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Английский словарь американских идиом - market


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  ~1 n 1 »PLACE TO BUY THINGS« a) a place where people buy and sell goods, especially in an open area or a large building  (There's a good antiques market here on Sundays. | I usually buy all my vegetables at the market. | street market (=with a lot of different people selling things from tables, stalls etc in the street)) b) AmE a shop that sells food and things for the home 2 the market a) the stock market  (Most analysts are forecasting a further downturn in the market. | play the market (=risk money on the stock market) | the markets (=stock markets around the world))  (The markets are nervous at the moment.) b) the total amount of trade in a particular kind of goods  (Honda is trying to increase its share of the market. | the art/diamond/bond etc market)  (The art market is rather depressed. | the market in)  (the world market in aluminum) c) the system in which all prices and wages depend on what goods people want to buy, how many they buy etc  (a naive belief in leaving everything to the market) 3 on the market available for people to buy  (There are thousands of different computer games on the market. | put a house/business etc on the market (=offer it for sale))  (We put our house on the market at the wrong time. | come onto the market (=become available for people to buy))  (a revolutionary new drug that has just come onto the market | on the open market (=generally available for people to buy without any official restrictions))  (In some areas, handguns were freely available on the open market.) 4 »COUNTRY/AREA« a particular country or area where a company sells its goods or where a particular type of goods is sold  (Our main overseas market is Japan. | cars intended for the domestic market) + for  (The main market for computer software is still in the US.) 5 »PEOPLE WHO BUY« the number of people who want to buy something, or the kind of people who want to buy it + for  (The market for specialist academic books is pretty small.) there is a market for (=people want to buy a product)  (There isn't much...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (markets, marketing, marketed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A market is a place where goods are bought and sold, usually outdoors. He sold boots on a market stall. N-COUNT 2. The market for a particular type of thing is the number of people who want to buy it, or the area of the world in which it is sold. (BUSINESS) The foreign market was increasingly crucial. ...the Russian market for personal computers... N-COUNT: usu sing, with supp, oft N for/in n 3. The market refers to the total amount of a product that is sold each year, especially when you are talking about the competition between the companies who sell that product. (BUSINESS) The two big companies control 72% of the market. N-SING: the N 4. If you talk about a market economy, or the market price of something, you are referring to an economic system in which the prices of things depend on how many are available and how many people want to buy them, rather than prices being fixed by governments. (BUSINESS) Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary... He must sell the house for the current market value. ...the market price of cocoa. ADJ: ADJ n 5. To market a product means to organize its sale, by deciding on its price, where it should be sold, and how it should be advertised. (BUSINESS) ...if you marketed our music the way you market pop music... ...if a soap is marketed as an anti-acne product. VERB: V n, be V-ed as n 6. The job market or the labour market refers to the people who are looking for work and the jobs available for them to do. (BUSINESS) Every year, 250,000 people enter the job market. ...the changes in the labour market during the 1980s. N-SING: the n N 7. The stock market is sometimes referred to as the market. (BUSINESS) The market collapsed last October. N-SING: the N 8. see also black market, market forces, open market 9. If you say that it is a buyer’s market, you mean that it is a good time to buy a particular thing, because there is a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, probably from Continental GMC; akin to Old Saxon markat ~place, Old High German marcat, both ultimately from Latin mercatus trade, ~place, from mercari to trade, from merc-, merx merchandise  Date: 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a meeting together of people for the purpose of trade by private purchase and sale and usually not by auction  (2) the people assembled at such a meeting  b.  (1) a public place where a ~ is held; especially a place where provisions are sold at wholesale a farmers' ~  (2) a retail establishment usually of a specified kind a fish ~  2. archaic the act or an instance of buying and selling  3. the rate or price offered for a commodity or security  4.  a.  (1) a geographic area of demand for commodities or services  (2) a specified category of potential buyers the youth ~  b. the course of commercial activity by which the exchange of commodities is effected ; extent of demand the ~ is dull  c.  (1) an opportunity for selling a good ~ for used cars  (2) the available supply of or potential demand for specified goods or services the labor ~  d. the area of economic activity in which buyers and sellers come together and the forces of supply and demand affect prices producing goods for ~ rather than for consumption  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to expose for sale in a ~  2. sell  intransitive verb to deal in a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, etc., esp. with a number of different vendors. b the time of this. 2 an open space or covered building used for this. 3 (often foll. by for) a demand for a commodity or service (goods find a ready market). 4 a place or group providing such a demand. 5 conditions as regards, or opportunity for, buying or selling. 6 the rate of purchase and sale, market value (the market fell). 7 (prec. by the) the trade in a specified commodity (the corn market). 8 (the Market) Brit. the European Economic Community. --v. (marketed, marketing) 1 tr. sell. 2 tr. offer for sale. 3 intr. buy or sell goods in a market. Phrases and idioms be in the market for wish to buy. be on (or come into) the market be offered for sale. make a market Stock Exch. induce active dealing in a stock or shares. market cross a structure erected in a market-place, orig. a stone cross, later an arcaded building. market-day a day on which a market is regularly held, usu. weekly. market garden a place where vegetables and fruit are grown for the market etc. market gardener a person who owns or is employed in a market garden. market maker Brit. a member of the Stock Exchange granted certain privileges and trading to prescribed regulations. market-place 1 an open space where a market is held in a town. 2 the scene of actual dealings. market price the price in current dealings. market research the study of consumers' needs and preferences. market town Brit. a town where a market is held. market value value as a saleable thing (opp. book value). put on the market offer for sale. Derivatives marketer n. marketing n. Etymology: ME ult. f. L mercatus f. mercari buy: see MERCHANT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) рынок (экономическая категория) 2) биржа 3) городской рынок 4) торговля 5) амер. специализированный продовольственный магазин - active market - automobile market - domestic market - dull market - external market - flat market - foreign market - government market - heavy market - holiday market - home market - inactive market - inland market - local service travel market - national market - offshore market - passenger market - premium market - primary energy market - world embracing market - world market ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  рынок, базар covered market ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) биржа сбыт 2) продавать 3) рынок 4) рыночный 5) сбывать 6) спрос 7) торговать 8) торговля - market cellulose - market game - market model - market trend ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  See: сущ. 1) эк. рынок а) (специальное место, отведенное для торговли) б) (организованная или неформальная система торговли товарами или услугами на основе определенных правил) Syn: marketplace 2) в) (люди, собравшиеся в целях купли-продажи товаров) г) (наличие спроса или предложения на определенный товар или услугу) д) (наличие возможности реализации определенного товара) a good market for used cars - хороший рынок для подержанных автомобилей, lucrative market - прибыльный рынок, доходный рынок е) (определенные сложившиеся условия торговли (активный или вялый рынок)) the market is dull - вялый рынок 2) эк. рынок сбыта (географический район, в котором присутствует спрос на определенные товары (услуги)) to open up a new market - открывать новый рынок Syn: marketing outlet 2) sales area 2) 3) эк. торговля, сбыт, продажа (экономическая деятельность, представленная продавцами и покупателями, собравшимися для продажи и покупки товаров (услуг)) 4) марк. = market segment youth market - молодежный сегмент рынка 5) эк. цена, тариф (товара (услуги), предлагаемых на продажу); курс (ценной бумаги) See: price rate 6) эк., амер. розничный магазин (обычно специализированный (напр., мясной, рыбный)) fish market - рыбный магазин MARKET рынок; сбыт;...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  ихт. миктеропёрка (Mycteroperca) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. рынок, базар covered market —- крытый рынок to go to (the) market —- идти на базар the next market is on Tuesday —- следующий базар (базарный день) (будет) во вторник he sends his pigs to market —- он продает своих свиней на базаре 2. рынок (сбыта) home market —- внутренний рынок foreign markets —- иностранные рынки overseas markets —- заморские рынки world market —- мировой рынок Common M. —- Общий рынок the wholesale market —- оптовый рынок market penetration —- выход на рынок сбыта to look for new markets —- искать новые рынки market analysis —- анализ рыночной конъюнктуры market research —- изучение конъюнктуры (возможностей) рынка 3. продажа; сбыт; спрос to be in (on) the market —- продаваться his house is in the market —- его дом продается it's the dearest car on the market —- это самый дорогой автомобиль из всех имеющихся в продаже to be in the market for smth. —- быть потенциальным покупателем; стремиться купить что-л. to come into the market —- поступить в продажу to bring to market, to put on the market —- пустить в продажу, выбросить на рынок to find a (ready) market —- (легко) найти сбыт; иметь сбыт; пользоваться спросом the products of this industry always find a market —- изделия этой отрасли промышленности всегда находят сбыт (пользуются спросом) there is a market for small cars —- имеется спрос на малолитражные автомобили there is no market for these goods —- на эти...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  research обобщение данных о конъюнктуре рынка MARKET  1. noun  1) рынок, базар  2) сбыт; to come into the market - поступить в продажу; to put on the market - пустить в продажу; to be on the market - продаваться  3) спрос; to find a (ready) market - пользоваться спросом; theres no market for these goods - на эти товары нет спроса  4) торговля; - brisk market - hours of market  5) рыночные цены; - the market rose - play the market  6) amer. продовольственный магазин  7) (the Market) = common  1.  2)  8) attr. рыночный; - market research to bring ones eggs/hogs to a bad (или the wrong) market - просчитаться; потерпеть неудачу to be on the long side of the market - придерживать товар в ожидании повышения цен  2. v.  1) привезти на рынок; купить/продать на рынке  2) продавать; сбывать; находить рынок сбыта MARKET garden огород (для выращивания овощей на продажу) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 12c., from O.N.Fr. market, from O.Fr. marchiet, from L. mercatus "trading, trade, market," from pp. of mercari "to trade, deal in, buy," from merx (gen. mercis) "wares, merchandise," from Italic root *merk-, possibly from Etruscan, refering to various aspects of economics. The verb is 1922, from the noun. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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