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Английский словарь американских идиом - trail


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  physiol. abbr. TNF- Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand st. & loc. abbr. Texas Records And Information Locator Service educ. abbr. Tertiary Reusable Atom Instantiated For Learning educ. abbr. Teaching Resources And Individual Leadership ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v 1 T always + adv/prep if something trails behind you, or if you trail it behind you, it gets pulled behind you as you move along + across/in/through  (She walked slowly along the path, her skirt trailing in the mud. | trail sth in/on/through)  (Rees was leaning out of the boat trailing his hand through the water.) 2 also trail along to walk slowly, especially because you are tired or bored, and often following other people + behind/around  (Susie trailed along behind her parents.) 3 T usually in progressive) to be losing in a game, competition, or election  (The Democrats are still trailing in the latest poll. | trail (sb) by)  (At the end of the first half Bolton were trailing by two goals to nil.) 4 to follow a person or animal by looking for signs that they have gone in a particular direction  (Police trailed the gang for several days.)  (- see also trailer) trail away/off phr v if someone's voice trails away or off, it becomes gradually quieter and then stops  (She trailed off, silenced by the look Kris gave her.) ~2 n 1 be on sb's trail to be finding out where someone has gone in order to find or catch them  (Police believe they are on the trail of a dangerous killer. | be hard/hot on sb's trail (=be close to finding someone you are trying to catch)) 2 while the trail is still hot if you chase someone while the trail is still hot, you follow them soon after they have left 3 the track or smell of a person or animal by which it can be hunted or followed  (The hunters lost the tiger's trail in the middle of the jungle.) 4 a rough path across open country or through a forest  (The trail led over Boulder Pass before descending to a lake.) 5 trail of blood/dust etc a line or series of marks left by someone or something that is moving  (They left a trail of muddy footprints on the living room carpet. | trail of destruction (=damage left by a moving storm or army)) 6 a trail of broken hearts/unpaid bills etc humorous a series of unhappy people or bad situations all caused by the same person  (He left a trail of broken...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (trails, trailing, trailed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A trail is a rough path across open country or through forests. He was following a broad trail through the trees. = track N-COUNT 2. A trail is a route along a series of paths or roads, often one that has been planned and marked out for a particular purpose. ...a large area of woodland with hiking and walking trails. N-COUNT 3. A trail is a series of marks or other signs of movement or other activities left by someone or something. Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice... N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 4. If you trail someone or something, you follow them secretly, often by finding the marks or signs that they have left. Two detectives were trailing him... I trailed her to a shop in Kensington. = follow VERB: V n, V n prep/adv 5. You can refer to all the places that a politician visits in the period before an election as their campaign trail. During a recent speech on the campaign trail, he was interrupted by hecklers. N-COUNT: n N 6. If you trail something or it trails, it hangs down loosely behind you as you move along. She came down the stairs slowly, trailing the coat behind her... He let his fingers trail in the water. VERB: V n, V prep 7. If someone trails somewhere, they move there slowly, without any energy or enthusiasm, often following someone else. He trailed through the wet Manhattan streets... VERB: V adv/prep 8. If a person or team in a sports match or other contest is trailing, they have a lower score than their opponents. He scored again, leaving Dartford trailing 3-0 at the break... The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the Government by 17 per cent. VERB: usu cont, V amount, V behind n 9. If you are on the trail of a person or thing, you are trying hard to find them or find out about them. The police were hot on his trail... PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 10. to blaze a trail: see blaze see also nature trail, paper...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, perhaps from Anglo-French *~er, alteration of trainer to drag, ~ on the ground — more at train  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to hang down so as to drag along or sweep the ground  b. to extend over a surface in a loose or straggling manner a vine that ~s over the ground  c. to grow to such length as to droop over toward the ground ~ing branches of a weeping birch  2.  a. to walk or proceed draggingly, heavily, or wearily ; plod, trudge  b. to lag behind ; do poorly in relation to others  3. to move, flow, or extend slowly in thin streams smoke ~ing from chimneys  4.  a. to extend in an erratic or uneven course or line ; straggle  b. dwindle her voice ~ing off  5. to follow a ~ ; track game  transitive verb  1.  a. to draw or drag loosely along a surface ; allow to sweep the ground  b. haul, tow  2.  a. to drag (as a limb or the body) heavily or wearily  b. to carry or bring along as an addition, burden, or encumbrance  c. to draw along in one's wake  3.  a. to follow upon the scent or trace of ; track  b. to follow in the footsteps of ; pursue  c. to follow along behind  d. to lag behind (as a competitor)  Synonyms: see chase  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. something that ~s or is ~ed: as  a. a ~ing plant  b. the train of a gown  c. a ~ing arrangement (as of flowers) ; spray  d. the part of a gun carriage that rests on the ground when the piece is unlimbered  2.  a. something that follows or moves along as if being drawn along ; train a ~ of admirers  b.  (1) the streak produced by a meteor  (2) a continuous line produced photographically by permitting the image of a celestial body (as a star) to move over the plate  c. a chain of consequences ; aftermath the…movement left a ~ of bitterness and prejudice behind it — Paul Blanshard  3.  a. a trace or mark left by something that has passed or been drawn along ; scent, track a ~ of blood  b.  (1) a track made by passage especially through a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a track left by a thing, person, etc., moving over a surface (left a trail of wreckage; a slug's slimy trail). b a track or scent followed in hunting, seeking, etc. (he's on the trail). 2 a beaten path or track, esp. through a wild region. 3 a part dragging behind a thing or person; an appendage (a trail of smoke; a condensation trail). 4 the rear end of a gun-carriage stock. --v. 1 tr. & intr. draw or be drawn along behind, esp. on the ground. 2 intr. (often foll. by behind) walk wearily; lag; straggle. 3 tr. follow the trail of; pursue (trailed him to his home). 4 intr. be losing in a game or other contest (trailing by three points). 5 intr. (usu. foll. by away, off) peter out; tail off. 6 intr. a (of a plant etc.) grow or hang over a wall, along the ground etc. b (of a garment etc.) hang loosely. 7 tr. (often refl.) drag (oneself, one's limbs, etc.) along wearily etc. 8 tr. advertise (a film, a radio or television programme, etc.) in advance by showing extracts etc. 9 tr. apply (slip) through a nozzle or spout to decorate ceramic ware. Phrases and idioms at the trail Mil. with arms trailed. trail arms Mil. let a rifle etc. hang balanced in one hand and, Brit., parallel to the ground. trail bike a light motor cycle for use in rough terrain. trail-blazer 1 a person who marks a new track through wild country. 2 a pioneer; an innovator. trail-blazing n. the act or process of blazing a trail. --attrib.adj. that blazes a trail; pioneering. trail one's coat deliberately provoke a quarrel, fight, etc. trailing edge 1 the rear edge of an aircraft's wing etc. 2 Electronics the part of a pulse in which the amplitude diminishes (opp. leading edge (see LEADING(1))). trailing wheel a wheel not given direct motive power. trail-net a drag-net. Etymology: ME (earlier as verb) f. OF traillier to tow, or f. MLG treilen haul f. L tragula drag-net ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) след следить; прослеживать 2) мор. путь прокладывать путь 3) траловая сеть 4) авто снос реакции 5) запаздывание; отставание запаздывать; отставать - aircraft trail - audit trail - condensation trail - dislocation trail - exhaust trail - frozen trail - log trail - meteor trail - pneumatic trail - pulse trail - star trail - vortex trail ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) след 2) срез – circuit layer trail – color trail – defocused trail – enhanced star trail – frozen trail – glitter-star trail – pulse trail – star trail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) дорожка 2) отставание 3) след 4) тащиться 5) хвост trail end of train — хвост поезда - independent trail - vortex trail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) след; идти по следу 2) стелющийся побег; стелиться (о растении) 3) тропа – olfactory trail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. след, хвост a trail of blood —- кровавый след the trail of a meteor —- след метеора a trail of light —- полоса света a trail of fire —- огненный след vapour (condensation) trail —- инверсионный (конденсационный) след trails of mud on a carpet —- полосы грязи на ковре the engine left a trail of smoke behind it —- машина оставила после себя облако дыма 2. трен, шлейф (платья и т. п.) a trail of clouds —- шлейф облаков 3. свита a trail of admirers —- свита почитателей 4. последствия to leave ruins in one's trail —- оставлять после себя одни развалины 5. след (человека или животного); запах (человека или животного) false trail —- ложный след (также перен.) in trail —- ам. гуськом, след в след; друг за другом, в один ряд planes flying in trail —- самолеты, летящие друг за другом a trail of blood from the house to the barn —- кровавая дорожка (-ый след) от дома до амбара hot on the trail —- по горячему следу to be on the trail of smb. —- напасть на чей-л. след to foul the trail —- запутывать следы to get on (to hit) the trail —- напасть на след to pick up the trail —- взять след to get off (to lose) the trail —- потерять след, сбиться со следа to throw smb. off the trail —- сбить кого-л. со следа to follow the trail —- идти по следу, выслеживать 6. тропа, тропинка mountain trail —- горная тропа blazed trail —- ам. проторенная дорожка (-ый путь) to blaze the trail —- прокладывать путь в лесу, делая...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out продлевать, затягивать TRAIL over свисать, свешиваться (о волосах, нитях и т.п.) TRAIL off  а) умолкать; замирать (о звуке);  б) сходить на нет TRAIL  1. noun  1) след, хвост; the car left a trail of dust - машина оставила позади себя столб пыли  2) след (человека, животного) - be on the trail of - foul the trail - get on the trail - get off the trail  3) тропа  4) bot. стелющийся побег  5) mil. хобот лафета  6) mil. положение наперевес (оружия, снаряжения)  7) aeron. линейное отставание бомбы  2. v.  1) тащить(ся), волочить(ся)  2) отставать, идти сзади; плестись  3) идти по следу; выслеживать  4) протоптать (тропинку)  5) прокладывать путь  6) свисать (о волосах)  7) трелевать (бревна)  8) стелиться (о растениях)  9) тянуться сзади (чего-л.); a cloud of dust trailed behind the car - машина оставляла позади себя облако пыли - trail off - trail out - trail over to trail ones coat - держаться вызывающе, лезть в драку Syn: see follow ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1303, "to drag along behind," from O.Fr. trailler "to tow," from V.L. *tragulare "to drag," from L. tragula "dragnet," probably related to trahere "to pull." The meaning "follow the trail of" is first recorded 1590. The noun meaning "track or smell left by a person or animal" is also from 1590. Trailer "vehicle pulled by another" is from 1890, originally a small carriage drawn along by a bicycle. Meaning "preview of a coming movie" first attested 1928. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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