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Английский словарь американских идиом - thick


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  ~1 adj 1 »THINGS« a) measuring a particular amount, especially more than usual, between two surfaces or sides  (a thick oak door | Wrap your baby in a thick towel or blanket. | 3 feet/1cm/two inches etc thick)  (In some places, the walls are over two meters thick.)  (The staircase was crumbling, and thick with dust. (=forming a thick layer)) b) measuring more around the middle than usual  (Connect the battery using a thick cable.)  (- opposite thin1 (1)) 2 »PERSON« BrE informal stupid  (Don't think I can't see what's going on - I'm not that thick. | He's a nice guy, but he's a bit thick. | (as) thick as two short planks (=very stupid)) 3 »LIQUID« not solid, but moving or flowing slowly  (For a thicker gravy, add more flour. | thick porridge) 4 »SMOKE/CLOUD ETC« filling the air, and difficult to see through or breathe in  (At the scene of the riot, thick black smoke is still pouring from burning tires. | thick fog)  (The air was thick with exhaust fumes.) 5 be thick on the ground to be present or available in large amounts or numbers  (Cheap houses aren't as thick on the ground as they used to be.)  (- opposite thin on the ground thin1 (12)) 6 »VOICE« a) clearly belonging to a particular place or part of the country  (a thick German/Yorkshire/Brazilian etc accent)  (TV viewers will get just one more chance to hear his thick Scottish accent.) b) not as clear or high as usual, for example because someone has been crying  (Bill's voice was thick and gruff..) 7 »TREES/BUSHES ETC« growing very close together, or having a lot of leaves, so there is not much space in between  (The little animal tried to hide in the thick undergrowth. | a thick forest) 8 »HAIR/FUR ETC« forming a deep, soft covering  (She ran her fingers through her thick brown hair.) 9 be (as) thick as thieves if two people are as thick as thieves, they are very friendly with each other and seem to share a lot of secrets  (I don't trust those two. Lately they've been as thick as thieves.) 10 give sb a thick ear/get a thick ear BrE spoken to hit...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (thicker, thickest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Something that is thick has a large distance between its two opposite sides. For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup... This material is very thick and this needle is not strong enough to go through it. ? thin ADJ • thickly Slice the meat thickly. ADV: ADV with v 2. You can use thick to talk or ask about how wide or deep something is. The folder was two inches thick... How thick are these walls? ADJ: n ADJ, how ADJ, amount ADJ, as ADJ as • Thick is also a combining form. His life was saved by a quarter-inch-thick bullet-proof steel screen. COMB in ADJ: ADJ n • thickness (thicknesses) The size of the fish will determine the thickness of the steaks... N-VAR: oft N of n, N of amount, amount in N 3. If something that consists of several things is thick, it has a large number of them very close together. She inherited our father’s thick, wavy hair... They walked through thick forest. = dense ADJ • thickly I rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly... ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed 4. If something is thick with another thing, the first thing is full of or covered with the second. The air is thick with acrid smoke from the fires... ADJ: v-link ADJ with n 5. Thick clothes are made from heavy cloth, so that they will keep you warm in cold weather. In the winter she wears thick socks, Wellington boots and gloves... ? thin ADJ 6. Thick smoke, fog, or cloud is difficult to see through. The smoke was bluish-black and thick... ADJ 7. Thick liquids are fairly stiff and solid and do not flow easily. They had to battle through thick mud to reach construction workers... ADJ 8. If someone’s voice is thick, they are not speaking clearly, for example because they are ill, upset, or drunk. When he spoke his voice was thick with bitterness. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ • thickly ‘It’s all my fault,’ he mumbled thickly. ADV: ADV after...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English thikke, from Old English thicce; akin to Old High German dicki ~, Old Irish tiug  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having or being of relatively great depth or extent from one surface to its opposite a ~ plank  b. heavily built ; ~set  2.  a. close-packed with units or individuals the air was ~ with snow  b. occurring in large numbers ; numerous  c. viscous in consistency ~ syrup  d. sultry, stuffy  e. marked by haze, fog, or mist ~ weather  f. impenetrable to the eye ; profound ~ darkness  g. extremely intense ~ silence  3. measuring in ~ness 12 inches ~  4.  a. imperfectly articulated ; indistinct ~ speech  b. plainly apparent ; decided a ~ French accent  c. producing inarticulate speech a ~ tongue  5. obtuse, stupid too ~ to understand  6. associated on close terms ; intimate was quite ~ with his pastor  7. exceeding bounds of propriety or fitness ; excessive called it a bit ~ to be fired without warning  • ~ish adjective  • ~ly adverb  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century in a ~ manner ; ~ly  III. noun  Date: 13th century  1. the most crowded or active part in the ~ of the battle  2. the part of greatest ~ness the ~ of the thumb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a of great or specified extent between opposite surfaces (a thick wall; a wall two metres thick). b of large diameter (a thick rope). 2 a (of a line etc.) broad; not fine. b (of script or type, etc.) consisting of thick lines. 3 a arranged closely; crowded together; dense. b numerous (fell thick as peas). 4 (usu. foll. by with) densely covered or filled (air thick with snow). 5 a firm in consistency; containing much solid matter; viscous (a thick paste; thick soup). b made of thick material (a thick coat). 6 muddy, cloudy; impenetrable by sight (thick darkness). 7 colloq. (of a person) stupid, dull. 8 (of a voice) indistinct. 9 colloq. intimate or very friendly (esp. thick as thieves). --n. a thick part of anything. --adv. thickly (snow was falling thick; blows rained down thick and fast). Phrases and idioms a bit thick Brit. colloq. unreasonable or intolerable. in the thick of 1 at the busiest part of. 2 heavily occupied with. thick ear Brit. sl. the external ear swollen as a result of a blow (esp. give a person a thick ear). thick-skinned not sensitive to reproach or criticism. thick-skulled (or -witted) stupid, dull; slow to learn. through thick and thin under all conditions; in spite of all difficulties. Derivatives thickish adj. thickly adv. Etymology: OE thicce (adj. & adv.) f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  подзакрепка брюк ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вязкий 2) густой 3) плотный 4) толстослойный 5) толстый absolutely thick space — абсолютно густое пространство thick winter ice — геогр. лед годовалый, лед однолетний - thick film - thick lens - thick line - thick nut - thick oil - thick seam - thick set - thick sheet - thick space - thick stroke - thick subgroup - thick subset ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) частый, густой 2) толстый 3) густой, вязкий (о жидкости) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. гуща in the thick of a crowd —- в гуще толпы in the thick of things (of it) —- в гуще дел (событий) 2. центр the thick of the thumb —- подушечка большого пальца 3. разгар; пекло in the thick of an argument —- в разгар(е) спора to plunge into the thick of a battle —- броситься в самое пекло боя (битвы) 4. школ. разг. тупица 5. редк. чаща, заросли Id: through thick and thin —- упорно, стойко, не колеблясь; до конца; во что бы то ни стало, не смотря ни на какие трудности (препятствия) Id: to go through thick and thin —- преодолевать любые трудности, идти до конца; не отступать ни на шаг Id: to follow smb. (to stick to smb.) through thick and thin —- остаться верным кому-л. до конца 6. толстый thick board —- толстая доска thick body —- толстое тело a thick covering of snow —- толстый (мощный) слой снега a thick layer of paint —- толстый слой краски thick stone walls —- толстые каменные стены to have a thick skin —- быть толстокожим (также перен.) 7. жирный (о шрифте, почерке) 8. уст. дородный; плотный; упитанный thick man —- плотный (крупный) мужчина 9. имеющий такую-то толщину, толщиной в an inch thick —- толщиной в дюйм how thick is the ice? —- какой толщины лед? 10. густой thick fog —- густой туман thick clouds —- тяжелые облака thick darkness —- непроницаемый мрак, полная темнота thick crowd —- плотная толпа 11. (with) заполненный (чем-л.); изобилующий (чем-л.)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) толстый; a foot thick - толщиной в один фут  2) жирный (о шрифте, почерке и т.п.)  3) густой, частый; thick hair - густые волосы; thick forest - густой лес; thick as blackberries - хоть пруд пруди; в изобилии  4) плотный; густой; thick soup - густой суп; thick with dust - покрытый густым слоем пыли  5) изобилующий (чем-л.); заполненный (чем-л.); the air was thick with snow - падал густой снег  6) частый, повторяющийся; thick shower of blows - сыплющиеся градом удары  7) мутный (о жидкости)  8) тусклый; неясный, туманный (о погоде)  9) хриплый, низкий (о голосе)  10) глупый, тупой  11) predic.; coll. близкий, неразлучный; to be thick with smb. - дружить с кем-л.; to be thick as thieves - быть закадычными друзьями  12) неразборчивый, невнятный (о речи); the patients speech is still quite thick - больной говорит еще совсем невнятно to give smb. a thick ear - дать кому-л. в ухо that is a bit/too thick - это чересчур, это уж слишком Syn: see stupid  2. noun  1) гуща; in the thick of the crowd - в гуще толпы  2) разгар, пекло; to plunge into the thick of the battle - броситься в самое пекло битвы  3) coll. тупица through thick and thin - упорно, несмотря на все препятствия  3. adv.  1) густо; обильно  2) часто  3) неясно, заплетающимся языком; хрипло thick and fast - быстро, стремительно, один за другим to lay it on thick coll. - грубо льстить, хватить через...
Англо-русский словарь


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