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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - cloud


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Перевод с английского языка cloud на русский

1. облако, туча the sun hidden by clouds —- солнце, закрытое облаками cloud bar —- гряда облаков, облачный вал cloud break —- разрыв в облаках cloud cover —- облачный покров cloud deck —- облачный слой 2. облако, клубы (дыма) cloud of dust —- облако пыли smoke cloud —- дымовое облако cloud of electrons —- физ. электронное облако cloud attack —- воен. газобаллонная атака 3. туча, масса, тьма cloud of mosquitoes —- туча комаров cloud of flies —- тьма мух 4. покров; завеса under cloud of night —- под покровом ночи a cloud of witnesses —- библ. облако свидетелей; множество очевидцев 5. омрачающее, бросающее тень cloud of war —- угроза войны cloud on smb.'s happiness —- облачко, омрачающее счастье cloud of grief —- облако грусти cloud of suspicion —- тень подозрения cloud on smb.'s reputation —- пятно на репутации 6. возв. небо, небеса to sail up into the clouds —- взвиться в облака 7. свободно связанный шерстяной женский шарф 8. помутнение или жилка (в камне) 9. спец. "облако" точек на диаграмме 10. спец. пятно Id: cloud buster —- небоскреб; скоростной самолет; высокий мяч (баскетбол) Id: to blow a cloud —- курить табак, пускать облако дыма Id: to have one's head in the clouds, to be in the clouds —- витать в облаках Id: to drop from the clouds —- как с неба свалился; свалилось как снег на голову Id: to be lost in the clouds —- запутаться (в аргументах) Id: to cast a cloud —- вызывать отчужденность Id: to be under a cloud —- быть под подозрением; быть в немилости; быть в тяжелом положении Id: every cloud has a silver lining —- и в плохом можно найти хорошее 11. покрывать облаками, тучами the moon is clouded —- луна закрыта облаками 12. покрываться облакми, тучами, заволакиваться the sky clouded over —- небо покрылось тучами 13. омрачать to cloud the spirits —- омрачить настроение 14. затемнять a mist clouded our view —- нам было плохо видно из-за тумана his mind was clouded with suffering —- страдание затмило его рассудок 15. омрачаться her eyes clouded —- ее глаза затуманились his face clouded with anger —- его лицо потемнело от гнева 16. запятнать (репутацию); очернить 17. оттенять темными полосами или пятнами 18. хим. мутнеть
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См. в других словарях

  over  а) заволакиваться The sky has clouded over, we shant see the sun again today.  б) затемнять(ся) The windows have clouded over in the steam. The mist has clouded the windows over.  в) омрачаться Marys face clouded over when she heard the bad news about her mothers operation. CLOUD up  а) заволакиваться  б) затемнять(ся) The windows have clouded up in the steam. The mist has clouded the windows up. CLOUD  1. noun  1) облако; туча clouds of smoke - клубы дыма clouds of dust - клубы пыли a cloud on ones happiness - облачко, омрачающее чье-л. счастье - mushroom cloud  2) множество, тьма, туча (птиц, стрел и т.п.)  3) пятно a cloud on ones reputation - пятно на чьей-л. репутации to be under a cloud of suspicion - быть под подозрением  4) покров - under cloud of night  5) шерстяная шаль to have ones head/to be in the clouds - витать в облаках in the clouds - нереальный, воображаемый under a cloud -  а) в тяжелом положении;  б) в немилости, в опале;  в) под подозрением every cloud has a/its silver lining prov. - нет худа без добра  2. v.  1) покрывать(ся) облаками, тучами  2) омрачать(ся); затемнять; мутить  3) очернить; запятнать (репутацию) - cloud over - cloud up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) рой; кулига; стая 2) pl энт. совки (Noctuidae) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  плотное множество; плотное скопление точек ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) облако покрывать(ся) облаками 2) скопление; сгусток 3) пятно 4) помутнение; дымка 5) муть мутнеть 6) затуманивать - billow cloud - roll cloud - sodium cloud - thunderstorm cloud ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) облако; мн. ч. облачность 2) скопление; сгусток 3) дымка; матовость; помутнение (дефект кристалла) 4) тлв пятно (на изображении) 5) муть мутнеть to break through clouds — пробивать облачность (в полёте) - air-mass cloud - altocumulus cloud - altostratus cloud - chaff cloud - cirrocumulus cloud - cirrostratus cloud - cirrus cloud - convective clouds - cumulonimbus cloud - cumulus cloud - deep cloud - dust cloud - electron cloud - exhaust cloud - frontal clouds - high-level clouds - high clouds - ion cloud - ionized cloud - low-level clouds - low clouds - maritime clouds - massive cloud - middle-level clouds - middle clouds - mixed cloud - nacreous clouds - nimbostratus cloud - noctilucent clouds - nonprecipitating cloud - opaque clouds - ozone cloud - precipitating cloud - rocket exhaust clouds - roll clouds - shallow cloud - sheet clouds - smoke cloud - squall cloud - stratocumulus cloud - stratus cloud - thunderstorm cloud - upglide cloud - vacancy cloud - volcanic eruption clouds - warm cloud - water cloud - window cloud ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a visible mass of condensed watery vapour floating in the atmosphere high above the general level of the ground. 2 a mass of smoke or dust. 3 (foll. by of) a great number of insects, birds, etc., moving together. 4 a a state of gloom, trouble, or suspicion. b a frowning or depressed look (a cloud on his brow). 5 a local dimness or a vague patch of colour in or on a liquid or a transparent body. 6 an unsubstantial or fleeting thing. 7 obscurity. --v. 1 tr. cover or darken with clouds or gloom or trouble. 2 intr. (often foll. by over, up) become overcast or gloomy. 3 tr. make unclear. 4 tr. variegate with vague patches of colour. Phrases and idioms cloud-castle a daydream. cloud chamber a device containing vapour for tracking the paths of charged particles, X-rays, and gamma rays. clouded leopard a mottled arboreal S. Asian feline, Neofelis nebulosa. cloud-hopping movement of an aircraft from cloud to cloud esp. for concealment. cloud-land a utopia or fairyland. in the clouds 1 unreal, imaginary, mystical. 2 (of a person) abstracted, inattentive. on cloud nine (or seven) colloq. extremely happy. under a cloud out of favour, discredited, under suspicion. with one's head in the clouds day-dreaming, unrealistic. Derivatives cloudless adj. cloudlessly adv. cloudlet n. Etymology: OE clud mass of rock or earth, prob. rel. to CLOD CLOUDBERRY n. (pl. -ies) a small mountain bramble, Rubus chamaemorus, with a white flower and an orange-coloured fruit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, rock, ~, from Old English clud; perhaps akin to Greek gloutos buttock  Date: 14th century  1. a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (as the earth) or moon  2. something resembling or suggesting a ~: as  a. a light filmy, puffy, or billowy mass seeming to float in the air a ~ of blond hair a ship under a ~ of sail  b.  (1) a usually visible mass of minute particles suspended in the air or a gas  (2) an aggregation of usually obscuring matter especially in interstellar space  (3) an aggregate of charged particles (as electrons)  c. a great crowd or multitude ; swarm ~s of mosquitoes  3. something that has a dark, lowering, or threatening aspect ~s of war a ~ of suspicion  4. something that obscures or blemishes a ~ of ambiguity  5. a dark or opaque vein or spot (as in marble or a precious stone)  II. verb  Date: 1562  intransitive verb  1. to grow ~y — usually used with over or up ~ed over before the storm  2.  a. of facial features to become troubled, apprehensive, or distressed in appearance her face ~ed with worry  b. to become blurry, dubious, or ominous — often used with over the outlook is ~ing over  3. to billow up in the form of a ~  transitive verb  1.  a. to envelop or hide with or as if with a ~ smog ~ed our view  b. to make opaque especially by condensation of moisture steam ~ed the windows  c. to make murky especially with smoke or mist smoke ~ed the sky  2. to make unclear or confused ~ the issue  3. taint, sully a ~ed reputation  4. to cast gloom over ~ prospects for success ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (clouds, clouding, clouded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A cloud is a mass of water vapour that floats in the sky. Clouds are usually white or grey in colour. ...the varied shapes of the clouds... The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud. ...the risks involved in flying through cloud. N-VAR 2. A cloud of something such as smoke or dust is a mass of it floating in the air. The hens darted away on all sides, raising a cloud of dust. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. If you say that something clouds your view of a situation, you mean that it makes you unable to understand the situation or judge it properly. Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty... In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind. VERB: V n, V n 4. If you say that something clouds a situation, you mean that it makes it unpleasant. The atmosphere has already been clouded by the BJP’s anger at the media. VERB: V n 5. If glass clouds or if moisture clouds it, tiny drops of water cover the glass, making it difficult to see through. The mirror clouded beside her cheek... I run the water very hot, clouding the mirror. = mist VERB: V, V n 6. If you say that someone is on cloud nine, you are emphasizing that they are very happy. (INFORMAL) When Michael was born I was on cloud nine. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 7. every cloud has a silver lining: see silver lining ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a white or grey mass in the sky that consists of very small drops of water  (Dark clouds gathered overhead.) 2 a cloud of dust/smoke/gas etc a mass of dust etc in the air 3 something that makes you feel afraid or worried + of  (The clouds of war began to threaten our peaceful life.) a cloud on the horizon (=something that threatens to spoil a happy situation)  (The only cloud on the horizon was her mother's illness. | cast a cloud (=spoil a happy situation))  (The news that several competitors had been taking drugs cast a cloud over the event.) 4 on cloud nine informal very happy about something  (Adam was on cloud nine after the birth of his son.) 5 under a cloud informal if someone is under a cloud, people have a bad opinion of them because they have done something wrong  (He left the company under a cloud.) 6 be/live in cloud-cuckoo-land to think that a situation is much better than it actually is in a way that makes you seem stupid  (If Ben thinks he's getting a pay rise, he's living in cloud-cuckoo-land.) 7 every cloud has a silver lining used to say that there is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult  (- see also have your head in the clouds head1 (11)) ~2 v 1 »GLASS« also cloud over/up if a transparent material such as glass clouds or something clouds it, you cannot see through it properly any more  (Steam had clouded the windows up.) 2 »LIQUID« also cloud up if a liquid clouds or if something clouds it, it becomes less clear  (Don't shake the barrel, you'll cloud the beer.) 3 »THOUGHTS/MEMORIES« to make someone less able to think clearly or remember things  (cloud sb's judgement/memory)  (Don't let your personal feelings towards this woman cloud your judgement.) 4 cloud the issue to make a subject or problem difficult to understand by introducing ideas or information that are not connected with it  (Bringing in unnecessary details at this stage will only cloud the issue.) 5 »FACE« also cloud over if someone's expression clouds or if something clouds it, they start...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  libr. abbr. Communities And Libraries Online Union Database union abbr. Communities and Libraries Online Union Database ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. clud "mass of rock," from P.Gmc. *kludas, metaphoric extension 13c. based on similarity of cumulus clouds and rock masses. O.E. word for "cloud" was weolcan. Cloudy is O.E. cludig. The imaginary city Cloud Cuckoo Land, built in air, is from Aristophanes' "The Birds" (414 B.C.E.). Cloud Nine is 1950s, Amer.Eng., of unknown origin or significance. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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