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Англо-русский словарь идиом - son of a gun


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Перевод с английского языка son of a gun на русский

son of a gun
сукин сын; курицын сын
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   noun  (plural sons of guns)  Date: 1708 — usually used as a mild or euphemistic alternative to son of a bitch; sometimes used interjectionally to express surprise or disappointment ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~ n AmE old-fashioned spoken 1 a man that you are annoyed with  (That son of a gun didn't show up to fix the washer again today.) 2 humorous a man you like or admire  (John, you old son of a gun, where have you been?) 3 humorous an object that is difficult to deal with  (The sofa was huge, and we couldn't get the son of a gun to fit through the door!) 4 son of a gun! used to express surprise ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  {n. phr.}, {slang} 1. A bad person; a person not liked. * /I don't like Charley; keep that son of a gun out of here./ Syn.: BAD ACTOR. 2. A mischievous rascal; a lively guy. - Often used in a joking way. * /The farmer said he would catch the son of a gun who let the cows out of the barn./ * /Hello Bill, you old son of a gun!/ Compare: SO AND SO. 3. Something troublesome; a hard job. * /The test today was a son of a gun./ Used as an exclamation, usually to show surprise or disappointment. * /Son of a gun! I lost my car keys./ Compare: SON OF A BITCH. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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