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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - edge


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Перевод с английского языка edge на русский

1. острие, лезвие; режущая кромка (инструмента) a sword with two edges —- обоюдоострый меч 2. острый край, острота the knife has no edge —- нож затупился to put an edge on a knife —- наточить нож the razor has a keen edge —- бритва остро наточена 3. острие, острота (замечания, чувства и т. п.) the edge of sarcasm —- острие сарказма the remark has a biting edge —- это очень обидное замечание the keen edge of his sorrow grew more blunt —- острота его горя притупилась to take the edge off smth. —- ослабить (смягчить) что-л. to take the edge off one's appetite —- заморить червячка to give an edge to smth. —- обострять (усиливать,стимулировать) что-л. to give an edge to one's appetite —- раздразнить аппетит 4. край, кромка from edge to edge —- от края до края edge of a wood —- опушка леса waters' edge —- урез воды on the edge of winter —- на пороге зимы to sit on the edge of a chair —- сидеть на краешке стула he is on the edge of death —- он на пороге смерти 5. обрез (книги) 6. поле (страницы) 7. бордюр edge stone —- бордюрный камень 8. кряж, хребет; гребень (горы) 9. бровка (уступа, канавы) 10. грань; фаска; ребро 11. опорная призма (маятника, коромысла весов) 12. критическое положение, критический момент the edge of battle —- разгар битвы 13. разг. преимущество, перевес to have a slight edge (on(over)) —- спорт. иметь небольшой перевес (над) to win an edge in the elections —- победить с незначительным перевесом на выборах 14. дуга (фигурное катание) 15. ребро (конька) inside edge —- внутреннее ребро конька 16. кант (лыжи) Id: on edge —- нетерпеливый Id: to be (all) on edge —- быть раздраженным (в большом нетерпении); нервничать, волноваться Id: to set the teeth on edge —- набивать оскомину Id: to give smb. the edge of one's tongue —- резко поговорить с кем-л. Id: not to put too fine an edge on it —- говорить без обиняков Id: to have an edge on —- сл. быть пьяным, нализаться 17. точить, оттачивать; заострять 18. (with) окаймлять, обрамлять to edge a handkerchief with lace —- обшить носовой платок кружевами the road was edge d with grass —- по обеим сторонам дороги росла трава 19. (медленно) продвигаться; (постепенно) приближаться to edge one's way through a crowd —- пробираться сквозь толпу the climbers edged warily along the narrow shelf —- альпинисты осторожно двигались по уз he edged away —- он отошел бочком; он тихонько улизнул to edge away from one's responsibilities —- увиливать от своих обязанностей they edged off —- они стали потихоньку отходить; они постепенно ретировались 20. (into) проскользнуть, пробраться to edge into a room —- проскользнуть в комнату to edge into a job —- пролезть на должность to edge oneself into a conversation —- постепенно присоединиться к разговору, влезть в разговор 21. (out of) выскользнуть выбраться 22. (out of) столкнуть, спихнуть to edge smb. out of a position of influence —- спихнуть кого-л. с важного поста 23. тех. кантовать 24. спорт. кантовать, вдавливать лыжи кантами в снег 25. диал. раздрожать
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См. в других словарях

  stone noun  1) жернов, бегун (в дробилке)  2) road бордюрный камень EDGE  1. noun  1) край, кромка - edge of a wood  2) острие, лезвие; острота the knife has no edge - нож затупился  3) кряж, хребет - edge of a mountain  4) критическое положение  5) обрез (книги); бордюр uncut edges - неразрезанные страницы  6) опорная призма (маятника, коромысла весов)  7) грань  8) coll. преимущество to have an edge on smb. - иметь преимущество перед кем-л.  9) бородка (ключа) (all) on edge - нетерпеливый; раздраженный to give an edge to ones appetite - раздразнить аппетит to take the edge off ones appetite - заморить червячка to take the edge off an argument - ослабить силу довода to give the edge of ones tongue to smb. - резко с кем-л. говорить to set smb. s nerves on edge - раздражать кого-л. to set the teeth on edge - действовать на нервы; резать слух; вызывать отвращение у кого-л. to have an edge on sl. - быть навеселе to be on the edge of doing smth. - решиться на что-л. Syn: border, brim, brink, margin, rim, verge Ant: centre, interior  2. v.  1) точить; заострять  2) окаймлять, обрамлять (with) The tablecloth was edged with a hand-woven pattern.  3) обрезать края; сравнивать, сглаживать, обтесывать углы  4) подстригать (траву)  5) пододвигать незаметно или постепенно; продвигаться незаметно или медленно; пробираться, пролезать - edge away - edgeoff - edge in - edge into - edge on - edge out EDGE away отходить...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) край; кант; грань; кайма 2) бот. ребро – forest edge – gold edge – leading edge – water's edge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) грань 2) ребро 3) хребет; гребень 4) закраина 5) кромка, фаска 6) зарамочная часть зарамочный 7) кайма; кант 8) край краевой 9) граница территории 10) бровка; бордюр 11) обрамлять 12) обтёсывать кромки 13) окаймлять 14) остриё - adjacent edge - base edge - bisimplicial edge - boundary edge - chased edge - circuit edge - composite edge - connecting edge - coupling edge - critical edge - cross edge - cursal edge - cuspidal edge - cut edge - cutting-tool edge - cyclic edge - direct edge - dispersed ice edge - double edge - edge of a bucket - edge of cloth - edge of clouds - edge of manifold - edge of polyhedron - edge of regression - edge of surface - empty edge - essential edge - exterior edge - externally active edge - feedback edge - fold edge - forward edge - fractional edge - frontal edge - geometric edge - impact-knife edge - implied edge - improper edge - interior edge - internally active edge - inverse edge - leeward ice edge - link edge - mobility edge - monochromatic edge - natural edge - nonspecial edge - oriented edge - outgoing edge - pit edge - placer edge - principal edge - resultant edge - sawn timber edge - separating edge - simple edge - star edge - superfluous edge - terminal edge - transitive edge - tree edge - true edge - upper edge - windward ice edge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) контур, край 2) фронт (импульса) – color edge – Plotkin edge – sharp leading edge – sharp tail edge – steep leading edge – steep tail edge edge – transmission edge – Varshamov-Gilbert edge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  край; ребро; фаска, кромка кромка (проезжей части); бровка (земляного полотна) граница территории beveled edge скошенная кромка рейка треугольного сечения (прибиваемая в углу опалубочного короба для создания скоса кромки балки или колонны) bit cutting edge cutting edge eased edge fat edge feather edge free edge scalloped edge sharp edge top edge of foundation waney edge ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сокр. от electronic data gathering equipment электронная аппаратура сбора данных EDGE 1) режущая кромка; лезвие (инструмента) 2) ребро; грань 3) край, кромка; фаска отделывать кромку; снимать фаску 4) кайма; кант 5) дорож., ж.-д. бровка; бордюр 6) обрез (книги) 7) поле (книги) 8) опорная призма (коромысла весов) 9) контур, граница, край (изображения) 10) фронт (импульса); срез (импульса) 11) матем. ребро (графа) edge incident on (with) A and B— ребро, соединяющее А и В; to bevel edge — скашивать кромку; снимать фаску; to calk edge — подчеканивать кромку; to chamfer edge — скашивать кромку; снимать фаску; to crimp edge — загибать кромку; to curl edge — заворачивать кромку edge of ballast shoulder — бровка балластной призмы edge of bucket — кромка ковша edge of ditch — бровка канавы edge of pavement — бордюр дорожного покрытия edge of prism — ребро призмы - absorption edge - abutting edges - aerodynamic leading edge - alignment edge - arched edges - attacking edge - back edge - band edge - bearing edge - bench edge - berm edge - bevelled edge - beveled edge - binding edge - bind pocket edge - blade edge - blade leading edge - blind edge - blued edge - bluffed edge - bluff edge - bottom edge - bound edge - braided edge - brick edge - brightness edge - built-up edge - car edge - carbon edge - center edge - chamfered edge - chamfered rim edge - colored edge - concave edge - continental edge - corded edge - cracked edge - crease edge - crystal edge - curled edge - cutting edge - cutting edge of scraper bowl - cutting edge of shield - cutting tool edge - digging edge -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a boundary line or margin of an area or surface. 2 a narrow surface of a thin object. 3 the meeting-line of two surfaces of a solid. 4 a the sharpened side of the blade of a cutting instrument or weapon. b the sharpness of this (the knife has lost its edge). 5 the area close to a steep drop (along the edge of the cliff). 6 anything compared to an edge, esp. the crest of a ridge. 7 a (as a personal attribute) incisiveness, excitement. b keenness, excitement (esp. as an element in an otherwise routine situation). --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by in, into, out, etc.) move gradually or furtively towards an objective (edged it into the corner; they all edged towards the door). 2 tr. a provide with an edge or border. b form a border to. c trim the edge of. 3 tr. sharpen (a knife, tool, etc.). 4 tr. Cricket strike (the ball) with the edge of the bat. Phrases and idioms have the edge on (or over) have a slight advantage over. on edge 1 tense and restless or irritable. 2 eager, excited. on the edge of almost involved in or affected by. set a person's teeth on edge (of a taste or sound) cause an unpleasant nervous sensation. take the edge off dull, weaken; make less effective or intense. Derivatives edgeless adj. edger n. Etymology: OE ecg f. Gmc EDGEWAYS adv. (also edgewise) 1 with the edge uppermost or towards the viewer. 2 edge to edge. Phrases and idioms get a word in edgeways contribute to a conversation when the dominant speaker pauses briefly. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English egge, from Old English ecg; akin to Latin acer sharp, Greek akme point  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the cutting side of a blade a razor's ~  b. the sharpness of a blade a knife with no ~  c.  (1) force, effectiveness blunted the ~ of the legislation  (2) vigor or energy especially of body maintains his hard ~  d.  (1) incisive or penetrating quality writing with a satirical ~  (2) a noticeably harsh or sharp quality her voice had an ~ to it  (3) a secondary but distinct quality rock music with a bluesy ~  e. keenness or intensity of desire or enjoyment lost my competitive ~ took the ~ off our appetites  2.  a. the line where an object or area begins or ends ; border on the ~ of a plain  b. the narrow part adjacent to a border the ~ of the deck  c.  (1) a point near the beginning or the end; especially brink, verge on the ~ of disaster  (2) the threshold of danger or ruin living on the ~  d. a favorable margin ; advantage has an ~ on the competition  3. a line or line segment that is the intersection of two plane faces (as of a pyramid) or of two planes  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; edging)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to give an ~ to  b. to be on an ~ of trees edging the lake  2. to move or force gradually ~d him off the road  3. to incline (a ski) sideways so that one ~ cuts into the snow  4. to defeat by a small margin — often used with out ~d out her opponent  intransitive verb to advance by short moves ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (edges, edging, edged) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The edge of something is the place or line where it stops, or the part of it that is furthest from the middle. We were on a hill, right on the edge of town... She was standing at the water’s edge... N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. The edge of something sharp such as a knife or an axe is its sharp or narrow side. ...the sharp edge of the sword. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. If someone or something edges somewhere, they move very slowly in that direction. He edged closer to the telephone, ready to grab it... VERB: V prep/adv 4. The edge of something, especially something bad, is the point at which it may start to happen. They have driven the rhino to the edge of extinction... = verge, brink N-SING: usu the N of n 5. If someone or something has an edge, they have an advantage that makes them stronger or more likely to be successful than another thing or person. The three days France have to prepare could give them the edge over England... Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge. = advantage N-SING: oft N over n, N in n/-ing 6. If you say that someone or something has an edge, you mean that they have a powerful quality. Featuring new bands gives the show an edge... Greene’s stories had an edge of realism. N-SING: a N 7. If someone’s voice has an edge to it, it has a sharp, bitter, or emotional quality. But underneath the humour is an edge of bitterness... N-SING: oft N of n, N to n 8. see also cutting edge, knife-edge, leading edge 9. If you or your nerves are on edge, you are tense, nervous, and unable to relax. My nerves were constantly on edge. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 10. If you say that someone is on the edge of their seat or chair, you mean that they are very interested in what is happening or what is going to happen. PHRASE: N inflects, usu v-link PHR, v PHR 11. If something takes the edge off a situation, usually an...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the part of an object that is furthest from its centre  (Just leave it on the edge of your plate. | Suli stood at the water's edge.) 2 the thin sharp part of a blade or tool that cuts  (Careful - that knife has a very sharp edge!) 3 have the edge on/over to be slightly better than someone or something, because you have an advantage that they do not have  (Marcia has the edge over the other students, having spent a year in England.) 4 be on edge to be nervous, especially because you are expecting something unpleasant to happen  (I've been on edge ever since I got her letter.) 5 be on the edge informal to be behaving in a way that makes it seem as if you are going crazy 6 take the edge off to make something less bad, good, strong etc  (Try this. It should take the edge off the pain.)  (- see also the cutting edge of cutting2 (3)) ~2 v 1 I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to move gradually with several small movements, or to make something do this  (The car edged forwards at walking pace. | edge sth in/across/towards etc)  (Hetty edged her chair closer to mine. | edge your way in/through/towards etc (=move somewhere carefully with small movements))  (Slowly, we edge our way towards the front of the crowd.) 2 to put something on the edge or border of something  (edge sth with)  (The sleeves were edged with lace.) 3 I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to develop gradually, or to make something do this  (edge (sth) in/up/towards)  (Prices have been static for months, but are now beginning to edge up.) 4 to cut the edges of an area of grass so that they are tidy and straight ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  environ. abbr. Environmental Database Generation Environment univ. abbr. Education Development Growth And Experience univ. abbr. Excellent Decisions Great Education univ. abbr. Earn A Degree, Graduate Early network. abbr. Exploring Dynamic Groupware Environments network. abbr. Enhanced Datarate For Global Evolution telec. abbr. Enhanced Data For Gsm Evolution educ. abbr. Educators Designing Growth Experiences educ. abbr. Evaluate Decide Go Evolve educ. abbr. Education For Disability And Gender Equity sport abbr. Extreme Disc Golf Experience sport abbr. Enhanced Doom Gaming Engine gen. bus. abbr. Encouraging Diversity, Growth, And Equity gen. bus. abbr. Encouraging Diversity Growth And Equity gen. bus. abbr. Earning Dignity, Gaining Employment gen. bus. abbr. Enhancing Developing And Growing Entrepreneurs NASDAQ abbr. Visual Edge Systems, Inc. pos. abbr. Earning Dignity, Gaining Employment pos. abbr. Earning Dignity Gaining Employment chat abbr. Endtime Discussion Group Exchange ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. ecg "corner, edge," also "sword," from P.Gmc. *agjo, from PIE base *ak- "sharp, pointed." Spelling development of O.E. -cg to M.E. -gg to Mod.E. -dge represents a widespread shift in pronunciation. Verb meaning "to move edgeways (with the edge toward the spectator), advance slowly" is first recorded 1624, originally nautical. Edgy "tense and irritable" is attested from 1837. Edge city is from Joel Garreau's 1992 book of that name. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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