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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - diet


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Перевод с английского языка diet на русский

1. питание, стол; пища, еда frugal diet —- скудное питание meat diet, diet of meat —- мясной стол liquid diet —- жидкая пища short diet —- диета 2. диета; пищевой режим strict (rigid) diet —- строгая диета milk and vegetable diet —- молочно-овощная диета starvation diet —- голодная диета to go on a milk diet —- сесть (перейти) на молочную диету to keep (to take) (a) diet, to be on a diet —- соблюдать диету, сидеть на диете to put smb. on a diet —- держать кого-л. на диете; посадить кого-л. на диету 3. держать на диете; сажать на диету to diet smb. rigorously —- посадить кого-л. на строжайшую диету to diet oneself —- соблюдать диету, сидеть на диете 4. соблюдать диету, сидеть на диете 5. определять режим питания, устанавливать пищевой рацион 6. питаться 7. редк. кормить 8. редк. столоваться 9. парламент (неанглийский) 10. съезд, конгресс, конференция 11. шотл. однодневное заседание; однодневная сессия 12. шотл. назначенный день; день явки в суд (также diet of appearance) 13. отходы золота и серебра (на монетном дворе)
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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) пища, питание, стол - simple diet  2) диета to be on diet - быть на диете - a milk-free diet  2. v. держать на диете to diet oneself - соблюдать диету II noun  1) парламент (неанглийский)  2) международная конференция  3) scot. однодневное заседание ...
Англо-русский словарь
  диета; рацион; питание, пища – adequate diet – bacterial diet – balanced diet – basic diet – fat-free diet – high-fat diet – high-protein diet – inadequate diet – ketogenic diet – low-salt diet – nonprotein diet – protein-depleted diet – protein-free diet – salt-free diet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) с.-х. рацион 2) парламент (сейм, ландтаг, рейхстаг и т.п.) 3) международная конференция, съезд, конгресс 4) шотланд. однодневное собрание ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) диета, режим питания, рацион 2) держать на диете to keep to a diet — соблюдать дтету - feasible diet - minimum-cost diet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 the kinds of food that a person or animal habitually eats. 2 a special course of food to which a person is restricted, esp. for medical reasons or to control weight. 3 a regular occupation or series of activities to which one is restricted or which form one's main concern, usu. for a purpose (a diet of light reading and fresh air). --v. (dieted, dieting) 1 intr. restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food, esp. to control one's weight. 2 tr. restrict (a person or animal) to a special diet. Derivatives dieter n. Etymology: ME f. OF diete (n.), dieter (v.) f. L diaeta f. Gk diaita a way of life 2. n. 1 a legislative assembly in certain countries. 2 hist. a national or international conference, esp. of a federal State or confederation. 3 Sc. Law a meeting or session of a court. Etymology: ME f. med.L dieta day's work, wages, etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Latin diaeta, from Greek diaita, literally, manner of living, from diaitasthai to lead one's life  Date: 13th century  1.  a. food and drink regularly provided or consumed  b. habitual nourishment  c. the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason  d. a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight going on a ~  2. something provided or experienced repeatedly a ~ of Broadway shows and nightclubs — Frederick Wyatt  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to cause to take food ; feed  2. to cause to eat and drink sparingly or according to prescribed rules  intransitive verb to eat sparingly or according to prescribed rules  • ~er noun  III. adjective  Date: 1963  1. reduced in calories a ~ soft drink  2. promoting weight loss (as by depressing appetite) ~ pills  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e day's journey, day set for a meeting, from Medieval Latin ~a, literally, daily regimen, ~ (taken as a derivative of Latin dies day), from Latin diaeta  Date: 1565  1. a formal deliberative assembly of princes or estates  2. any of various national or provincial legislatures DIETARILY  adverb see dietary II ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (diets, dieting, dieted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat. It’s never too late to improve your diet. ...a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables... N-VAR 2. If a doctor puts someone on a diet, he or she makes them eat a special type or range of foods in order to improve their health. He was put on a diet of milky food. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. If you are on a diet, you eat special kinds of food or you eat less food than usual because you are trying to lose weight. Have you been on a diet? You’ve lost a lot of weight... N-VAR 4. If you are dieting, you eat special kinds of food or you eat less food than usual because you are trying to lose weight. I’ve been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child... VERB: V • dieting She has already lost around two stone through dieting. N-UNCOUNT 5. Diet drinks or foods have been specially produced so that they do not contain many calories. ...sugar-free diet drinks. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If you are fed on a diet of something, especially something unpleasant or of poor quality, you receive or experience a very large amount of it. The radio had fed him a diet of pop songs... N-COUNT: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »KIND OF FOOD« the kind of food that someone eats each day  (It is important to have a balanced, healthy diet. | a vegetarian diet) + of  (They exist on a diet of fish.) 2 »TO GET THIN« a limited range and amount of food that you eat when you want to get thinner  (go/be on a diet)  (Lyn always seems to be on a diet.) 3 »FOR HEALTH« a limited type of food and drink that someone is allowed because they have a health problem  (a salt-free diet) 4 a diet of too much of an activity that you think is boring or has bad effects  (Kids today are raised on a constant diet of pop music and television.) 5 »MEETING« old use an official meeting to discuss political or church matters ~2 v to limit the amount and type of food that you eat in order to become thinner ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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