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Английский словарь американских идиом - pipe


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  U.S. gov. abbr. Pipeline Information and Program Evaluation softw. abbr. Python Interactive Process Enabler gen. comp. abbr. Primary Integrated Platform Environment comp. assem. abbr. Practice In Programming Environment gen. bus. abbr. Personalization Is Partial Evaluation gen. bus. abbr. Private Investment, Public Entity st. exc. abbr. Private Investment, Public Entity ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TUBE« a tube through which a liquid or gas flows, often under the ground  (A pipe had burst in the kitchen and flooded the floor. | Workmen were laying pipes under the road. | The pipe's blocked again! | a gas pipe) 2 »FOR SMOKING« a thing used for smoking tobacco, consisting of a small tube with a container shaped like a bowl at one end  (Peters filled and lit his pipe. | pipe tobacco) 3 »MUSIC« a) a simple musical instrument shaped like a tube and played by blowing b) one of the metal tubes through which air passes when an organ (2) is played c) the pipes BrE informal bagpipes 4 pipe dream a hope, idea, plan etc that is impossible or will probably never happen  (Arsenal lost 4-0, making winning the league something of a pipe dream.) 5 Put that in your pipe and smoke it! spoken used to say that someone must accept what you have just said, even though they do not like it 6 the pipes bagpipes ~2 v 1 »SEND LIQUID/GAS« T usually passive to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place  (a piped water supply | pipe sth into/to)  (Eighty per cent of sewage is piped directly into the sea.) 2 »SPEAK/SING« to speak or sing in a high voice  (A moorhen piped suddenly from the lake.) 3 »MAKE MUSIC« to make a musical sound using a pipe  (He piped a jaunty tune for us to dance to.) 4 »FOOD« to decorate food, especially a cake, with thin lines of icing or cream 5 pipe sb aboard technical to welcome someone important onto a ship by blowing a special whistle pipe down phr v spoken to stop talking or making a noise, and become calmer and less excited  (Pipe down! I'm trying to listen to the news.) pipe up phr v informal to begin to say something or start speaking, especially when you have been quiet until then  (The smallest child suddenly piped up with the answer.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pipes, piping, piped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pipe is a long, round, hollow object, usually made of metal or plastic, through which a liquid or gas can flow. They had accidentally damaged a gas pipe while drilling... N-COUNT 2. A pipe is an object which is used for smoking tobacco. You put the tobacco into the cup-shaped part at the end of the pipe, light it, and breathe in the smoke through a narrow tube. N-COUNT 3. A pipe is a simple musical instrument in the shape of a tube with holes in it. You play a pipe by blowing into it while covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers. N-COUNT 4. An organ pipe is one of the long hollow tubes in which air vibrates and produces a musical note. N-COUNT 5. If liquid or gas is piped somewhere, it is transferred from one place to another through a pipe. The heated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water... The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir... Most of the houses in the capital don’t have piped water. VERB: be V-ed prep, V n with adv, V-ed 6. see also piping, piping hot ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pipa (akin to Old High German pfifa ~), from Vulgar Latin *pipa ~, from Latin pipare to peep, of imitative origin  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a tubular wind instrument; specifically a small fipple flute held in and played by the left hand  b. one of the tubes of a ~ organ:  (1) flue ~  (2) reed ~  c. bag~ — usually used in plural  d.  (1) voice, vocal cord — usually used in plural  (2) piping 1  2.  a. a long tube or hollow body for conducting a liquid, gas, or finely divided solid or for structural purposes  b. a means of transmission (as of television signals or computer data) a broadband fiber-optic ~  3.  a. a tubular or cylindrical object, part, or passage  b. a roughly cylindrical and vertical geological formation  c. the eruptive channel opening into the crater of a volcano  4.  a. a large cask of varying capacity used especially for wine and oil  b. any of various units of liquid capacity based on the size of a ~; especially a unit equal to two hogsheads  5. a device for smoking usually consisting of a tube having a bowl at one end and a mouthpiece at the other  6. snap 2c, cinch  • ~ful noun  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~d; piping)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to play on a ~  b. to convey orders by signals on a boatswain's ~  2.  a. to speak in a high or shrill voice  b. to emit a shrill sound  transitive verb  1.  a. to play (a tune) on a ~  b. to utter in the shrill tone of a ~  2.  a. to lead or cause to go with ~ music  b.  (1) to call or direct by the boatswain's ~  (2) to receive aboard or attend the departure of by sounding a boatswain's ~  3. to trim with piping  4. to furnish or equip with ~s  5. to convey by or as if by ~s; especially to transmit by wire or coaxial cable  6. notice ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a tube of metal, plastic, wood, etc. used to convey water, gas, etc. 2 (also tobacco-pipe) a a narrow wooden or clay etc. tube with a bowl at one end containing burning tobacco, the smoke from which is drawn into the mouth. b the quantity of tobacco held by this (smoked a pipe). 3 Mus. a a wind instrument consisting of a single tube. b any of the tubes by which sound is produced in an organ. c (in pl.) = BAGPIPES. d (in pl.) a set of pipes joined together, e.g. pan-pipes. 4 a tubal organ, vessel, etc. in an animal's body. 5 a high note or song, esp. of a bird. 6 a cylindrical vein of ore. 7 a cavity in cast metal. 8 a a boatswain's whistle. b the sounding of this. 9 a cask for wine, esp. as a measure of two hogsheads, usu. equivalent to 105 gallons (about 477 litres). 10 archaic the voice, esp. in singing. --v.tr. 1 (also absol.) play (a tune etc.) on a pipe or pipes. 2 a convey (oil, water, gas, etc.) by pipes. b provide with pipes. 3 transmit (music, a radio programme, etc.) by wire or cable. 4 (usu. foll. by up, on, to, etc.) Naut. a summon (a crew) to a meal, work, etc. b signal the arrival of (an officer etc.) on board. 5 utter in a shrill voice; whistle. 6 a arrange (icing, cream, etc.) in decorative lines or twists on a cake etc. b ornament (a cake etc.) with piping. 7 trim (a dress etc.) with piping. 8 lead or bring (a person etc.) by the sound of a pipe. 9 propagate (pinks etc.) by taking cuttings at the joint of a stem. Phrases and idioms pipe away give a signal for (a boat) to start. pipe-cleaner a piece of flexible covered wire for cleaning a tobacco-pipe. pipe down 1 colloq. be quiet or less insistent. 2 Naut. dismiss from duty. pipe-fish any of various long slender fish of the family Syngnathidae, with an elongated snout. pipe-light a spill for lighting a pipe. pipe major an NCO commanding regimental pipers. pipe-organ Mus. an organ using pipes instead of or as well as reeds. pipe-rack a rack for holding tobacco-pipes. pipe-rolls hist. the annual records of the British Exchequer from the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) труба; трубка (см. тж. tube) 2) трубопровод подавать [перекачивать] по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу 3) усадочная раковина (в отливке, слитке) образовывать усадочные раковины (в отливке, слитке) 4) сварка свищ; газовый канал 5) отдулина (дефект проката) 6) (скважинная) колонна труб 7) мор. клюз 8) волновод 9) проводящий канал (в полупроводниковых приборах) 10) трубка (дефект ИС) 11) программный канал (операционной системы) 12) текст. отделывать кантом to break down drill pipes — развинчивать свечи бурильных труб на однотрубки; to bring pipes into perfect alignment — точно сцентрировать трубы (перед сваркой); to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку; to roll pipes — свинчивать трубы с помощью каната или цепи; to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны; to stack drill pipes in the derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в вышке; to strap drill pipes — измерять глубину скважины по длине бурильных труб, стоящих на подсвечнике; to string pipes — укладывать трубы в нитку; to strip pipes — извлекать трубы (из скважины) сквозь закрытый универсальный превентор; to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб; to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами; to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб; to wrinkle a...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  труба pipe for hydraulicking air pipe antisiphonage pipe asbestos-cement pipe aspiration pipe balance pipe bare pipe bellmouth pipe bleed pipe bottom pipe Bourdon pipe branch pipe bypass pipe cast-iron drain pipe centrifugally-cast pipe circulation pipe clay pipe communication pipe concrete pipe condensate return pipe conductor pipe connecting pipe corrugated pipe customer's service pipe diminishing pipe discharge pipe distributing pipe double branch pipe drain pipe draw-off pipe dredging pipe drill pipe drive pipe drowning pipe dry condensate return pipe equivalent pipe exhaust steam pipe expansion pipe fall pipe filter pipe flexible pipe flow pipe flush pipe furred pipes galvanized pipe gas pipe gas service pipe gilled pipe glazed stoneware pipe heat pipe ice pipe indirect drain pipe inspection pipe installation pipe instrument branch pipe intake pipe mantle pipe outfall pipe outlet pipe overflow pipe penstock pipe plain-ended pipe plastic pipe pressure pipe puff pipe pumpcrete pipe PVC pipe rainwater pipe ribbed pipe riser pipe sag pipe salt-glazed earthenware pipe screwed pipe seamless pipe service pipe sewer pipe shunt pipe single-hub pipe sludge pipe snorer pipe socket pipe soil and vent pipe sparge pipe spray pipe stoneware pipe suction pipe sump pipe supply pipe supply pipe from source surge pipe tail pipe taper pipe thick-walled pipe thin-walled pipe vent pipe ventilating pipe ventilation pipe Venturi pipe vitrified ceramic drain pipe vitrified pipe warning pipe waste pipe water pipe water distributing pipe water service pipe well screen pipe wet condensate return pipe wood-stave pipe ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) волновод 2) магистраль (передачи данных) 3) (кабельная) труба – access pipe – digital pipe – flexible light pipe – hollow pipe – light pipe – multimode-light pipe – planar light pipe – polymer light pipe – polymer-polymer pipe – quartz-polymer pipe ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) газовый 2) змеевиковый 3) подавать 4) подать 5) труба 6) трубка 7) трубный 8) труболитейный 9) трубопровод 10) трубопрокатный 11) трубочный 12) трубчатый 13) усадочная раковина 14) цепной brine pipe battery — рассольная батарея butt-weld pipe mill — стан для стыковой сварки труб chain locker pipe — цепная труба chain pipe wrench — цепной ключ creased pipe bend — складчатое колено трубы drill pipe string — бурильная колонна female pipe bend — охватывающее колено трубы flanged pipe bend — колено трубы с фланцами four-way pipe union — трубная крестовина hydrostatic ground pipe — энерг. трубка грунтовая гидростатическая mouth of a pipe — входной конец трубы pipe developed leak — в трубопроводе возникла течь pipe testing apparatus — трубоиспытательный аппарат pipe welding machine — трубосварочная машина reactor coolant pipe — трубопровод циркуляционный главный reducing pipe bend — переходное колено трубы run drill pipe in — опускать бурильную трубу set-off pipe bend — двойное колено трубы straight pipe coupling — прямая муфта towing chock pipe — буксирный клюз vertical offtake pipe — вертикальный газоотвод - bare pipe - blast pipe - branch pipe - bustle pipe - cast pipe - cast-iron pipe - casting pipe - chain pipe - chain-locker pipe - charging pipe - circulating pipe - circulation pipe - cold-drawn pipe - cold-rolled pipe - corrugate pipe - crossover pipe - delivery pipe - discharge pipe - downtake pipe - expansion of pipe - flatten pipe - forged pipe - glazed...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) трубка 2) пение, свист (птицы); петь (о птице) 3) pl дыхательные пути ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. труба pipe bend —- тех. угольник; колено трубы, отвод pipe branch —- тех. патрубок pipe coil —- тех. змеевик pipe fitting —- тех. фитинг, трубная арматура pipe joint —- тех. соединение (стык) труб pipe socket —- тех. раструб; трубная муфта pipe stock —- тех. клупп to lay pipes —- прокладывать трубы 2. трубопровод (также pipe duct) 3. (the pipes) ам. разг. батареи; радиатор (парового отопления) 4. курительная трубка to light a pipe —- закурить трубку to fill a pipe —- набить трубку to puff (to whiff) a pipe —- попыхивать трубкой to puff at (to suck) one's pipe —- курить (сосать) трубку 5. порция табаку (для трубки) 6. ам. сл. сигара 7. свирель; дудка 8. труба (в органе) 9. волынка 10. флейта Пана 11. ам. муз. жарг. саксофон 12. мор. боцманская дудка 13. мор. сигнал боцманской дудки 14. мор. захождение 15. пение, свист, щебет (птиц и т. п.); кваканье; жужжание the thin pipe of gnats —- тонкое жужжание комаров 16. разг. голос, звук голоса (особ. высокого) to have a fine pipe —- иметь прекрасный голос 17. разг. дыхательные пути congested pipes —- першение в горле there is something wrong with my pipes —- у меня что-то неблагополучно с бронхами 18. ам. сл. легкое, плевое дело he considered the course a pipe —- он думал, что это пустяковый предмет 19. ам. сл. верное дело it's a pipe! —- это дело верное (надежное); это чепуха...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) труба; трубопровод; the pipes - радиатор  2) курительная трубка  3) свирель; дудка; свисток  4) pl. волынка  5) naut. боцманская дудка  6) пение; свист  7) pl. дыхательные пути  8) бочка (для вина или масла; тж. мера = 491 л)  9) metal. усадочная раковина to smoke the pipe of peace - выкурить трубку мира; помириться - Kings pipe - Queens pipe - hit the pipe put that in your pipe and smoke it - намотайте себе это на ус  2. v.  1) играть на свирели  2) призывать свирелью; приманивать вабиком  3) naut. вызывать дудкой, свистать; to pipe all hands on deck - свистать всех наверх;  4) naut. играть захождение (при прибытии на корабль и сходе с корабля должностного лица); The Queen was piped aboard, and all the sailors cheered. When the captain left his ship for the last time, he was piped ashore.  5) сопровождаться игрой на свирели или дудке; There are customs in certain parts of the country, in which a special dish is piped in on some ceremonial occasion.  6) свистеть (о ветре и т.п.)  7) петь (о птице)  8) пищать (о человеке)  9) coll. плакать, реветь (тж. pipe ones eye)  10) отделывать кантом, окантовывать (платье, штору и т.д.); The shoulders of his uniform were piped with signs of his rank.  11) снабжать трубами  12) пускать по трубам; идти по трубам, подаваться по трубам; The water from the town has to be piped in from a great distance. Town water is piped into the more modern buildings.  13) передавать (по проводам);...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. pipe "musical wind instrument, tube to convey water," from V.L. *pipa "a pipe," from L. pipare "to chirp or peep," of imitative origin. All tubular senses ultimately derive from "small reed, whistle." Meaning "device for smoking" first recorded 1594. The verb sense of "play a pipe" is from O.E. pipian; the meaning "convey through pipes" is first recorded 1889. Pipeline in the slang sense of "channel of communication" is from 1921. A pipe dream (1896) is the sort of improbably fantasy one has while smoking opium. Piping hot is in Chaucer, a reference to hissing of food in a frying pan; to pipe up (M.E.) originally meant "to begin to play" (on a musical instrument). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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