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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - starter


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Перевод с английского языка starter на русский

1) эл. пусковое устройство, пускатель, стартер; пусковой реостат 2) диспетчер 3) зажигатель 4) игнайтер (игнитрона) 5) поджигающий электрод (газоразрядного прибора) 6) стартёр (1. устройство для пуска двигателя 2. устройство для зажигания электролюминесцентных ламп) 7) забурник; короткий бур (для начала бурения) 8) последний стереотип, поданный в печатную машину 9) пищ. закваска 10) заквасочная культура 11) дрожжевая разводка - air-turbine starter - automatic motor starter - autotransformer starter - cascade starter - closed circuit transition starter - closed transition starter - contactor starter - crank starter - direct-cranking starter - drum switch starter - drum starter - electric starter - enclosed starter - group starter - hand starter - hydraulic starter - impedance starter - impulse starter - inching starter - increment starter - inductor starter - inertia starter - lamp resistance starter - liquid starter - magnetic full-voltage starter - medium-voltage motor starter - motor starter - motor-driven starter - multiple-switch starter - multistep starter - oil starter - oil-cooled starter - on-line starter - open starter - part-winding starter - pole-changing starter - push-button starter - reactance starter - reconnection starter - reduced-current starter - reduced-voltage starter - relay-operated starter - reversing-type starter - rheostatic starter - rotor-resistance starter - series-parallel starter - slow-motion starter - solenoid starter - solid-state starter - star-delta starter - stator starter - straight-on starter - switching starter - switch starter - three-phase starter - transformer starter - turbine starter - water resistance starter - Y-delta starter
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  пускатель, стартёр ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) начальный 2) пускатель 3) пусковой прибор 4) стартер 5) стартерный jet engine starter system — машиностр. турбостартер - compressed-air starter - ground starter - magnetic starter - pneumatic starter - push-button starter - starter battery - starter button - starter carburetor - starter cathode - starter formula - starter pedal - turbine starter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  микр. закваска ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. спорт. стартер 2. спорт. участник (соревнования) of the 10 starters, only six finished —- из десяти стартовавших только шесть пришли к финишу 3. диспетчер 4. помощник режисера, ведущий спектакль; помреж 5. авт. пусковой прибор, стартер 6. эл. пусковой реостат 7. спец. чистая закваска 8. чистая разводка (грибков, бактерий и т. п.) 9. с-х. удобрение, вносимое при посеве 10. с-х. корм для молодняка (скота и птицы) 11. pl. разг. первое блюдо starting point 1. отправной пункт, отправная точка 2. воен. исходная точка, рубеж ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) sport стартер  2) участник состязания  3) mot. пусковой прибор, стартер  4) диспетчер ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 a person or thing that starts. 2 an esp. automatic device for starting the engine of a motor vehicle etc. 3 a person giving the signal for the start of a race. 4 a horse or competitor starting in a race (a list of probable starters). 5 the first course of a meal. 6 the initial action etc. Phrases and idioms for starters sl. to start with. under starter's orders (of racehorses etc.) in a position to start a race and awaiting the starting-signal. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 1622  1. a person who initiates or sets going: as  a. an official who gives the signal to begin a race  b. one who dispatches vehicles  2.  a. one that engages in a competition; especially a member of a starting lineup  b. one that begins to engage in an activity or process  3. one that causes something to begin operating: as  a. a device for starting an engine; especially an electric motor used to start an internal combustion engine  b. material containing microorganisms (as yeast) used to induce a desired fermentation  4. something that is the beginning of a process, activity, or series; especially appetizer  II. adjective  Date: 1946 of, relating to, or being an item acquired with the expectation that a more elaborate or sophisticated model will be acquired in the future a ~ home ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (starters) 1. A starter is a small quantity of food that is served as the first course of a meal. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use appetizer) N-COUNT 2. The starter of a car is the device that starts the engine. N-COUNT 3. The starters in a race are the people or animals who take part at the beginning even if they do not finish. Of the 10 starters, four were eliminated or retired. N-COUNT: usu pl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a person, horse, car etc that is in a race when it starts  (Of the eight starters, only three finished the race.) 2 for starters informal a phrase meaning to begin with, used to tell someone what should be done or said first  (Well, for starters, you'd better get an application form.) 3 someone who gives the signal for a race to begin  (The starter fired his gun. | under starter's orders (=about to begin the race)) 4 a piece of equipment for starting a machine, especially an electric motor for starting an engine 5 BrE the first part of a meal; appetizer  (Would you like soup or melon as a starter?)  (- see also nonstarter, self­starter) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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