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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - equal


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Перевод с английского языка equal на русский

1. равный, ровня equals in age —- сверстники to have no equal for wisdom —- не иметь себе равного по уму he is not your equal —- он вам не ровня to mix with one's equals —- общаться с людьми своего круга he has no equal in elocution —- ему нет равного в красноречии he has few equals among living authors —- из современных писателей с ним мало кто может сравниться 2. (что-либо) подобное it is without equal in the history of journalism —- ничего подобного история журналистики не знает I never saw its equal —- ничего равного этому я не видел 3. что-либо равное другому let x be the equal of y —- мат. пусть x равен y 4. одинаковый, равный equal parts —- равные части equal distance —- одинаковое расстояние equal rights —- равноправие equal triangles —- мат. равновеликие треугольники to be of equal height —- быть одного роста (с кем-либо) equal pay for equal work —- равная оплата за равный труд equal opportunity employer —- ам. предприятие, принимающее работников назависимо от расы, пола add an equal quantity of sugar —- добавьте столько же сахару with equal ease —- одинаково свободно; с той же легкостью on equal terms —- на равных началах other things being equal —- при прочих равных условиях equal in number —- равный по количеству it is equal to me —- мне все равно 5. равноправный; равный (по положению) all of the citizen are equal under the law —- все граждане равны перед законом 6. не уступающий, такой же, равный equal in bravery to ancient heroes —- не уступающий в храбрости героям древности for wisdom he was equal to his father —- по мудрости он не уступал своему отцу all men are not equalin ability —- по способностям люди отливаются друг от друга 7. равняющийся, равный four times five is equal to twenty —- четырежды пять равняется двадцати 8. способный, пригодный he is not equal to the task —- он не может справиться с этим заданием; эта задача ему не по силам I don't feel equal to if —- я не в состоянии это сделать, это выше моих сил to be equal to the occasion —- быть на высоте положения to be equal to smb.'s expectations —- оправдать чьи-либо надежды he is equal to anything —- он способен на все 9. соответствующий, достаточный reward equal to merit —- достойная награда (за заслуги) equal to demand —- эк. соответствующий спросу equal to sample —- ком. полностью соответствующий образцу an equal treatment of a subject —- достаточно тщательное рассмотрение вопроса 10. уравновешенный, спокойный to keep an equal mind —- сохранять невозмутимость 11. равномерный, единообразный 12. равняться, быть равным if x equals 5, then 5x equals 25 —- если x равен 5, то 5x равны 25 13. не уступать, равняться, быть таким же, быть равным peonies often equal roses in beauty —- пионы часто по красоте не уступают розам he equals me in strength —- у нас с ним силы равны nothing can equal this —- с этим ничто не может сравниться not to be equalled —- не иметь себе равного 14. приравнивать, отождествлять; ставить знак равенства he equalled life with art —- он отождествлял жизнь и искусство to equal desertion with treason —- приравнивать дезертирство к предательству 15. сравняться to equal smb.'s record —- повторить чей-либо рекорд 16. ам. полностью отплачивать; компенсировать he equalled all her love —- он платил ей такой же любовью 17. редк. сровнять; уровнять cities equalled to the ground —- города, которые сровняли с землей
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См. в других словарях

  sign знак равенства EQUAL  1. adj.  1) равный, одинаковый; равносильный on equal terms, on an equal footing - на равных началах he speaks French and German with equal ease - он одинаково свободно говорит по-французски и по-немецки twice two is equal to four - дважды два четыре of equal rank - в одинаковом чине equal rights - равноправие everything else being equal - при прочих равных условиях  2) равноправный - equal partners  3) пригодный; способный he is not equal to the task - он не может справиться с этой задачей equal to the occasion - на должной высоте  4) спокойный, выдержанный (о характере) to preserve/keep an equal mind - сохранять выдержку, спокойствие - equal mark - equal sign  2. noun равный; ровня he has no equal - ему нет равного  3. v.  1) равняться, быть равным (in) My car equals yours in speed.  2) приравнивать, уравнивать  3) оказаться на (должной) высоте to equal the hopes - оправдать надежды EQUAL mark знак равенства EQUAL partners равноправные партнеры (владельцы фирмы, члены ассоциации и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) равный, одинаковый 2) соответствующий • - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - equal credit opportunities - equal credit opportunity act - equal distribution - equal in quality - equal in value - equal opportunities - equal protection of the law - equal ranking - equal right - equal rights - equal risk - equal terms - equal to demand - equal treatment Syn: identical, level, uniform ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) одинаковый, равный 2) приравнивать 3) матем. равновеликий 4) физ. равнодействующий 5) равняться; быть тождественным all other things being equal — при прочих равных условиях equal in absolute value — матем. равный по модулю equal to sample — полностью соответствующий образцу greater than or equal to — матем. больше или равно, не меньше less than or equal to — матем. меньше или равно, не больше let x be equal to a — матем. пусть x равняется a setting equal to — приравнивание to be equal to — равняться (чему-л.) to set equal to — приравнивать to take equal to — принимать равным, считать равным - approximately equal - asymptotically equal - closely equal - equal and opposite - essentially equal - exactly equal - homotopically equal - identically equal - metrically equal - nearly equal - numerically equal - projectively equal - respectively equal - stochastically equal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  approved equal ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to, with) the same in quantity, quality, size, degree, rank, level, etc. 2 evenly balanced (an equal contest). 3 having the same rights or status (human beings are essentially equal). 4 uniform in application or effect. --n. a person or thing equal to another, esp. in rank, status, or characteristic quality (their treatment of the subject has no equal; is the equal of any man). --v.tr. (equalled, equalling; US equaled, equaling) 1 be equal to in number, quality, etc. 2 achieve something that is equal to (an achievement) or to the achievement of (a person). Phrases and idioms be equal to have the ability or resources for. equal opportunity (often in pl.) the opportunity or right to be employed, paid, etc., without discrimination on grounds of sex, race, etc. equal (or equals) sign the symbol =. Etymology: ME f. L aequalis f. aequus even ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin a~is, from aequus level, ~  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another  (2) identical in mathematical value or logical denotation ; equivalent  b. like in quality, nature, or status  c. like for each member of a group, class, or society provide ~ employment opportunities  2. regarding or affecting all objects in the same way ; impartial  3. free from extremes: as  a. tranquil in mind or mood  b. not showing variation in appearance, structure, or proportion  4.  a. capable of meeting the requirements of a situation or a task  b. suitable bored with work not ~ to his abilities  Synonyms: see same  II. noun  Date: 1573  1. one that is ~ insists that women can be absolute ~s with men — Anne Bernays  2. an ~ quantity  III. transitive verb  (~ed or ~led; ~ing or ~ling)  Date: 1590  1. to be ~ to; especially to be identical in value to  2. archaic ~ize  3. to make or produce something ~ to ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (equals, equalling, equalled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'equaling', 'equaled' 1. If two things are equal or if one thing is equal to another, they are the same in size, number, standard, or value. Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property’s purchase price. ...in a population having equal numbers of men and women... Research and teaching are of equal importance. ADJ: oft ADJ to n 2. If different groups of people have equal rights or are given equal treatment, they have the same rights or are treated the same as each other, however different they are. We will be justly demanding equal rights at work. ...the commitment to equal opportunities. ...new legislation allowing building societies to compete on equal terms with their competitors. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. If you say that people are equal, you mean that they have or should have the same rights and opportunities as each other. We are equal in every way... At any gambling game, everyone is equal. ADJ: v-link ADJ 4. Someone who is your equal has the same ability, status, or rights as you have. She was one of the boys, their equal... You should have married somebody more your equal. N-COUNT: poss N 5. If someone is equal to a particular job or situation, they have the necessary ability, strength, or courage to deal successfully with it. She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them... ADJ: v-link ADJ to n 6. If something equals a particular number or amount, it is the same as that amount or the equivalent of that amount. 9 percent interest less 7 percent inflation equals 2 percent... V-LINK: V amount 7. To equal something or someone means to be as good or as great as them. The victory equalled Southend’s best in history... VERB: V n 8. If you say ‘other things being equal’ or ‘all things being equal’ when talking about a possible situation, you mean if nothing unexpected happens or if there are no other...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »SAME« the same in size, value, amount, number etc as something else  (Jennifer cut the cake into six equal pieces.)  (A pound is roughly equal to 500 grams.) of equal power/strength/weight  (Choose two stones of roughly equal weight and size.) 2 »SAME RIGHTS/CHANCES« having the same rights, opportunities etc as everyone else, whatever your race, religion, or sex  (Our constitution states that all men are equal. | equal opportunities (=the same chances of employment, pay etc for everyone))  (This company is an equal opportunity employer. | equal rights (=the same rights for everyone))  (a clear statement guaranteeing equal rights for women) 3 »BE ABLE« be equal to to have the ability to deal with a problem, piece of work etc successfully  (I'm sure Barbara's quite equal to the task.) 4 »AS GOOD AS« having as high a standard or quality as something else  (religious architecture equal to any in the world) 5 on equal terms with neither side having any advantage over the other  (a new law to enable small businesses to compete on equal terms with large multinational corporations) 6 all (other) things being equal spoken used when saying what you would normally choose, unless there were special facts to consider  (I'd rather go by train, all other things being equal.) ~2 v equalled, equalling BrE equaled, equaling AmE 1 linking verb to be exactly the same in size, number, or amount as something else  (Two plus two equals four. | Trade should balance when supply equals demand.) 2 to be as good as or get to the same standard as someone or something else  (Thompson equalled the world record.) 3 to produce a particular result or effect  (A highly-trained workforce equals high productivity.) ~3 n 1 someone who is as important, intelligent etc as you are, or who has the same rights and opportunities as you do  (It's a relief to find a boss who treats employees as equals.) 2 be without equal also have no equal formal to be better than everyone or everything else of the same type  (His paintings are without equal in...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1390, from L. жqualis "uniform, identical, equal," from жquus "level, even, just," of unknown origin. Parallel formation egal (from O.Fr. egal) was in use 1380-1600s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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