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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - epic


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  1. эпическая поэма; эпопея national epic —- национальный эпос 2. героические, легендарные события; эпопея the defence of the city was a great epic —- оборона города вошла в историю 3. ам. фильм на историческую или библейскую тему; пышный постановочный фильм; киноэпопея ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) эпическая поэма  2) coll. многосерийный приключенческий фильм; приключенческий роман с продолжениями  2. adj. эпический ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a long poem narrating the adventures or deeds of one or more heroic or legendary figures, e.g. the Iliad, Paradise Lost. 2 an imaginative work of any form, embodying a nation's conception of its past history. 3 a book or film based on an epic narrative or heroic in type or scale. 4 a subject fit for recital in an epic. --adj. 1 of or like an epic. 2 grand, heroic. Derivatives epical adj. epically adv. Etymology: L epicus f. Gk epikos f. epos word, song ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Latin ~us, from Greek epikos, from epos word, speech, poem — more at voice  Date: 1589  1. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an ~ an ~ poem  2.  a. extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope his genius was ~ — Times Literary Supplement  b. heroic  • ~al adjective  • ~ally adverb  II. noun  Date: 1706  1. a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero the Iliad and the Odyssey are ~s  2. a work of art (as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an ~  3. a series of events or body of legend or tradition thought to form the proper subject of an ~ the winning of the West was a great American ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (epics) 1. An epic is a long book, poem, or film, whose story extends over a long period of time or tells of great events. ...the Middle High German epic, ‘Nibelungenlied’, written about 1200... At three hours and 21 minutes, it is an over-long, standard Hollywood epic. N-COUNT: usu supp N • Epic is also an adjective. ...epic narrative poems... Like ‘Gone With The Wind’ it’s an unashamed epic romance. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. Something that is epic is very large and impressive. ...Columbus’s epic voyage of discovery. ADJ: usu ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a book, poem, or film that tells a long story  (Universal Pictures' dinosaur epic "Jurassic Park") 2 a long poem that tells the story of what gods or important people did in ancient times  (Homer's epic "Iliad") ~2 adj 1 epic stories or poems are full of brave actions and events  (Phileas Fogg's epic journey around the world) 2 very big or impressive  (of epic proportions)  (They organized a banquet of epic proportions.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Electrical Pricing Information For Contractors transport. abbr. Electric Powered Interurban Commuter mil. abbr. Encapsulated Protection Inside Clothing ocean sc. abbr. Equatorial Pacific Interocean Circulation ocean sc. abbr. Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes ocean sc. abbr. East Pacific Investigation Of Climate funny abbr. Every Person Is Corny funny abbr. Expects Perfectly Intuitive Compilers gen. comp. abbr. Explicitly Parallel Instruction Cpu gen. comp. abbr. Enterprise Platform For Internet Computing gen. comp. abbr. Exclusively Parallel Instruction Computing gen. comp. abbr. Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing gen. comp. abbr. Executive Process Interactive Control network. abbr. Enhanced Programmable Ircii Client sec. abbr. Electronic Privacy Information Center educ. abbr. Educational Process Improvement Committee educ. abbr. Education Prevention Intervention And Counseling educ. abbr. Every Person Influences Children religion abbr. Eternally Planted In Christ gen. bus. abbr. Excellent Performance In Communications gen. bus. abbr. Electronic Plant Information Centre gen. bus. abbr. E Purchasing In Collaboration NASDAQ abbr. Epicor Software st. exc. abbr. Exchange Price Information Computer st. exc. abbr. Exchange Price Information Code firm name abbr. Expert Professional Interior Cleaning ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1589, from L. epicus, from Gk. epikos, from epos "word, story, poem." Extended sense of "grand, heroic" first recorded in Eng. 1731. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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