a bone) 3 »COMPETE« to compete strongly for something, especially a job or political position or in a sport  (fight sb for sth)  (Williams fought several rivals for the leadership of the party.) + for  (If you want the job you'll have to fight for it.) fight an election  (The mayor has decided against fighting another election.) 4 »ARGUE« to argue about something  (The kids fought in the back seat the whole trip.) + about/over  (They're fighting about whose turn it is to do the dishes.) 5 »SPORT« to hit someone as a sport  (Ali fought Foreman for the heavyweight title.) 6 »EMOTION« also fight back/down to try very hard not to show your feelings or not to do something you want to do  (He fought the impulse to slap her.) 7 fight your way to push people away in order to go somewhere  (We fought our way through the crowd.) 8 fight a losing battle to work hard when you cannot succeed  (I think they're fighting a losing battle with that libel suit.) 9 fight shy of doing sth to try to avoid doing something or being involved in something  (Jane fought shy of participating in the discussions.) 10 fighting spirit/words the desire to fight or words which express that desire  (The marches aroused their fighting spirit.) 11 have a fighting chance to have a chance to do...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Finding Inside Guts To Honor Tenacity religion abbr. Forcing Inside Garbage To Honor Truth ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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