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Английский словарь американских идиом - window


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  ~ n 1 an opening in the wall of a building, car etc that lets in light and air, and is usually covered with glass  (Do you mind if I open the window? | looking at the Christmas displays in the shop windows) 2 one of the separate areas on a computer screen where different processes or programs are operating 3 a short period of time that is available for a particular activity 4 go out (of) the window informal to disappear completely or no longer have any effect  (One glass of wine, and all my good intentions went out the window.) 5 window of opportunity a lucky opportunity to do something that you will not always be able to do ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (windows) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A window is a space in the wall of a building or in the side of a vehicle, which has glass in it so that light can come in and you can see out. He stood at the window, moodily staring out... The room felt very hot and she wondered why someone did not open a window... ...my car window. N-COUNT 2. A window is a large piece of glass along the front of a shop, behind which some of the goods that the shop sells are displayed. I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window. N-COUNT 3. A window is a glass-covered opening above a counter, for example in a bank, post office, railway station, or museum, which the person serving you sits behind. The woman at the ticket window told me that the admission fee was $17.50. N-COUNT 4. On a computer screen, a window is one of the work areas that the screen can be divided into. (COMPUTING) N-COUNT 5. If you have a window in your diary for something, or if you can make a window for it, you are free at a particular time and can do it then. Tell her I’ve got a window in my diary later on this week. N-COUNT: usu sing 6. see also French window, picture window, rose window 7. If you say that something such as a plan or a particular way of thinking or behaving has gone out of the window or has flown out of the window, you mean that it has disappeared completely. By now all logic had gone out of the window... PHRASE: V inflects 8. If you say that there is a window of opportunity for something, you mean that there is an opportunity to do something but that this opportunity will only last for a short time and so it needs to be taken advantage of quickly. (JOURNALISM) The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace. PHRASE: window inflects, oft PHR for n, PHR to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old Norse vindauga, from vindr wind (akin to Old English wind) + auga eye; akin to Old English eage eye — more at eye  Date: 13th century  1.  a. an opening especially in the wall of a building for admission of light and air that is usually closed by casements or sashes containing transparent material (as glass) and capable of being opened and shut  b. ~pane  c. a space behind a ~ of a retail store containing displayed merchandise  d. an opening in a partition or wall through which business is conducted a bank teller's ~  2. a means of entrance or access; especially a means of obtaining information a ~ on history  3. an opening (as a shutter, slot, or valve) that resembles or suggests a ~  4. the transparent panel or opening of a ~ envelope  5. the framework (as a shutter or sash with its fittings) that closes a ~ opening  6. chaff 4  7. a range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum to which a planet's atmosphere is transparent  8.  a. an interval of time within which a rocket or spacecraft must be launched to accomplish a particular mission  b. an interval of time during which certain conditions or an opportunity exists a ~ of vulnerability  9. an area at the limits of the earth's sensible atmosphere through which a spacecraft must pass for successful reentry  10. any of various rectangular boxes appearing on a computer screen that display files or program output, that can usually be moved and resized, and that facilitate multitasking  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a an opening in a wall, roof, or vehicle etc., usu. with glass in fixed, sliding, or hinged frames, to admit light or air etc. and allow the occupants to see out. b the glass filling this opening (have broken the window). 2 a space for display behind the front window of a shop. 3 an aperture in a wall etc. through which customers are served in a bank, ticket office, etc. 4 an opportunity to observe or learn. 5 an opening or transparent part in an envelope to show an address. 6 a part of a VDU display selected to show a particular category or part of the data. 7 a an interval during which atmospheric and astronomical circumstances are suitable for the launch of a spacecraft. b any interval or opportunity for action. 8 strips of metal foil dispersed in the air to obstruct radar detection. 9 a range of electromagnetic wavelengths for which a medium is transparent. Phrases and idioms out of the window colloq. no longer taken into account. window-box a box placed on an outside window-sill for growing flowers. window-cleaner a person who is employed to clean windows. window-dressing 1 the art of arranging a display in a shop-window etc. 2 an adroit presentation of facts etc. to give a deceptively favourable impression. window-ledge = window-sill. window-pane a pane of glass in a window. window-seat 1 a seat below a window, esp. in a bay or alcove. 2 a seat next to a window in an aircraft, train, etc. window-shop (-shopped, -shopping) look at goods displayed in shop-windows, usu. without buying anything. window-shopper a person who window-shops. window-sill a sill below a window. window tax Brit. hist. a tax on windows or similar openings (abolished in 1851). Derivatives windowed adj. (also in comb.). windowless adj. Etymology: ME f. ON vindauga (as WIND(1), EYE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) окно; оконный блок 2) окно, отверстие 3) диафрагма 4) промежуток; интервал 5) окно прозрачности (атмосферы) 6) финитная взвешивающая функция 7) рлк дипольный отражатель 8) селекторный [стробирующий] импульс, строб-импульс 9) объём буферной памяти для передачи данных to cut (mill) a window in the casing (string) — прорезать окно в обсадной колонне - atmospheric transparence window - atmospheric window - awning window - back window - bay window - bisected capacitive window - blackout window - blank blind window - blank window - bow window - Brewster-angle window - Brewster window - capacitive window - casement window - classroom window - coaxial window - cockpit windows - command window - compass window - contact window - continuous window - correction window - coupling window - dead window - desirable launch window - diffusion window - display window - door window - dormer window - double window - double-casement window - double-glazed window - double-hung sash window - double-hung window - drop window - dual-pane window - eyebrow windows - false window - film exposure window - filter window - fire window - fixed window - folding window - forward-viewing window - frequency window - graphics window - graphic window - Hamming window - hopper window - hospital window - hung window - inductive window - inspection window - ionospheric window - jut window - kerb window - louver window - low-loss transmission window - message window - metal window - mica window - mini-vent window - multiple-casement window - optical window - oriel window - oxide window - partial window - phase window - power window - pressuring window - quartz window - radio window - receive window - reentry window - rendezvous window - ribbon window - sampling window - sash window - screen window - send window - shielding window - side-viewing...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  окно aluminum window arched window attic window awning window back window basement window bay window blank window blind window bottom hinged window bow window cant-bay window casement window cellar window clearstory window combination window compass window dead window door window dormer window double window double casement window double-hung window drop window extract window false window fan window fire brigade access window flanking window floor-to-ceiling window flower window French window full-height window gable window gemel window gliding window horizontal sliding window hung-sash window in-swinging window interior glazed window jut window lancet window louver window nook window oriel window reversible window ribbon window room-heigh window rose window sash window shop window show window single casement window single-hung window single-light window sliding window stained glass window storm window top hung window utility window vertically pivoted window vertical sliding window walk-on window wheel window ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) окно, отверстие 2) диафрагма 3) интервал 4) финитная взвешивающая функция 5) селекторный импульс, строб-импульс 6) кадр – coaxial window – collision window – correction window – dirty window – display window – first window – frequency window – inductive window – minimum-dispersion window – minimum-loss window – optical window – radio window – resonant window – second window – sliding window – sync window – third window – transmission window – waveguide window – zero-dispersion window ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) тех. ленты для дезориентации металлизованные 2) наоконный 3) окно 4) окошко 5) отверстие 6) тех. помехи дипольные 7) проем 8) чафф window cross casement — оконный переплет - correlation window - detector window - end window - exhaust window - folding window - lag window - message window - observation window - output window - projector window - sliding window - spectral window - window apron - window bar - window carpentry - window casing - window closing - window comparator - window flaring - window frame - window function - window glass - window hinge - window lintel - window opening - window pick-up - window post ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. окно two window building - дом с двумя окнами 2) торг. See: shop window The decorated window is typical of all the shops in all the historic buildings. - Украшенная витрина является типичной для всех магазинов во всех исторических зданиях. See: window dressing 1) window banner 3) окно* а)банк. (часы, в которые могут быть осуществлены банковские переводы и проведен клиринг) б) бирж. (отдел брокерской фирмы, проводящий расчеты по сделкам с ценным бумагам) WINDOW сущ. витрина - gold window - drive-in teller's window - put smth. in the window - teller's window - window dressing WINDOW сущ. 1) общ. окно 2) торг. ="shop window See: window dressing, "window banner 3) окно* а) фин. =window of opportunity б) банк. (часы, в которые могут быть осуществлены банковские переводы и проведен клиринг) See: clearing в) эк., банк. =discount window г) бирж. (отдел брокерской фирмы, проводящий расчеты по сделкам с ценным бумагам) See: brokerage firm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – acoustic window – oval window – round window – sound window ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. окно, окошко window recess —- оконная ниша window shutters —- ставни 2. оконный переплет (также window cross) 3. витрина to put smth. in the window —- выставить напоказ articles shown in the window —- товары, выставленные в витрине 4. отверстие the windows of heaven opened —- возв. разверзлись хляби небесные 5. анат. отверстие в перепонке 6. прозрачный прямоугольник на конверте 7. pl. глаза, очи those windows of mine (Shakespeare) —- глаза мои 8. ам. полит. пробел window of vulnerability —- "окно уязвимости" (в обороне) 9. pl. сл. очки 10. иллюминатор 11. люк 12. просвет в облаках 13. "окно", удобное время (пуска ракеты, полета, бурения и т. п.) 14. pl. эл. дипольные отражатели Id: out the window —- ам. сл. утраченный, пропавший (о вещи); разбитый (о семье, жизни); ходкий (о товаре) 15. редк. прорубать или вставлять окно ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  gardening noun комнатное цветоводство WINDOW raiser noun (авто)стеклоподъёмник WINDOW frame noun оконная рама WINDOW envelope noun конверт с прямоугольником из прозрачной бумаги (через который виден адрес, напечатанный на письме) WINDOW seat noun сидение у окна (в самолете, поезде) WINDOW noun  1) окно  2) attr. оконный to have all ones goods in the (front) window -  а) выставлять все напоказ;  б) быть поверхностным человеком WINDOW bar noun оконная задвижка WINDOW box noun наружный ящик для растений WINDOW dresser noun  1) оформитель витрин  2) очковтиратель ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 12c., from O.N. vindauga, from viondr "wind" + auga "eye." Replaced O.E. eagюyrl, lit. "eye-hole," and eagduru, lit. "eye-door." Originally an unglazed hole in a roof, most Gmc. languages adopted a version of L. fenestra to describe the glass version, and Eng. used fenester as a parallel word till mid-16c. Figurative meaning "time period when something may be accomplished" first recorded 1967. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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