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Английский словарь американских идиом - fair


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  U.S. gov. abbr. Facts Are Irrelevant Really U.S. gov. abbr. Finance Administration Intergovernmental Relations U.S. gov. abbr. Federal Activities Inventory Reform transport. abbr. Flight Attendants For Independent Representation telec. abbr. Fibreoptics Association for International Research media abbr. Fairness And Accuracy In Reporting non-prof. org. abbr. Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting educ. abbr. Family Advocacy And Information Resource sport abbr. Freedom Athletic Inequities Response chat abbr. Forum Against Islamophobia Racism ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »REASONABLE AND ACCEPTABLE« a situation, system, or way of treating people that is fair seems reasonable and acceptable  (a fair wage for the job | Who said life was fair? | Everyone should have the right to a fair trial. | it is fair to do sth)  (It seems fair to give them their money back. | it's fair to say that (=used to say that a judgement about something seems reasonable))  (I think it's fair to say that she was not to blame for the accident.) 2 »TREATING EVERYONE EQUALLY« a fair situation, judgement, description etc is one in which everyone is treated equally  (Why do you let her stay out late and not me? It's not fair! | fair to)  (The old law wasn't fair to women. | it's only fair (that))  (You pay him $10 an hour - it's only fair that I should get the same.) 3 »FAIR PERSON« someone who treats everyone in a reasonable, equal way  (The boss is a hard man - hard but fair.) 4 »QUITE BIG/FAR/A LOT« a fair size/number/amount/distance etc especially BrE a fairly large size, number etc  (There's a fair amount of unemployment around here. | We had travelled a fair way by lunch time.) 5 »SKIN/HAIR« light in colour  (He had blue eyes and fair hair. | Both her children are very fair.)  (- opposite dark1 (4)) 6 »LEVEL OF ABILITY« neither particularly good nor particularly bad; average  (Her written work is excellent but her practical work is only fair.) 7 »ACCORDING TO THE RULES« a fair fight, game, or election is one that is played or done according to the rules  (free and fair elections) 8 »WEATHER« pleasant and not windy, rainy etc  (That morning the weather was fair, and the air was warm.) 9 have a fair idea of to know quite a lot about what something is like  (I think I have a fair idea of what the job involves.) 10 have had more than your fair share of to have had more of something, especially something unpleasant, than seems reasonable or fair  (Poor old Alan! He's had more than his fair share of bad luck recently.) 11 give sb a fair crack of the whip BrE informal to give someone the chance to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (fairer, fairest, fairs) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something or someone that is fair is reasonable, right, and just. It didn’t seem fair to leave out her father... Do you feel they’re paying their fair share?... Independent observers say the campaign’s been very much fairer than expected... An appeals court had ruled that they could not get a fair trial in Los Angeles. ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf • fairly ...demonstrating concern for employees and solving their problems quickly and fairly... In a society where water was precious, it had to be shared fairly between individuals. ADV: usu ADV after v, also ADV -ed 2. A fair amount, degree, size, or distance is quite a large amount, degree, size, or distance. My neighbours across the street travel a fair amount... My mother’s brother lives a fair distance away so we don’t see him and his family very often. ADJ: ADJ n 3. A fair guess or idea about something is one that is likely to be correct. It’s a fair guess to say that the damage will be extensive... I have a fair idea of how difficult things can be. = reasonable ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you describe someone or something as fair, you mean that they are average in standard or quality, neither very good nor very bad. Reimar had a fair command of English. = adequate ADJ 5. Someone who is fair, or who has fair hair, has light-coloured hair. Both children were very like Robina, but were much fairer than she was. ADJ • Fair is also a combining form. ...a tall, fair-haired Englishman. COMB in ADJ 6. Fair skin is very pale and usually burns easily. It’s important to protect my fair skin from the sun. ADJ • Fair is also a combining form. Fair-skinned people who spend a great deal of time in the sun have the greatest risk of skin cancer. COMB in ADJ 7. When the weather is fair, it is quite sunny and not raining. (FORMAL) Weather conditions were fair. = fine ADJ 8. A county, state, or country...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English fager, ~, from Old English f?ger; akin to Old High German fagar beautiful  Date: before 12th century  1. pleasing to the eye or mind especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless quality  2. superficially pleasing ; specious she trusted his ~ promises  3.  a. clean, pure ~ sparkling water  b. clear, legible  4. not stormy or foul ; fine ~ weather  5. ample a ~ estate  6.  a. marked by impartiality and honesty ; free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism a very ~ person to do business with  b.  (1) conforming with the established rules ; allowed  (2) consonant with merit or importance ; due a ~ share  c. open to legitimate pursuit, attack, or ridicule ~ game  7.  a. promising, likely in a ~ way to win  b. favorable to a ship's course a ~ wind  8. archaic free of obstacles  9. not dark ~ skin  10.  a. sufficient but not ample ; adequate a ~ understanding of the work  b. moderately numerous, large, or significant takes a ~ amount of time  11. being such to the utmost ; utter a ~ treat to watch him — New Republic  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, just, equitable, impartial, unbiased, dispassionate, objective mean free from favor toward either or any side. ~ implies an elimination of one's own feelings, prejudices, and desires so as to achieve a proper balance of conflicting interests a ~ decision. just implies an exact following of a standard of what is right and proper a just settlement of territorial claims. equitable implies a less rigorous standard than just and usually suggests equal treatment of all concerned the equitable distribution of the property. impartial stresses an absence of favor or prejudice an impartial third party. unbiased implies even more strongly an absence of all prejudice your unbiased opinion. dispassionate suggests freedom from the influence of strong feeling and often implies cool or even cold judgment a dispassionate summation of the facts. objective stresses a tendency to view events or persons as...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 just, unbiased, equitable; in accordance with the rules. 2 blond; light or pale in colour or complexion. 3 a of (only) moderate quality or amount; average. b considerable, satisfactory (a fair chance of success). 4 (of weather) fine and dry; (of the wind) favourable. 5 clean, clear, unblemished (fair copy). 6 beautiful, attractive. 7 archaic kind, gentle. 8 a specious (fair speeches). b complimentary (fair words). 9 Austral. & NZ complete, unquestionable. --adv. 1 in a fair manner (play fair). 2 exactly, completely (was hit fair on the jaw). --n. 1 a fair thing. 2 archaic a beautiful woman. --v. 1 tr. make (the surface of a ship, aircraft, etc.) smooth and streamlined. 2 intr. dial. (of the weather) become fair. Phrases and idioms fair and square adv. & adj. 1 exactly. 2 straightforward, honest, above-board. fair crack of the whip see CRACK. a fair deal equitable treatment. fair dos colloq. fair shares. fair enough colloq. that is reasonable or acceptable. fair game a thing or person one may legitimately pursue, exploit, etc. fair-minded just, impartial. fair-mindedly justly, impartially. fair-mindedness a sense of justice; impartiality. fair name a good reputation. fair play reasonable treatment or behaviour. fair rent the amount of rent which a tenant may reasonably be expected to pay according to established guidelines. the fair sex women. fair's fair colloq. all involved should act fairly. fair-spoken courteous. a fair treat colloq. a very enjoyable or attractive thing or person. fair-weather friend a friend or ally who is unreliable in times of difficulty. for fair US sl. completely. in a fair way to likely to. Derivatives fairish adj. fairness n. Etymology: OE f{aelig}ger f. Gmc 2. n. 1 a gathering of stalls, amusements, etc., for public (usu. outdoor) entertainment. 2 a periodical gathering for the sale of goods, often with entertainments. 3 an exhibition, esp. to promote particular products. Etymology: ME f. OF feire f. LL feria sing. f. L feriae holiday ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  придавать обтекаемую форму ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) безобидный 2) закрывать обтекателями 3) сглаживать 4) справедливый 5) честный 6) чистовой 7) ярмарка absolutely fair game — абсолютно справедливая игра fair division problem — задача о справедливом дележе game of fair division — игра (с целью) справедливого дележа - absolutely fair - fair casino - fair coin - fair dice - fair die - fair game - fair in place - fair lottery - fair opponent - fair tile ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) справедливый; добросовестный 2) выставка; ярмарка FAIR I сущ. 1) общ. выставка American International Toy Fair -Американская международная выставка игрушек 2) торг. ярмарка (периодически устраиваемый съезд представителей торговых и промышленных предприятий, предпринимателей, коммерсантов, как правило, для оптовой продажи и закупки товаров по выставленным на ярмарке образцам) annual fair - ежегодная ярмарка country fair - сельская ярмарка See: trade fair catalogue fair wholesale fair 3) торг. распродажа (периодическая, сезонная- товаров одного или множества видов) used books fair - распродажа старых (подержанных) книг Syn: sale 2) 4) торг. базар (праздничная или сезонная торговля, место такой торговли) II прил. 1) общ. честный, справедливый, порядочный, добросовестный; беспристрастный; законный fair average quality - справедливое (стандартное) среднее качество, fair competition - честная (добросовестная) конкуренция, fair play - честная игра (конкуренция), fair trade - честная торговля, fair value - справедливая стоимость 2) общ. хороший, подходящий, сносный, приемлемый in fair condition - в приличном состоянии, a fair number - достаточное количество 3) общ. ясный, чистый fair sky - ясное небо, fair name - хорошая репутация, fair copy - чистовик, беловик 4)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) обильный (об урожае) 2) ясный (о погоде) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. county fair, state fair ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. ярмарка the Leipzig Spring F. —- весенняя Лейпцигская ярмарка 2. благотворительный базар church fair —- церковный (благотворительный) базар 3. выставка World F. —- всемирная выставка Id: a day after the fair —- слишком поздно 4. уст. красавица; возлюбленная the fair —- прекрасный пол 5. уст. женщина 6. посредственная, удовлетворительная отметка; посредственно, удовлетворительно Id: for fair —- ам. действительно, несомненно; полностью Id: the rush was on for fair —- (предпраздничная) толкотня развернулась вовсю Id: no fair —- ам. не по правилам Id: that was no fair —- это нарушение правил 7. честный; справедливый, беспристрастный; законный by fair means —- честным путем by fair means or foul —- любыми средствами fair deal —- честная (справедливая) сделка fair play —- игра по правилам; честная игра; честность; справедливость it was a fair fight —- бой велся по правилам (бокс) fair price —- справедливая (настоящая) цена fair employment practices —- ам. прием на работу без дискриминации strict but fair —- строгий, но справедливый fair game —- охот. законная добыча (также перен.) it's all fair and above-board —- здесь все честно it's all fair and proper —- это только справедливо to give smb. a fair hearing —- дать кому-л. возможность изложить свою точку зрения, оправдаться и т. п. 8. достаточно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) ярмарка - Bartholomew Fair  2) благотворительный базар  3) выставка - world fair the day after the fair - слишком поздно II  1. adj.  1) честный; справедливый, беспристрастный; законный it is fair to say - справедливости ради следует отметить by fair means or foul - любыми средствами - fair game - fair and square - fair play - by fair means - fair price  2) порядочный, значительный - a fair amount  3) посредственный, средний fair to middling - так себе, неважный this film was only fair - фильм был весьма посредственный  4) белокурый; светлый - fair complexion - fair man  5) благоприятный, неплохой a fair chance of success - хорошие шансы на успех - fair weather  6) чистый, незапятнанный - fair name  7) вежливый, учтивый  8) obs. прекрасный, красивый - fair one - the fair sex fair field and no favour - игра или борьба на равных условиях alls fair in love and war prov. - в любви и на войне все средства хороши Syn: see disinterested  2. adv.  1) честно to hit (to fight) fair - нанести удар (бороться) по правилам  2) точно, прямо to strike fair in the face - ударить прямо в лицо  3) чисто, ясно  4) obs. любезно, учтиво to speak smb. fair - любезно, вежливо поговорить с кем-л. fair and softly! - тише!, легче! does the boat lie fair? naut. - у борта ли шлюпка? - fair enough  3. noun obs. красавица - the fair - for fair  4. v. - fair up FAIR and square открытый, честный FAIR complexion белый (не смуглый) цвет лица FAIR weather...
Англо-русский словарь


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