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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - current


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Перевод с английского языка current на русский

1) течение; поток 2) скорость потока или течения 3) (электрический) ток 4) вчт. текущая запись - current of realm - current of run-unit - current of set - absorption current - ac anode current - action current - active current - actuating current - admissible continuous current - air current - alongshore current - alternate current - anode current - arbitrary noise current - arc current - arc-back current - arcing ground fault current - armature current - ascending current - audio-frequency current - avalanche current - back current - back short circuit current - backward current - barogradient current - base current - beam current - bearing currents - beating current - beat current - biasing current - bias current - biphase current - bleeder current - blind current - blowing current - body current - bottom current - boundary current - braking current - branch current - breakaway starting current - breakdown current - break induced current - breaking current - bucking current - bulk current - bypass current - capacitance current - capacitive current - capacity current - carrier current - cathode current - channel current - charging current - circulating current - circumpolar current - collector current - complex sinusoidal current - complex current - conduction current - conjugate complex sinusoidal current - conjugate complex current - constant current - consumption current - continuous current - continuous traction current - control current - convection current - core-loss current - creeping current - critical current - cross current - crystal current - cutoff current - damped alternating current - damped current - dark current - deep-water current - deep current - delta currents - density current - descending current - design current - dielectric current - dielectric absorption current - diffusion current - direct current - direct-axis current - discharge current - discontinuous current - displacement current - downward current - drift current - drive current - drop-away current - earth current - earth fault current - eddy currents - effective current - electric current - electrode current - electrolysis current - electron current - electron-beam induced current - emission current - emitter current - equalizing current - equivalent input noise current - excess current - exchange current - excitation current - external current - extra current - extraction current - extraneous current - feedback current - field current - filament current - firing current - flood current - fluctuating current - focusing-coil current - focus current - fold back current - follow current - forced alternating current - forced current - foreign currents - forward current - Foucault currents - free alternating current - free current - full-load current - fusing current - galvanic current - gas current - gate current - gate nontrigger current - gate trigger current - gate turnoff current - generation-recombination current - gradient current - grib current - ground current - ground-return current - harmonic current - heat current - heater current - high-frequency current - high-level input current - high-level output current - holding current - hold current - hold-on current - hole current - idle current - image current - impressed current - incident current - induced current - initial current - injection current - inphase current - input current - input leakage current - input offset current - inrush current - inshore current - instantaneous current - instantaneous carrying current - insulation current - interference current - intermittent current - inverse current - ionic current - ion CURRENT - ionization current - ion production current - irradiation-saturation current - lagging current - latching current - leading current - leakage current - let-go current - light current - lightning current - linear current - line charging current - load current - locked-rotor current - loop current - loss current - low-level input current - low-level output current - magnetization current - majority-carrier current - majority current - make-and-brake current - make induced current - making current - maximum power current - minority-carrier current - minority current - motor inrush current - nearshore current - near-surface current - net current - neutral current - neutron current - neutron diffusion current - noise current - no-load current - nonsinusoidal current - nontrigger current - non-turn-off - offset current - offshore current - off-state current - on-state current - open-circuit current - operating current - output current - overload current - parasitic current - peak current - peak arc current - peak-point current - peak switching current - peak-to-peak current - peak withstand current - perception current - periodic current - persistent current - phase current - phase-fault current - phasor current - photo-electric current - photo current - photo-generated current - photo-induced current - pickup current - piezoelectric current - pinch current - plasma current - polarization current - polyphase current - postarc current - power current - power follow current - prebreakdown current - preconduction current - primary current - principal current - probe current - pull-in current - pulsating current - pulse current - pyroelectric current - quadrature-axis current - quiescent current - rated current - rated temperature-rise current - reactive current - read current - recombination current - rectified current - reflected current - regulated current - relative short-circuit current - release current - residual current - rest current - return current - reverse current - reverse-biased current - reverse-induced current - RF current - ringing current - rip current - ripple current - root-mean-square current - running current - rupturing current - saturated drain current - saturation current - saw-tooth current - secondary current - secondary-electron emission current - shaft currents - sheath current - shelf current - shield current - shock current - short-circuit current - short-noise current - short-time thermal current - short-time withstand current - sine-wave current - single-phase current - sinusoidal current - slope current - sneak current - spindle-motor current - split current - stalled-motor current - standby current - standing current - star currents - starter current - steady leakage current - steady-state current - steady surface current - steady volume current - stray current - stroke current - subsurface current - subsynchronous frequency current - subsynchronous current - subtransient armature current - superconduction current - superimposed current - supply current - surface current - surface-leakage current - surge current - suspension current - sustained current - sustaining current - switched current - switching current - symmetrical alternate current - synchronizing current - telluric current - test current - thermal current - thermal noise current - thermionic current - thermostimulated current - three-phase current - threshold current - through current - tidal current - tolerance current - traction current - traffic current - transfer current - transient current - transient-decay current - transmission-line current - trigger current - turbidity current - turnoff cURRENT - turn-on current - two-phase current - undulating current - unidirectional current - unsymmetrical currents - upward current - valley point current - variable current - vector current - virtual current - voice-frequency current - voltaic current - wattful current - wattless current - welding current - whirling currents - wind current - withdrawal current - working current - work current - Zener current - zero-sequence current
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  поток, течение ток air current convective current electric current flood current fusing current heat current starting current ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  электроток, электрический ток – alternating current – balanced current – bias current – breaking current – carrier current – charging current – continuous current – control current – cutoff current – dark current – deflecting current – direct current – discharging current – drain current – erasing current – estimated load current – exchange current – extraneous current – filament current – focusing current – holding current – influencing current – line current – line sweep current – loading current – low-frequency current – magnetizing current – making current – nonsinusoidal current – optimal current – peak current – periodical current – phase current – positive current – push-pull current – radio-frequency current – recording current – ringing current – root-mean-square current – saturation current – sawtooth current – sinusoidal current – source current – spacing current – standard current – stray current – supply current – switching current – symistor control current – threshold current – total current – transmission line current – triggering current – typical current – unbalanced current – unidirectional current – uninterruptible current – video current – write current ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) течение, поток, струя 2) водоток 3) (электрический) ток токовый 4) электр. сила тока 5) настоящий, данный, текущий current enters node — ток направлен к узлу current divides — ток ответвляется current leaves node — ток направлен от узла current with compact support — поток с компактным носителем set of current — направление течения to cause current to flow — вызывать ток - Caribbean Current - Kuroshio current - Oudin current - adjoint current - antenna current - black current - carrying current - closed current - coclosed current - conduction current - constant current - consumption current - control current - current of air - decaying current - drop-out current - dynode current - emission current - erasing current - exciting current - external current - extraneous current - fault current - fault-to-earth current - feed current - full-select current - gas current - grid current - half-select current - induce current - inhibit current - input current - integral current - klystron catcher current - large-scale air current - large-scale current - latching current - leakage current - let-go current - line current - loss current - magnetizing current - marking current - minimal current - noise current - normal current - operate current - oscillating current - partial-select current - penetration of current - photocathode current - plate current - preionization current - pure current - random current - rated current - read current - recombination current - rectifiable current - rectified current - rectify current - regular current - residual current - roaming current - sea current - secondary current - selection current - self-inductance current - space-charge current - space-charge limited current - speaking current - spurious current - starting current - steady volume current - stream current - strong current - sweep current - thermal agitation...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) находящийся в обращении 2) текущий; современный • - account current - at current prices - current account balance - current account surplus - current account - current agreements to conditions of work - current assets - current average - current backlog - current balance - current business groups - current capital - current cash flow - current check - current coin - current cost - current costs - current data - current deficit - current demands - current developments - current dollars - current estimate - current expenditures - current expenses - current income - current information - current interest - current issue - current legislation - current liabilities - current maintenance - current market price - current month - current news - current operating expenses - current opinion - current output - current payments - current population report - current position - current price - current prices - current production - current ratio - current record - current regulation - current situation - current state - current surplus - current task - current taxation - current term - current year - current yield - deposit to a current account ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  ток – action current – ascending current – blood current – brain action currents – demarcation current – descending current – injury current – inward current – ion current – membrane current – outward current – steady-state current ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. течение, поток great ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream —- сильные океанские течения, например Гольфстрим against the current —- против течения to beast the current —- идти против течения to go with the current —- плыть по течению 2. струя, тяга воздуха a violent current of air —- сильная струя воздуха 3. ам. гидр. приливное или неприливное течение; поток 4. течение, ход the current of events —- ход событий current of time —- течение времени current of thought —- направление мысли 5. эл. электрический ток alternative current —- переменный ток 6. текущий; нынешний; современный current month —- текущий месяц current events —- текущие события current news —- последние известия, текущие события; хроника (отдел газеты) current situation —- современное положение; текущий момент current fashions —- современные фасоны; последняя мода the current issue of a magazine —- последний номер журнала current expenses —- текущие расходы current price —- существующая цена current rate —- бирж. курс дня current dollar —- фин. доллар с покупательной силой на данный момент 7. циркулирующий; находящийся в обращении, ходячий current coin —- ходячая монета current options —- общепризнанное мнение the word is in current use —- это слово общеупотребительно long ago it was a current belief that the earth was flat —- в стародавние времена было принято думать, что...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  coin ходячая монета; fig. общераспространенное мнение CURRENT liabilities краткосрочные обязательства CURRENT  1. noun  1) струя; поток  2) течение; ход (событий и т.п.)  3) electr. ток  4) hydr. течение, поток - against the current - breast the current  2. adj.  1) ходячий; находящийся в обращении - current coin - go current - pass current - run current  2) текущий, теперешний; современный current week, current month, etc. - текущая неделя, текущий месяц и т.д. current issue - текущий номер (журнала) - of current interest Syn: see modern ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 belonging to the present time; happening now (current events; the current week). 2 (of money, opinion, a rumour, a word, etc.) in general circulation or use. --n. 1 a body of water, air, etc., moving in a definite direction, esp. through a stiller surrounding body. 2 a an ordered movement of electrically charged particles. b a quantity representing the intensity of such movement. 3 (usu. foll. by of) a general tendency or course (of events, opinions, etc.). Phrases and idioms current account a bank account from which money may be drawn without notice. pass current be generally accepted as true or genuine. Derivatives currentness n. Etymology: ME f. OF corant f. L currere run ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English curraunt, from Anglo-French corant, present participle of cure, courre to run, from Latin currere — more at car  Date: 14th century  1.  a. archaic running, flowing  b.  (1) presently elapsing the ~ year  (2) occurring in or existing at the present time the ~ crisis  (3) most recent the magazine's ~ issue  2. used as a medium of exchange  3. generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment ~ fashions  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the part of a fluid body (as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction  b. the swiftest part of a stream  c. a tidal or nontidal movement of lake or ocean water  d. flow marked by force or strength  2.  a. a tendency or course of events that is usually the result of an interplay of forces ~s of public opinion  b. a prevailing mood ; strain  3. a flow of electric charge; also the rate of such flow  Synonyms: see tendency ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (currents) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A current is a steady and continuous flowing movement of some of the water in a river, lake, or sea. Under normal conditions, the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west... The couple were swept away by the strong current. N-COUNT 2. A current is a steady flowing movement of air. I felt a current of cool air blowing in my face. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. An electric current is a flow of electricity through a wire or circuit. A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite. N-COUNT 4. A particular current is a particular feeling, idea, or quality that exists within a group of people. Each party represents a distinct current of thought... N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 5. Current means happening, being used, or being done at the present time. The current situation is very different to that in 1990... He plans to repeal a number of current policies... ADJ: usu ADJ n • currently Twelve potential vaccines are currently being tested on human volunteers... ADV: ADV before v 6. Ideas and customs that are current are generally accepted and used by most people. Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build up of cellulite... ADJ 7. see also alternating current, direct current ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj only before noun happening or existing now but not expected to last for a long time  (her current boyfriend) - currently adv  (Sir Ranulph is currently occupied writing a book about his Antarctic expedition.) ~2 n 1 a continuous movement of water in a particular direction in the sea or in a river  (The current was very strong.) 2 a flow of electricity through a wire ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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