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Английский словарь американских идиом - half


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  ~1 predeterminer, adj only before noun 1 being half of an amount, time, distance, number etc  (events that happened over half a century ago | Only half the guests had arrived by seven o'clock. | The studio is only half a block away. | half a mile/pound/hour etc (=half of a unit of measurement))  (half a pound of butter | It's about half a mile down the road. | a half hour/mile etc)  (You can't just waltz in a half hour late - we need you here on time.) 2 if something is half one thing and half something else, it is a combination of those two things  (A Minotaur is a monster that is half man, half bull.) 3 half one/two/three etc BrE informal thirty minutes after the hour mentioned  (I rang at about half six.) 4 half a dozen a) six  (half a dozen eggs) b) several or many  (The children seemed to be singing `Happy Birthday' to half a dozen different tunes.) 5 be half the battle spoken used to say that when you have done the most difficult part of an activity, the rest is easy  (Getting Jimmy dressed in the mornings is half the battle.) 6 half the fun/time/trouble etc the largest part of something  (Half the trouble with John is that he never really listens to what you say. | Kids seem to think that climbing up a slide is half the fun.) 7 half a minute/moment/second etc spoken a very short time  (Hold on, this will only take half a second.) 8 have half a mind to do sth spoken a) to say that you would like to do something but you probably will not do it, especially when you want to show your disapproval of what someone has done  (I have half a mind to tell him what an idiot he is.) b) used as a not very serious threat to show your disapproval of what someone has done  (I have half a mind to tell your mother about this.) 9 only half the story an explanation that is not complete, used especially to say that someone is trying to keep something secret  (Journalists are convinced that the Congressman was only telling them half the story.) 10 half measures actions or methods that are not effective in dealing with a difficult problem...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (halves) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Half of an amount or object is one of two equal parts that together make up the whole number, amount, or object. They need an extra two and a half thousand pounds to complete the project... More than half of all households report incomes above ?35,000... Cut the tomatoes in half vertically... FRACTION • Half is also a predeterminer. We just sat and talked for half an hour or so... They had only received half the money promised... PREDET • Half is also an adjective. ...a half measure of fresh lemon juice... Steve barely said a handful of words during the first half hour. ADJ: ADJ n 2. You use half to say that something is only partly the case or happens to only a limited extent. His eyes were half closed... His refrigerator frequently looked half empty... She’d half expected him to withdraw from the course. ADV: ADV adj, ADV before v 3. In games such as football, rugby, and basketball, matches are divided into two equal periods of time which are called halves. The only goal was scored by Jakobsen early in the second half. N-COUNT: usu ord N 4. A half is a half-price bus or train ticket for a child. (BRIT) N-COUNT 5. You use half to say that someone has parents of different nationalities. For example, if you are half German, one of your parents is German but the other is not. She was half Italian and half English. ADV: ADV adj 6. You use half past to refer to a time that is thirty minutes after a particular hour. ‘What time were you planning lunch?’—‘Half past twelve, if that’s convenient.’... PREP-PHRASE: usu PREP num 7. Half means the same as half past. (BRIT INFORMAL) They are supposed to be here at about half four. PREP: PREP num 8. You can use half before an adjective describing an extreme quality, as a way of emphasizing and exaggerating something. (INFORMAL) He felt half dead with tiredness... ADV: ADV adj c darkgreen]emphasis • Half can also...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural halves)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English healf; akin to Old High German halb ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. either of two equal parts that compose something; also a part approximately equal to one of these ~ the distance the larger ~ of the fortune  b. ~ an hour — used in designation of time  2. one of a pair: as  a. partner  b. semester, term  c. either of the two equal periods that together make up the playing time of some games (as football); also the midpoint in playing time the score was tied at the ~  3. ~-dollar  4. ~back  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. being one of two equal parts a ~ share a ~ sheet of paper  b.  (1) amounting to approximately ~ a ~ mile a ~ million  (2) falling short of the full or complete thing ; partial ~ measures a ~ smile  2. extending over or covering only ~ a ~ window a ~ mask  • ~ness noun  III. adverb  Date: 12th century  1.  a. in an equal part or degree the crowd was ~ jeering, ~ respectful  b. not completely ; partially ~ persuaded  2. by any means ; at all her singing isn't ~ bad ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., adj., & adv. --n. (pl. halves) 1 either of two equal or corresponding parts or groups into which a thing is or might be divided. 2 colloq. = half-back. 3 colloq. half a pint, esp. of beer etc. 4 either of two equal periods of play in sports. 5 colloq. a half-price fare or ticket, esp. for a child. 6 Golf a score that is the same as one's opponent's. --adj. 1 of an amount or quantity equal to a half, or loosely to a part thought of as roughly a half (take half the men; spent half the time reading; half a pint; a half-pint; half-price). 2 forming a half (a half share). --adv. 1 (often in comb.) to the extent of half; partly (only half cooked; half-frozen; half-laughing). 2 to a certain extent; somewhat (esp. in idiomatic phrases: half dead; am half inclined to agree). 3 (in reckoning time) by the amount of half (an hour etc.) (half past two). Phrases and idioms at half cock see COCK(1). by half (prec. by too + adj.) excessively (too clever by half). by halves imperfectly or incompletely (never does things by halves). half-and-half being half one thing and half another. half-back (in some sports) a player between the forwards and full backs. half-baked 1 incompletely considered or planned. 2 (of enthusiasm etc.) only partly committed. 3 foolish. half the battle see BATTLE. half-beak any fish of the family Hemirhamphidae with the lower jaw projecting beyond the upper. half-binding a type of bookbinding in which the spine and corners are bound in one material (usu. leather) and the sides in another. half-blood 1 a person having one parent in common with another. 2 this relationship. 3 = half-breed. half-blooded born from parents of different races. half-blue Brit. 1 a person who has represented a university, esp. Oxford or Cambridge, in a sport but who has not received a full blue. 2 this distinction (see BLUE(1) n. 3). half board provision of bed, breakfast, and one main meal at a hotel etc. half-boot a boot reaching up to the calf. half-breed often offens. a person of mixed race. half-brother a brother with only one...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) половина, полу- 2) забой, расположенный под углом 45° к главному кливажу - drag half of mold - girth half - mold bottom half - mold top half - pattern half - tail half ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вдвое меньше 2) наполовину 3) половина 4) половинный 5) полу- 6) часть half as large again — в полтора раза больше half as much again — полтора раза больше, в полуторном размере half speed move — среднеходный of one and a half — полуторный upper half plane — верхняя полуплоскость - half adder - half as great - half as large - half bubble - half open - half reaction - half speed - half wave - less by half ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. половина half a dozen —- полдюжины half the profits —- половина прибылей half of the profits —- ровно половина прибылей half an hour —- полчаса half past ten —- половина одиннадцатого one and a half —- полтора three and a half —- три с половиной three and a half hours, three hours and a half —- три с половиной часа the first half of the year —- первое полугодие at halves —- пополам, на двоих to rent at halves —- снимать на двоих to farm on halves —- вести хозяйство вдвоем to go halves with smb. in smth. —- войти в долю с кем-л. they went halves in the expense of hiring a car —- они на двоих взяли напрокат автомобиль 2. делить пополам, поровну in half, in halves —- пополам to fold in half —- свернуть пополам to cut in half —- разрезать пополам to cut the cost in half —- уменьшить расходы вдвое I can do it in half the time —- я могут сделать это вдвое быстрее to divide into two halves —- разделить пополам by half —- наполовину; намного, гораздо to reduce by half —- сокращать наполовину bigger by half —- в полтора раза больше to much by half —- чересчур много too clever by half —- ирон. слишком умный by halves —- не совсем, частично, наполовину to do smth. by halves —- сделать что-л. наполовину, не закончить what is half of twelve? —- сколько будет, если двенадцать разделить пополам? I gave her half, and kept half for myself —- половину я отдал ей, а другую половину оставил себе 3. семестр,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  board noun полупансион HALF face в профиль HALF holiday noun сокращенный рабочий день HALF  1. noun  1) половина half a mile - полмили half (an hour) past two (oclock) - половина третьего  2) часть чего-л. - the larger half  3) семестр the winter/summer half - зимний/летний семестр  4) sport половина игры  5) leg. сторона (в договорах и т.п.)  6) coll. полпинты пива; полстопки виски  7) coll.; = half-back  8) amer.; coll. полдоллара  9) = half-mile to go halves in smth. - делить что-л. поровну to cry halves - требовать свою долю to have half a mind to do smth. - быть не прочь сделать что-л. to do smth. by halves - делать что-л. кое-как; недоделывать too clever by half iron. - слишком уж умен  2. adj.  1) половинный  2) неполный, частичный  3. adv.  1) наполовину; полу half raw - полусырой  2) в значительной степени, почти not half bad - недурно half as much again - в полтора раза больше - half as much - not half HALF as much в два раза меньше HALF binding noun комбинированный переплет HALF hose noun гольфы; носки HALF measure noun полумера HALF moon noun  1) полумесяц  2) mil.; hist. равелин HALF pay noun половинный оклад HALF the battle залог успеха, победы ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. half, halb (Mercian), healf (W. Saxon) "side, part" (original sense preserved in behalf), from P.Gmc. *khalbas. Used also in O.E. phrases as in modern Ger., to mean "one half unit less than," cf. юridda healf "two and a half," lit. "half third." Half-and-half "ale and porter" is from 1756; half-baked in sense of "silly" is from 1855; half-breed is from 1791; half-brother, etc., was in M.E.; halftime in football is from 1871; half-truth is first recorded 1658. Half-assed "ineffectual" is 1932, perhaps a humorous mispronunciation of haphazard. Slang half seas over "drunk" (1736) is from notion of a ship heavy-laden and so low in the water that small waves (half seas) wash over the deck. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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