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Английский словарь американских идиом - know


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  ~1 v past tense knew, past participle known INFORMATION 1 T not in progressive to have information about something  (Who knows the answer? | Do you happen to know the time? | When are they arriving? Maybe Mrs. Mott knows. | instructions telling you everything you need to know | Marriage cancels a will, didn't you know that? | I had spoken without knowing all the facts. | know what/where/when etc)  (Do you know what I'm supposed to be doing? | I don't know where to go. | know about)  (The council has known about the leak for six months. | know all about)  (spoken)  (We know all about David and what he's been up to! | know (that))  (She knew that her father was sick, but not how serious it was. | knowing that (=because you know))  (I went to bed early knowing that I had to get up at six a.m. | want to know (=want to be told))  (I want to know what happened. | I thought you'd want to know immediately. | "When do I start?" Carlos wanted to know. | I'm dying to know spoken (=I am very eager to find out))  (I'm dying to know who won! | without sb knowing (=secretly, privately, or without someone being told))  (You can't do anything without the whole town knowing. | know to do sth (=know that you should do it))  (She knows not to tell anyone about it. | know sth/sb to be sth (=know that something is true about them))  (a story which he knew to be true | I know him to be a good worker. | how do you know? spoken (=how did you find out or what make you think that?))  (How did he know our names? | "Jason won't want to be involved." "How do you know?" | as you/we know)  (spoken)  (As you know, there's been a tremendous revival of interest in the project. | as/so far as I know (=I believe that it is true, but I am not certain))  (No other athlete, so far as I know, has won so many medals. | know for certain/sure)  (I think she's going but I don't know for sure. | know from experience)  (I know from experience that he's got a foul temper. | I wouldn't know spoken (=I do not know, and I am not the person you should ask))...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (knows, knowing, knew, known) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you know a fact, a piece of information, or an answer, you have it correctly in your mind. I don’t know the name of the place... ‘People like doing things for nothing.’—‘I know they do.’... I don’t know what happened to her husband... ‘How did he meet your mother?’—‘I don’t know.’... We all know about his early experiments in flying... They looked younger than I knew them to be... It is not known whether the bomb was originally intended for the capital itself... It’s always been known that key figures in the government do very well for themselves. VERB: no cont, V n, V that, V wh, V, V about n/-ing, V n to-inf, it be V-ed wh, it be V-ed that 2. If you know someone, you are familiar with them because you have met them and talked to them before. Gifford was a friend. I’d known him for nine years... Do you two know each other?... VERB: no cont, V n, V n 3. If you say that you know of something, you mean that you have heard about it but you do not necessarily have a lot of information about it. We know of the incident but have no further details... I know of no one who would want to murder Albert. VERB: no cont, V of n, V of n 4. If you know about a subject, you have studied it or taken an interest in it, and understand part or all of it. Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate... She didn’t know anything about music but she liked to sing. VERB: no cont, V about n, V amount about n 5. If you know a language, you have learned it and can understand it. It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics... VERB: no cont, V n 6. If you know something such as a place, a work of art, or an idea, you have visited it, seen it, read it, or heard about it, and so you are familiar with it. No matter how well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost... VERB: no cont, V n 7. If you know how to do...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (knew; ~n; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cnawan; akin to Old High German bichnaan to recognize, Latin gnoscere, noscere to come to ~, Greek gignoskein  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to perceive directly ; have direct cognition of  (2) to have understanding of importance of ~ing oneself  (3) to recognize the nature of ; discern  b.  (1) to recognize as being the same as something previously ~n  (2) to be acquainted or familiar with  (3) to have experience of  2.  a. to be aware of the truth or factuality of ; be convinced or certain of  b. to have a practical understanding of ~s how to write  3. archaic to have sexual intercourse with  intransitive verb  1. to have ~ledge  2. to be or become cognizant — sometimes used interjectionally with you especially as a filler in informal speech  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1592 ~ledge ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past knew; past part. known) 1 tr. (often foll. by that, how, what, etc.) a have in the mind; have learnt; be able to recall (knows a lot about cars; knows what to do). b (also absol.) be aware of (a fact) (he knows I am waiting; I think he knows). c have a good command of (a subject or language) (knew German; knows his tables). 2 tr. be acquainted or friendly with (a person or thing). 3 tr. a recognize; identify (I knew him at once; knew him for an American). b (foll. by to + infin.) be aware of (a person or thing) as being or doing what is specified (knew them to be rogues). c (foll. by from) be able to distinguish (one from another) (did not know him from Adam). 4 tr. be subject to (her joy knew no bounds). 5 tr. have personal experience of (fear etc.). 6 tr. (as known adj.) a publicly acknowledged (a known thief; a known fact). b Math. (of a quantity etc.) having a value that can be stated. 7 intr. have understanding or knowledge. 8 tr. archaic have sexual intercourse with. --n. (in phr. in the know) colloq. well-informed; having special knowledge. Phrases and idioms all one knows (or knows how) 1 all one can (did all he knew to stop it). 2 adv. to the utmost of one's power (tried all she knew). before one knows where one is with baffling speed. be not to know 1 have no way of learning (wasn't to know they'd arrive late). 2 be not to be told (she's not to know about the party). don't I know it! colloq. an expression of rueful assent. don't you know colloq. or joc. an expression used for emphasis (such a bore, don't you know). for all (or aught) I know so far as my knowledge extends. have been known to be known to have done (they have been known to not turn up). I knew it! I was sure that this would happen. I know what I have a new idea, suggestion, etc. know about have information about. know-all colloq. a person who seems to know everything. know best be or claim to be better informed etc. than others. know better than (foll. by that, or to + infin.) be wise, well-informed, or well-mannered...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) знавать 2) знаком 3) знать 4) отличать 5) понимать 6) узнавать 7) уметь as far as we know — насколько нам известно ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. знание to be in the know —- разг. быть в курсе дела 2. знать, иметь понятие или предствление; быть в курсе дела to know smb.'s peculiarities —- знать чьи-л. особенности to know positively that —- быть уверенным в том, что; знать наверняка, что to know all about smth. —- знать все о чем-л.; быть полностью в курсе дела относительно чего-л. to know of smb. who will do the work —- знать человека,который может выполнить эту работу to know smth. against smb. —- знать что-л. компрометирующее кого-л I do not know how it was done —- понятия не имею, как это сделали the place is known to me alone —- это место известно мне одному I don't know if you'll like it —- не знаю, понравится ли вам это I don't know whether he is here —- мне неизвестно, здесь ли он how do I know? —- откуда мне знать? how did you come to know of it? —- как получилось, что вы об этом узнали? as far as I know —- насколько мне известно everything gets known —- все становится известным to make smth. known to smb. —- довести что-л. до чьего-л. сведения Heaven only knows! —- одному небу известно! be it known to you —- да будет вам изветсно let me know —- сообщите мне, дайте мне знать let me know when it happened —- поставьте меня в известность (о том), когда это случилось this is the best method I know of —- это лучший из известных мне способов not that I know of it —- мне об этом ничего не известно, у меня об этом...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  by name  а) знать понаслышке;  б) знать лично каждого;  в) знать по имени; KNOW  1. v.  1) знать (тж. know of); иметь представление to know about smth. - знать о чем-л. I know of a shop where you can buy it - я знаю магазин, где это можно купить to get to know - узнать not that I know of - насколько мне известно - нет to know whats what coll. - знать толк в чем-л., понимать, что к чему  2) знать, иметь определенные знания to know the law - быть сведущим в праве to know three languages - знать три языка  3) уметь to know how to write (read) - уметь писать (читать)  4) узнавать, отличать I knew him at once - я его тотчас узнал to know ones own business - не вмешиваться в чужие дела to know better (than that) -  а) быть осторожным, осмотрительным;  б) прекрасно понимать I know better than to... - я не так прост, чтобы... to know one from another, to know two things apart - отличать одно от другого; not to know a person from Adam не иметь ни малейшего представления о ком-л. not to know what from which - не соображать, что к чему to know a good thing when one sees it - разбираться в чем-л.; понимать, что хорошо и что плохо to know the time of day - быть себе на уме before you know where you are - моментально, немедленно to know what one is about - действовать разумно; быть себе на уме who knows? - как знать? not to know enough to get out of the rain - плохо соображать  2. noun to be in the know coll. - быть в курсе дела; быть...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. cnawan (class VII strong verb; past tense cneow, pp. cnawen), from P.Gmc. *knoeanan, from PIE base *gn-. Knowledge is M.E. cnawlece, the second element obscure, perhaps cognate with the -lock "action, process," found in wedlock. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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