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Английский словарь американских идиом - claim


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  ~1 v 1 to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved  (claim (that))  (Gascoigne claimed he'd been dining with friends at the time of the murder. | claim to be)  (She claims to be a descendant of Charles Dickens. | claim to have done)  (Doctors claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease. | claim responsibility/innocence/credit (=say officially that you are responsible, innocent etc)) 2 to officially demand or receive money from an organization + on  (You can claim on the insurance if you have an accident while on vacation. | The government intends to make legal aid harder to claim.) claim benefit/an allowance/damages (=officially receive money because you do not have a job, are injured etc) 3 to state that you have a right to something or to take something that belongs to you  (Viscount Lander will claim the title on his father's death. | Lost property can be claimed between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.) 4 if a war, accident etc claims lives, people die because of it  (The Kobe earthquake has so far claimed over 3000 lives.) 5 if something claims someone's attention or time, they have to consider it carefully  (The issue of a united Ireland continues to claim our undivided attention.) ~2 n 1 »MONEY« a) a request for money, especially money that you have a right to + for  (claims for compensation) make a claim/put in a claim  (They put in a claim on the insurance for the stolen luggage. | pay claim (=a request made by workers for more money) | claim form (=an official form that you must fill in in order to get money from an organization)) b) the sum of money you request when making such a claim  (The insurance company cannot meet such enormous claims.) 2 »STATEMENT« a statement that something is true, even though it has not been proved  (claim that)  (Dino denies claims that he is involved in a drugs ring. | claim to do/be sth)  (the Democratic claim to be the party of women's rights | make a claim)  (Photographs make a claim to portray reality in a way that paintings never can. | make no...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (claims, claiming, claimed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth. He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him... A man claiming to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life... ‘I had never received one single complaint against me,’ claimed the humiliated doctor... He claims a 70 to 80 per cent success rate. = maintain VERB: V that, V to-inf, V with quote, V n 2. A claim is something which someone says which they cannot prove and which may be false. He repeated his claim that the people of Trinidad and Tobago backed his action... He rejected claims that he had affairs with six women. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N that 3. If you say that someone claims responsibility or credit for something, you mean they say that they are responsible for it, but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth. An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion... VERB: V n 4. If you claim something, you try to get it because you think you have a right to it. Now they are returning to claim what was theirs. VERB: V n 5. A claim is a demand for something that you think you have a right to. Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans. N-COUNT: oft N to n 6. If someone claims a record, title, or prize, they gain or win it. (JOURNALISM) Zhuang claimed the record in 54.64 seconds... VERB: V n 7. If you have a claim on someone or their attention, you have the right to demand things from them or to demand their attention. She’d no claims on him now... He was surrounded by people, all with claims on his attention. N-COUNT: N on n 8. If something or someone claims your attention, they need you to spend your time and effort on them. There is already a long list of people claiming her attention. VERB: V n 9. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, clamer, from Latin clamare to cry out, shout; akin to Latin calare to call — more at low  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to ask for especially as a right ~ed the inheritance  b. to call for ; require this matter ~s our attention  c. take 16b the accident ~ed her life  2. to take as the rightful owner went to ~ their bags at the station  3.  a. to assert in the face of possible contradiction ; maintain ~ed that he'd been cheated  b. to ~ to have organization…which ~s 11,000…members — Rolling Stone  c. to assert to be rightfully one's own ~ed responsibility for the attack  Synonyms: see demand  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. a demand for something due or believed to be due an insurance ~  2.  a. a right to something; specifically a title to a debt, privilege, or other thing in the possession of another  b. an assertion open to challenge a ~ of authenticity  3. something that is ~ed; especially a tract of land staked out ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a (often foll. by that + clause) demand as one's due or property. b (usu. absol.) submit a request for payment under an insurance policy. 2 a represent oneself as having or achieving (claim victory; claim accuracy). b (foll. by to + infin.) profess (claimed to be the owner). c assert, contend (claim that one knows). 3 have as an achievement or a consequence (could then claim five wins; the fire claimed many victims). 4 (of a thing) deserve (one's attention etc.). --n. 1 a a demand or request for something considered one's due (lay claim to; put in a claim). b an application for compensation under the terms of an insurance policy. 2 (foll. by to, on) a right or title to a thing (his only claim to fame; have many claims on my time). 3 a contention or assertion. 4 a thing claimed. 5 a statement of the novel features in a patent. 6 Mining a piece of land allotted or taken. Phrases and idioms no claim (or claims) bonus a reduction of an insurance premium after an agreed period without a claim under the terms of the policy. Derivatives claimable adj. claimer n. Etymology: ME f. OF claime f. clamer call out f. L clamare ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  рекламация; претензия - autorization claim - parts stock claim - service tool claim - warranty claim ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) рекламация; претензия 2) требование требовать 3) заявление, утверждение заявлять, утверждать 4) претендовать на что-л. 5) заявка на участок для ведения горных работ 6) участок, отведенный для производства горных работ to admit a claim — признать справедливость претензии ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) требование 2) претензия, иск 3) утверждение, заявление 4) амер.; австрал. участок земли, отведенный под разработку недр 5) заявка на отвод участка • - adjudicate a claim - advance a claim - advise a claim - allow a claim - alternative claim - answer to a claim - assert a claim - base a claim on - circumstances of the case under claim - claim a deal - claim adjuster - claim against a bankrupt estate - claim against the public - claim compensation - claim for compensation for damages - claim for damages - claim for payment - claim for recovery - claim for refund - claim for relief - claim form - claim in return - claim not settled - claim of a party - claim of ownership - claim of recourse - claim of the right - claim over against - claim paid - claim payment - claim payments - claim priority - claim settlement - claim statement - claim to be exempt - claim to personal property - claim to property - claim under agreement - claim under contract - clearing claim - compensation claim - compensation on a claim - consider a claim - consideration of a claim - contest a claim - counter claim - counterclaim - cross-claim - date of a claim - deal with a claim - debt claim - decision under claim - default claim - dependent claim - dismiss a claim - dispute a claim - dividend claim - documentation for a claim - equity claim - establish a claim - established claim - evidence for a claim - examination of a claim - examination of claim - file a claim - filing of a claim - give up a claim - jump a claim - lay claim to smth. - make a claim against smb. for smth. - make a claim on smb. for smth. - meet a claim - original claim - pay claim - reject a claim - renounce one's claims to - satisfy a claim - secured claim - supplemental claim - total claims - travel claims - wage claim Syn: grievance 2. гл. 1) требовать 2) предъявлять претензию 3) утверждать, заявлять - claim damages CLAIM 1)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. требование; претензия, притязание territorial claims —- территориальные претензии to lay claim to smth., to set up a claim to smth., to put in a claim for smth. —- предъявлять требование на что-л; претендовать на получение чего-л does anyone make a claim to this purse? —- разг. чей это кошелек? 2. право (на что-л); (законная) претензия; юр. также право требования claim to attention —- право на внимание moral claim —- моральное право prior claim —- юр. преимущественное требование he has no claim on me —- он не имеет права рассчитывать на меня what claim has he to the property? —- какие у него права на это имущество? 3. патентные притязания, патентная формула 4. (отдельный) пункт патентной заявки 5. иск; претензия; рекламация claim in return, counter claim —- встречное требование; встречный иск claim against the public —- расход, относимый за счет государства to abandon a claim —- отказаться от требования to acknowledge a claim —- признать требование to allow a claim —- удовлетворить требование; признать правильность претензии to make a claim against smb. for smth. —- предъявить иск кому-л на что-л to lay claim to smth., to put smth. to a claim —- предъявлять права на что-л to reject a claim —- отказать в требовании; отклонить рекламацию 6. юр. иск о возмещении убытков или ущерба (в связи с увечьем) to put in a claim —- подавать иск о...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) требование; претензия; притязание; утверждение, заявление - raise a claim - lay claim to - put smth. in a claim  2) иск; рекламация  3) mainly amer., austral. участок земли, отведенный под разработку недр; заявка на отвод участка - jump a claim - stake out a claim Syn: perquisite, right, title  2. v.  1) требовать - claim damages - claim attention - claim ones right  2) претендовать, предъявлять претензию, заявлять права на что-л. (for) Magical properties are sometimes claimed for certain medicines. The discoverer claimed the island for the nation. - claim the victory  3) утверждать, заявлять  4) leg. возбуждать иск о возмещении убытков (against/from - против кого-л.; for - за что-л.) You should be able to claim against the car insurance. You should be able to claim the cost against the car insurance. Can I claim for yesterdays journey? Syn: see demand CLAIM attention требовать к себе внимания CLAIM check noun квитанция на получение заказа, вещей после ремонта и т.п. CLAIM damages требовать возмещения убытков CLAIM ones right требовать своего CLAIM the victory настаивать на своей победе ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. clamer "to call, claim," from L. clamare "to cry out, shout," from PIE *kla-, onomatopoeic. The noun meaning "piece of land allotted and taken" (chiefly U.S. and Austral., in reference to mining) is from 1863. Claim properly should not stray too far from its true meaning of "to demand recognition of a right." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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