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Английский словарь американских идиом - hit


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  veterin. abbr. Huskies In Training veterin. abbr. Herding Instinct Test lab. abbr. High In Trial physiol. abbr. Hibernation Inducing Trigger physiol. abbr. Headache Impact Test physiol. abbr. Hormone Induction Therapy NASA abbr. Hypergravity Isolation Training mil. abbr. High Intensity Training mil. abbr. High Impact Training ac. degr. abbr. Health Information Technology ac. degr. abbr. Holistic Information Technology electron. abbr. Highly Improved Technology hardw. abbr. Human Interface Technology gen. comp. abbr. Highly Imaginative Technology educ. abbr. Homeroom Instructional Time educ. abbr. Home Impact Training educ. abbr. High Intelligence Teenager sport abbr. Houston Independent Teams sport abbr. Hiker In Training law abbr. Hookers In Training gen. bus. abbr. Honour, Integrity, Teamwork gen. bus. abbr. H L Interface Team NYSE symbols Hitachi, LTD. pos. abbr. Hooker In Training pos. abbr. Husband In Training firm name abbr. Horizon Internet Technologies ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle hitpresent participle hitting 1 »TOUCH SB/STH HARD« to touch someone or something quickly and usually hard with your hand, a stick etc  (hit sth with)  (Billy was hitting a tin can with a spoon. | hit sb on the nose/in the stomach/over the head etc)  (She hit him playfully over the head with her newspaper. | get hit)  (Stand back you lot, or you'll get hit.)  (- compare punch1 (1), slap1 (1)) 2 »HIT/CRASH INTO STH« to move into something quickly and hard  (The football hit the trash can with a bang. | The driver was drunk and hit three stationary cars.) 3 »ACCIDENTALLY« to move a part of your body quickly and hard against something so that it hurts you  (hit sth on/against etc)  (I fell and hit my head on the table.) 4 »IN SPORT« a) to make something such as a ball move by hitting it with a bat, stick etc  (He hit the shuttlecock gently this time.) b) to get a point or some points by hitting a ball etc  (hit two goals/a six etc)  (The batter hit a home run.) 5 »WORK A MACHINE ETC« to press a part in a machine, car, etc to make it work  (Hit the brakes!) 6 »HURT SB« to deliberately move your hand, a stick, etc against someone and hurt them  (Mom, she keeps hitting me! | hit sb with sth)  (They used to hit the kids with a leather belt. | hit sb over the head/in the stomach etc)  (She hit him as hard as she could around his face.) 7 »BULLETS/BOMBS ETC« T often passive to wound someone or damage something with a bullet, bomb etc  (hit sb/sth in/on etc)  (A second shot hit her in the back. | be badly hit)  (Our ship was badly hit and sank within minutes.) 8 »ATTACK« T usually passive) to attack someone suddenly  (The convoy was hit by Afghan government troops.) 9 »HURT, BUT NOT PHYSICALLY« informal to do something that harms someone  (hit sb where it hurts (=in the way you think will be most upsetting for them))  (You should hit your husband where it hurts most - in his wallet! | hit sb when they are down (=harm someone even though they are already defeated or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (hits, hitting) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The form 'hit' is used in the present tense and is the past and present participle. 1. If you hit someone or something, you deliberately touch them with a lot of force, with your hand or an object held in your hand. Find the exact grip that allows you to hit the ball hard... Police at the scene said Dr Mahgoub had been hit several times in the head. = strike VERB: V n, V n 2. When one thing hits another, it touches it with a lot of force. The car had apparently hit a traffic sign before skidding out of control... = strike VERB: V n 3. If a bomb or missile hits its target, it reaches it. The hospital had been hit with heavy artillery fire. VERB: V n • Hit is also a noun. First a house took a direct hit and then the rocket exploded. N-COUNT 4. If something hits a person, place, or thing, it affects them very badly. (JOURNALISM) The plan to charge motorists ?75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard... About two-hundred people died in the earthquake which hit northern Peru... VERB: V n, V n 5. When a feeling or an idea hits you, it suddenly affects you or comes into your mind. It hit me that I had a choice... Then the answer hit me. It had been staring me in the face. VERB: it V n that, V n 6. If you hit a particular high or low point on a scale of something such as success or health, you reach it. (JOURNALISM) Oil prices hit record levels yesterday. VERB: V n 7. If a CD, film, or play is a hit, it is very popular and successful. The song became a massive hit in 1945. ? flop N-COUNT: oft N n 8. A hit is a single visit to a website. (COMPUTING) Our small company has had 78,000 hits on its Internet pages. N-COUNT 9. If someone who is searching for information on the Internet gets a hit, they find a website where there is that information. N-COUNT 10. If two people hit it off, they like each other and become friendly as soon as they meet. (INFORMAL)...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~; ~ting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hyttan, probably from Old Norse ~ta to meet with, ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to reach with or as if with a blow  b. to come in contact with the ball ~ the window  c. to strike (as a ball) with an object (as a bat, club, or racket) so as to impart or redirect motion  2.  a. to cause to come into contact  b. to deliver (as a blow) by action  c. to apply forcefully or suddenly ~ the brakes  3. to affect especially detrimentally farmers ~ by drought  4. to make a request of ~ his friend for 10 dollars — often used with up  5. to discover or meet especially by chance  6.  a. to accord with ; suit  b. reach, attain prices ~ a new high  c. to arrive or appear at, in, or on ~ town the best time to ~ the stores  d. of fish to bite at or on  e. to reflect accurately ~ the right note  f. to reach or strike (as a target) especially for a score in a game or contest couldn't seem to ~ the basket  g. bat 2b  7. to indulge in excessively ~ the bottle  8. to deal another card to (as in blackjack)  intransitive verb  1.  a. to strike a blow  b. to arrive with a forceful effect like that of a blow the storm ~  2.  a. to come into contact with something  b. attack  c. of a fish strike 11b  d. bat 1  3. to succeed in attaining or coming up with something — often used with on or upon ~ on a solution  4. obsolete to be in agreement ; suit  5. of an internal combustion engine to fire the charge in the cylinders  • ~ter noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. an act or instance of ~ting or being ~ more ~s than misses  2.  a. a stroke of luck  b. a great success  3. a telling or critical remark  4. base ~  5. a quantity of a drug ingested at one time  6. a premeditated murder committed especially by a member of a crime syndicate  7. an instance of connecting to a particular Web site a million ~s per day  8. a successful match in a search (as of a computer database or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (hitting; past and past part. hit) 1 tr. a strike with a blow or a missile. b (of a moving body) strike (the plane hit the ground). c reach (a target, a person, etc.) with a directed missile (hit the window with the ball). 2 tr. cause to suffer or affect adversely; wound (the loss hit him hard). 3 intr. (often foll. by at, against, upon) direct a blow. 4 tr. (often foll. by against, on) knock (a part of the body) (hit his head on the door-frame). 5 tr. light upon; get at (a thing aimed at) (he's hit the truth at last; tried to hit the right tone in his apology) (see hit on). 6 tr. colloq. a encounter (hit a snag). b arrive at (hit an all-time low; hit the town). c indulge in, esp. liquor etc. (hit the bottle). 7 tr. esp. US sl. rob or kill. 8 tr. occur forcefully to (the seriousness of the situation only hit him later). 9 tr. Sport a propel (a ball etc.) with a bat etc. to score runs or points. b score (runs etc.) in this way. c (usu. foll. by for) strike (a ball or a bowler) for so many runs (hit him for six). 10 tr. represent exactly. --n. 1 a a blow; a stroke. b a collision. 2 a shot etc. that hits its target. 3 colloq. a popular success in entertainment. 4 a stroke of sarcasm, wit, etc. 5 a stroke of good luck. 6 esp. US sl. a a murder or other violent crime. b a drug injection etc. 7 a successful attempt. Phrases and idioms hit and run cause (accidental or wilful) damage and escape or leave the scene before being discovered. hit-and-run attrib.adj. relating to or (of a person) committing an act of this kind. hit back retaliate. hit below the belt 1 esp. Boxing give a foul blow. 2 treat or behave unfairly. hit for six Brit. defeat in argument. hit the hay (or sack) colloq. go to bed. hit the headlines see HEADLINE. hit home make a salutary impression. hit it off (often foll. by with, together) agree or be congenial. hit list sl. a list of prospective victims. hit man (pl. hit men) sl. a hired assassin. hit the nail on the head state the truth exactly. hit on (or upon) find (what is sought), esp....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) удар ударять(ся) 2) соударение; столкновение соударять(ся); сталкивать(ся) 3) совпадение (при поиске данных); попадание (наличие нужных данных в кэш ЗУ) 4) радио всплеск; мн. ч. пички 5) попадание помехи в канал 6) кратковременное нарушение радиосвязи; быстрое замирание 7) импульс облучения (цели) - gain hit - hail hit - harmonic hit - impulse hits - phase hit ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  удар; соударение; столкновение ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) импульсная помеха 2) кратковременное прекращение радиосвязи ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) попадание 2) попадать 3) удар 4) ударить 5) ударять time of first hit — момент первого попадания - direct hit - having hit - hit polynomial ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. толчок, удар, выпад 2) общ. успех, удача, удачная попытка, попадание hit rate - доля попаданий 3) общ. хит (книга, спектакль, фильм, пользующиеся огромной популярностью) 4) эк. существенный убыток, негативное событие (имеющее большое влияние на прибыль компании) 5) фин. принято; "котировка принята" (выражение готовности принять предложение по цене, запрашиваемой дилером) 6) комп. хит а)(загрузка любого элемента (html-документа, графического файла, в том числе и баннера, java-апплета и т. д.) пользователем с сервера) б) рекл. хит (в статистике посещений: загрузка пользователем страницы (а не всех элементов, на ней находящихся), на которой установлен данный счетчик посещений) See: site session traffic 5) HIT сущ. 1) общ. толчок, удар, выпад 2) общ. успех, удача, удачная попытка, попадание hit rate — доля попаданий 3) общ. хит (книга, спектакль, фильм, пользующиеся огромной популярностью) 4) эк. существенный убыток, негативное событие (имеющее большое влияние на прибыль компании) 5) фин. "принято" (выражение готовности принять предложение по цене, запрашиваемой дилером) See: hit the bid 6) комп. хит а) (загрузка любого элемента (html-документа, графического файла в том числе и...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. удар, толчок a hit with hammer —- удар молотом a clever hit —- меткий удар a free hit —- свободный удар (футбол) 2. попадание to score a hit —- попасть (в цель) to register a hit on the target —- отмечать (наблюдать) попадание в цель to obtain a hit —- воен. поражать цель hit capability —- воен. технически допускаемая меткость a hit! —- туше! (фехтование) 3. комп. результативное обращение в память ЭВМ; релевантная выдача (информации) 4. успех; удача; удачная попытка lucky hit —- неожиданный успех, счастливый случай, везение to get smth. by a lucky hit —- получить что-л. благодаря счастливому случаю a hit that will never come again —- (удачный) случай, который больше не представится to be (to make) a (big) hit —- иметь (большой) успех, произвести (шумную) сенсацию he made a hit with his songs —- его песни имели огромный успех the play was a hit —- пьеса имела успех (у публики) 5. спектакль, концерт, фильм, имеющий большой успех; нашумевшая пьеса, книга; популярная песенка, шлягер, "хит" I want to buy hits from operas —- я хочу купить плстинки с популярными ариями из опер 6. выпад; ядовитое, ехидное, саркастическое замечание to have (to make) a hit at the quacks —- высмеивать шарлатанов that's a hit at you —- это выпад против вас the play contained some clever hits at the fashions of the day —- в пьесе остроумно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) удар, толчок  2) попадание; удачная попытка  3) выпад, саркастическое замечание (at) thats a hit at me - это по моему адресу  4) успех, удача  5) спектакль, фильм, роман и т.п., пользующийся успехом; гвоздь сезона; бестселлер; модный шлягер the film was quite a hit - фильм имел большой успех  6) популярный исполнитель, любимец публики  2. v.  1) ударять (on - по); поражать to hit below the belt -  а) sport нанести удар ниже пояса;  б) нанести предательский удар;  в) воспользоваться своим преимуществом to hit a man when hes down - бить лежачего  2) ударить(ся) (against, upon - о, обо) Dont hit your hand too hard against the window when you try to open it, you might break the glass.  3) попадать в цель; fig. больно задевать, задевать за живое to be badly hit - понести тяжелый урон, сильно пострадать  4) находить; напасть, натолкнуться (часто hit on, hit off, hit upon) we hit the right road - мы напали на верную дорогу to hit a likeness - уловить сходство  5) amer.; coll. достигать - hit back - hit off - hit on - hit out to hit it -  а) правильно угадать, попасть в точку;  б) amer. двигаться, путешествовать с большой быстротой to hit it off with smb. - ладить с кем-л. to hit the (right) nail on the head - правильно угадать, попасть в точку to hit smb. s fancy - поразить чье-л. воображение to hit the big spots amer.; coll. - кутить - hit the hay - hit the bottle - hit the...
Англо-русский словарь


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