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Английский словарь американских идиом - build


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  ~1 v past tense and past participle built 1 »MAKE STH« to make something, especially a building or something large  (Are they going to build on this land? | build sb sth)  (Nick said he'd build us a fitted wardrobe.) 2 »MAKE STH DEVELOP« to make something develop or form  (Kate's working hard to build a career. | build (up) a picture of sb/sth (=form a clear idea about someone or something))  (The police are trying to build up a picture of Haig's daily routine.) 3 »FEELING« if a feeling builds or you build it, it increases gradually over a period of time  (Tension is building between the two countries..) 4 well-built/brick-built etc used for describing how large someone is, what something is made of, or how it was built  (a heavily-built man | a brick-built house) 5 be built of to be made using particular materials  (a cottage built of Cumbrian slate) 6 be built on/around to happen as a result of something  (The company's success is built on its very popular home computers.) 7 build bridges to try to establish a better relationship between people who do not like each other build sth in phr v T usually passive to make something so that it is a permanent part of a wall, room etc build sth into phr v 1 to make something so that it is a permanent part of a wall, room etc 2 to make something a permanent part of a system, agreement etc  (A completion date was built into the contract.)  (- see also built-in) build on sth phr v 1 T build something on) to add another room etc to a building in order to have more space 2 (build on something) to use your achievements as a base for further development  (Now we must build on our success in Italy.)  (- see also be built on build1 (5)) build up phr v 1 »PRAISE« T build someone/something up) to praise someone or something so that other people think they are really good  (You have to build kids up - make them feel important.) 2 »MAKE STRONGER« T build someone up) to make someone well and strong again, especially after an illness  (Build your mother up with nourishing food.) 3...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (builds, building, built) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you build something, you make it by joining things together. Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site... The house was built in the early 19th century... = construct VERB: V n, V n • building In Japan, the building of Kansai airport continues. N-UNCOUNT • built Even newly built houses can need repairs... It’s a product built for safety. ...structures that are built to last. ADJ: adv ADJ, ADJ for n, ADJ to-inf 2. If you build something into a wall or object, you make it in such a way that it is in the wall or object, or is part of it. If the TV was built into the ceiling, you could lie there while watching your favourite programme. VERB: be V-ed into n 3. If people build an organization, a society, or a relationship, they gradually form it. He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company... Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy... I wanted to build a relationship with my team. VERB: V n, V n, V n • building ...the building of the great civilisations of the ancient world. N-UNCOUNT: usu the N of n 4. If you build an organization, system, or product on something, you base it on it. We will then have a firmer foundation of fact on which to build theories... VERB: V n prep 5. If you build something into a policy, system, or product, you make it part of it. We have to build computers into the school curriculum... How much delay should we build into the plan? = incorporate VERB: V n into n, V n into n 6. To build someone’s confidence or trust means to increase it gradually. If someone’s confidence or trust builds, it increases gradually. Diplomats hope the meetings will build mutual trust... Usually when we’re six months or so into a recovery, confidence begins to build. VERB: V n, V • Build up means the same as build. The delegations had begun to build up some trust in one...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (built; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English bilden, from Old English byldan; akin to Old English buan to dwell — more at bower  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole ; construct  2. to cause to be constructed  3. to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base  4. increase, enlarge  intransitive verb  1. to engage in ~ing  2.  a. to progress toward a peak (as of intensity) ~ to a climax  b. to develop in extent a crowd ~ing  II. noun  Date: 1667 form or mode of structure ; make; especially bodily conformation of a person or animal ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past. part. built) 1 a construct (a house, vehicle, fire, road, model, etc.) by putting parts or material together. b commission, finance, and oversee the building of (the council has built two new schools). 2 (often foll. by up) establish, develop, make, or accumulate gradually (built the business up from nothing); (often foll. by on); base (hopes, theories, etc.) (ideas built on a false foundation). 3 (as built adj.) having a specified build (sturdily built; brick-built). --n. 1 the proportions of esp. the human body (a slim build). 2 a style of construction; a make (build of his suit was pre-war). Phrases and idioms build in incorporate as part of a structure. build in (or round or up) surround with houses etc.; block up. build on add (an extension etc.). build up 1 increase in size or strength. 2 praise; boost. 3 gradually become established. build-up n. 1 a favourable description in advance; publicity. 2 a gradual approach to a climax or maximum (the build-up was slow but sure). built-in 1 forming an integral part of a structure. 2 forming an integral part of a person's character (built-in integrity). built on sand unstable. built-up 1 (of a locality) densely covered by houses etc. 2 increased in height etc. by the addition of parts. 3 composed of separately prepared parts. Etymology: OE byldan f. bold dwelling f. Gmc: cf. BOWER(1), BOOTH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) строить, возводить, сооружать 2) собирать; монтировать 3) вертикальный шов кладки - build in - build up ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  строить наложение слоёв краски ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сборка, монтаж; собирать, монтировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) возводить, строить, воздвигать, сооружать 2) застраивать 3) монтировать, собирать, комплектовать 4) создавать 5) нарастать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сооружать; создавать 2) основывать – build in – build up BUILD 1. гл. 1) строить, сооружать 2) создавать • - build on - build up a business - build up reserves - build upon Syn: construct, erect 2. сущ. 1) конструкция, форма, стиль 2) сложение Syn: addition, summation, configuration, structure, modification ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) строение, конструкция 2) телосложение 3) создавать 4) вить (гнездо) to build back — восстанавливать (напр. численность вида) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. форма, стиль постройки 2. строение, конструкция 3. телосложение a man of sturde build —- человек крепкого телосложения we are of the same build —- мы одинаково сложены 4. стр. вертикальный шов кладки 5. строить, сооружать to build a railway —- строить железную дорогу 6. складывать; разводить to build a fire —- развести огонь; зажечь костер 7. (into) вделывать, встраивать, вмуровывать a cupboard built into a wall —- шкаф, встроенный в стену a memorial plaque built into a wall —- мемориальная доска, вмурованная в стену 8. строиться where are you going to build? —- где вы собираетесь строиться? 9. собирать, монтировать 10. вить (гнезда) 11. создавать to build plans —- строить планы to build vain hopes —- лелеять напрасные надежды to build a lofty rhyme (Milton) —- писать возвышенные стихи I'm built this way —- уж я такой 12. разг. делать, шить to build a coat —- сделать (сшить) пальто 13. (on, upon) основывать; основываться, полагаться you must build your theory upon facts —- ваша теория должна основываться на фактах to build upon a promise —- полагаться на обещание ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  upon основывать на чем-л.; рассчитывать на что-л. BUILD up  а) воздвигать; постепенно создавать, строить Use more bricks to build the wall up.  б) укреплять (здоровье) You must build up your strength after your illness.  в) закладывать кирпичом (окно, дверь)  г) застраивать to build up a district застроить район to build up with new blocks of flats застроить новыми домами  д) монтировать (машину)  е) наращивать(ся), накоплять(ся) The clouds are building up. Enemy forces have now built up to a dangerous strength. Our hopes for peace are building up.  ж) широко рекламировать they built him up with a series of articles and broadcasts они создали ему имя (популярность), дав о нём ряд статей и радиопередач BUILD over застраивать The fields where I played as a child have been built over. BUILD  1. noun  1) конструкция; форма; стиль  2) телосложение  3) text. образование (початка)  2. v.  1) строить, сооружать - build a fire - build out  2) создавать to build plans - строить планы to build (out) of - делать что-л. из какого-л. материала Before bricks were invented, people built their houses out of wood.  3) вить (гнезда)  4) основываться, полагаться (on) - build in - build into - build on - build over - build up - build upon Syn: construct, erect, fabricate Ant: destroy, devastate BUILD a fire разводить огонь или костер BUILD in  а) вделывать, вмуровывать (в стену) These cupboards have been built in.  б) (быть) неотъемлемой частью чего-л. The difficulties seem to be built in. BUILD into  а)...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. byldan "construct a house," verb form of bold "house," from P.Gmc. *buthlam, from base *bu- "dwell." Won out over rival O.E. timbran. Modern spelling is unexplained. Building "a structure" is found in M.E. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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