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Английский словарь американских идиом - false


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  ~ adj 1 »UNTRUE« a statement, story, etc that is false is completely untrue  (Please decide whether the following statements are true or false. | false accusations) 2 »WRONG« based on incorrect information or ideas  (I don't want to give you any false hopes. | We often make false assumptions about people of other cultures. | a false sense of security (=a feeling of being safe when you are not really safe))  (It's easy to feel a false sense of security if crime never touches you personally.) 3 »NOT REAL« a) not real, but intended to seem real and deceive people  (a suitcase with a false bottom | The man had given a false name and address.) b) artificial  (false teeth/hair/eyelashes etc)  (Oh no! Grandad's lost his false teeth again.) 4 »NOT SINCERE« not sincere or honest, and pretending to have feelings that you do not really have  (She's very false. | a false laugh | false modesty)  ("You played brilliantly." "Not really," Ian replied with false modesty.) 5 one false move used when warning someone that if they disobey you, make a mistake, or move suddenly something very bad will happen to them  (One false move, and I'll shoot!) 6 under false pretences if you get something under false pretences, you get it by deceiving people  (He was accused of obtaining money under false pretences.) 7 false imprisonment/arrest the illegal act of putting someone in prison or arresting (arrest2) them for a crime they have not done 8 false economy something that you think will save money but which will really cost you more  (It's a false economy not to have travel insurance on your belongings.) 9 false friend a word in a foreign language that seems similar to one in your own, so that you wrongly think they both mean the same thing 10 sail/fly under false colours to pretend to be something that you are not ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something is false, it is incorrect, untrue, or mistaken. It was quite clear the President was being given false information by those around him... You do not know whether what you’re told is true or false... His sister said he had deliberately given the hospital a false name and address. ? true ADJ • falsely ...a man who is falsely accused of a crime. = wrongly ADV: ADV with v 2. You use false to describe objects which are artificial but which are intended to look like the real thing or to be used instead of the real thing. ...a set of false teeth... = artificial ? real ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. If you describe a person or their behaviour as false, you are criticizing them for being insincere or for hiding their real feelings. ‘Thank you,’ she said with false enthusiasm... ? genuine ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval • falsely He was falsely jovial, with his booming, mirthless laugh... ‘This food is divine,’ they murmur, falsely. ADV: ADV adj, ADV after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English fals, faus, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin falsus, from past participle of fallere to deceive  Date: 12th century  1. not genuine ~ documents ~ teeth  2.  a. intentionally untrue ~ testimony  b. adjusted or made so as to deceive ~ scales a trunk with a ~ bottom  c. intended or tending to mislead a ~ promise  3. not true ~ concepts  4.  a. not faithful or loyal ; treacherous a ~ friend  b. lacking naturalness or sincerity ~ sympathy  5.  a. not essential or permanent — used of parts of a structure that are temporary or supplemental  b. fitting over a main part to strengthen it, to protect it, or to disguise its appearance a ~ ceiling  6. inaccurate in pitch a ~ note  7.  a. based on mistaken ideas ~ pride  b. inconsistent with the facts a ~ position a ~ sense of security  8. threateningly sudden or deceptive don't make any ~ moves  Synonyms: see faithless  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 13th century in a ~ or faithless manner ; treacherously his friends played him ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & adv. --adj. 1 not according with fact; wrong, incorrect (a false idea). 2 a spurious, sham, artificial (false gods; false teeth; false modesty). b acting as such; appearing to be such, esp. deceptively (a false lining). 3 illusory; not actually so (a false economy). 4 improperly so called (false acacia). 5 deceptive. 6 (foll. by to) deceitful, treacherous, or unfaithful. 7 illegal (false imprisonment). --adv. in a false manner (esp. play false). Phrases and idioms false acacia see ACACIA. false alarm an alarm given needlessly. false bedding Geol. = CROSS-BEDDING. false colours deceitful pretence. false dawn a transient light in the east before dawn. false gharial see GHARIAL. false pretences misrepresentations made with intent to deceive (esp. under false pretences). false rib = floating rib. false start 1 an invalid or disallowed start in a race. 2 an unsuccessful attempt to begin something. false step a slip; a mistake. false topaz = CITRINE. Derivatives falsely adv. falseness n. falsity n. (pl. -ies). Etymology: OE fals and OF fals, faus f. L falsus past part. of fallere deceive ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ложный 2) неверный 3) некорректный 4) неправильный 5) сдвинутый 6) фальшивый almost false sentence — почти ложное высказывание false busy test — проба занятости неправильная false lover's knot — узел ложной дружбы false position method — матем. метод пристрелки identically false formula — тождественно ложная формула logically false expression — логически ложное выражение method of false position — матем. метод ложного положения probability of accepting false hypothesis — вероятность принятия ложной гипотезы probability of false rejection — вероятность ложного отклонения (гипотезы) rule of false position — правило ложного положения - absolutely false - false alarm - false assertion - false cleavage - false command - false conclusion - false conjecture - false correlation - false definition - false equilibrium - false formula - false hypothesis - false image - false inference - false information - false interpretation - false operation - false pole - false position - false proposition - false relation - false rib - false roof - false rule - false sentence - false spar - false statement - false target - false triggering - false twist - false work - false zero - formally false - identically false - logically false ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) ложный, ошибочный 2) поддельный, фальшивый • - false representation - false statement - false swearing FALSE неправильный, ложный см. false witness ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. разг. лжец, обманщик 2. подделка; фальшивка 3. ложный, неверный; ошибочный false accusation —- ложное обвинение false note —- фальшивая нота false shame —- ложный стыд false pride —- ложная гордость; ложное самолюбие false pains —- мед. ложные (предварительные) схватки (при родах) to take a false step —- сделать неверный шаг; совершить ошибку to be in a false position —- оказаться в ложном (неловком) положении to give (to put) a false colour on smth. —- искажать что-л., представлять что-л. в ложном свете to give a false impression —- создать неправильное впечатление the news has proved false —- сообщение оказалось неверным 4. фальшивый, неискренний, притворный; вероломный, лживый false tears —- притворные (крокодиловы) слезы false to the core —- лживый (фальшивый) насквозь to be false to smb.'s trust —- обмануть чье-л. доверие to be false to smb. —- обманывать кого-л., быть неверным кому-л. 5. поддельный, фальшивый false coin —- фальшивая монета false hair —- фальшивые (накладные) волосы, парик false teeth —- искусственные (вставные) зубы false jewelry —- фальшивые драгоценности false pillars —- декоративные колонны false window —- глухое окно; декоративное окно false prophet —- лжепророк 6. тех. дополнительный, вспомогательный (об элементах конструкции); временный false timbering —- горн. временное...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  pretences обман, притворство FALSE  1. adj.  1) ложный, ошибочный, неправильный - false pride  2) фальшивый, вероломный; лживый; обманчивый - false pretences  3) фальшивый (о деньгах); искусственный (о волосах, зубах)  4) - false keel to give a false colour to smth., to put a false colour on smth. - искажать, представлять что-л. в ложном свете to show a false face - лицемерить Syn: see artificial see treacherous  2. adv. to play smb. false - обмануть, предать кого-л. FALSE arch noun constr. декоративная арка FALSE beginner noun человек, начинающий учить язык с нуля, хотя он изучал его ранее FALSE coin фальшивая монета; fig. подделка FALSE diamond фальшивый бриллиант FALSE keel naut. фальшкиль FALSE key отмычка FALSE mirror кривое зеркало FALSE positive noun ошибочный результат научного исследования FALSE pride ложная гордость ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 12c., from L. falsus, pp. of fallere "deceive, disappoint." Falsies "padded brassiere" first recorded 1943. FALSETTO - 1774, from It., dim. of falso "false." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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