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Английский словарь американских идиом - thin


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  ~1 comparative thinner superlative thickest adj 1 »NOT THICK« having a very small distance or a smaller distance than usual between two sides or two flat surfaces  (a thin nylon rope | She's only wearing a thin summer jacket. | two thin slices of bread | The road was covered with a thin layer of ice. | paper thin (=very thin))  (Keep your voice down, the walls are paper thin.)  (- opposite thick1 (1)) 2 »NOT FAT« having little fat on your body  (Larry was tall and thin with dark brown hair. | I wish my legs were thinner.)  (- opposite fat1 (1)) 3 »LIQUID« a liquid that is thin flows very easily because it has a lot of water in it  (thin paint) 4 »SMOKE/MIST« smoke or mist that is thin is easy to see through  (The fog is quite thin in places.)  (- opposite thick1 (4)) 5 »AIR« air that is thin is more difficult to breathe than usual because it has less oxygen in it  (the thinner air high in the mountains) 6 »VOICE« a thin voice is high and unpleasant to listen to  (a thin cracked singing voice) 7 »SOUND« a thin sound is unpleasantly weak  (the thin mewing of a bedraggled kitten)  (- opposite full1 (15)) 8 »HAIR/PLANTS« hairs or plants that are thin have spaces between them  (a thin straggly beard | thin vegetation) 9 »EXCUSE/ARGUMENT/EXPLANATION« a thin excuse, argument, or explanation is not good or detailed enough to persuade you that it is true 10 »INFORMATION/DESCRIPTION« a piece of information or a description that is thin is not detailed enough to be useful or effective  (The evidence for Viking settlements in America is pretty thin.) 11 the thin end of the wedge especially BrE spoken an expression meaning something that you think is the beginning of a harmful development  (These job cuts are just the thin end of the wedge.) 12 be thin on the ground if a particular type of person or thing is thin on the ground, there are very few available  (Taxis seem to be thin on the ground.) 13 be having a thin time (of it) spoken to be in a difficult situation, especially one in which you do not have enough...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (thinner, thinnest, thins, thinning, thinned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Something that is thin is much narrower than it is long. A thin cable carries the signal to a computer... James’s face was thin, finely boned, and sensitive. ADJ 2. A person or animal that is thin has no extra fat on their body . He was a tall, thin man with grey hair... ? fat ADJ • thinness There was something familiar about him, his fawn raincoat, his thinness, the way he moved. N-UNCOUNT 3. Something such as paper or cloth that is thin is flat and has only a very small distance between its two opposite surfaces. ...a small, blue-bound book printed in fine type on thin paper... ? thick ADJ • thinly Peel and thinly slice the onion... ADV: ADV with v 4. Liquids that are thin are weak and watery. The soup was thin and clear, yet mysteriously rich... ? thick ADJ 5. A crowd or audience that is thin does not have many people in it. The crowd, which had been thin for the first half of the race, had now grown considerably. ADJ • thinly The island is thinly populated. ADV: ADV -ed 6. Thin clothes are made from light cloth and are not warm to wear. Her gown was thin, and she shivered, partly from cold. ? thick ADJ • thinly Mrs Brown wrapped the thinly clad man in her fur coat. ADV: ADV adj/-ed 7. If you describe an argument or explanation as thin, you mean that it is weak and difficult to believe. However, the evidence is thin and, to some extent, ambiguous... = weak ? strong ADJ • thinly Much of the speech was a thinly disguised attack on British Airways. ADV: usu ADV -ed, also ADV before v 8. If someone’s hair is described as thin, they do not have a lot of hair. She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun. ? thick ADJ 9. When you thin something or when it thins, it becomes less crowded because people or things have been removed from it. It would have been better to have thinned the trees...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~ner; ~nest)  Etymology: Middle English ~ne, from Old English thynne; akin to Old High German dunni ~, Latin tenuis ~, tenere to hold, tendere to stretch, Greek teinein  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having little extent from one surface to its opposite ~ paper  b. measuring little in cross section or diameter ~ rope  2. not dense in arrangement or distribution ~ hair  3. not well fleshed ; lean  4.  a. more fluid or rarefied than normal ~ air  b. having less than the usual number ; scanty ~ attendance  c. few in number ; scarce  d. scantily supplied  e. characterized by a paucity of bids or offerings a ~ market  5.  a. lacking substance or strength ~ broth a ~ plot  b. of a soil infertile, poor  6.  a. flimsy, unconvincing a ~ disguise  b. disappointingly poor or hard had a ~ time of it  7. somewhat feeble, shrill, and lacking in resonance a ~ voice  8. lacking in intensity or brilliance ~ light  9. lacking sufficient photographic density or contrast  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  • ~nish adjective Synonyms:  ~, slender, slim, slight, tenuous mean not thick, broad, abundant, or dense. ~ implies comparatively little extension between surfaces or in diameter, or it may imply lack of substance, richness, or abundance ~ wire a ~ soup. slender implies leanness or spareness often with grace and good proportion the slender legs of a Sheraton chair. slim applies to slenderness that suggests fragility or scantiness a slim volume of poetry a slim chance. slight implies smallness as well as ~ness a slight build. tenuous implies extreme ~ness, sheerness, or lack of substance and firmness a tenuous thread.  II. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb to make ~ or ~ner:  a. to reduce in thickness or depth ; attenuate  b. to make less dense or viscous  c. dilute, weaken  d. to cause to lose flesh ~ned by weeks of privation  e. to reduce in number or bulk  intransitive verb  1. to become ~ or ~ner  2. to become weak  III. adverb...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., adv., & v. --adj. (thinner, thinnest) 1 having the opposite surfaces close together; of small thickness or diameter. 2 a (of a line) narrow or fine. b (of a script or type etc.) consisting of thin lines. 3 made of thin material (a thin dress). 4 lean; not plump. 5 a not dense or copious (thin hair; a thin haze). b not full or closely packed (a thin audience). 6 of slight consistency (a thin paste). 7 weak; lacking an important ingredient (thin blood; a thin voice). 8 (of an excuse, argument, disguise, etc.) flimsy or transparent. --adv. thinly (cut the bread very thin). --v. (thinned, thinning) 1 tr. & intr. make or become thin or thinner. 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by out) reduce; make or become less dense or crowded or numerous. 3 tr. (often foll. by out) remove some of a crop of (seedlings, saplings, etc.) or some young fruit from (a vine or tree) to improve the growth of the rest. Phrases and idioms have a thin time colloq. have a wretched or uncomfortable time. on thin ice see ICE. thin air a state of invisibility or non-existence (vanished into thin air). thin end of the wedge see WEDGE(1). thin on the ground see GROUND(1). thin on top balding. thin-skinned sensitive to reproach or criticism; easily upset. Derivatives thinly adv. thinness n. thinnish adj. Etymology: OE thynne f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) жидкий 2) мореный 3) негустой 4) неплотный 5) прореживать 6) разбавленный 7) разжижать 8) разжиженный 9) разреженный 10) редкий 11) редкостойный 12) слабый 13) тонкий 14) тощий 15) утонить 16) утоньшать 17) утонять 18) худой 19) худощавый constant of thin structure — постоянная тонкой структуры thin a paint with — разбавлять краску - locally thin - thin closure - thin cylinder - thin fluid - thin limit - thin line - thin module - thin plate - thin rule - thin section - thin set - thin sheaf - thin sheet - thin space - thin stroke - thin triangle - thin weight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. вялый, узкий (о рынке) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) тонкий 2) разбавлять, разжижать; разбавленный; ненасыщенный; жидкий; слабый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тонкий thin skin —- тонкая кожа thin trickle of water —- тонкая струйка воды thin trunk of a tree —- тонкий ствол дерева the line between success and failure is thin —- образ. граница между успехом и неудачей зыбкая 2. худой, тонкий thin body —- худое тело thin in the face —- с худым лицом to grow thin —- похудеть 3. жидкий, слабый; ненасыщенный; водянистый; разбавленный, разведенный thin soup —- жидкий суп thin milk —- разбавленное молоко thin ale —- слабое пиво 4. беспомощный, слабый, наивный, неубедительный; бессодержательный, бедный по содержанию thin story —- бессодержательный рассказ the plot of the book is rather thin —- в этой книге почти нет сюжета some of the characterization is rather thin —- характеристики героев беспомощны; автор не справляется с портретами персонажей 5. бедный; немощный; жалкий thin table —- бедный стол thin diet —- (полу)голодная (скудная) диета thin soil —- бесплодная почва 6. редкий thin forest —- редкий лес thin hair —- редкие (жидкие) волосы thin beard —- жидкая борода he's going a bit thin on top —- у него (уже) есть небольшая плешинка 7. разреженный thin atmosphere —- разреженная атмосфера the thin air of the mountain tops —- разреженный воздух горных вершин 8. малочисленный thin audience —- немногочисленная аудитория the house is a bit thin tonight —- сегодня в театре довольно мало...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) тонкий; thin sheet - тонкий лист  2) худой, худощавый; thin as a lath/rail/whippingpost - худой как щепка  3) редкий (о волосах, лесе)  4) малочисленный (о населении, публике)  5) незаполненный, полупустой; thin house - полупустой театр  6) мелкий (о дожде)  7) разреженный (о газах)  8) жидкий, слабый, водянистый (о чае, супе и т.п.); разбавленный, разведенный; ненасыщенный  9) неубедительный; шаткий; thin excuse (story) - неубедительная отговорка (история)  10) coll. неприятный; to have a thin time - плохо провести время  11) слабый, тонкий (о голосе)  12) тусклый, слабый (о свете) that is too thin - это белыми нитками шито Syn: lean, scrawny, skinny, slender, slim, spare, svelte, willowy, wiry Ant: fat  2. v.  1) худеть (тж. thin down)  2) делать(ся) тонким, утончать(ся); заострять  3) оскудевать; редеть; разжижаться; пустеть (о помещении, месте); сокращать(ся) в числе  4) прореживать (растения, посевы; тж. thin out) - thin away - thin down - thin off - thin out THIN out  а) редеть; сокращаться; the crowd thinned out толпа поредела  б) пустеть (о помещении);  в) прореживать, продёргивать; to thin out flowers продёргивать цветы  г) mil. отводить войска; to thin out a position отводить войска с позиции небольшими группами THIN wine плохое вино THIN down  а) уменьшаться (в числе, весе, размере); сокращать...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. юynne "narrow, lean, scanty," from P.Gmc. *thunnuz, *thunw-, from PIE base *ten- "stretch." The verb is O.E. юynnian. Thin-skinned "touchy" is from 1680. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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