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Английский словарь американских идиом - business


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  ~ n »WORK DONE BY COMPANIES« 1 the activity of buying or selling goods or services that is done by companies  (Students on the course learn about all aspects of business. | in business)  (Most of my family are in business. | do business with)  (We do a lot of business with Italian companies. | the business community (=important people who work in business))  (The policy is backed by the international business community.) 2 be in business/go into business to be operating as a company or to begin operating as a company  (Pam's going into business with her sister.) 3 go out of business to stop operating as a company  (Higher interest rates will drive smaller firms out of business.) 4 »AMOUNT OF COMPANY WORK« the amount of work a company is doing or its value  (We're now doing twice as much business as we did last year. | business is good/bad/slow etc)  (Business is slow during the summer. | drum up business (=increase it))  (Sidney's doing the rounds of the customers, trying to drum up business.) 5 »NOT PLEASURE« work that you do as part of your job  (on business)  (Chris is in London this week, on business. | business trip/lunch/meeting etc)  (I try to avoid too many business lunches.) 6 business is business used to say that profit is the most important thing to consider  (Harry may be a friend but business is business, and he's not the best man for the job.) COMPANY 7 an organization such as a shop or factory which produces or sells goods or services  (Paul's decided to start his own business. | run a business)  (Mrs Taylor runs an office equipment business.) 8 the advertising/printing/shipping etc business work or a job involved with advertising, printing etc  (Steve works in the movie business.) SUBJECT 9 »SUBJECT/EVENT« a subject, event, or activity that you have a particular opinion of  (Politics is a serious business. | Tanya found the whole business ridiculous.) 10 »STH UNCLEAR« used when you talk about something in general and do not give any details  (He handles the mail and all that business.) STH...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (businesses) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Business is work relating to the production, buying, and selling of goods or services. ...young people seeking a career in business... Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background. ...Harvard Business School. N-UNCOUNT 2. Business is used when talking about how many products or services a company is able to sell. If business is good, a lot of products or services are being sold and if business is bad, few of them are being sold. They worried that German companies would lose business... Business is booming. N-UNCOUNT 3. A business is an organization which produces and sells goods or which provides a service. The company was a family business... The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months... He was short of cash after the collapse of his business. = company, firm N-COUNT 4. Business is work or some other activity that you do as part of your job and not for pleasure. I’m here on business... You can’t mix business with pleasure. ...business trips. N-UNCOUNT: oft on N 5. You can use business to refer to a particular area of work or activity in which the aim is to make a profit. May I ask you what business you’re in? ...the music business. N-SING: oft supp N 6. You can use business to refer to something that you are doing or concerning yourself with. ...recording Ben as he goes about his business... There was nothing left for the teams to do but get on with the business of racing. N-SING: with supp 7. You can use business to refer to important matters that you have to deal with. The most important business was left to the last... I’ve got some unfinished business to attend to. N-UNCOUNT 8. If you say that something is your business, you mean that it concerns you personally and that other people have no right to ask questions about it or disagree with it. My sex life is my business... If she doesn’t want the police...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English bisynesse, from bisy busy + -nesse -ness  Date: 14th century  1. archaic purposeful activity ; busyness  2.  a. role, function how the human mind went about its ~ of learning — H. A. Overstreet  b. an immediate task or objective ; mission what is your ~ here  c. a particular field of endeavor the best in the ~  3.  a. a usually commercial or mercantile activity engaged in as a means of livelihood ; trade, line in the restaurant ~  b. a commercial or sometimes an industrial enterprise; also such enterprises the ~ district  c. dealings or transactions especially of an economic nature ; patronage took their ~ elsewhere  4. affair, matter the whole ~ got out of hand ~ as usual  5. creation, concoction  6. movement or action (as lighting a cigarette) by an actor intended especially to establish atmosphere, reveal character, or explain a situation — called also stage ~  7.  a. personal concern none of your ~  b. right you have no ~ speaking to me that way  8.  a. serious activity requiring time and effort and usually the avoidance of distractions got down to ~  b. maximum effort  9.  a. a damaging assault  b. rebuke, tongue-lashing  c. double cross  10. a bowel movement — used especially of pets Synonyms:  ~, commerce, trade, industry, traffic mean activity concerned with the supplying and distribution of commodities. ~ may be an inclusive term but specifically designates the activities of those engaged in the purchase or sale of commodities or in related financial transactions. commerce and trade imply the exchange and transportation of commodities. industry applies to the producing of commodities, especially by manufacturing or processing, usually on a large scale. traffic applies to the operation and functioning of public carriers of goods and persons.  Synonym: see in addition work. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 one's regular occupation, profession, or trade. 2 a thing that is one's concern. 3 a a task or duty. b a reason for coming (what is your business?). 4 serious work or activity (get down to business). 5 derog. a an affair, a matter (sick of the whole business). b a structure (a lath-and-plaster business). 6 a thing or series of things needing to be dealt with (the business of the day). 7 buying and selling; trade (good stroke of business). 8 a commercial house or firm. 9 Theatr. action on stage. 10 a difficult matter (what a business it is!; made a great business of it). Phrases and idioms business card a card printed with one's name and professional details. the business end colloq. the functional part of a tool or device. business park an area designed to accommodate businesses and light industry. business person a businessman or businesswoman. business studies training in economics, management, etc. has no business to has no right to. in business 1 trading or dealing. 2 able to begin operations. in the business of 1 engaged in. 2 intending to (we are not in the business of surrendering). like nobody's business colloq. extraordinarily. make it one's business to undertake to. mind one's own business not meddle. on business with a definite purpose, esp. one relating to one's regular occupation. send a person about his or her business dismiss a person; send a person away. Etymology: OE bisignis (as BUSY, -NESS) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) бизнес; деловая активность, дело; коммерческая деятельность 2) профессия, сфера ответственности 3) предприятие, фирма 4) сделка 5) торговое предприятие 6) деловой 7) экон. коммерческий; хозяйственный 8) торговое предприятие - credit business ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. 1) общ. дело, занятие (в отличие от отдыха и развлечений) Are you here on business? - Вы здесь по делу?, It's time to get down to business. - Настало время заняться делом. 2) упр. специальность, работа, профессиональная деятельность The women were extremely grateful for the help, prompting Sullivan to make a business of helping single mothers. - Женщины были чрезвычайно благодарны и предлагали Салливану профессионально заняться помощью матерям-одиночкам. See: business audience 3) общ. дело, долг, круг обязанностей, назначение it is part of a professor's business - это входит в обязанности преподавателя 4) общ. торговля, коммерческая деятельность, бизнес branch of business - отрасль торговли, recovery of business - оживление торговли, His business is growing very fast. - Его бизнес быстро набирает обороты. See: business banner business customer business representative census of business spot business 5) эк. бизнес, предприятие, фирма business name - название фирмы See: business-to-business 6) эк. сделка (особенно, удачная) See: 7) юр., брит. деловая деятельность (закон "О недобросовестных условиях контракта" 1977 г. определяет данное понятие как профессиональную деятельность или деятельность, связанную со службой в правительственных структурах и в любом органе государственной власти или местного самоуправления) See: Unfair Contract Terms Act...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. дело, постоянное занятие, специальность your name? business? place of address? —- ваша фамилия? занятие (чем занимаетесь)? адрес? what's his business? —- что он делает?, чем он занимается? his business was that of a solicitor —- он был поверенным his business is selling motor-cars —- он торгует машинами to make a business of smth. —- превратить что-л. в профессию 2. дело, работа business address —- служебный адрес business hours —- рабочие часы, часы работы (учреждения, предприятия и т. п.) business letter —- деловое письмо business correspondence —- коммерческая корреспонденция business call (visit) —- деловой визит business meeting —- рабочее совещание a man of business —- деловой человек to go to business —- ходить на работу to get (to come) down to business —- взяться за дело, взяться за работу you call it pleasure, I call it business —- вы называете это развлечением, я же считаю это работой are you here on business? —- вы здесь по делу? what is your business here? —- зачем вы сюда пришли?; что вам здесь надо? what's your business with him? —- зачем он вам нужен?, по какому вопросу вы хотите его видеть? I asked him his business —- я спросил, что ему нужно (по какому делу он пришел) what a business it is! —- трудное это дело! 3. повестка дня (также the business of the day, the business of the meeting) (any) other business —- разное, прочие вопросы (в повестке дня) 4. дело, обязанность, долг,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  trip командировка BUSINESS interests деловой мир, деловые круги BUSINESS manager noun управляющий делами; коммерческий директор, заведующий коммерческой частью BUSINESS man noun  1) деловой человек, коммерсант  2) делец, бизнесмен big business men - крупные капиталисты, бизнесмены BUSINESS I noun  1) дело, занятие the business of the day/meeting - повестка дня to be out of business - обанкротиться - on business - man of business  2) профессия  3) бизнес; коммерческая деятельность to set up in business - начать торговое дело  4) торговое предприятие, фирма  5) (выгодная) сделка  6) обязанность; право to make it ones business - считать своей обязанностью you had no business to do it - вы не имели основания, права это делать  7) disdain. дело, история I am sick of the whole business - мне вся эта история надоела  8) theatr. действие, игра, мимика, жесты (не диалог)  9) attr. практический, деловой - business end - business hours - business executives - business interests - business index - mean business everybodys business is nobodys business у семи нянек дитя без глазу mind you own business! не ваше дело!; занимайтесь своим делом! to send smb. about his business прогонять, выпроваживать кого-л. what is your business here? что вам здесь надо? it has done his business это его доконало II = busyness BUSINESS card noun визитная карточка BUSINESS class noun бизнес-класс (в самолете) BUSINESS community деловые круги BUSINESS...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. bisignisse (Northumbrian) "care, anxiety," from bisig "careful, anxious, busy, occupied" (see busy). Sense of "work, occupation" is first recorded 1387. Sense of "trade, commercial engagements" is first attested 1727. Modern two-syllable pronunciation is 17c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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