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Английский словарь американских идиом - steady


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  ~1 adj 1 »NOT MOVING« firmly held in a particular position and not moving or shaking  (Keep the camera steady while you take a picture. | a steady hand)  (You need a steady hand for such a delicate job.) 2 »CONTINUOUS« moving, happening, or developing in a continuous gradual way  (a steady decline in manufacturing output | Paul has made steady progress this year. | a steady stream of visitors/enquiries etc)  (a steady stream of East Germans making their way through the new gap in the wall) 3 »NOT CHANGING« a steady level, speed etc stays about the same  (We were driving at a steady 60 mph.) 4 »PERSON« someone who is steady is sensible and you can depend on them  (a steady worker) 5 steady job/work/income a job or work that will definitely continue over a long period of time 6 steady boyfriend/girlfriend someone that you have been having a romantic relationship with 7 steady relationship a serious and strong relationship that continues for a long time - steadily adv - steadiness n ~2 v 1 to hold something steady or make it steady  (steady yourself (=get back your balance in order to prevent yourself from falling))  (He tried to steady himself by grabbing the tree.) 2 to stop increasing or decreasing and remain about the same  (The dollar has steadied after early losses on the money markets.) 3 steady your nerves to make yourself calm  (She had a brandy to steady her nerves.) ~3 adv go steady (with sb) to have a long regular romantic relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend ~4 n AmE informal a boyfriend or girlfriend that someone has been having a romantic relationship with  (Jill is Ray's steady.) ~5 interjection BrE informal 1 used when you want to tell someone to be careful or not to cause an accident  (Steady! You nearly knocked me over.) 2 Steady on! used when you think that what someone is saying is too strong or extreme  (Steady on! Derek's not that bad.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
   I. adjective  (steadier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English stedy, from stede  Date: 14th century  1.  a. direct or sure in movement ; unfaltering a ~ hand  b. firm in position ; fixed held the pole ~  c. keeping nearly upright in a seaway a ~ ship  2. showing little variation or fluctuation ; stable, uniform a ~ breeze ~ prices  3.  a. not easily disturbed or upset ~ nerves  b.  (1) constant in feeling, principle, purpose, or attachment ~ friends  (2) dependable  c. not given to dissipation ; sober  • steadily adverb  • steadiness noun Synonyms:  ~, even, equable mean not varying throughout a course or extent. ~ implies lack of fluctuation or interruption of movement ~ progress. even suggests a lack of variation in quality or character an even distribution. equable implies lack of extremes or of sudden sharp changes maintain an equable temper.  II. verb  (steadied; ~ing)  Date: 1530  transitive verb to make or keep ~  intransitive verb to become ~  • steadier noun  III. adverb  Date: circa 1605  1. in a ~ manner ; steadily  2. on the course set — used as a direction to the helmsman of a ship  IV. noun  (plural steadies)  Date: 1792 one that is ~; specifically a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom one goes ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., v., adv., int., & n. --adj. (steadier, steadiest) 1 firmly fixed or supported or standing or balanced; not tottering, rocking, or wavering. 2 done or operating or happening in a uniform and regular manner (a steady pace; a steady increase). 3 a constant in mind or conduct; not changeable. b persistent. 4 (of a person) serious and dependable in behaviour; of industrious and temperate habits; safe; cautious. 5 regular, established (a steady girlfriend). 6 accurately directed; not faltering (a steady hand; a steady eye). 7 (of a ship) on course and upright. --v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) make or become steady (steady the boat). --adv. steadily (hold it steady). --int. as a command or warning to take care. --n. (pl. -ies) colloq. a regular boyfriend or girlfriend. Phrases and idioms go steady (often foll. by with) colloq. have as a regular boyfriend or girlfriend. steady down become steady. steady-going staid; sober. steady on! a call to take care. steady state an unvarying condition, esp. in a physical process, e.g. of the universe having no beginning and no end. Derivatives steadier n. steadily adv. steadiness n. Etymology: STEAD = place, + -Y(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) опора 2) люнет 3) приходить в устойчивое состояние 4) придавать устойчивость 5) устойчивый; стабильный; установившийся - work steady ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) равномерный 2) неизменный 3) постоянен 4) постоянный 5) стационарный 6) уравновешенный 7) устанавливаться 8) установившийся 9) устойчивый steady stochastic process — стационарный вероятностный процесс steady volume current — объемный ток - steady component - steady monotone - steady motion - steady signal - steady source - steady state ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  неуклонный; непрерывный; устойчивый STEADY 1. прил. 1) устойчивый, неизменный, постоянный 2) твердый 3) неуклонный 4) непрерывный - prices are steady - steady decline - steady demand 2. гл. 1) делать(ся) устойчивым, твердым 2) укреплять(ся) - steady the fluctuation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. опора, держатель 2. разг. молодой человек, постоянный друг (девушки) 3. разг. девушка, подруга (молодого человека) she's my steady —- она моя подружка (девушка) 4. прочный, твердый, устойчивый steady foundation —- прочное основание steady nerves —- крепкие нервы to make a chair steady —- укрепить или прочно установить стул (чтобы не шатался) he is not steady on his legs —- он нетвердо стоит (держится) на ногах hold the ladder steady! —- держи лестницу так, чтобы она не шаталась! 5. устойчивый, постоянный, стабильный; ровный, равномерный steady alteration —- непрерывное изменение steady speed —- постоянная скорость steady wind —- ровный ветер steady temperature —- ровная температура steady light —- равномерное освещение steady image —- кин. устойчивое изображение; устойчивый кинокадр prices are steady —- цены устойчивые, цены сохраняются на прежнем уровне 6. тех. установившийся (о режиме); спокойный (о ходе) 7. непоколебимый, твердый, верный steady encouragement —- твердая поддержка steady resolve —- непреклонное решение steady hand —- твердая (верная) рука to be steady in one's allegiance —- не колебаться в своей приверженности to be steady in one's purpose —- неуклонно идти к своей цели 8. степенный, спокойный steady young man —- уравновешенный молодой человек to lead a steady life —- вести...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  nerves успокоить нервы; STEADY  1. adj.  1) устойчивый; прочный  2) равномерный, ровный  3) постоянный, неизменный, неуклонный; steady flow of talk - непрерывный поток слов  4) твердый, верный, непоколебимый; надежный; steady hand -  а) твердая, уверенная рука;  б) твердое руководство; steady resolve - непреклонное решение; steady as a rock - твердый как скала  5) уравновешенный, спокойный; a steady young fellow - уравновешенный молодой человек  2. v.  1) делать(ся) твердым, устойчивым; the boat steadied - лодка пришла в равновесие  2) остепениться; he will soon steady (down) - он скоро остепенится  3. noun coll. жених; невеста; возлюбленный; возлюбленная  4. interj. осторожно! ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1200, from M.E. stude, stede (see stead). Originally "stubborn," the sense of "regular, uniform" is first recorded in 1548; that of "firm, not shaking" in 1574. Meaning "one's boyfriend or girlfriend" is from 1897; to go steady is 1905 in teenager slang. Steady progress is etymologically a contradiction in terms. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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