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Английский словарь американских идиом - bell


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  physiol. abbr. Belladonna gen. bus. abbr. Business Environment Learning And Leadership ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ n 1 a piece of electrical equipment that makes a ringing sound, used as a signal or to get someone's attention  (The door bell rang but no-one answered it. | Ring the bell once to make the bus stop.) 2 usually singular) the sound of a bell ringing as a signal or a warning  (I didn't hear the bell, did you? | the bell goes (=makes a noise))  (The bell for the end of school went at 3.30.) 3 a hollow metal object shaped rather like a cup, that makes a ringing sound when it is hit by a piece of metal that hangs down inside it  (church bells) 4 give sb a bell BrE spoken to telephone someone  (I must give Vicky a bell later.) 5 something in the shape of a bell, hollow and getting wider at the end  (the bell of a flower)  (- see also diving bell, ring a bell ring2 (4), as clear as a bell clear1 (10), as sound as a bell sound3 (5)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (bells) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A bell is a device that makes a ringing sound and is used to give a signal or to attract people’s attention. I’ve been ringing the door bell, there’s no answer. N-COUNT 2. A bell is a hollow metal object shaped like a cup which has a piece hanging inside it that hits the sides and makes a sound. My brother, Neville, was born on a Sunday, when all the church bells were ringing. N-COUNT 3. If something is as clear as a bell, it is very clear indeed. There are 80 of these pictures and they’re all as clear as a bell. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 4. If you say that something rings a bell, you mean that it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is. (INFORMAL) The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. biographical name Alexander Graham 1847-1922 American (Scottish-born) inventor  II. geographical name city SW California SE of Los Angeles population 36,664 BELL  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English; perhaps akin to Old English ~an to roar — more at ~ow  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a hollow metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound when struck  b. door~  2.  a. the sounding of a ~ as a signal  b. a stroke of a ~ (as on shipboard) to indicate the time; also the time so indicated  c. a half hour period of a watch on shipboard indicated by the strokes of a ~ — see ship's ~s table below  3. something having the form of a ~: as  a. the corolla of a flower  b. a ~-shaped organ or part (as the umbrella of a jellyfish or the dewlap of a moose)  c. the part of the capital of a column between the abacus and neck molding  d. the flared end of a wind instrument  4.  a. a percussion instrument consisting of metal bars or tubes that when struck give out tones resembling ~s — usually used in plural  b. glockenspiel  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to provide with a ~  2. to flare the end of (as a tube) into the shape of a ~  intransitive verb to take the form of a ~ ; flare  III. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an  Date: before 12th century to make a resonant ~owing or baying sound the wild buck ~s from ferny brake — Sir Walter Scott  IV. noun  Date: 1862 ~ow, roar ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a hollow usu. metal object in the shape of a deep upturned cup usu. widening at the lip, made to sound a clear musical note when struck (either externally or by means of a clapper inside). 2 a a sound or stroke of a bell, esp. as a signal. b (prec. by a numeral) Naut. the time as indicated every half-hour of a watch by the striking of the ship's bell one to eight times. 3 anything that sounds like or functions as a bell, esp. an electronic device that rings etc. as a signal. 4 a any bell-shaped object or part, e.g. of a musical instrument. b the corolla of a flower when bell-shaped. 5 (in pl.) Mus. a set of cylindrical metal tubes of different lengths, suspended in a frame and played by being struck with a hammer. --v.tr. 1 provide with a bell or bells; attach a bell to. 2 (foll. by out) form into the shape of the lip of a bell. Phrases and idioms bell-bottom 1 a marked flare below the knee (of a trouser-leg). 2 (in pl.) trousers with bell-bottoms. bell-bottomed having bell-bottoms. bell-buoy a buoy equipped with a warning bell rung by the motion of the sea. bell-founder a person who casts large bells in a foundry. bell-glass a bell-shaped glass cover for plants. bell-jar a bell-shaped glass cover or container for use in a laboratory. bell-metal an alloy of copper and tin for making bells (the tin content being greater than in bronze). bell-pull a cord or handle which rings a bell when pulled. bell-push a button that operates an electric bell when pushed. bell-ringer a person who rings church bells or handbells. bell-ringing this as an activity. bell-tent a cone-shaped tent supported by a central pole. bell-wether 1 the leading sheep of a flock, with a bell on its neck. 2 a ringleader. clear (or sound) as a bell perfectly clear or sound. ring a bell colloq. revive a distant recollection; sound familiar. Etymology: OE belle: perh. rel. to BELL(2) 2. n. & v. --n. the cry of a stag or buck at rutting-time. --v.intr. make this cry. Etymology: OE bellan bark, bellow ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) колокол 2) звонок 3) раструб; конус 4) горн. нависшая порода 5) конкреция в кровле (пласта угля) 6) пузырёк (дефект бумаги) образовывать пузырьки (в бумаге) - bell of die - bell of pipe - air bell - annealing bell - call bell - distributing bell - diving bell - electric bell - end bell - fog bell - fuel distillation bell - fuel feeding bell - furnace top bell - gas bell - gasholder floating bell - gas-seal bell - magneto bell - pick-up diving bell - pick-up bell - rescue bell - submarine bell - trumpet bell - warning bell - watch bell ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  раструб капитель (коринфской колонны) купол (в форме колокола) уширять основание (придавая ему конусообразную или куполообразную форму) bell and hopper belled out bell of pipe diving bell gas bell signal bell ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  звонковое устройство – alarm bell – call bell – end-of-line bell – extension bell – magneto bell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бубенец; бубенчик 2) звонок 3) колокол; колокольчик 4) конус; раструб 5) горн. купол, нависшая порода - alarm bell - die bell - double-gong bell - emergency bell - extension bell - fuel bell - highway crossing bell - indicating bell - pilot bell - polarized bell - sealing end bell - ship's bell - single-stroke bell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) общ. колокол; звонок; бубенчик sound a bell — давать звонок, звонить в колокол 2) тех. купол, рында, колокольчик, конус домны; конкреция в кровле (пласта угля); колпак; чашечка; торцовая крышка 3) бирж. колокол* (сигнал, который подается при открытии и закрытии биржи (настоящий колокол, гудок или звонок)) See: exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бот. чашечка 2) зоол. колокол – Canterbury bell – coast spurge bell – dwarf pine bell – Easter bell – poplar cloaked bell – streaked pine bell – swimming bell – uterine bell – whortleberry bell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. колокол; колокольчик; бубенчик Tom bell —- большой колокол bell loft —- звонница, помещение для колоколов на колокольне 2. обыкн. pl. звон, перезвон passing bell —- похоронный звон 3. звонок to answer the bell —- открыть дверь на звонок there is the bell ! —- звонят! 4. pl. муз. капильон; подбор колоколов 5. обыкн. pl. куранты a crime of bells —- бой курантов 6. мор. склянки to strike the bells —- бить склянки four bells —- четыре склянки 7. мор. рында; склянка 8. колоколообразный предмет, колокол diving bell —- водолазный колокол 9. конус домны 10. бот. чашечка цветка 11. бот. колокольчик 12. архит. капитель коринфской колонны 13. геол. нависшая порода 14. спорт. гиря, штанга 15. pl. брюки клеш 16. зоол. "зонтик" медузы; колокол, нектофор Id: saved by the bell —- спасенный только гонгом (о боксере, избежавшем нокаута); чудом спасшийся Id: to bear the bell —- завоевать первенство; получить первый приз; идти первым Id: to lose the bell —- уст. потерпеть поражение Id: with bells on —- эмоц-усил. тысячу раз Id: a fool with bells on —- дурак в квадрате Id: to crack the bell —- провалиться; завалить дело Id: to ring a bell —- напоминать, наводить на мысль, казаться знакомым Id: to ring the bell —- удовлетворять; пользоваться успехом, нравиться Id: the book rings the bell with teenagers —- эта книга находит...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) колокол; колокольчик  2) звонок; бубенчик  3) раструб, расширение  4) bot. чашечка цветка; колокольчик (форма цветка)  5) naut. рында (колокол); склянка to strike the bells - бить склянки  6) geol. купол; нависшая порода  7) конус (домны) - bear the bell to bear/carry away the bell получить на состязании приз - lose the bell to bear the cap and bells разыгрывать роль шута bell, book and candle hist. отлучение от церкви by/with bell, book and candle coll. окончательно, бесповоротно - ring the bell - ring ones own bell  2. v. снабжать колоколами, колокольчиками to bell the cat - брать на себя ответственность в рискованном предприятии II  1. noun крик, рев оленя (во время течки у самок)  2. v. кричать, мычать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. belle, from PIE base *bhel- "to sound, roar." Bellhop, 1910 shortening of bellhopper (1900), from the notion of hopping to action at the ring of the bell. Bell-wether is M.E., "the leading sheep of a flock, on whose neck a bell is hung." Bell, book, and candle is a reference to a form of excommunication. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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