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Английский словарь американских идиом - sweet


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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »TASTE« having a taste like sugar  (This tea is too sweet. | a sweet apple | sweet wine)  (- compare bitter1 (4), dry1 (9), sour1 (1)) 2 »CHARACTER« kind, gentle, and friendly  (a sweet smile | How sweet of you to remember my birthday!)  (- see also sweet­tempered) 3 »CHILDREN/SMALL THINGS« especially BrE looking pretty and attractive; cute  (Your little boy looks very sweet in his new coat.) 4 »THOUGHTS/EMOTIONS« making you feel pleased, happy, and satisfied  (Revenge is sweet.) 5 »SMELLS« having a pleasant smell; fragrant  (sweet-smelling flowers) 6 »SOUNDS« pleasant to listen to  (She had a very sweet singing voice.) 7 have a sweet tooth to like things that taste of sugar 8 keep sb sweet informal to behave in pleasant, friendly way towards someone, because you want them to help you later  (I'm trying to keep Angela sweet so that she'll lend me her notes.) 9 in your own sweet way if you do something in your own sweet way, you do it in exactly the way that you want to, without considering what other people say or think  (I'd rather carry on in my own sweet way, if you don't mind.) 10 sweet deal AmE a really good deal 11 sweet FA also sweet Fanny Adams BrE informal used to say fuck all (=nothing at all) when you want to avoid using the word `fuck'  ("How much did they pay you for that job?" "Sweet FA!") 12 sweet nothings things that lovers say to each other  (a couple whispering sweet nothings to each other) 13 be sweet on sb old-fashioned to be very attracted to or in love with someone  (- see also home sweet home home1 (16), short and sweet short1 (9), sweetness) - sweetly adv ~2 n 1 BrE a small piece of sweet food made of sugar or chocolate; candy AmE  (Eating sweets is bad for your teeth.) 2 BrE sweet food served at the end of a meal; dessert  (Would you like a sweet, or some cheese and biscuits?) 3 (my) sweet old-fashioned used when speaking to someone you love  (Don't cry, my sweet.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (sweeter, sweetest, sweets) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Sweet food and drink contains a lot of sugar. ...a mug of sweet tea... If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar. ADJ • sweetness Florida oranges have a natural sweetness. N-UNCOUNT 2. Sweets are small sweet things such as toffees, chocolates, and mints. (BRIT; in AM, use candy) N-COUNT 3. A sweet is something sweet, such as fruit or a pudding, that you eat at the end of a meal, especially in a restaurant. (BRIT; in AM, use dessert) The sweet was a mousse flavoured with whisky. = dessert N-VAR 4. A sweet smell is a pleasant one, for example the smell of a flower. She’d baked some bread which made the air smell sweet. ADJ 5. If you describe something such as air or water as sweet, you mean that it smells or tastes pleasantly fresh and clean. I gulped a breath of sweet air. ADJ 6. A sweet sound is pleasant, smooth, and gentle. Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl’s. ...the sweet sounds of Mozart. ADJ • sweetly He sang much more sweetly than he has before. ADV: usu ADV with v 7. If you describe something as sweet, you mean that it gives you great pleasure and satisfaction. (WRITTEN) There are few things quite as sweet as revenge. ? bitter ADJ 8. If you describe someone as sweet, you mean that they are pleasant, kind, and gentle towards other people. How sweet of you to think of me! ADJ • sweetly I just smiled sweetly and said no. ADV: usu ADV with v 9. If you describe a small person or thing as sweet, you mean that they are attractive in a simple or unsophisticated way. (INFORMAL) ...a sweet little baby girl... The house was really sweet. = cute ADJ 10. see also sweetly, sweetness 11. a sweet tooth: see tooth ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English swete, from Old English swete; akin to Old High German suozi ~, Latin suadere to urge, suavis ~, Greek hedys  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) pleasing to the taste  (2) being or inducing the one of the four basic taste sensations that is typically induced by disaccharides and is mediated especially by receptors in taste buds at the front of the tongue — compare bitter, salt, sour  b.  (1) of a beverage containing a ~ening ingredient ; not dry  (2) of wine retaining a portion of natural sugar  2.  a. pleasing to the mind or feelings ; agreeable, gratifying — often used as a generalized term of approval how ~ it is  b. marked by gentle good humor or kindliness a ~ disposition  c. fragrant a ~ aroma  d.  (1) delicately pleasing to the ear or eye a ~ melody  (2) played in a straightforward melodic style ~ jazz  e. saccharine, cloying  f. very good or appealing a ~ job offer a ~ sports car  3. much loved ; dear  4.  a. not sour, rancid, decaying, or stale ; wholesome ~ milk  b. not salt or salted ; fresh ~ water ~ butter  c. free from excessive acidity — used especially of soil  d. free from noxious gases and odors  e. free from excess of acid, sulfur, or corrosive salts ~ crude oil  5. skillful, proficient a ~ golf swing  6. — used as an intensive take your own ~ time  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 13th century in a ~ manner  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1. something that is ~ to the taste: as  a. a food (as a candy or preserve) having a high sugar content fill up on ~s  b. British dessert  c. British hard candy  2. a ~ taste sensation  3. a pleasant or gratifying experience, possession, or state  4. darling, ~heart  5.  a. archaic fragrance  b. plural, archaic things having a ~ smell SWEET  biographical name Henry 1845-1912 English phonetician ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar. 2 smelling pleasant like roses or perfume etc.; fragrant. 3 (of sound etc.) melodious or harmonious. 4 a not salt, sour, or bitter. b fresh, with flavour unimpaired by rottenness. c (of water) fresh and readily drinkable. 5 (of wine) having a sweet taste (opp. DRY). 6 highly gratifying or attractive. 7 amiable, pleasant (has a sweet nature). 8 colloq. (of a person or thing) pretty, charming, endearing. 9 (foll. by on) colloq. fond of; in love with. --n. 1 Brit. a small shaped piece of confectionery usu. made with sugar or sweet chocolate. 2 Brit. a sweet dish forming a course of a meal. 3 a sweet part of something; sweetness. 4 (in pl.) delights, gratification. 5 (esp. as a form of address) sweetheart etc. Phrases and idioms she's sweet Austral. sl. all is well. sweet-and-sour cooked in a sauce containing sugar and vinegar or lemon etc. sweet basil see BASIL. sweet bay = BAY(2). sweet-brier see BRIER(1). sweet chestnut see CHESTNUT. sweet cicely a white-flowered aromatic plant, Myrrhis odorata. sweet corn 1 a kind of maize with kernels having a high sugar content. 2 these kernels, eaten as a vegetable when young. sweet flag = sweet rush. sweet-gale see GALE(2). sweet pea any climbing plant of the genus Lathyrus, esp. L. odoratus with fragrant flowers in many colours. sweet pepper see PEPPER. sweet potato 1 a tropical climbing plant, Ipomoea batatas, with sweet tuberous roots used for food. 2 the root of this. sweet rocket see ROCKET(2). sweet rush (or sedge) a kind of sedge with a thick creeping aromatic rootstock used in medicine and confectionery. sweet sultan a sweet-scented plant, Centaurea moschata or C. suaveoleus. sweet talk colloq. flattery, blandishment. sweet-talk v.tr. colloq. flatter in order to persuade. sweet-tempered amiable. sweet tooth a liking for sweet-tasting things. sweet violet a sweet-scented violet, Viola odorata. sweet william a plant, Dianthus barbatus, with clusters of vivid fragrant flowers. Derivatives sweetish adj. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) стекло с хорошими выработанными свойствами 2) сладкое (блюдо) сладкий 3) мн. ч. сладости 4) пресный (о воде) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) ароматный 2) глицериновый 3) дезодорированный 4) десульфированный 5) обессеренный 6) пресный 7) свежий 8) сладкий frame sweet unit — блок кадровой развертки - sweet gasoline - sweet water ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) пресный (о воде) 2) сладкий 3) незасолённый (о почве) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. леденец, конфета to like sweets —- любить сласти 2. обыкн. pl. сладкое (блюдо) 3. дорогой, милый; дорогая, любимая (обращение) what is it, my sweet? —- в чем дело, дорогая? 4. обыкн. pl. наслаждение, услада the sweets of life —- радости жизни to taste the sweets of success —- вкусить сладость успеха the sweets of home —- услады семейной жизни 5. наливка; ликер 6. обыкн. pl. ароматы sweets to the sweet (Shakespeare) —- нежнейшие (цветы) нежнейшей, цветы - цветку 7. ам. разг. = sweet potato 8. сладкий sweet apples —- сладкие яблоки sweet wine —- сладкое вино to taste sweet —- быть сладким (на вкус) to like one's tea sweet —- любить сладкий чай 9. свежий, неиспорченный sweet water —- пресная вода; хорошая питьевая вода sweet butter —- несоленое масло sweet milk —- свежее (нескисшее) молоко is the ham still sweet? —- ветчина еще не испортилась? to keep a room sweet —- хорошо проветривать комнату 10. душистый to smell sweet, to have a sweet smell —- хорошо пахнуть, быть душистым the air was sweet with the odours of spring —- воздух благоухал (был напоен) запахами (ароматами) весны 11. мелодичный, благозвучный sweet voice —- мелодичный (благозвучный) голос 12. приятный sweet manners —- приятные манеры sweet sleep —- сладкий сон it is sweet to know that one is loved —- приятно знать, что тебя любят 13. добрый, мягкий sweet temper (disposition) —- мягкий характер 14. разг....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  bay bot.  1) лавр благородный  2) магнолия виргинская SWEET oil прованское, оливковое масло SWEET omelette омлет с вареньем/сахаром SWEET pea bot. душистый горошек SWEET talk noun лесть, медоточивые речи; умасливание SWEET  1. adj.  1) сладкий  2) душистый  3) свежий; неиспорченный; sweet butter - несоленое масло; sweet water - пресная вода; is the milk sweet? - молоко не скисло?; to keep the room sweet - хорошо проветривать комнату  4) мелодичный, благозвучный  5) любимый; милый; sweet one - любимый, любимая (в обращении)  6) приятный; ласковый; sweet disposition - мягкий характер; sweet face - привлекательное лицо; sweet words - ласковые слова  7) слащавый, сентиментальный  8) плодородный (о почве) to have a sweet tooth - быть сластеной at ones own sweet will - как вздумается, наобум to be sweet on smb. coll. - быть влюбленным в кого-л.  2. noun  1) леденец; конфета  2) usu. pl. сладкое (как блюдо)  3) сладость, сладкий вкус  4) pl. наслаждения; the sweets of life - радости жизни  5) usu. pl. ароматы  6) (обыкн. в обращении) дорогой, дорогая; милый; милая; любимый, любимая ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. swete "pleasing to the senses, mind or feelings," from P.Gmc. *swotijaz, from PIE base *swad- (Skt. svadus, Gk. hedys, L. suavis, etc.). The noun meaning "candy drop" is 1851; as "beloved one," it dates from M.E. Sweetbread is from 1565 (the -bread element may be from O.E. brжd "flesh"). Sweetheart is recorded c.1290 as a form of address, 1576 as a synonym for "loved one;" sweet tooth is 14c., from M.E. tooth in the sense of "taste, liking" (see toothsome); to be sweet on someone is first recorded 17c. Sweet-talk (v.) dates from 1936. Sweet sixteen first recorded 1826. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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