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Английский словарь американских идиом - climb


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  ~1 v 1 »MOVE UP/DOWN« I always + adv/prep, to move up, down, or across something, especially something tall or steep, using your feet and hands + up/down/along etc  (Some spectators climbed onto the roof to get a better view.) climb a wall/tree/mountain etc  (The kids are always climbing trees.) 2 »WITH DIFFICULTY« to move into, out of, or through something slowly and awkwardly + through/over/into etc  (Ian managed to climb through a hole in the hedge.) climb into/out of clothes (=put on or remove clothing slowly) 3 »SPORT« to climb mountains as a sport  (Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest.)  (- see also climbing) 4 »PATH/SUN/PLANE« to move gradually to a higher position + into/up etc  (The path climbs high into the hills. | The plane slowly began to climb.) 5 »PLANT« to grow up a wall or other structure  (Ivy climbed up the front of the building.) 6 »TEMPERATURE/PRICES ETC« to increase in number, amount, or level  (The temperature was climbing steadily.)  (The original estimate of $500 million has now climbed to a staggering $1300 million.) 7 »IN A LIST« to move higher in a list of teams, records etc as you become more popular or successful  (Madonna's new record has climbed to number 2 in the US charts.) 8 »IN YOUR LIFE/PROFESSION« to move to a better position in your social or professional life  (Steve climbed rapidly in the firm. | climb the ladder (=become more successful)) 9 be climbing the walls spoken to become extremely anxious, annoyed, or impatient  (When Colin hadn't arrived home by midnight I was climbing the walls.) climb down phr v informal to admit that you were wrong, especially after being certain that you were right - climb-down n  (a humiliating climb-down) ~2 n C usually singular 1 a process in which you go up towards a place and that usually involves a lot of effort  (It's quite a climb to the fifth floor! | a tough climb to the top of the hill) 2 an increase in value or amount  (After a fairly steady climb, prices stabilized at around $1.65 a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (climbs, climbing, climbed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you climb something such as a tree, mountain, or ladder, or climb up it, you move towards the top of it. If you climb down it, you move towards the bottom of it. He picked up his suitcase and climbed the stairs... I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe... Kelly climbed down the ladder into the water... Children love to climb. VERB: V n, V up n, V down n, V, also V up/down • Climb is also a noun. ...an hour’s leisurely climb through olive groves and vineyards. N-COUNT: oft N prep 2. If you climb somewhere, you move there carefully, for example because you are moving into a small space or trying to avoid falling. The girls hurried outside, climbed into the car, and drove off... He must have climbed out of his cot... VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 3. When something such as an aeroplane climbs, it moves upwards to a higher position. When the sun climbs, it moves higher in the sky. The plane took off for LA, lost an engine as it climbed, and crashed just off the runway. = rise VERB: V, also V prep 4. When something climbs, it increases in value or amount. The nation’s unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June... Prices have climbed by 21% since the beginning of the year... The FA Cup Final’s audience climbed to 12.3 million... Jaguar shares climbed 43 pence to 510 pence. VERB: V, V by amount, V to/from amount, V amount 5. a mountain to climb: see mountain see also climbing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; probably akin to Old English clifian to adhere — more at cleave  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to go upward with gradual or continuous progress ; rise, ascend watching the smoke ~  b. to increase gradually prices are continuing to ~  c. to slope upward a ~ing path  2.  a. to go upward or raise oneself especially by grasping or clutching with the hands ~ed aboard the train  b. of a plant to ascend in growth (as by twining)  3. to go about or down usually by grasping or holding with the hands ~ down the ladder  4. to get into or out of clothing usually with some haste or effort the firefighters ~ed into their clothes  transitive verb  1. to go upward on or along, to the top of, or over ~ a hill  2. to draw or pull oneself up, over, or to the top of by using hands and feet children ~ing the tree  3. to grow up or over ivy ~ing the wall  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: circa 1587  1. a place where ~ing is necessary to progress  2. the act or an instance of ~ing ; rise, ascent ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) ascend, mount, go or come up, esp. by using one's hands. 2 intr. (of a plant) grow up a wall, tree, trellis, etc. by clinging with tendrils or by twining. 3 intr. make progress from one's own efforts, esp. in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, etc. 4 intr. (of an aircraft, the sun, etc.) go upwards. 5 intr. slope upwards. --n. 1 an ascent by climbing. 2 a a place, esp. a hill, climbed or to be climbed. b a recognized route up a mountain etc. Phrases and idioms climb down 1 descend with the help of one's hands. 2 withdraw from a stance taken up in argument, negotiation, etc. climb-down n. such a withdrawal. climbing-frame a structure of joined bars etc. for children to climb on. climbing-iron a set of spikes attachable to a boot for climbing trees or ice slopes. Derivatives climbable adj. Etymology: OE climban f. WG, rel. to CLEAVE(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) (постепенный) подъём подниматься; отклоняться вверх 2) возд. набор высоты набирать высоту entry into climb — переход в режим набора высоты; in climb — с набором высоты; при наборе высоты; climb in turns — набор высоты по спирали; climb to ceiling — набор высоты до потолка (полёта); climb to cruise — набор крейсерской высоты полёта; to establish climb — устанавливать режим набора высоты; to extend climb to... — продолжать набор высоты до... all-engine-operating climb — набор высоты при всех работающих двигателях - cruise climb - discontinued approach climb - en-route climb - multistep climb - normal initial climb - one-step climb - proper climb - steep climb - stepped climb - vertical climb ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) подъем подниматься 2) взбираться, влезать 3) авиац. набор высоты набирать высоту to enter a climb — авиац. переходить в режим набора высоты to maintain the climb — авиац. выдерживать набор высоты to recover from the climb — авиац. прекращать набор высоты ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  виться, обвиваться; стелиться (о растении) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. подъем; восхождение long climb —- долгое восхождение the sales chart shows a climb of 30 per cent —- диаграмма реализации продукции показывает рост на 30 процентов 2. ав. набор высоты 3. тех. набегание ремня to be on the climb —- идти в гору, делать карьеру 4. уст. карабкаться; взбираться, влезать; подниматься to climb a rope —- взбираться по канату to climb a tree —- взобраться на дерево he climbed to the upper deck of the bus —- он взобрался на второй этаж автобуса to climb on all fours —- карабкаться на четвереньках to climb up the stairs —- медленно подниматься по лестнице to climb down a tree —- слезть с дерева the child climbed upon her father's knee —- ребенок взобрался к отцу на колени to climb over a wall —- перелезть через стену 5. медленно подниматься the sun was climbing to the zenith —- солнце медленно приближалось к зениту 6. расти, подниматься (о ценах) 7. идти круто вверх (о дороге) 8. виться (о растениях) the ivy is climbing up the wall —- плющ вьется вверх по стене 9. делать карьеру, пробивать себе дорогу to climb the heights of power —- достигнуть вершины власти to climb to success —- добиться успеха 10. ав. подниматься, набирать высоту 11. быстро натянуть на себя одежду the firemen climbed into their suits —- пожарные быстро натянули свои костюмы Id: to climb up the ladder —- подниматься по общественной лестнице,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  down  а) слезать When you reach the top of a mountain, the worst part is climbing down.  б) отступать, уступать (в споре) The speakers forceful words persuaded his opponent to climb down. CLIMB to power стремиться к власти CLIMB on band-wagon примкнуть к движению, имеющему шансы на успех; примазаться к победившей партии или популярному движению CLIMB out of  а) выбираться, вылезать The cat fell into the hole and couldnt climb out of it.  б) оправдываться But you were seen taking the book; now try to climb out of that one. CLIMB the ladder делать карьеру CLIMB  1. noun  1) подъем, восхождение  2) aeron. набор высоты - rate of climb  3) attr. - climb indicator  2. v.  1) подниматься, карабкаться, влезать to climb (up) a tree - влезать на дерево - climb to power  2) aeron. набирать высоту  3) лазить  4) виться (о растениях) - climb down - climb out of to climb on the bandwagon - действовать похожим образом Syn: ascend, mount, rise, scale Ant: descend, fall CLIMB indicator aeron. указатель вертикальной скорости ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. climban, from W.Gmc. *klimbanan "go up by clinging." A strong verb in O.E., weak by 16c. Most other Gmc. languages long ago dropped the -b. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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