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Английский словарь американских идиом - term


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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n ONE WAY OF REGARDING SOMETHING« 1 in financial/artistic/psychological etc terms if you describe or consider something in financial etc terms, you are mainly interested in the financial etc side of it  (In artistic terms, the film was revolutionary. | the enormous cost of war, in human terms) 2 in terms of if you explain or judge something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are only interested in its connection with that fact or event  (US foreign policy tended to see everything in terms of the Vietnam war. | In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized.) 3 in sb's terms according to one person's set of opinions  (In their terms, cutting government spending is the most important thing.) 4 in real terms a change of a price or cost in real terms has been calculated to include the effects of other changes such as price rises  (Our wages have gone down in real terms over the past year.) »WORDS/LANGUAGE« 5 »WORD/EXPRESSION« a word or expression that has a particular meaning, especially in a technical or scientific subject  (medical/legal/scientific term)  (Contusion is the medical term for a bruise.) 6 a term of abuse/endearment etc a word or expression used to insult someone, say you love them etc  (To an islander, tourist was just about the worst term of abuse.) 7 in glowing terms/in strong terms if you describe something in glowing terms or say something in strong terms, you show that you admire something very much or that you are very angry  (I complained to the manager in the strongest possible terms.) 8 in no uncertain terms in a clear and usually angry way  (He told me in no uncertain terms not to park near his house.)  (- see also a contradiction in terms contradiction (3)) »PERIOD OF TIME« 9 »SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY« BrE one of the three periods that the school or university year is divided into  (summer/autumn/spring term)  (The main exams are at the end of the summer term | term time (=during the term))  (Teachers often feel overworked in term time.)  (- see also half­term,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (terms, terming, termed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you talk about something in terms of something or in particular terms, you are specifying which aspect of it you are discussing or from what point of view you are considering it. Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety... Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just in political terms but also in economic power. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR with cl 2. If you say something in particular terms, you say it using a particular type or level of language or using language which clearly shows your attitude. The video explains in simple terms how the new tax works... PHRASE: usu PHR after v, PHR with cl 3. A term is a word or expression with a specific meaning, especially one which is used in relation to a particular subject. Myocardial infarction is the medical term for a heart attack. N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. If you say that something is termed a particular thing, you mean that that is what people call it or that is their opinion of it. He had been termed a temporary employee... He termed the war a humanitarian nightmare. VERB: be V-ed n, V n n 5. A term is one of the periods of time that a school, college, or university divides the year into. ...the summer term. ...the last day of term. N-VAR 6. A term is a period of time between two elections during which a particular party or government is in power. Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spain’s election. N-COUNT: with supp 7. A term is a period of time that someone spends doing a particular job or in a particular place. ...a 12 month term of service... Offenders will be liable to a seven-year prison term. N-COUNT: with supp 8. A term is the period for which a legal contract or insurance policy is valid. Premiums are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy. N-COUNT: with supp 9. The term of a woman’s pregnancy is the nine month period that it lasts. Term is...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~inus boundary marker, limit; akin to Greek ~on boundary, end, Sanskrit tarman top of a post  Date: 13th century  1.  a. end, ~ination; also a point in time assigned to something (as a payment)  b. the time at which a pregnancy of normal length ~inates had her baby at full ~  2.  a. a limited or definite extent of time; especially the time for which something lasts ; duration, tenure ~ of office lost money in the short ~  b. the whole period for which an estate is granted; also the estate or interest held by one for a ~  c. the time during which a court is in session  3. plural provisions that de~ine the nature and scope of an agreement ; conditions ~s of sale liberal credit ~s  4.  a. a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject legal ~s  b. plural expression of a specified kind described in glowing ~s  5.  a. a unitary or compound expression connected with another by a plus or minus sign  b. an element of a fraction or proportion or of a series or sequence  6. plural  a. mutual relationship ; footing on good ~s  b. agreement, concord come to ~s after extensive negotiations  c. a state of acceptance or understanding came to ~s with the failure of his marriage  7. any of the three substantive elements of a syllogism  8. a quadrangular pillar often tapering downward and adorned on the top with the figure of a head or the upper part of the body  9. division in a school year during which instruction is regularly given to students  II. transitive verb  Date: circa 1557 to apply a ~ to ; call, name ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a word used to express a definite concept, esp. in a particular branch of study etc. (a technical term). 2 (in pl.) language used; mode of expression (answered in no uncertain terms). 3 (in pl.) a relation or footing (we are on familiar terms). 4 (in pl.) a conditions or stipulations (cannot accept your terms; do it on your own terms). b charge or price (his terms are {pound}20 a lesson). 5 a a limited period of some state or activity (for a term of five years). b a period over which operations are conducted or results contemplated (in the short term). c a period of some weeks, alternating with holiday or vacation, during which instruction is given in a school, college, or university, or Brit. during which a lawcourt holds sessions. d a period of imprisonment. e a period of tenure. 6 Logic a word or words that may be the subject or predicate of a proposition. 7 Math. a each of the two quantities in a ratio. b each quantity in a series. c a part of an expression joined to the rest by + or - (e.g. a, b, c in a + b - c). 8 the completion of a normal length of pregnancy. 9 an appointed day, esp. a Scottish quarter day. 10 (in full Brit. term of years or US term for years) Law an interest in land for a fixed period. 11 = TERMINUS 6. 12 archaic a boundary or limit, esp. of time. --v.tr. denominate, call; assign a term to (the music termed classical). Phrases and idioms bring to terms cause to accept conditions. come to terms yield, give way. come to terms with 1 reconcile oneself to (a difficulty etc.). 2 conclude an agreement with. in set terms in definite terms. in terms explicitly. in terms of in the language peculiar to, using as a basis of expression or thought. make terms conclude an agreement. on terms on terms of friendship or equality. term paper US an essay or dissertation representative of the work done during a term. terms of reference Brit. points referred to an individual or body of persons for decision or report; the scope of an inquiry etc.; a definition of this. terms of trade Brit. the ratio...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) термин 2) матем. член 3) терм; элемент; составляющая 4) срок 5) мн. ч. условия (напр. контракта) term in x — член, зависящий от x - term of equation - term of proportion - term of sum - absolute term - arithmetic term - Boolean term - boundary terms - conjugated term - error term - extreme term - free term - highest term - in-phase term - leading term - like terms - logical term - logic term - mixed-secular term - noise term - oscillating term - product term - quadrature term - remainder term - secular term - similar terms - unlike terms ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  срок; период условие термин колонна со скульптурой ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) термин 2) элемент, составляющая 3) срок – noise term – phase term ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) выражать 2) заблаговременность 3) называть 4) одночлен 5) предел 6) речь 7) слагаемое 8) срок 9) терм 10) термин 11) терминовать 12) условие absolute term of equation — свободный член уравнения add term by term — складывать почленно as the term itself implies — как вытекает из самого термина basic switching term — основной переключательный терм don't care term — безразличный терм for a term of — сроком на highest degree term — старший член integer rational term — целорациональный терм integrate term by term — интегрировать почленно lowest term of a polynomial — младший член многочлена maximal term rank — максимальный граничный ранг n-th order term — член n-го порядка n-th term of expansion — n-й член разложения n-th term sequence — n-й член последовательности next following term — последующий член primitive recursive term — примитивно рекурсивный термин rounded corrective term — округленный поправочный член second-order interaction term — двойной эффект взаимодействия short term flotation — кратковременная флуктуация term of a proportion — член пропорции term under integral sign — подынтегральное выражение term with higher exponent — старший член the term outside the integral — внеинтегральный член third-order interaction term — тройной эффект взаимодействия totally labeled term — полностью отмеченный терм transpose term of equation — переносить член уравнения - absolute term -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. период, срок, промежуток времени; время; продолжительность term of service — срок службы term of a contract — срок действия контракта term of a lease — срок период аренды term of a loan — срок кредитования See: long-term, medium-term, short-term, term to maturity, amortization term, credit term, term bill 2) а) обр. семестр, четверть б) обр. триместр в) юр. (судебная) сессия 3) а) общ. термин scientific term — научный термин б) общ. выражение; слово colloquial term — разговорное выражение foreign term — иностранное слово в) мн., общ. выражения, язык, способ выражения 4) мн., эк., юр. условия (договора, оплаты, продажи, платежа и т. п.) to set terms — ставить условия to come to terms with smb., to make terms with smb. — прийти к соглашению договориться с кем-л.; принять чьи-л. условия; пойти на уступки; примириться с кем-л. terms of payment of delivery, of an agreement — условия оплаты поставки, соглашения 5) мн., общ. личные отношения to be on visiting terms with smb. — быть в приятельских отношениях с кем-л.; бывать у кого-л., поддерживать знакомство с кем-л. We are not on terms. — Мы не ладим (между собой). 6) мат. член, элемент; терм 2. гл. общ. именовать, называть; выражать to be termed variously — называться по-разному He might be termed a strong individualist. — Его можно назвать ярко выраженным индивидуалистом. TERM 1) термин;...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  период, срок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. период, срок; время; продолжительность presidential term —- срок президентских полномочий term of office —- срок полномочий the Labour Party tried to achieve this during its various terms office —- лейбористская партия пыталась добиться этого в периоды своего пребывания у власти term of imprisonment —- срок (тюремного) заключения term of service —- срок службы term of a lease —- срок арендной платы term of notice —- срок предупреждения об увольнении for (the) term of (one's) life —- на всю жизнь, пожизненно 2. срок тюремного заключения to serve a term of five years —- отсидеть пять лет (в тюрьме) 3. срок квартальных платежей 4. семестр, четверть university term —- университетский семестр Lady day term —- весенний семестр (с 25 марта по 24 июня) midsummer term —- летний семестр (с 24 июня по 29 сентября) Michaelmas term —- осенний семестр (с 29 сентября по 25 декабря) Cristmas term —- зимний семестр (с 25 декабря по 25 марта) in term, during term —- в течение семестра half term holiday —- каникулы в середине семестра to keep terms —- заниматься, посещать занятия 5. триместр autumn term —- осенний триместр 6. сессия (судебная и т. п.) 7. условия unacceptable terms —- неприемлемые условия terms of payment —- условия оплаты terms of surrender —- условия капитуляции terms of delivery —- условия поставки by the terms of article 50 —- по условиям статьи...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of office срок полномочий (президента, сенатора и т.п.) TERM  1. noun  1) срок, определенный период - for term of life - term of office - serve term  2) назначенный день уплаты аренды, процентов и т.п.  3) obs. предел, граница  4) термин; pl. выражения, язык, способ выражения; in set terms - определенно; in the simplest terms - самым простым, понятным образом; in terms of - на языке, с точки зрения; in terms of figures - языком цифр; in terms of money - в денежном выражении  5) pl. условия соглашения; договор - come to terms with - make terms with - bring to terms - stand upon terms  6) семестр  7) судебная сессия  8) pl. условия оплаты; гонорар; inclusive terms - цена, включающая оплату услуг (в гостинице и т.п.); terms of trade - соотношение импортных и экспортных цен  9) pl. личные отношения; to be on good (bad) terms - быть в хороших (плохих) отношениях  10) med. срок разрешения от бремени  11) math.; logic член, элемент  2. v. выражать, называть ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 12c., terme "limit in time, set or appointed period," later "period of time a school or law court is in session" (1454), from O.Fr. terme "limit of time or place," from L. terminus "end, boundary line," related to termen "boundary, end." The meaning "word or phrase used in a limited or precise sense" is first recorded c.1378, from M.L. use to render Gk. horos "boundary," employed in mathematics and logic. Terms "limited conditions, stipulations" is from early 14c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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