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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - ghost


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Перевод с английского языка ghost на русский

1) полосы неметаллических включений; светлые полосы на полированной стали (дефекты) 2) паразитное изображение; повторное изображение, проср. повтор, тлв многоконтурность 3) дух (дифракционной решётки) 4) рлк ложный отражённый сигнал, проф. духи 5) постороннее изображение на оттиске (дефект печати) - corner ghost - ferrite ghost - grating ghosts - grating ghost - leading ghost - negative ghost - pearlite ghost - positive ghost - retrace ghost - spectral ghost
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  тлв. повторное изображение – negative ghost – positive ghost ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) блик блуждающий 2) ложный 3) побочный 4) пятнистая ликвация ghost spectral line — ложная спектральная линия - ghost effect - ghost image - ghost peak - ghost signal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  "тень" (1. опустевшая корпускула фага, сохранившая лишь поверхностную мембрану 2. опустевшая строма эритроцита после гемолиза) – cell ghost ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. привидение, призрак, дух the ghost of Hamlet's father —- тень отца Гамлета to raise a ghost —- вызвать призрак (дух) do you believe in ghosts? —- вы верите в духов (в привидения)? 2. душа, дух to give up the ghost —- уст. испустить дух, умереть 3. тень, легкий след, призрак the ghost of a smile —- чуть заметная улыбка ghosts of the past —- тени прошлого (минувшего) he is a mere ghost of his former self —- от него осталась одна тень not the ghost of a chance —- ни малейшего шанса 4. фактический автор, работающий на другое лицо, безымянный сценарист, кинодраматург, не упоминаемый во вступительных титрах кинофильма 5. физ. "дух", побочное изображение 6. тлв. (слабое) вторичное изображение (из-за отражения сигнала) Id: Holy G. —- святой дух Id: the ghost walks —- театр. сегодня платят (выдают) гроши Id: as white as a ghost —- бледный, как смерть 7. опт. побочный (об изображении) 8. являться, преследовать, бродить, как привидение 9. делать за другого работу (в области литературы или искусства) 10. писать для другого лица his memories have been very ably ghosted —- кто-то блестяще написал за него мемуары ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) привидение, призрак; дух  2) душа, дух to give up the ghost - испустить дух  3) тень, легкий след чего-л. ghosts of the past - тени прошлого not to have the ghost of a chance - не иметь ни малейшего шанса the ghost of a smile - чуть заметная улыбка  4) фактический автор, тайно работающий на другое лицо; писатель-невидимка Syn: apparition, phantom, shade, spectre, spirit, spook, wraith  2. v.  1) преследовать, бродить как привидение  2) делать за другого работу (в области литературы или искусства) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the supposed apparition of a dead person or animal; a disembodied spirit. 2 a shadow or mere semblance (not a ghost of a chance). 3 an emaciated or pale person. 4 a secondary or duplicated image produced by defective television reception or by a telescope. 5 archaic a spirit or soul. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by for) act as ghost-writer. 2 tr. act as ghost-writer of (a work). Phrases and idioms ghost town a deserted town with few or no remaining inhabitants. ghost-write v.tr. & intr. act as ghost-writer (of). ghost-writer a person who writes on behalf of the credited author of a work. Derivatives ghostlike adj. Etymology: OE gast f. WG: gh- occurs first in Caxton, prob. infl. by Flem. gheest ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English gost, gast, from Old English gast; akin to Old High German geist spirit, Sanskrit he?a anger  Date: before 12th century  1. the seat of life or intelligence ; soul give up the ~  2. a disembodied soul; especially the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness  3. spirit, demon  4.  a. a faint shadowy trace a ~ of a smile  b. the least bit not a ~ of a chance  5. a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused especially by reflection  6. one who ~writes  7. a red blood cell that has lost its hemoglobin  • ~like adjective  • ~y adjective  II. verb  Date: 1606  transitive verb  1. to haunt like a ~  2. ~write  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move silently like a ~  b. to sail quietly in light winds  2. ~write ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ghosts, ghosting, ghosted) 1. A ghost is the spirit of a dead person that someone believes they can see or feel. ...the ghost of Marie Antoinette... The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. The ghost of something, especially of something bad that has happened, is the memory of it. ...the ghost of anti-Americanism. N-COUNT: N of n 3. If there is a ghost of something, that thing is so faint or weak that it hardly exists. He gave the ghost of a smile... The sun was warm and there was just a ghost of a breeze from the north-west. N-SING: N of n 4. If a book or other piece of writing is ghosted, it is written by a writer for another person, for example a politician or sportsman, who then publishes it as his or her own work. I published his autobiography, which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail... I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph. = ghost-write VERB: be V-ed, V n 5. If someone does not stand or does not have a ghost of a chance of doing something, they have very little chance of succeeding in it. (INFORMAL) He doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance of selling the house. PHRASE: v PHR, with neg ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the spirit of a dead person that some people think they can feel or see in a place  (The ghosts of past landlords are said to haunt this pub. | ghost story)  (We used to scare each other by telling ghost stories at night.)  (- see also Holy Ghost) 2 the ghost of a smile/sound etc a smile etc that is so slight you are not sure it happened  (He had the ghost of a smile on his lips.) 3 a ghost writer 4 a second image that is not clear, especially on a television picture 5 give up the ghost humorous a) to die b) if a machine gives up the ghost, it does not work any more and cannot be repaired  (My car's finally given up the ghost - I'm selling it for scrap.) 6 not a ghost of a chance not even a slight chance of doing something, or of something happening  (There's not a ghost of a chance of finding the missing child now.) ~2 v to write something as a ghost writer ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  softw. abbr. General Hardware Oriented Software Transfer gen. comp. abbr. General Hardware Oriented System Transfer ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. gast "soul, spirit, life, breath," from PIE base *ghois-. The gh- spelling appeared c.1425, influenced by Flem. and M.Du. gheest. Original sense in Holy Ghost. Modern sense of "disembodied spirit of a dead person" is 14c. Sense of "slight suggestion" (in ghost image, ghost of a chance, etc.) is first recorded 1613; that of ghost writer is 1884. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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