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Англо-русский словарь - wheel


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Перевод с английского языка wheel на русский

chair кресло на колесах (для инвалидов)
WHEEL and axle noun tech. ворот
WHEEL and deal amer.; coll. обделывать делишки, совершать махинации; заправлять делами
 1. noun
 1) колесо; колесико - Geneva wheel
 2) рулевое колесо, штурвал; man at the wheel - рулевой; fig. кормчий, руководитель
 3) pl.; fig. механизм - wheels of state
 4) кружение, круг, оборот
 5) прялка
 6) гончарный круг (тж. potters wheel)
 7) колесо фортуны, счастье (тж. Fortunes wheel)
 8) припев, рефрен
 9) obs. велосипед
 10) mil. left (right) wheel! - правое (левое) плечо вперед!
 11) amer. доллар to break on the wheel hist. - колесовать; to break a butterfly/fly on the wheel стрелять из пушек по воробьям to put ones shoulder to the wheel - энергично взяться за работу - go on wheels - wheels within wheels
 2. v.
 1) катить, везти (тачку и т.п.)
 2) описывать круги
 3) поворачивать(ся)
 4) ехать на велосипеде
 5) mil. заходить или заезжать флангом - wheel and deal
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См. в других словарях

  1. колесо; колесико front wheel —- переднее колесо free wheel —- свободное колесо (велосипедный спорт) watchwork wheels —- колесики часового механизма landing wheels —- ав. шасси wheels down —- ав. шасси выпущено 2. рулевое колесо, штурвал; разг. баранка to be at the wheel —- быть (находиться) за рулем; вести судно, автомобиль и т. п.; быть руководителем, стоять во главе (чего-л.) "don't speak to the man at the wheel" —- "с водителем не разговаривать" 3. кружение, круг, оборот to turn wheels —- ходить колесом 4. рулетка 5. колесо фортуны (также Fortune's wheel) at the next turn of the wheel —- когда счастье переменится, когда колесо фортуны повернется 6. обыкн. pl. механизм; движущие силы the wheels of state —- государственная машина the wheels of life —- жизнедеятельность the wheels of progress —- силы прогресса 7. сл. важное лицо (особ. в организации) a big wheel —- большая шишка 8. сеть театров или увеселительных заведений 9. спорт. класс 10. припев, рефрен 11. прялка 12. преим. ам. велосипед 13. детская коляска 14. pl. ам. сл. автомобиль 15. воен. заход флангом right wheel! —- правое плечо вперед - марш! 16. тех. зубчатое колесо, шестерня 17. тех. маховик 18. гончарный круг (также potter's wheel) 19. точильный круг Id: to break on the wheel —- ист. колесовать Id: to break a butterfly (a fly) on the wheel —- стрелять из...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  колесо – activity wheel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) колесо 2) механизм 3) движущие силы - the wheels of state ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) колесный 2) колесо 3) маховик 4) надколесный 5) ролик 6) шестерня 7) штурвал abrasive cutting wheel — тех. круг абразивный отрезной cone wheel disk — выгибать диск колеса double wheel gear — двухвенцовое колесо esacpe wheel bridge — мост анкерного колеса grinding wheel head — шлифовальная бабка guide wheel rim — венец направляющего колеса independent wheel suspension — независимая подвеска колес laminated grinding wheel — шлифовальный многослойный круг lantern wheel mechanism — цевочный механизм minute wheel pinion — триб вексельного колеса plant blocker wheel — защитный диск propeller-type wheel turbine — машиностр. пропеллерная турбина set tire on wheel — насаживать бандаж на колесо spring steering wheel — рулевое упругое колесо steering wheel boss — ступенкька ролевого колеса steering wheel play — люфт рулевого колеса universal mold wheel — универсальная отливная форма wheel and yoke assembly — аэро колонка штурвальная wheel bogs down — колесо увязает в грунте wheel landing gear — колесное шасси - Pelton wheel - abrasive wheel - balance wheel - built-up wheel - counting wheel - digging wheel - driver wheel - feed wheel - fifth wheel - final-drive wheel - flanged wheel - furrow wheel - godet wheel - grinding wheel - head wheel - impulse wheel - inking wheel - lifter wheel - main wheel - metering wheel - mold wheel - multiple-wear wheel - number wheel - one-wear wheel - pallet wheel - pick-up wheel - pin wheel - potter's wheel - press wheel - print wheel - random wheel - ratchet wheel - re-spoke wheel - retread a wheel - roulette wheel -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  кольцо; диск; маховичок – coding wheel – driven wheel – finger wheel – pinch wheel – printing wheel – tape-guide wheel – type wheel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  колесо abrasive grinding wheel casing wheel crawler wheel cutting wheel drying wheel grinding wheel hand wheel heat wheel L wheel organic bonded grinding wheel ratched wheel reinforced grinding wheel running wheel thermal wheel ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) колесо; колесико 2) диск; круг 3) барабан; ролик 4) зубчатое колесо, ЗК; шестерня 5) шлифовальный круг 6) возд., мор. штурвал, мор. тж. штурвальное колесо 7) маховик; маховичок 8) круговое движение; вращение вращаться; поворачивать(ся) 9) отрезной диск, отрезной круг; дисковая пила 10) барабанчик (механизма принудительной подачи нити на трикотажной машине) - abrasive wheel - angle wheel - annular wheel - back-off wheel - backward-engraved wheel - balance wheel - band wheel - basic wheel - bevel wheel - blade wheel - bonded grinding wheel - bonded wheel - brush wheel - bucket wheel - buffing wheel - bull wheels - bull wheel - burnishing wheel - calf wheels - calf wheel - casing wheels - casing wheel - cast-steel wheel - center-lock disk wheel - chain wheel - chatter-prone hard wheel - cloth lap wheel - coarse grinding wheel - coding wheel - collapsible steering wheel - compressor wheel - cone grinding wheel - cone wheel - consecutive wheel - control wheel - cork grinding wheel - corrosion wheel - counting wheel - cross wheel - crown wheel - cup grinding wheel - cup wheel - Cu-plated wheel - cupped wheel - cup-up wheel - cutting wheel - daisy wheel - diamond wheel - diamond dressing wheel - diamond grinding wheel - dish grinding wheel - dish wheel - disk wheel - disk slitting wheel - dressing wheel - drive wheel - driven wheel - driven contact wheel - driving wheel - drop center wheel - dual wheels - electrolytic slitting wheel - emery grinding wheel - emery wheel - feed wheel - fettling grinding wheel - fettling wheel - fifth wheel - figure wheel - filter wheels - filter wheel - fine wheel - fine feed wheel - fine-grain grinding wheel - finger wheel - flanged wheel - flange wheel - flat wheel - flexible grinding wheel - flute-grinding wheel - fly wheel - forward-engraved...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a circular frame or disc arranged to revolve on an axle and used to facilitate the motion of a vehicle or for various mechanical purposes. 2 a wheel-like thing (Catherine wheel; potter's wheel; steering wheel). 3 motion as of a wheel, esp. the movement of a line of people with one end as a pivot. 4 a machine etc. of which a wheel is an essential part. 5 (in pl.) sl. a car. 6 US sl. = big wheel 2. 7 a set of short lines concluding a stanza. --v. 1 intr. & tr. a turn on an axis or pivot. b swing round in line with one end as a pivot. 2 a intr. (often foll. by about, round) change direction or face another way. b tr. cause to do this. 3 tr. push or pull (a wheeled thing esp. a barrow, bicycle, or pram, or its load or occupant). 4 intr. go in circles or curves (seagulls wheeling overhead). Phrases and idioms at the wheel 1 driving a vehicle. 2 directing a ship. 3 in control of affairs. on wheels (or oiled wheels) smoothly. wheel and deal engage in political or commercial scheming. wheel-back adj. (of a chair) with a back shaped like or containing the design of a wheel. wheel-house a steersman's shelter. wheel-lock 1 an old kind of gunlock having a steel wheel to rub against flint etc. 2 a gun with this. wheel of Fortune luck. wheel-spin rotation of a vehicle's wheels without traction. wheels within wheels 1 intricate machinery. 2 colloq. indirect or secret agencies. Derivatives wheeled adj. (also in comb.). wheelless adj. Etymology: OE hweol, hweogol f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hweogol, hweol; akin to Old Norse hvel ~, Greek kyklos circle, ~, Sanskrit cakra, Latin colere to cultivate, inhabit, Sanskrit carati he moves, wanders  Date: before 12th century  1. a circular frame of hard material that may be solid, partly solid, or spoked and that is capable of turning on an axle  2. a contrivance or apparatus having as its principal part a ~: as  a. a chiefly medieval instrument of torture designed for mutilating a victim (as by stretching or disjointing)  b. bicycle  c. any of many revolving disks or drums used as gambling paraphernalia  d. potter's ~  e. steering ~  3.  a. an imaginary turning ~ symbolizing the inconstancy of fortune  b. a recurring course, development, or action ; cycle  4. something (as a round flat cheese) resembling a ~ in shape  5.  a. a curving or circular movement  b. a rotation or turn usually about an axis or center; specifically a turning movement of troops or ships in line in which the units preserve alignment and relative positions as they change direction  6.  a. a moving or essential part of something compared to a machine the ~s of government  b. a directing or controlling force  c. a person of importance especially in an organization a big ~  7. the refrain or burden of a song  8.  a. a circuit of theaters or places of entertainment  b. a sports league  9. plural, slang a ~ed vehicle; especially automobile  10. plural, slang legs  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1. to turn on or as if on an axis ; revolve  2. to change direction as if revolving on a pivot the battalion would have ~ed to the flank — Walter Bernstein her mind will ~ around to the other extreme — Liam O'Flaherty ~ed to face her opponent  3. to move or extend in a circle or curve birds in ~ing flight valleys where young cotton ~ed slowly in fanlike rows — William Faulkner  4. to travel on or as if on ~s or in a ~ed vehicle...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wheels, wheeling, wheeled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The wheels of a vehicle are the circular objects which are fixed underneath it and which enable it to move along the ground. The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road. N-COUNT • Something on wheels has wheels attached to the bottom, so that it can be moved easily. ...a trolley on wheels... The stove is on wheels so it can be shuffled around easily. PHRASE: n PHR, v-link PHR 2. A wheel is a circular object which forms a part of a machine, usually a moving part. ...an eighteenth century mill with a water wheel. N-COUNT 3. The wheel of a car or other vehicle is the circular object that is used to steer it. The wheel is used in expressions to talk about who is driving a vehicle. For example, if someone is at the wheel of a car, they are driving it. My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel... Curtis got behind the wheel and they started back toward the cottage... Roberto handed Flynn the keys and let him take the wheel. = steering wheel N-COUNT: usu sing, the N 4. If you wheel an object that has wheels somewhere, you push it along. He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house... They wheeled her out on the stretcher. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv 5. If something such as a group of animals or birds wheels, it moves in a circle. (LITERARY) A flock of crows wheeled overhead. VERB: V 6. If you wheel around, you turn around suddenly where you are standing, often because you are surprised, shocked, or angry. He wheeled around to face her... VERB: V adv 7. People talk about the wheels of an organization or system to mean the way in which it operates. He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly. to oil the wheels: see oil N-PLURAL: the N of n 8. see also Catherine wheel, meals on wheels, potter’s wheel, spare wheel, spinning wheel, steering wheel, water wheel ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ON A VEHICLE« one of the round things under a car, bus, bicycle etc that turn when it moves 2 »IN A MACHINE« a flat round part in a machine that turns round when the machine operates  (a gear wheel) 3 »FOR CONTROLLING A VEHICLE« the piece of equipment in the shape of a wheel that you turn to make a car, ship etc move in a particular direction  (at/behind the wheel (=driving a car etc) | take the wheel (=drive instead of someone else))  (- see also steering wheel) 4 on wheels with wheels on the bottom  (a table on wheels) 5 wheels/set of wheels spoken a car  (Like my new wheels?) 6 wheels within wheels spoken used to say that a situation is complicated and difficult to understand because it involves processes and decisions that you know nothing about  (- see also oil the wheels oil2 (2), put your shoulder to the wheel shoulder1 (8), put a spoke in sb's wheel spoke2 (2)) ~2 v 1 T always + adv/prep a) to push something that has wheels  (wheel sth out/down/into)  (She wheeled her bike into the garage.) b) to move someone or something that is in an object with wheels, such as a wheelchair or a cart1 (1)  (The nurse wheeled him into the ward.) 2 if birds or planes wheel they fly around in circles 3 I + around/round to turn around suddenly  (She wheeled around and started yelling at us.) 4 wheel and deal to do a lot of complicated and sometimes slightly dishonest deals, especially in politics or business wheel sb/sth out phr v informal to publicly show someone or something, and use them to help you achieve something  (The party always wheels out the same old celebrities whenever they need to raise money.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hweol, hweogol, from P.Gmc. *khwekhwlan, *khwegwlan, from PIE *qweqwlo, from *qwelo- "go round." Figurative sense is early 14c. Wheelbarrow is c.1340; wheeler-dealer is from 1950s; wheelie is from 1966. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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