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Английский словарь американских идиом - trade


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  mil. abbr. Training Devices and Equipment softw. abbr. Toolkit For Requirements And Design Engineering ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BUYING/SELLING« the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries  (There has been a marked increase in trade between East and West. | the arms trade (=the buying and selling of weapons))  (- see also balance of trade, free trade, slave trade) 2 the hotel/banking/tourist etc trade the business done by banks, hotels etc  (My husband worked in the jewellery trade all his life.) 3 »AMOUNT OF BUSINESS« business activity, especially the amount of goods or products that are sold  (A lot of pubs nowadays do most of their trade at lunchtimes.)  (- see also do a roaring trade roaring (3)) 4 »JOB/WORK« a particular job, especially one needing special skill with your hands  (In those days people would leave school at fourteen to learn a trade. | be sth by trade (=be trained to do a particular job))  (My grandfather was a plumber by trade. | tools of your trade (=the things that you need to do your job))  (- see job) 5 the trade a particular kind of business, and the people who are involved in it  (I could get Ron to look at your car for you; he works in the trade.) 6 passing trade people who go into a shop, restaurant etc because they see it, but are not regular customers  (Souvenir shops rely mainly on passing trade.)  (- see also stock­in­trade, jack­of­all­trades, tricks of the trade trick1 (5)) ~2 v 1 to buy and sell goods, services etc  (Britain built up her wealth by trading with other countries.) + in  (These companies trade mainly in furs and animal skins.) trade sth  (Salesmen traded the new products all over the country. | trading partner (=a country that buys your goods and sells their goods toyou)) 2 to exist and operate as a business  (The firm now trades under the name Lanski and Weber. | cease trading (=stop being a business)) 3 T usually passive technical to buy or sell something on the stock exchange  (Over a million shares were traded during the day.) 4 trade insults/blows etc informal to insult or hit each other during an argument or fight 5 ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (trades, trading, traded) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Trade is the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services between people, firms, or countries. The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade. ...negotiations on a new international trade agreement... Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 2. When people, firms, or countries trade, they buy, sell, or exchange goods or services between themselves. They may refuse to trade, even when offered attractive prices... They had years of experience of trading with the West... He has been trading in antique furniture for 25 years. VERB: V, V with n, V in n • trading Trading on the stock exchange may be suspended... N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 3. A trade is a particular area of business or industry. They’ve completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years. ...the arms trade. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. Someone’s trade is the kind of work that they do, especially when they have been trained to do it over a period of time. He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea... Allyn was a jeweller by trade... N-COUNT: oft poss N, also by N 5. If someone trades one thing for another or if two people trade things, they agree to exchange one thing for the other thing. (mainly AM) They traded land for goods and money... Kids used to trade baseball cards... They suspected that Neville had traded secret information with Mr Foster. V-RECIP: V n for n (non-recip), pl-n V n, V n with n • Trade is also a noun. (in BRIT, use exchange) I am willing to make a trade with you... N-COUNT 6. If you trade places with someone or if the two of you trade places, you move into the other person’s position or situation, and they move into yours. (mainly AM) Mike asked George to trade places with him so he could ride with Tod... The receiver and the quarterback are going to trade positions. = exchange V-RECIP: V n with n, pl-n...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Low German; akin to Old High German trata track, course, Old English tredan to tread  Date: 14th century  1.  a. obsolete a path traversed ; way  b. archaic a track or trail left by a person or animal ; tread 1  2. a customary course of action ; practice thy sin's not accidental, but a ~ — Shakespeare  3.  a. the business or work in which one engages regularly ; occupation  b. an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill ; craft  c. the persons engaged in an occupation, business, or industry  4.  a. obsolete dealings between persons or groups  b.  (1) the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities ; commerce  (2) business, market novelties for the tourist ~ did a good ~ in small appliances  5.  a. an act or instance of trading ; transaction; also an exchange of property usually without use of money  b. a firm's customers ; clientele  c. the group of firms engaged in a business or industry  6. ~ wind — usually used in plural  7. a publication intended for persons in the entertainment business — usually used in plural  Synonyms: see business  II. verb  (~d; trading)  Date: 1553  intransitive verb  1. obsolete to have dealings ; negotiate  2.  a. to engage in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods  b. to make one's purchases ; shop ~s at his store  3. to give one thing in exchange for another  4. sell 3  transitive verb  1. archaic to do business with  2.  a. to give in exchange for another commodity ; barter; also to make an exchange of ~d places  b. to engage in frequent buying and selling of (as stocks or commodities) usually in search of quick profits  • tradable also ~able adjective  III. adjective  Date: 1633  1. of, relating to, or used in ~  2.  a. intended for or limited to persons in a business or industry a ~ publication ~ sales  b. serving others in the same business rather than the ultimate user or consumer a ~ printing house  3. (also ~s) of, composed of, or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a buying and selling. b buying and selling conducted between nations etc. c business conducted for profit (esp. as distinct from a profession) (a butcher by trade). d business of a specified nature or time (Christmas trade; tourist trade). 2 a skilled handicraft esp. requiring an apprenticeship (learnt a trade; his trade is plumbing). 3 (usu. prec. by the) a the people engaged in a specific trade (the trade will never agree to it; trade enquiries only). b Brit. colloq. licensed victuallers. c colloq. the submarine service. 4 US a transaction, esp. a swap. 5 (usu. in pl.) a trade wind. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by in, with) engage in trade; buy and sell (trades in plastic novelties; we trade with Japan). 2 tr. a exchange in commerce; barter (goods). b exchange (insults, blows, etc.). 3 intr. (usu. foll. by with, for) have a transaction with a person for a thing. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by to) carry goods to a place. Phrases and idioms be in trade esp. derog. be in commerce, esp. keep a shop. foreign trade international trade. Trade Board Brit. hist. a statutory body for settling disputes etc. in certain industries. trade book a book published by a commercial publisher and intended for general readership. trade cycle Brit. recurring periods of boom and recession. trade gap the extent by which a country's imports exceed its exports. trade in (often foll. by for) exchange (esp. a used car etc.) in esp. part payment for another. trade-in n. a thing, esp. a car, exchanged in this way. trade journal a periodical containing news etc. concerning a particular trade. trade-last US a compliment from a third person which is reported to the person complimented in exchange for one to the reporter. trade mark 1 a device, word, or words, secured by legal registration or established by use as representing a company, product, etc. 2 a distinctive characteristic etc. trade name 1 a name by which a thing is called in a trade. 2 a name given to a product. 3 a name under which a business trades. trade off exchange, esp. as a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) торговля 2) производство; промышленность 3) метео пассат - knitting trade - needle trade - printing trade - publishing trade ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  ремесло, профессия вид строительных работ (каменные, малярные и т. п.) allied building trades relative building trades ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дело 2) промысел 3) торговля 4) торговый 5) фабричный counter trade wind — метео антипассат - coastwise trade - trade balance - trade places - trade union TRADE BALANCE торговый баланс ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. занятие, ремесло, профессия a jeweller by trade — ювелир по профессии allied trade — смежная родственная профессия специальность Syn: profession, occupation, craft 2) эк. торговля, коммерческая деятельность to promote trade — способствовать развитию торговли to carry on, conduct, engage in trade — вести торговлю, торговать to conduct trade with many countries — вести торговлю со многими странами to restrain trade — ограничивать торговлю to restrict trade — запрещать торговлю to hamper trade — затруднять торговлю to impede trade — препятствовать торговле to promote trade — содействовать развитию торговли, поощрять развитие торговли revive trade — возобновлять торговлю restraint of on trade — ограничение торговли decrease in trade — сокращение в торговле foreign trade — внешняя торговля free trade — свободная торговля home trade — внутренняя торговля international trade — международная торговля retail trade — розничная торговля Syn: "commerce, "market, "marketing See: "trade advertising "domestic trade "export trade "fair trade "illicit trade "slave trade "wholesale trade 3) эк. отрасль торговли, отрасль производства; отрасль промышленности; промышленность the building the furniture trade — строительная мебельная промышленность the publishing printing trade — издательское типографское дело the wine trade — виноделие 4) общ., уст. образ жизни, линия...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. занятие, ремесло, профессия the tools of one's trade —- орудия ремесла, рабочий инструмент the trade of weaver —- ремесло (профессия) ткача the trade of war —- военная профессия a saddler by trade —- шорник по профессии to put smb. to a trade —- учить кого-л. ремеслу to know one's trade —- знать свое дело to learn one's trade —- овладеть своим ремеслом what's your trade? —- чем вы занимаетесь? 2. редк. рабочий; ремесленник mechanical trades —- слесари 3. отрасль торговли; отрасль производства; отрасль промышленности; промышленность the building trade —- строительная промышленность the publishing trade —- издательское дело 4. торговля coastal trade —- каботажная торговля domestic (home, inland) trade —- внутренняя торговля foreign (overseas) trade —- внешняя торговля fair trade —- торговля на основе взаимной выгоды; сл. контрабанда illicit trade —- незаконная торговля; торговля наркотиками wholesale trade —- оптовая торговля tea trade —- торговля чаем trade in arms —- торговля оружием liberty (freedom) of trade —- свобода торговли to be in trade —- заниматься торговлей to go into trade —- заняться торговлей to do a lot of trade —- много торговать to carry on (to engage in) the trade of smth. —- вести торговлю чем-л. to drive a good trade —- вести оживленную торговлю to revive trade —- возобновлять торговлю to put a stop to trade between two countries —- прекратить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  secret  1) профессиональная тайна  2) производственный секрет; засекреченная технология, методика и т.п. TRADE school производственная школа, ремесленное училище TRADE  1. noun  1) занятие; ремесло; профессия; the trade of war - военная профессия; a saddler by trade - шорник по профессии  2) торговля - fair trade  3) (the trade) collect. торговцы или предприниматели (в какой-л. отрасли); coll. лица, имеющие право продажи спиртных напитков; пивовары, винокуры; the woollen trade - торговцы шерстью  4) розничная торговля (в противоп. оптовой - commerce); магазин, лавка; his father was in trade - его отец был торговцем, имел лавку  5) (the trade) collect. розничные торговцы; he sells only to the trade - он продает только оптом, только розничным торговцам  6) клиентура, покупатели  7) сделка; обмен  8) pl.; = trade winds  9) attr. торговый - trade balance  10) attr. профсоюзный - trades committee Syn: see barter see profession  2. v.  1) торговать (in - чем-л.; with - с кем-л.)  2) обменивать(ся); a boy traded his knife for a pup - мальчик обменял свой ножик на щенка; they traded insults - они осыпали друг друга оскорблениями; we traded seats - мы обменялись местами - trade at - trade in - trade down - trade for - trade in - trade off - trade upon - trade up Syn: see barter TRADE at быть клиентом, покупать (в определённой лавке); TRADE balance торговый баланс TRADE Board...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1375, "path, track, course of action," introduced by the Hanse merchants, from M.Du. or M.L.G. trade "track, course" (probably originally of a trading ship), cognate with O.E. tredan (see tread). Sense of "one's habitual business" (1546) developed from the notion of "way, course, manner of life;" sense of "buying and selling" is first recorded 1555. The verb is 1548, from the noun. Trade wind (1650) has nothing to do with commerce, but preserves the obsolete sense of "in a habitual or regular course." Trademark first attested 1838; in figurative sense, 1873. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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