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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - average


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Перевод с английского языка average на русский

1. среднее (число) above the average —- выше среднего his work is about (up to) the average —- его работа не хуже и не лучше, чем у других on an (the) average —- в среднем to translate on an average five pages a day —- переводить в среднем пять страниц в день to ascertain (to determine, to obtain) the average —- выводить среднее 2. мат. среднее арифметическое 3. страх. авария (убытки, причиненные судну, грузу и фрахту) general average —- общая авария 4. страх. распределение убытков от аварии между владельцами груза, судна average adjuster —- диспашер average statement —- диспаша 5. средний average temperature —- средняя температура average rainfall —- средняя норма выпадения осадков average life —- средняя продолжительность жизни 6. обычный, нормальный, средний average man —- средний человек average reader —- рядовой (широкий) читатель a man of average height —- человек среднего роста 7. посредственный there was nothing special about his performance, it was only average —- в его исполнении не было ничего особенного, оно было весьма 8. средним boys of average intelligence —- ребята, не хватающие звезд с неба (средних способностей) 9. составлять, достигать, равняться в среднем his wages average 60 pounds —- его заработок составляет в среднем 60 фунтов they averaged 100 miles a day —- они делали в среднем 100 миль в день 10. мат. выводить среднее значение, усреднять 11. бирж. последовательно скупать или продавать акции по мере изменения их курса to average down —- скупать акции по мере снижания их курса 12. страх. распределять убыток между акционерами
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) среднее число; средняя величина - on average - strike an average - below the average - above the average  2) insur. убыток от аварии судна  3) распределение убытка от аварии между владельцами (груза, судна)  2. adj.  1) средний average output - средний выпуск (продукции) - average rate of profit  2) средний, обычный, нормальный average height - средний, нормальный рост  3. v.  1) выводить среднее число  2) в среднем равняться, составлять - average out AVERAGE adjuster noun insur. диспашер AVERAGE out вычислить среднюю величину; составить среднюю величину AVERAGE rate of profit polit. -econ. средняя норма прибыли AVERAGE statement noun insur. диспаша ...
Англо-русский словарь
  биом. средняя (величина), среднее (арифметическое); средний – grand average – moving average – weighted average ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) среднее (число), средняя величина 2) страх. авария (убытки, причиненные судну, грузу и фрахту) 3) индекс курсов, курс (ценных бумаг) • - Dow Jones industrial average - Dow-Jones average - above the average - amount of the average - annual average - average annual - average compensation - average cost method - average cost of claims - average costs - average daily balance - average daily production - average down - average equity - average exchange rate - average hours of work - average in question - average increase - average interest - average loan - average maturity - average measures - average of distribution - average on a vessel - average on freight - average payment - average power - average rate of interest - average speed - average statement - average time - average up - average value - average wages - average weight - average weighted maturity - average weighted - below the average - bond average - composite average - cost of the average - current average - daily average - economy-wide average - estimated average - general average - industrial average - limiting average - market average - mean annual - on an average - on average - overall average - parity average - period average - sample average - simple average - stock price average - taring for average - true average - utility average - weekly average - with particular average - with average Syn: mean 2. прил. 1) средний 2) нормальный, рядовой, обычный 3) аварийный - average adjuster - average clause - average date - average executive - average output - average sample number - average statement Syn: middle, mean, intermediate 3. гл. 1) составлять, равняться в среднем 2) последовательно скупать/продавать акции данного выпуска (по мере изменения их курса) - average down - average out - average up - his wages average 60 pounds...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) средняя величина; среднее 2) усреднение; осреднение 3) усредненный, средний 4) средний, обычный 5) усреднять; осреднять 6) составлять, в среднем равняться half-period average voltage — средневыпрямленное напряжение time average measurement — усредненное по времени измерение upon the average — в среднем under average — ниже среднего to average out — усреднять; осреднять to average over — усреднять по to take average — вычислять среднее значение, усреднять - annual average - arithmetic average - average of averages - average of relations - average overall subsampling value - column average - conditional average - continuous average - current average - estimated average - exponentially smoothed average - exponentially weighted average - geometric average - grand average - group average - long-range average - long-time average - modified average - monthly average - period average - population average - positive-weighted average - probabilistic average - process average - progressive average - quasiarithmetic average - representative average - rolling average - row average - running average - sample average - simple average - space average - statistical average - steady-state average - stochastic average - true average - universe average - unweighted average ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  среднее (значение) усреднять средний - assembly average - autoregressive-moving average - harmonic average - logarithmic average - moving average - sliding average - time average - weighted average ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a the usual amount, extent, or rate. b the ordinary standard. 2 an amount obtained by dividing the total of given amounts by the number of amounts in the set. 3 Law the distribution of loss resulting from damage to a ship or cargo. --adj. 1 usual, ordinary. 2 estimated or calculated by average. --v.tr. 1 amount on average to (the sale of the product averaged one hundred a day). 2 do on average (averages six hours' work a day). 3 a estimate the average of. b estimate the general standard of. Phrases and idioms average adjustment Law the apportionment of average. average out result in an average. average out at result in an average of. batting average 1 Cricket a batsman's runs scored per completed innings. 2 Baseball a batter's safe hits per time at bat. bowling average Cricket a bowler's conceded runs per wicket taken. law of averages the principle that if one of two extremes occurs the other will also tend to so as to maintain the normal average. on (or on an) average as an average rate or estimate. Derivatives averagely adv. Etymology: F avarie damage to ship or cargo (see sense 3), f. It. avaria f. Arab. ' awariya damaged goods f. ' awar damage at sea, loss: -age after damage ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: from earlier ~ proportionally distributed charge for damage at sea, modification of Middle French avarie damage to ship or cargo, from Old Italian avaria, from Arabic ‘awariya damaged merchandise  Date: 1732  1.  a. a single value (as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values  b. mean 1b  2.  a. an estimation of or approximation to an arithmetic mean  b. a level (as of intelligence) typical of a group, class, or series above the ~  3. a ratio expressing the ~ performance especially of an athletic team or an athlete computed according to the number of opportunities for successful performance Synonyms:  ~, mean, median, norm mean something that represents a middle point. ~ is exactly or approximately the quotient obtained by dividing the sum total of a set of figures by the number of figures scored an ~ of 85 on tests. mean may be the simple ~ or it may represent value midway between two extremes a high of 70° and a low of 50° give a mean of 60°. median applies to the value that represents the point at which there are as many instances above as there are below ~ of a group of persons earning 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 dollars an hour is 6 dollars, whereas the median is 5 dollars. norm means the computed or estimated ~ of performance of a significantly large group, class, or grade scores about the norm for fifth grade arithmetic.  II. adjective  Date: 1770  1. equaling an arithmetic mean  2.  a. being about midway between extremes a man of ~ height  b. not out of the ordinary ; common the ~ person  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  III. verb  (~d; averaging)  Date: 1769  intransitive verb  1.  a. to be or come to an ~ the gain ~d out to 20 percent  b. to have a medial value of a color averaging a pale purple  2. to buy on a falling market or sell on a rising market additional shares or commodities so as to obtain a more favorable ~ price — usually used with down or up  transitive verb  1. to do, get, or have on...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (averages, averaging, averaged) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An average is the result that you get when you add two or more numbers together and divide the total by the number of numbers you added together. Take the average of those ratios and multiply by a hundred. = mean N-COUNT • Average is also an adjective. The average price of goods rose by just 2.2%... = mean ADJ: ADJ n 2. You use average to refer to a number or size that varies but is always approximately the same. It takes an average of ten weeks for a house sale to be completed. N-SING: a N of amount 3. An average person or thing is typical or normal. The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day... ADJ: ADJ n 4. An amount or quality that is the average is the normal amount or quality for a particular group of things or people. Most areas suffered more rain than usual, with Northern Ireland getting double the average for the month. = norm N-SING: the N • Average is also an adjective. ?2.20 for a beer is average. ...a woman of average height. ADJ 5. Something that is average is neither very good nor very bad, usually when you had hoped it would be better. I was only average academically. ADJ 6. To average a particular amount means to do, get, or produce that amount as an average over a period of time. We averaged 42 miles per hour. VERB: V n 7. You say on average or on an average to indicate that a number is the average of several numbers. American shares rose, on average, by 38%... PHRASE: PHR with cl 8. If you say that something is true on average, you mean that it is generally true. On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world. PHRASE: PHR with cl 9. law of averages: see law ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 only before noun the average amount is the amount you get when you add together several quantities and divide this by the total number of quantities  (Average earnings in the state are about $1500 a month. | What's the average rainfall for July? | an average speed of 200 kph) 2 an average amount or quantity is not unusually big or small  ( (of) average height/build/intelligence etc (=not tall or short, fat or thin etc))  (I'd say he was of average height.) 3 having qualities that are typical of most people or things  (The average student spends about two or three hours a night doing homework. | In an average week I drive about 250 miles.) 4 neither very good nor very bad  (There was nothing special about the film - it was just average.) ~2 n 1 the amount calculated by adding together several quantities, and then dividing this amount by the total number of quantities  (The average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7. | House prices have gone up by an average of 2%.) 2 on average based on a calculation about how many times something usually happens, how much money someone usually gets, how often people usually do something etc  (On average men smoke more cigarettes than women. | Japanese people on average live much longer than Europeans.) 3 the usual level or amount for most people or things in a group  (above/below average (=better or worse than average))  (Susie's school work is well above average. | the national average)  (I suppose the national average is about $20,000 per year.)  (- see also law of averages law (11)) ~3 v linking verb 1 to usually do something or usually happen a particular number of times, or to usually be a particular size or amount  (I suppose I average about five cups of coffee a day. | The fish averages about two inches in length.) 2 to calculate the average of figures average out phr v 1 to calculate the usual number of times that something happens, the usual size of something, or the average amount of a group of figures  (I averaged out the total increase at about 10%.) 2 linking verb + to/a to usually...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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