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Английский словарь американских идиом - fellow


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  ~1 n 1 old-fashioned a man  (Paul's an easy-going sort of fellow.) 2 old-fashioned a friendly way of addressing a man  (Hello my dear fellow!) 3 old-fashioned your/his etc fellows the people who you work with, go to school with etc  (He's much more serious than his school fellows.) 4 especially BrE a member of an important society or a college  (Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.) ~2 adj 1 fellow workers/students/countrymen etc people who work, study etc with you  (She ignored her fellow passengers throughout the whole journey.) 2 our fellow man/men other people in general  (We all have obligations to our fellow men.) 3 fellow feeling a feeling of sympathy and friendship towards someone because they are like you  (As an only child myself, I had a certain fellow feeling for Laura.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (fellows) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use fellow to describe people who are in the same situation as you, or people you feel you have something in common with. She discovered to her pleasure, a talent for making her fellow guests laugh... Even in jail, my fellow inmates treated me with kindness. ADJ: ADJ n 2. A fellow is a man or boy. (INFORMAL, OLD-FASHIONED) By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow. = chap N-COUNT 3. Your fellows are the people who you work with, do things with, or who are like you in some way. (FORMAL) People looked out for one another and were concerned about the welfare of their fellows. N-PLURAL: poss N 4. A fellow of an academic or professional association is someone who is a specially elected member of it, usually because of their work or achievements or as a mark of honour. ...the fellows of the Zoological Society of London. N-COUNT: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English felawe, from Old English feolaga, from Old Norse felagi, from felag partnership, from fe cattle, money + lag act of laying  Date: before 12th century  1. comrade, associate  2.  a. an equal in rank, power, or character ; peer  b. one of a pair ; mate  3. a member of a group having common characteristics; specifically a member of an incorporated literary or scientific society  4.  a. obsolete a person of one of the lower social classes  b. archaic a worthless man or boy  c. man, boy  d. boyfriend, beau  5. an incorporated member of a college or collegiate foundation especially in a British university  6. a person appointed to a position granting a stipend and allowing for advanced study or research ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 colloq. a man or boy (poor fellow!; my dear fellow). 2 derog. a person regarded with contempt. 3 (usu. in pl.) a person associated with another; a comrade (were separated from their fellows). 4 a counterpart or match; the other of a pair. 5 an equal; one of the same class. 6 a contemporary. 7 a an incorporated senior member of a college. b an elected graduate receiving a stipend for a period of research. c a member of the governing body in some universities. 8 a member of a learned society. 9 (attrib.) belonging to the same class or activity (fellow soldier; fellow-countryman). Phrases and idioms fellow-feeling sympathy from common experience. fellow-traveller 1 a person who travels with another. 2 a sympathizer with, or a secret member of, the Communist Party. Etymology: OE feolaga f. ON f{eacute}lagi f. f{eacute} cattle, property, money: see LAY(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. сущ. 1) общ. приятель, товарищ, коллега, собрат fellows in arms — товарищи собратья по оружию Syn: associate, comrade 2) общ. равный (кто-л. равный по званию, положению и т. п., или что-л. равное по характеру, значимости и т. п.) Syn: peer 3) общ. парная вещь, парный предмет While one leg was convulsed, its fellow remained quiet. — В то время, как одну ногу охватили судороги, вторая оставалась в покое. Syn: mate 4) общ. член (зарегистрированного научного или литературного общества; используется с капитализацией) Fellow of the Royal Society — член Королевского (научного) общества (в Великобритании) 5) обр. член совета колледжа; аспирант, стипендиат-исследователь (стипендиат, занимающийся исследовательской работой; часто используется с капитализацией) university fellow — стипендиат-исследователь в университете 6) общ. человек, парень honest fellow — честный малый nice regular fellow — славный малый young fellow — молодой человек old fellow — старина, дружище poor fellow — бедняга Syn: chap, guy 7) общ., амер., разг. поклонник; молодой человек (о возлюбленном, женихе) Syn: boy-friend, beau 2. прил. общ. (принадлежащий к той же группе, имеющий нечто общее с кем-л.) fellow workers — сотрудники (одного учреждения), сослуживцы ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. разг. человек, парень, малый a fellow —- кто-то, любой человек (в т.ч. говорящий) a fellow can't work all day long —- не может же человек работать весь день why can't you let a fellow alone! —- оставьте меня в покое! good fellow —- славный малый jolly fellow —- веселый малый, весельчак; компанейский парень little fellow —- малыш, ребенок poor fellow —- бедняга old fellow —- старик, старина, дружище my dear fellow —- мой дорогой my good fellow —- любезный, дорогой мой (обыкн. с оттенком протеста или неодобрения) 2. презр. тип that captain fellow who is always with her —- этот капитанишка, который крутится около нее tell that fellow to go away —- (про)гони этого типа there is a fellow downstairs who would like to speak to you —- какая-то личность внизу хочет поговорить с вами 3. товарищ, собрат fellows at school —- товарищи по школе a fellow in misery —- товарищ по несчастью fellows in arms —- соратники, товарищи по оружию a fellow in crime —- уст. соучастник преступления 4. аспирант; стипендиат, занимающийся исследовательской работой 5. младший научный сотрудник колледжа или университета (в Великобритании) 6. (обыкн. F.) член совета колледжа, университета 7. (F.) действительный член научного общества F. of the Royal Society —- член Королевского (научного) общества (в Великобритании) 8. парная вещь, парный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  creature ближний FELLOW soldier товарищ по оружию FELLOW citizen согражданин FELLOW noun  1) товарищ, собрат a fellow in misery - товарищ по несчастью fellows in arms - товарищи по оружию  2) coll. человек; парень a good fellow - славный малый my dear fellow - дорогой мой - old fellow  3) парная вещь; пара I shall never find his fellow - я никогда не найду равного ему  4) (обыкн. Fellow) член совета колледжа; стипендиат, занимающийся исследовательской работой  5) (обыкн. Fellow) член научного общества  6) amer.; coll. ухажер, поклонник  7) attr. - fellow citizen - fellow creature - fellow soldier Syn: see associate ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. feolaga "partner," from O.N. felagi, from fe "money" + verbal base denoting "lay." Sense is of "one who puts down money with another in a joint venture." Used familiarly since M.E. for "man, male person," but not etymologically masculine. University senses evolved from notion of "one of the corporation who constitute a college" and who are paid from its revenues. At one fell swoop is from "Macbeth." Fellow-feeling (1613) attempted to translate L. compassio and Gk. sympatheia. First record of fellow-traveller "one who sympathizes with the Communist movement but is not a party member," is from 1936, translating Rus. poputchik. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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