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Английский словарь американских идиом - sound


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  ~1 n 1 »SENSATION« something that you hear, or what can be heard  (strange sounds coming from the next room) + of  (the sound of voices) not make a sound (=keep quiet)  (Don't make a sound, any of you! | Light travels faster than sound. | a vowel sound)  (- see noise1) 2 »TV/RADIO« a) the sound produced by a television or radio broadcast, a film etc  (We apologize for the loss of sound during that report. | a sound engineer) b) the loudness of a television, radio, film etc  (Turn the sound down will you?) 3 by the sound of it/things judging from what you have heard or read about something  (By the sound of it, her problems are worse than we thought.) 4 not like the sound of to feel worried by something that you have heard or read  (I don't like the sound of this. How long has she been missing?) 5 sounds BrE spoken music, especially on a record, cassette etc  (Have you got any sounds?) ~2 v 1 »SEEM« linking verb if something or someone sounds good, bad, strange etc, that is how they seem to you when you hear or read about them  (sound like)  (Serge's idea sounds like fun. | sound good/bad/awful etc)  (Istanbul sounds really exciting. | Sue sounds a strange person. | -50 sounds about right. | it sounds as if/as though)  (It sounds to me as if he needs professional help.) 2 »VOICE« linking verb to seem to show a particular quality with your voice  (sound tired/cheerful/awful etc)  (Josie didn't sound very keen when I spoke to her. | sound as if/as though)  (You sound as if you've got a cold.) 3 »MAKE A NOISE« if something sounds or if you sound it, it makes a noise  (The bell sounded for dinner. | sound sth)  (Sound your horn to warn other drivers.) 4 sound the alarm to warn people of danger 5 »PRONOUNCE« T usually passive technical to make the sound of a letter in a word  (The `s' in `island' is not sounded.) 6 »MEASURE DEPTH« technical to measure the depth of the sea, a lake etc  (- see also soundings (2)) sound off phr v 1 informal to express strong opinions about something especially when you are...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]NOUN AND VERB USES (sounds, sounding, sounded) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 12 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. A sound is something that you hear. Peter heard the sound of gunfire... Liza was so frightened she couldn’t make a sound... There was a splintering sound as the railing gave way. ...the sounds of children playing. N-COUNT 2. Sound is energy that travels in waves through air, water, or other substances, and can be heard. The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound. N-UNCOUNT 3. The sound on a television, radio, or CD player is what you hear coming from the machine. Its loudness can be controlled. She went and turned the sound down... Compact discs have brought about a vast improvement in recorded sound quality. N-SING: the N 4. A singer’s or band’s sound is the distinctive quality of their music. He’s got a unique sound and a unique style. N-COUNT: with supp 5. If something such as a horn or a bell sounds or if you sound it, it makes a noise. The buzzer sounded in Daniel’s office... A young man sounds the bell to start the Sunday service. VERB: V, V n 6. If you sound a warning, you publicly give it. If you sound a note of caution or optimism, you say publicly that you are cautious or optimistic. The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe’s leaders on third world debt... VERB: V n 7. When you are describing a noise, you can talk about the way it sounds. They heard what sounded like a huge explosion... The creaking of the hinges sounded very loud in that silence... It sounded as if he were trying to say something. V-LINK: V like n, V adj, V as if 8. When you talk about the way someone sounds, you are describing the impression you have of them when they speak. She sounded a bit worried... Murphy sounds like a child... She sounded as if she really cared... I thought she sounded a genuinely...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gesund; akin to Old High German gisunt healthy  Date: 13th century  1.  a. free from injury or disease ; exhibiting normal health  b. free from flaw, defect, or decay ~ timber  2. solid, firm; also stable  3.  a. free from error, fallacy, or misapprehension ~ reasoning  b. exhibiting or based on thorough knowledge and experience ~ scholarship  c. legally valid a ~ title  d. logically valid and having true premises  e. agreeing with accepted views ; orthodox  4.  a. thorough  b. deep and undisturbed a ~ sleep  c. hard, severe a ~ whipping  5. showing good judgment or sense ~ advice  Synonyms: see healthy, valid  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century to the full extent ; thoroughly ~ asleep  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English soun, from Anglo-French son, sun, from Latin sonus, from sonare to ~; akin to Old English swinn melody, Sanskrit svanati it ~s  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a particular auditory impression ; tone  b. the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing  c. mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (as air) and is the objective cause of hearing  2.  a. a speech ~ a peculiar r-~  b. value in terms of speech ~s -cher of teacher and -ture of creature have the same ~  3. archaic rumor, fame  4.  a. meaningless noise  b. obsolete meaning  c. the impression conveyed ; import  5. hearing distance ; earshot within ~ of your voice  6. recorded auditory material  7. a particular musical style characteristic of an individual, a group, or an area the Nashville ~  IV. verb  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to ~ ~ a trumpet  b. pronounce 3a  2. to put into words ; voice  3.  a. to make known ; proclaim  b. to order, signal, or indicate by a ~ ~ the alarm  4. to examine by causing to emit ~s ~ the lungs  5. chiefly British to convey the impression of ; ~ like that ~s a logical...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a sensation caused in the ear by the vibration of the surrounding air or other medium. 2 a vibrations causing this sensation. b similar vibrations whether audible or not. 3 what is or may be heard. 4 an idea or impression conveyed by words (don't like the sound of that). 5 mere words (sound and fury). 6 (in full musical sound) sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations (opp. NOISE n. 3). 7 any of a series of articulate utterances (vowel and consonant sounds). 8 music, speech, etc., accompanying a film or other visual presentation. 9 (often attrib.) broadcasting by radio as distinct from television. --v. 1 intr. & tr. emit or cause to emit sound. 2 tr. utter or pronounce (sound a note of alarm). 3 intr. convey an impression when heard (you sound worried). 4 tr. give an audible signal for (an alarm etc.). 5 tr. test (the lungs etc.) by noting the sound produced. 6 tr. cause to resound; make known (sound their praises). Phrases and idioms sound barrier the high resistance of air to objects moving at speeds near that of sound. sound effect a sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play, film, etc. sound engineer an engineer dealing with acoustics etc. sound-hole an aperture in the belly of some stringed instruments. sound off talk loudly or express one's opinions forcefully. sound-post a small prop between the belly and back of some stringed instruments. sound shift see SHIFT n. 6. sound spectrograph an instrument for analysing sound into its frequency components. sound wave a wave of compression and rarefaction, by which sound is propagated in an elastic medium, e.g. air. Derivatives soundless adj. soundlessly adv. soundlessness n. Etymology: ME f. AF soun, OF son (n.), AF suner, OF soner (v.) f. L sonus 2. adj. & adv. --adj. 1 healthy; not diseased or injured. 2 (of an opinion or policy etc.) correct, orthodox, well-founded, judicious. 3 financially secure (a sound investment). 4 undisturbed (a sound sleeper). 5 severe, hard (a sound blow). --adv. soundly (sound asleep)....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) звук 2) звучание звучать 3) звуковое сопровождение 4) фонограмма 5) зонд зондировать - accompanying sound - actual sound - ambient sound - ambisonic sound - binaural sound - diffuse sound - fricative sound - infra-audible sound - infra sound - lip synchronized sound - live sound - monophonic sound - multitrack sound - plosive sound - pure sound - rubbing sound - second language sound - stereophonic sound - stereo sound - two-channel TV sound - ultra-audible sound - ultra sound - unvoiced sound - unwanted sounds - voiced sound ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  звук; шум airborne sound impact sound ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) звук; звучать 2) звуковое сопровождение 3) фонограмма 4) зонд; зондировать – accompanying sound – actual sound – ambient sound – aperiodical sound – binaural sound – complex sound – crystal-clear sound – diffuse sound – digital sound – direct sound – infra sound – intercarrier sound – live sound – monophonic sound – multitrack sound – periodical sound – primary sound – pure sound – quadraphonic sound – second language sound – simple sound – stereophonic sound – subsonic sound – supersonic sound – synthetic sound – time-division sound – two-channel TV sound – ultra sound – unheard sound – unvoiced sound – unwanted sounds – voiced sound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) звук 2) звуковой 3) звуковый 4) звучать 5) здоровой 6) здравый 7) зонд 8) зондировать 9) клопферный 10) обоснованный 11) основательный 12) прочный 13) сопровождение звуковое 14) щуп filmed sound recording — фото фонограмма magnetic sound head — магнитный звуковой блок magnetic sound track — магнитная фонограмма single sound track — многоканальная фонограмма sound detection and ranging — звуковая локация sound level meter — измеритель силы звука, радио импульсмессер sound pick-up element — звукоприемный элемент stereo sound equipment — аппаратура спутниковой связи - dull sound - dye sound track - fuzzy sound - high-pitched sound - low-pitched sound - magnetic sound - perceive sound - pertaining to sound - propagation of sound - random sound - record sound - reinforce sound - reproduce sound - sound absorbing - sound analyzer - sound argument - sound articulation - sound atmosphere - sound barrier - sound channel - sound conductivity - sound detection - sound engineer - sound estimate - sound film - sound generation - sound insulation - sound insulator - sound interference - sound interpretability - sound interpretation - sound level - sound localization - sound log - sound logging - sound phase - sound pick-up - sound power - sound pressure - sound ranger - sound ranging - sound reading - sound recorder - sound recording - sound refraction - sound reproduction - sound room - sound section - sound shadow - sound shield - sound source - sound stage - sound structure - sound studio - sound the ionosphere - sound unit - sound vibrations - sound weld - sound wood - unpitched sound - volume of sound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. 1) прочный, надежный 2) доброкачественный 3) тщательный 4) устойчивый (в финансовом отношении) 5) платежеспособный • - economically sound - environmentally sound - sound body - sound currency - sound interpersonal relationships - sound mind - sound monetary policy - sound policy - sound quality •• a sound mind in a sound body — в здоровом теле здоровый дух 2. гл. 1) зондировать, нащупывать 2) исследовать SOUND 1) обосновывать 2) иметь отношение к чему-л., иметь целью 3) правильный; обоснованный; здравый 4) платежеспособный 5) звук – legally sound – to sound an opinion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) звук, тон 2) плавательный пузырь (у рыб) 3) издавать звук; давать сигнал 4) нырять ко дну (о рыбах, китах) 5) здоровый, крепкий – fish sound – ultrasonic sound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. звук; шум the sound of voices —- шум голосов sound communication —- воен. звуковая связь to emit give sounds —- издавать звуки not a sound was heard —- не было слышно ни звука, стояла полная тишина sound s carry well in this hall —- в этом зале хорошая акустика much sound but little sense —- много шума, но мало смысла sound and fury (Shakespeare) —- шум и ярость; пустые слова 2. физ. звук stereo sound —- стереофонический звук, объемное звучание wide-range sound —- широкополосная запись звука 3. фон. звук; тон consonant sounds —- согласные звуки 4. впечатление the news has a sinister sound —- новость звучит зловеще I don't like the sound of it —- мне это не нравится 5. предел слышимости within sound of smth. —- в пределах слышимости чего-либо 6. звукозапись; пластинки, магнитофонные пленки 7. муз. разг. "звучок", стиль исполнения (особ. джаза) 8. кин. кин. рад. тлв. звуковые эффекты 9. звучать, издавать звук this black key on the piano won't sound —- эта черная клавиша рояля не звучит the trumpets sounded —- раздались звуки труб the doorbell sounded —- зазвонил звонок (у входной двери) 10. иметь то или иное звучание the bell sounds cracked —- по звуку слышно, что колокол надтреснут the wind sounds melancholy —- вой ветра наводит тоску her voice sounds troubled —- в ее голосе слышится волнение 11. извлекать звук to sound a bell —- звонить в колокол 12....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun пролив Зунд; см. Oeresund SOUND I  1. noun  1) звук; шум; within sound of - в пределах слышимости  2) sg. only смысл, значение, содержание (чего-л. услышанного, прочитанного и т.п.); the news has a sinister sound - новость звучит зловеще  3) attr. звуковой  2. v.  1) звучать, издавать звук; it sounds like thunder - похоже на гром; the trumpets sound - раздаются звуки труб  2) извлекать звук; давать сигнал; to sound a bell - звонить в колокол  3) звучать, казаться, создавать впечатление; the excuse sounds very hollow - извинение звучит очень неубедительно  4) произносить; the h in hour is not sounded - в слове hour h не произносится  5) провозглашать; прославлять  6) выстукивать (о колесе вагона и т.п.)  7) med. выслушивать; выстукивать (больного) - sound off II  1. adj.  1) здоровый, крепкий  2) неиспорченный; прочный; sound fruit - неиспорченные фрукты; sound machine - исправная машина  3) крепкий, глубокий (о сне)  4) правильный; здравый, логичный; sound argument - обоснованный довод  5) способный, умелый; sound scholar - серьезный ученый  6) сильный; sound flogging - изрядная порка  7) глубокий, тщательный (об анализе и т.п.)  8) платежеспособный, надежный; his financial position is perfectly sound - его финансовое положение очень прочно  9) leg. законный, действительный; sound title to land - законное право...
Англо-русский словарь


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