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Английский словарь американских идиом - tight


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  ~1 adj 1 »CLOTHES« fitting a part of your body very closely, especially in a way that is uncomfortable  (tight trousers | My shoes were far too tight and I was in agony by the time I got home. | be a tight fit (=only just fits someone))  (The top is rather a tight fit.)  (- see also skin­tight, tight­fitting) 2 »PULLED/STRETCHED« string, wire, cloth etc that is tight has been pulled or stretched firmly so that it is straight or cannot move  (pull sth tight)  (Pull the thread tight. | The bandage must be tight enough to stop the bleeding.) 3 »FIRMLY FIXED/FASTENED« something such as a screw or lid that is tight is firmly fixed and is difficult to move  (Check that the screws are tight.) 4 a tight hold/grip a firm hold on something  (His mother kept a tight hold on his hand.) 5 »STRICT CONTROL« controlled very strictly and firmly  (Spending is kept within very tight limits. | Security was very tight for the president's visit. | keep a tight rein on (=control someone or something very strictly) | run a tight ship (=manage a company, organization etc very effectively by having strict rules)) 6 »MONEY« informal a) if money is tight, you do not have enough of it  (money is tight/things are tight)  (Money was tight and he needed a job badly.) b) someone who is tight is not generous and tries very hard to avoid spending money; mean2 (2)  (- see also tight­fisted) 7 »LITTLE TIME« if time is tight, it is difficult for you to do everything you need to do in the time available  (tight schedule/deadline (=one that gives you very little time to do or finish something))  (a tight deadline | It'll be a bit tight, but we should just get there and back in time.) 8 »LITTLE SPACE« if space is tight, there is only just enough space to fit something into a place  (a tight squeeze/fit (=a situation where there is only just enough space for things or people to fit))  (It was a tight squeeze, but somehow we all got into the car.) 9 »CLOSE TOGETHER« placed or standing very close together  (She wore her hair in a tight bun.) 10...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (tighter, tightest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Tight clothes or shoes are rather small and fit closely to your body. His jeans were too tight. ? loose ADJ • tightly He buttoned his collar tightly round his thick neck. ADV: ADV with v 2. If you hold someone or something tight, you hold them firmly and securely. She just fell into my arms, clutching me tight for a moment... Hold on tight! ADV: ADV after v • Tight is also an adjective. As he and Henrietta passed through the gate he kept a tight hold of her arm. ADJ: usu ADJ n • tightly She climbed back into bed and wrapped her arms tightly round her body. ADV: ADV after v 3. Tight controls or rules are very strict. The measures include tight control of media coverage... Security is tight this week at the polling sites. ADJ • tightly The internal media was tightly controlled by the government during the war. ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed 4. Something that is shut tight is shut very firmly. I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, sealed tight with their glass lids... She kept her eyes tight closed. ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v • tightly Pemberton frowned and closed his eyes tightly... ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed 5. Skin, cloth, or string that is tight is stretched or pulled so that it is smooth or straight. My skin feels tight and lacking in moisture... ADJ • tightly Her sallow skin was drawn tightly across the bones of her face. ADV: ADV with v 6. Tight is used to describe a group of things or an amount of something that is closely packed together. She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin... The men came in a tight group. ADJ: usu ADJ n • Tight is also an adverb. The people sleep on sun loungers packed tight, end to end. ADV • tightly Many animals travel in tightly packed lorries and are deprived of food, water and rest. ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed 7. If a part of your body is tight, it feels rather...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English tiht, thyht dense, solid, water~, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse thettr ~; akin to Middle High German dihte thick, Sanskrit tanakti it causes to coagulate  Date: 14th century  1.  a. having elements close together a ~ formation a ~ line of type  b. so close in structure as to prevent passage or escape (as of liquid, gas, or light) a ~ ship a ~ seal — compare lightproof, water~  c. fitting very close to the body ~ jeans; also too snug ~ shoes  d.  (1) closely packed ; very full a ~ bale of hay  (2) barely allowing time for completion a ~ schedule ~ deadlines  e. allowing little or no room for free motion or movement a ~ connection a ~ crawl space; also having a small radius a ~ turn  2.  a. strongly fixed or held ; secure a ~ jar lid a ~ grip on the ladder  b.  (1) not slack or loose ; taut kept the reins ~ a ~ knot a ~ drumhead; also marked by firmness and muscle tone a ~ stomach  (2) marked by unusual tension (as in the face or body) lips ~ with anger a family ~ with fear  3. chiefly dialect capable, competent  4.  a. difficult to cope with in a ~ spot financially  b. relatively difficult to obtain money is ~ just now; also characterized by such difficulty a ~ job market  c. not liberal in giving ; stingy ~ with a penny  5. characterized by little difference in the relative positions of contestants with respect to final outcome ; close a ~ race for mayor  6. somewhat drunk  7.  a. characterized by firmness or strictness in control or application or in attention to details ~ zoning codes ~ security ran a ~ newsroom keeps a ~ hand on her investments  b. marked by control or discipline in expression or style ; having little or no extraneous matter ~ writing  c. characterized by a polished style and precise arrangements in music performance  8. having a close personal or working relationship ; intimate in ~ with the boss  9. being such that the subject fills the frame filming a ~ close-up  • ~ly adverb  •...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 closely held, drawn, fastened, fitting, etc. (a tight hold; a tight skirt). 2 closely and firmly put together (a tight joint). 3 (of clothes etc.) too closely fitting (my shoes are rather tight). 4 impermeable, impervious, esp. (in comb.) to a specified thing (watertight). 5 tense; stretched so as to leave no slack (a tight bowstring). 6 colloq. drunk. 7 colloq. (of a person) mean, stingy. 8 a (of money or materials) not easily obtainable. b (of a money market) in which money is tight. 9 a (of precautions, a programme, etc.) stringent, demanding. b presenting difficulties (a tight situation). 10 produced by or requiring great exertion or pressure (a tight squeeze). 11 (of control etc.) strictly imposed. --adv. tightly (hold tight!). Phrases and idioms tight corner (or place or spot) a difficult situation. tight-fisted stingy. tight-fitting (of a garment) fitting (often too) close to the body. tight-lipped with or as with the lips compressed to restrain emotion or speech. Derivatives tightly adv. tightness n. Etymology: prob. alt. of thight f. ON th{eacute}ttr watertight, of close texture ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) впритирку 2) заливный 3) компактирование 4) компактный 5) натуго 6) натянутый 7) непроницаемый 8) неразжимный 9) плотный 10) сжатый 11) тугой clinch seam tight — уплотнять фальц close roller tight — туго поджимать прокатный валок screw stud and nut tight — затягивать шпильку и гайку water tight packing — водонепроницаемая набивка - uniformly tight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) недостаточный 2) стесненный 3) напряженный 4) плотный 5) непроницаемый - money is tight - tight restrictions - tight situation - tight soil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ам. трудное или тяжелое положение he got in a tight —- он попал в трудное положение, ему пришлось нелегко 2. ам. редк. свалка вокруг мяча (регби) 3. туго завязанный, тугой tight knot —- крепко завязанный (тугой) узел tight belt —- туго затянутый пояс the trigger of the gun was tight —- спуск у ружья был тугой 4. крепкий to take a tight grip on smth —- крепко ухватиться за что-л., вцепиться во что-л. be sure that it's tight —- смотри, чтобы прочно держалось 5. плотный, непроницаемый; компактный; герметический tight ship —- корабль без течи tight case —- непромокаемый чехол tight barrel (cask) —- бочонок для жидкости tight cooper —- бондарь, который делает бочонки для жидкости tight coil —- с-х. сухая (уплотненная) почва tight cloth —- редк. плотная материя tight defense —- воен. сплошная оборона tight formation —- ав. сомкнутый строй the roof is tight —- крыша не протекает 6. плотно закрытый with tight lips —- плотно сжав губы 7. плотно пригнанный tight cork —- плотно пригнанная (сидящая) пробка tight drawer —- с трудом открывающийся ящик tight fit —- тех. неподвижная посадка the nut is tight —- гайка завинчена до упора 8. тесный, обуженный, узкий; облегающий tight shoe —- тесный ботинок the shoe is tight —- ботинок жмет the hat is tight —- шляпа мала too tight —- облегающий it's a tight fit —- тесновато (о...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) плотный, компактный; сжатый  2) непроницаемый  3) тугой; туго натянутый; туго завязанный (узел)  4) плотно прилегающий, тесный (о платье, обуви)  5) трудный, тяжелый; to be in a tight place/corner - быть в трудном положении  6) coll. скупой  7) скудный, недостаточный (о средствах и т.п.); money is tight - мало денег  8) сжатый (о стиле и т.п.)  9) dial. аккуратный, опрятный (об одежде)  10) coll. пьяный; tight as a drum/brick - мертвецки пьяный to get smb. in a tight corner - загнать кого-л. в угол, прижать кого-л. к стенке  2. adv.  1) тесно  2) туго, плотно  3) крепко; to sit tight - твердо держаться; не сдавать своих позиций TIGHT suf. в сложных словах означает непроницаемый; water-tight - водонепроницаемый ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.N. юettr "watertight, close in texture, solid," from P.Gmc. *thenkhtuz. Cognate with the second element in O.E. meteюiht "stout from eating" and with M.H.G. dihte "dense, thick" (modern Ger. dicht). Sense of "drawn, stretched" is from 1576; meaning "fitting closely" (as of garments) is from 1779; that of "evenly matched" (of a contest, bargain, etc.) is from 1828, Amer.Eng.; that of "drunk" is from 1830; that of "close, sympathetic" is from 1956. Tightwad "parsimonious person" first recorded 1900. Tightrope is from 1801; tights is from 1833. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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