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Английский словарь американских идиом - pot


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  physiol. abbr. Potassium transport. abbr. Point Of Transportation mil. abbr. Power Of Terror airport code Port Antonio, Jamaica physics abbr. Protons On Target ocean sc. abbr. Program for Operational Trajectories chemis. abbr. Potion Of Thought electron. abbr. Peaks Over Threshold funny abbr. Puff On This adult abbr. Pissed Off Torrell gen. comp. abbr. Portable Object Template telec. abbr. Plain Old Telephony telec. abbr. Point Of Termination file ext. abbr. Continuous potential image (Fractint) file ext. abbr. Template (MS PowerPoint) educ. abbr. Principles of Technology sport abbr. Player Operated Turret gen. bus. abbr. Point Of Transaction gen. bus. abbr. Profit On Turnover NYSE symbols POTASH Corporation of Saskatechewan, Inc. pos. abbr. Post Ordination Training firm name abbr. Patterson Office Tower ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TEA/COFFEE« a container with a handle and a small tube for pouring, used to make tea or coffee 2 »COOKING« a container used for cooking which is round, deep, and usually made of metal  (The sink was full of dirty pots and pans.) 3 »STORING FOOD« a glass or clay container used for storing food  (a jam pot | a pot of honey) 4 »FOR A PLANT« a container for a plant, usually made of plastic or baked clay 5 »BOWL« a dish, bowl, plate or other container that is made by shaping clay and then baking it 6 have pots of BrE informal to have a lot of something, especially money  (Julie's Dad's got pots of money!) 7 go to pot informal if something such as a place or an organization goes to pot, it becomes much worse because no one is interested in looking after it or making it work  (This government has let the whole country go to pot.) 8 »DRUG« old-fashioned marijuana 9 »STOMACH« informal a large rounded stomach that sticks out; potbelly 10 »CARD GAMES« the pot all the money that people have risked in a game of cards, especially poker (1) 11 the pot calling the kettle black informal used to say that you should not criticize someone for a fault that you also have 12 take a pot at informal to shoot at something without aiming carefully  (- see also chamber pot, melting pot) ~2 v potted, potting 1 to shoot at animals in order to kill them  (Giles was out with his gun, potting rabbits.)  (- see also pot shot) 2 to put a plant in a pot filled with soil  (- see also potted (1)) 3 to hit a ball into one of the bags at the edge of the table in games such as billiards, pool1 (3), and snooker1 (3) pot sth on phr v BrE to move a plant into a large pot because it has grown too big for the pot it is in ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pots, potting, potted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pot is a deep round container used for cooking stews, soups, and other food. ...metal cooking pots. N-COUNT • A pot of stew, soup, or other food is an amount of it contained in a pot. He was stirring a pot of soup. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. You can use pot to refer to a teapot or coffee pot. There’s tea in the pot. N-COUNT • A pot of tea or coffee is an amount of it contained in a pot. He spilt a pot of coffee. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. A pot is a cylindrical container for jam, paint, or some other thick liquid. Hundreds of jam pots lined her scrubbed shelves. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft n N • A pot of jam, paint, or some other thick liquid is an amount of it contained in a pot. ...a pot of red paint. N-COUNT: usu N of n 4. A pot is the same as a flowerpot. N-COUNT 5. If you pot a young plant, or part of a plant, you put it into a container filled with soil, so it can grow there. Pot the cuttings individually. ...potted plants. VERB: V n, V-ed 6. Pot is sometimes used to refer to the drugs cannabis and marijuana. (INFORMAL) N-UNCOUNT 7. In the games of snooker and billiards, if you pot a ball, you succeed in hitting it into one of the pockets. He did not pot a ball for the next two frames. = pocket VERB: V n 8. see also potted, chamber pot, chimney pot, coffee pot, lobster pot, melting pot, plant pot 9. If you take pot luck, you decide to do something even though you do not know what you will get as a result. If you haven’t made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door... He scorns the ‘pot-luck’ approach. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~t; akin to Middle Low German ~ ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a usually rounded metal or earthen container used chiefly for domestic purposes (as in cooking or for holding liquids or growing plants); also any of various technical or industrial vessels or enclosures resembling or likened to a household ~ the ~ of a still  b. ~ful a ~ of coffee  2. an enclosed framework of wire, wood, or wicker for catching fish or lobsters  3.  a. a large amount (as of money)  b.  (1) the total of the bets at stake at one time  (2) one round in a poker game  c. the common fund of a group  4. ~shot  5. ~belly  6. ruin gone to ~  7. British a shot in snooker in which a ball is pocketed  8. a vessel for urination and defecation: as  a. toilet 3b  b. ~ty  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1616  transitive verb  1.  a. to place in a ~  b. to pack or preserve (as cooked and chopped meat) in a sealed ~, jar, or can often with aspic  2. to shoot with a ~shot  3. to make or shape (earthenware) as a ~ter  4. to embed (as electronic components) in a container with an insulating or protective material (as plastic)  intransitive verb to take a ~shot  III. noun  Etymology: perhaps modification of Mexican Spanish ~iguaya  Date: 1938 marijuana  IV. abbreviation  1. ~ential  2. ~entiometer ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a vessel, usu. rounded, of ceramic ware or metal or glass for holding liquids or solids or for cooking in. 2 a a coffee-pot, flowerpot, glue-pot, jam-pot, teapot, etc. b = chimney-pot. c = lobster-pot. 3 a drinking vessel of pewter etc. 4 the contents of a pot (ate a whole pot of jam). 5 the total amount of the bet in a game etc. 6 colloq. a large sum (pots of money). 7 sl. a vessel given as a prize in an athletic contest, esp. a silver cup. 8 = pot-belly. --v.tr. (potted, potting) 1 place in a pot. 2 (usu. as potted adj.) preserve in a sealed pot (potted shrimps). 3 sit (a young child) on a chamber pot. 4 pocket (a ball) in billiards etc. 5 shoot at, hit, or kill (an animal) with a pot shot. 6 seize or secure. 7 abridge or epitomize (in a potted version; potted wisdom). Phrases and idioms go to pot colloq. deteriorate; be ruined. pot-bellied having a pot-belly. pot-belly (pl. -ies) 1 a protruding stomach. 2 a person with this. 3 a small bulbous stove. pot-boiler 1 a work of literature or art done merely to make the writer or artist a living. 2 a writer or artist who does this. pot-bound (of a plant) having roots which fill the flowerpot, leaving no room to expand. pot cheese US cottage cheese. pot-herb any herb grown in a kitchen garden. pot-hook 1 a hook over a hearth for hanging a pot etc. on, or for lifting a hot pot. 2 a curved stroke in handwriting, esp. as made in learning to write. pot-hunter 1 a person who hunts for game at random. 2 a person who takes part in a contest merely for the sake of the prize. pot luck whatever (hospitality etc.) is available. pot of gold an imaginary reward; an ideal; a jackpot. pot pie a pie of meat etc. or fruit with a crust baked in a pot. pot plant a plant grown in a flowerpot. pot roast a piece of meat cooked slowly in a covered dish. pot-roast v.tr. cook (a piece of meat) in this way. pot-shot 1 a random shot. 2 a shot aimed at an animal etc. within easy reach. 3 a shot at a game-bird etc. merely to provide a meal. pot-valiant courageous because of drunkenness....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I 1) тигель 2) стекловаренный горшок 3) метал. разливочный стакан 4) метал. (изготовленный заодно) контейнер с матрицей 5) котёл; бак; бачок; ванна; ёмкость; горшок 6) валун в кровле (пласта угля) 7) лесн. приёмник живицы 8) пустотелый керамический блок 9) переменный резистор, резистор переменного сопротивления 10) потенциометр 11) геофиз. неполяризующийся электрод 12) зарезервированная область (памяти) 13) герметизировать; заливать (компаундом) 14) пищ. чаша (пресса) 15) ловушка (орудие лова рыбы) - annealing pot - boiling pot - bucket pot - casting pot - catch pot - centrifugal pot - cold catch pot - electrolyte pot - electroplating pot - flare pot - flux pot - fusion pot - galvanizing pot - glass-melting pot - glass pot - glue pot - ingot pot - king pot - ladle pot - linear pot - low-inertia pot - melting pot - paste pot - porous pot - reactor pot - remelt pot - rotary pot - scrap pot - slag pot - soaking pot - spelter pot - spinning pot - stationary ingot tilting pot - still pot - terne pot - tinning pot - tin pot - top-heated galvanizing pot II сокр. от potential потенциал III сокр. от potentiometer 1) потенциометр 2) резистор переменного сопротивления, переменный резистор ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  бак; котёл chimney pot glue pot paint pot paint pressure pot pressure pot ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  потенциометр, переменный резистор – linear pot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бак 2) горшечный 3) горшок 4) горшок автоматического выключателя 5) котелок 6) резервуар 7) тигель 8) чашеобразный 9) чрен - annealing pot - cinder pot - flare pot - glass pot - heating pot - metal pot - planting pot - pot furnace - pot magnet - pot signal - pot smoker - pot transformer - sinter pot - spelter pot - spinning pot - tinning pot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) бак; резервуар 2) цилиндрическая державка (инструмента для охватывающего протягивания) 3) гнездо (инструментального) магазина ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) сосуд; вегетацинный сосуд 2) тигель 3) ловушка (для рыбы) – melting pot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. горшок; котелок; (высокая) кастрюля cooking pot —- горшок (котелок) для варки пищи pots and pans —- кухонная посуда (утварь) 2. банка pot of jam —- банка варенья 3. кружка 4. ночной горшок 5. цветочный горшок pot cultivation —- разведение цветов в горшках 6. спец. вегетационный сосуд 7. тигель (обыкн. из графита или огнеупорной глины) pot furnace —- тигельная печь pot roasting —- обжиг в тигле 8. бак; резервуар 9. разг. общий котел 10. содержимое горшка, котелка, кружки и т. п. pot of soup —- котелок (кастрюля) супу 11. спорт. разг. приз, кубок (особ. серебряный) 12. разг. выпивка 13. разг. куча денег to have pots of money —- денег куры не клюют 14. разг. сумма ставок (на скачках и т. п.) 15. разг. фаворит (на скачках) 16. разг. кон (в покере) 17. разг. важная персона (также big pot) 18. ист. каска 19. луза (бильярд) 20. плетеная ловушка (для ловли рыбы, крабов и т. п.) 21. сл. марихуана, гашиш 22. геол. купол 23. сокр. от 24. воен. дымовая шашка 25. воен. разг. снаряд 26. воен. разг. сокр. от pot shot 27. разг. пузо; брюхо 28. тех. дефлектор, зонт (дымовой трубы) 29. (-pot) как компонент сложных слов inkpot —- чернильница и т. п. Id: pot of gold —- золотая жила Id: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow —- несбыточная мечта Id: in one's pot —- пьяный; под мухой Id: to go to pot —- разориться;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  flowers комнатные цветы POT  1. noun  1) горшок; котелок; банка; кружка  2) цветочный горшок  3) ночной горшок  4) sport; coll. кубок, приз  5) напиток  6) coll. крупная сумма; pot/pots of money - большая сумма; куча денег  7) coll. совокупность ставок (на скачках, в картах)  8) tech. тигель  9) tech. дефлектор  10) geol. купол  11) sl. марихуана  12) attr. - pot flowers all gone to pot - все пошло к чертям to keep the pot boiling - (или on the boil)  а) зарабатывать на пропитание;  б) энергично продолжать to make the pot boil, to boil the pot -  а) зарабатывать средства к жизни;  б) подрабатывать, халтурить the pot calls the kettle black - не смейся горох, не лучше бобов; уж кто бы говорил, a ты бы помалкивал (т.е. сам тоже хорош) - big pot - go to pot  2. v.  1) класть в горшок или котелок  2) консервировать, заготовлять впрок  3) варить в котелке  4) сажать или пересаживать в горшок (цветы и т.п.); Father is potting up his favourite indoor plants.  5) загонять в лузу (шар в бильярде)  6) coll. стрелять, подстрелить (дичь); стрелять в упор; He is potting at rabbits with his new gun.  7) захватывать, завладевать  8) coll. сажать ребенка на горшок POT valour хмельной задор, пьяная удаль POT hat coll. котелок (шляпа) POT luck  1) все, что имеется на обед; come and take pot luck with us - чем богаты, тем и рады, пообедайте с нами  2)...
Англо-русский словарь


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