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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - division


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Перевод с английского языка division на русский

1. деление; разделение division of labour —- разделение труда division of political power —- разделение политической власти 2. распределение; раздача 3. мат. деление simple (exact) division —- деление без остатка restoring division —- деление с восстановлением (остатка) abridged (short-cut) division —- сокращенное деление division mark —- знак деления 4. разногласия, расхождение во мнениях; раздоры to cause (to stir up) divisions —- сеять рознь to bring division into a family —- посеять рознь в семье 5. голосование on a division —- при голосовании to come to a division —- голосовать, прибегать к голосованию to challenge a division —- потребовать голосования, добиться голосования (по какому-л. вопросу) without a division —- не ставя вопрос на голосование; без голосования 6. разделение голосов во время голосования 7. классификация, деление 8. зоол. отдел (классификационная единица) 9. бот. тип 10. спорт. место top division —- первое место 11. категория, подразделение; отдел, раздел 12. сектор 13. тех. отсек 14. перегородка, барьер 15. межа, граница 16. округ administrative division —- административный округ 17. ам. отделение (несколько факультетов) division of modern languages —- отделение новых языков 18. юр. отделение, отдел, контора King's Bench D. —- отделение королевской скамьи Высокого суда (в Англии) Divorce D. —- отдел по делам о разводах Высокого суда (в Англии) Probate D. —- отделение по наследственным делам Высокого суда (в Англии) 19. спец. отдел division of laser fusion —- отдел лазерного синтеза division of technical information extension —- отдел по распространению технической информации 20. -спец деление (шкалы) 21. спец. цена деления 22. воен. дивизия armoured division —- бронетанковая дивизия division engineer —- дивизионный инженер division headquarters —- штаб дивизии 23. мор. дивизион 24. тех. измельчение, диспергирование Id: the first division —- мягкий тюремный режим
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См. в других словарях

   1) (раз)деление  2) раздел, часть DIVISION lobby коридор, куда члены английского парламента выходят при голосовании ...
Англо-русский словарь
  подрайон Часть экономико-статистического района region, выделяемая Бюро переписи населения Bureau of the Census и Административно-бюджетным управлением Office of Management and Budget. Состоит из 2-3 подрайонов. В США 9 подрайонов - Северо-Восточный центр East North Central States, Северно-Западный Центр West North Central States, Южно-Атлантические штаты South Atlantic States, Юго-Восточный Центр East South Central States, Юго-Западный Центр West South Central States, Новая Англия New England, Среднеатлантические штаты Middle Atlantic States, Горные штаты Mountain States, Тихоокеанские штаты Pacific States ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) деление 2) раздел, отдел (животных) 3) тип (растений) – division of labor – amitotic division – cell division – equation division – first maturation division – homeotypic division – indirect cell division – maturation division – meiotic division – mitotic division – second maturation division ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. деление, разделение (чего-л. на части); распределение (чего-л. между группами или лицами) the division of the region into smaller administrative districts — деление региона на мелкие административные округа The division of work between members of the group should be equal. — Распределение работы между членами группы должно быть равномерным. See: division of labour, division of power, "division of markets 2) мат. деление (одного числа на другое) simple exact division — деление без остатка division sign — знак деления 3) общ. разногласия (различие во мнениях между членами группы или общества) Deep divisions exist within senior management itself as to the best way of dealing with the problem. — Сами руководители не могут договориться о том, как надо решать эту проблему. 4) общ. раздел, граница, барьер, перегородка (что-л., обозначающее грань между двумя и более частями (напр. разделительная линия или помета)) 5) а) упр. секция, сектор, отдел, отделение, подразделение (относительно самостоятельная часть компании, отвечающая за определенную сферу деятельности) sales division of a large firm — отдел продаж в крупной фирме Syn: department See: divisionalized firm б) упр. подразделение (компания, входящая в группу компаний) Carmel Realty Company is now a division of The Mitchell Group Real Estate. — "Кармел Риалти Компани" теперь является...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) деление 2) диспергирование 3) отделение; подразделение 4) разделение 5) распределение 6) секция; раздел division by dichotomy — дихотомическое деление, дихотомия division with remainder — деление с остатком remainder in division — остаток при делении (на целое число) - abridged division - administrative division - arithmetical division - carry division - circle division - communication division - decimal division - division of labor - division of polynomials - division of segment - division of train - graphical division - harmonical division - hierarchical division - implicative division - indicated division - left division - matrix division - non-restoring division - octal division - permanent way division - quinary division - right division - road and transportation division - road construction division - sample division - simple division - synthetical division ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) деление, разделение 2) отдел – address division – asynchronous channel division – code division – combinated division – digital flow division – form division – frequency division – frequency-code division – frequency-time division – part division – phase division – spectral division – synchronous channel division – time division – traffic division ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  деление; распределение секция, участок линия раздела; перегородка отдел, служба scale division service division ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) деление; разделение 2) распределение 3) вчт. раздел 4) деление (шкалы) 5) перегородка 6) линия раздела 7) участок (напр. трубопровода) 8) подразделение; отделение (предприятия) each division is equivalent to... — цена каждого деления равна...; division with a remainder — деление с остатком division of load — распределение нагрузки - aeromedical safety division - aircraft maintenance division - asynchronous code division - calibration division - cell division - circular division - code division - continued division - current division - data division - dichotomous division - exact division - fine division - fractional-N division - frequency division - identification division - integer division - long division - major division - minor division - numbered division - pel division - picture division - procedure division - proportional division - repeated division - scale division - service division - short division - space division - time division ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or an instance of dividing; the process of being divided. 2 Math. the process of dividing one number by another (see also long division (see LONG(1)), short division). 3 disagreement or discord (division of opinion). 4 Parl. the separation of members of a legislative body into two sets for counting votes for and against. 5 one of two or more parts into which a thing is divided. 6 a major unit of administration or organization, esp.: a a group of army brigades or regiments. b Sport a grouping of teams within a league, usu. by ability. 7 a a district defined for administrative purposes. b Brit. a part of a county or borough returning a Member of Parliament. 8 a Bot. a major taxonomic grouping. b Zool. a subsidiary category between major levels of classification. 9 Logic a classification of kinds, parts, or senses. Phrases and idioms division of labour the improvement of efficiency by giving different parts of a manufacturing process etc. to different people. division sign the sign (*!) indicating that one quantity is to be divided by another. Derivatives divisional adj. divisionally adv. divisionary adj. Etymology: ME f. OF divisiun f. L divisio -onis (as DIVIDE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French devision, from Latin ~-, divisio, from dividere to divide  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act or process of dividing ; the state of being divided  b. the act, process, or an instance of distributing among a number ; distribution  c. obsolete a method of arranging or disposing (as troops)  2. one of the parts or groupings into which a whole is divided or is divisible  3. the condition or an instance of being divided in opinion or interest ; disagreement, disunity exploited the ~s between the two countries  4.  a. something that divides, separates, or marks off  b. the act, process, or an instance of separating or keeping apart ; separation  5. the mathematical operation of dividing something  6.  a. a self-contained major military unit capable of independent action  b. a tactical military unit composed of headquarters and usually three to five brigades  c.  (1) the basic naval administrative unit  (2) a tactical sub~ of a squadron of ships  d. a unit of the United States Air Force higher than a wing and lower than an air force  7.  a. a portion of a territorial unit marked off for a particular purpose (as administrative or judicial functions)  b. an administrative or operating unit of a governmental, business, or educational organization  8. the physical separation into different lobbies of the members of a parliamentary body voting for and against a question  9. plant propagation by dividing parts and planting segments capable of producing roots and shoots  10. a group of organisms forming part of a larger group; specifically a primary category of the plant kingdom in biological taxonomy that is typically equivalent to a phylum  11. a competitive class or category (as in boxing or wrestling)  Synonyms: see part  • ~al adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (divisions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The division of a large unit into two or more distinct parts is the act of separating it into these parts. ...the unification of Germany, after its division into two states at the end of World War Two. N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss, oft N into pl-n 2. The division of something among people or things is its separation into parts which are distributed among the people or things. The current division of labor between workers and management will alter. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n among/between pl-n 3. Division is the arithmetical process of dividing one number into another number. I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six. ? multiplication N-UNCOUNT 4. A division is a significant distinction or argument between two groups, which causes the two groups to be considered as very different and separate. The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains. = divide N-VAR: oft N between/among pl-n 5. In a large organization, a division is a group of departments whose work is done in the same place or is connected with similar tasks. ...the bank’s Latin American division. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. A division is a group of military units which fight as a single unit. Several armoured divisions are being moved from Germany. N-COUNT: usu supp N 7. In some sports, such as football, baseball, and basketball, a division is one of the groups of teams which make up a league. The teams in each division are considered to be approximately the same standard, and they all play against each other during the season. N-COUNT: usu supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »SEPARATING« the act of dividing something into different parts or the way it is divided + between  (the division between public and private life) + of sth into  (the division of people into winners and losers) 2 »SHARING« the act of dividing something so that it can be shared or the way it is divided + of sth between  (the division of power between church and state) 3 »DISAGREEMENT« a disagreement among the members of a group, especially one that makes them form smaller groups  (There are deep divisions in the party over Europe.) 4 »MATHEMATICS« the process of finding out how many times one number is contained in another  (- compare multiplication (1), - see also long division) 5 »PART OF AN ORGANIZATION« a large part of an organization, company etc, consisting of several smaller parts  (I work in the Computer Services Division.) 6 »SPORT« BrE one of the groups of teams that a sports competition, especially football, is divided into  (the First/Second Division)  (Brighton play in the Second Division.) 7 »ARMY« a part of an army larger than a brigade (1)  (the Guards Division) 8 »IN PARLIAMENT« technical a process in which members of the British parliament vote for something by dividing into groups  (MP's forced a division on the bill.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1350, from O.Fr. division, from L. divisionem (nom. divisio), from divid-, stem of dividere (see divide). Military sense is first recorded 1597. The mathematical division sign supposedly was invented by British mathematician John Pell (1611-85) who taught at Cambridge and Amsterdam. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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