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Англо-русский словарь - value


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Перевод с английского языка value на русский

judgement noun субъективная оценка
VALUE of commodity товарная стоимость
 1. noun
 1) ценность; of no value - нестоящий, не имеющий ценности; to put much (little) value upon smth. - высоко (низко) ценить что-л.
 2) стоимость; цена; справедливое возмещение; they paid him the value of his lost property - они возместили ему стоимость его пропавшего имущества; to get good value for ones money - получить сполна за свои деньги, выгодно купить; to go down in value - понизиться в цене, подешеветь; обесцениться
 3) econ. стоимость; surplus (exchange) value - прибавочная (меновая) стоимость
 4) оценка
 5) значение, смысл (слова); to give full value to each word - отчеканивать слова
 6) math. величина, значение
 7) mus. длительность (ноты)
 8) paint. сочетание света и тени в картине
 9) pl. ценности, достоинства; cultural values - культурные ценности; sense of values - моральные критерии Syn: see merit
 2. v.
 1) оценивать
 2) дорожить, ценить; he values himself on his knowledge - он гордится своими знаниями; I do not value that a brass farthing - по-моему, это гроша ломаного не стоит
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См. в других словарях

  1. ценность; важность; полезность the value of exercise —- важное значение моциона to set a high value on smth. —- высоко ценить что-л.; придавать большое значение чему-л.; дорожить чем-л. to set a low value on smth. —- считать несущественным что-л., не придавать большого значения чему-л. to set too high a value upon smth. —- переоценивать что-л. to know the value of time —- ценить свое время he had nothing of value to say —- он не сказал ничего интересного 2. pl. ценности moral values —- моральные ценности sense of values —- моральные критерии; этическое сознание; представление о добре и зле to seek material values instead of human —- стремиться к материальным, а не к общечеловеческим ценностям 3. значение, смысл (слова) to give full value to each word —- чеканить слова the precise value of a word —- точный смысл слова the word is used with all its poetic value —- слово используестя во всей его поэтической силе 4. ценность, стоимость to pay the value of lost property —- полностью возместить стоимость утраченного имущества value journey —- путешествие, оправдывающее затраты value for money —- ценность в сравнении с уплаченной суммой he gives you value for your money —- за ваши деньги вы получаете от него хороший товар; сделка выгодна he got good value for him money —- он удачно купил (что-л.) 5. эк. цена; стоимость (в денежном выражении) value...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ценность 2) значение; число, величина – absolute value – adaptive value – adjusted value – biological value – blood value – buffer value – caloric value – coenotic value – critical value – cross-over value – desired value – energy value – estimated value – expected value – extreme value – feeding value – final value – food value – germination value – globular value – initial value – liminal value – limit value – linkage value – lytic value – mean value – modal value – nutritive value – observed value – predicted value – presumptive value – prospective value – provisional value – relative selective value – rough value – saturation value – selective value – starting value – survival value – swelling value – theoretical value – threshold value – true value – variate value ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) ценность An economist knows the value of everything and the cost of nothing. — Экономист отлично знает ценность любой вещи, но о ее цене не имеет ни малейшего представления. 2) стоимость, стоимостное выражение; цена 3) валюта 4) важность 5) значение • - Black-Scholes value - Fair value - account value - accreted value - acquisition value - actual cash value - actual value - added value - additional value - aggregate value - agreement value - appraised value - appreciate in value - appreciated value - approximate value - article of value - assess at market value - assessed value of real property - assessed value - at book value - at face value - at par value - at-market value - attach value - average value - balance sheet value - be of great value - be of little value - be of no value - bona fide purchaser for value - book value of shares - book value per share - booked value - business value - calculated value - capital value - capitalized value - cargo value - carrying value - cash surrender value - cash value - cash-surrender value - collateral value - commercial value - constant dollar value - constructed value - contract value - contract value of the goods - conversion value - cost value - current values - customs import value - customs value - decline in value - decrease in value - desired value - determine value - discounted value - elementary form of value - entered value - entry value - equal in value - equity value - estimated value - excess value - exchange value - expanded form of value - expected value - face value - fair market value - fair-market value - general form of value - going concern value - good value - gross value - home value - hypothecation value - in the value of - intellectual values - intrinsic value - labor theory of value - less than fair value - loan value - market value - maximum value - measure of value - net asset value - net value - no par value -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) величина 2) значение 3) нормировать 4) оценивать 5) показатель 6) расценивать 7) стоимость 8) цена 9) ценить 10) ценностный 11) ценность 12) число absolute value of a vector — матем. величина вектора, модуль вектора absolute value sign — матем. модуль angular boundary value — угловое граничное значение approximatively limited value — аппроксимативно предельное значение arcwise asymptotic value — дуговое асимптотическое значение arithmetical mean value — среднеарифметическое (значение) asymptotically optimum value — ассимтотически оптимальное значение average absolute value — абсолютное среднее значение average overall subsampling value — среднее по всем группам best possible value — наиболее вероятное значение biinvariant mean value — биинвариантное среднее boundary value problem — задача граничная, краевая задача complex conjugate value — комплексно сопряженная величина composite value method — компьют. метод передачи совместных значений, метод совместных значений to adjust to value — подгонять номинал compute the value of an integral — вычислить интеграл conditional mean value — условное среднее значение conditionally optimal value — условно оптимальное значение defective deficient value — дефектное значение doubly smoothed value — дважды сглаженное значение ensemble average value — среднее по ансамблю equal in absolute value — равный по модулю...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) числовое значение; величина 2) маска – admissible value – bit rate value – collapse value – decision value – effective value – idealized value – lower range value – photocurrent value – quiescent value – response value – sample value – scale division value – time value – tristimulus value – upper range value ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  значение (величины); величина стоимость, цена оценивать проявляемая способность abrasion value absolute value absolute value of a vector acid value actual value aesthetic value aggregate crushing value air-entry value average value bedding value boundary value calculation value calorific value cementing value collective value of a building color value conventional true value critical value design value discharge value equivalent value of population number experimental value extreme value fixed value flow value form pressure design values gross calorific value heating value initial value instantaneous value insulating value K value limiting value MAC value N value net calorific value nominal value numerical value pH value prescribed values relative value safe bearing value shear force value threshold value threshold limit value true value U value zero value ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) (числовое) значение (физической величины), величина; показатель, число 2) оценка оценивать 3) значимость; ценность 4) стоимость 5) мн. ч. горн. содержание компонента в руде value in terms of the unite of length and time — значение, выраженное в единицах длины и времени; to assign a value — приписывать значение; to assume a value — принимать значение; to attribute a value — приписывать значение; to improve a value — уточнять значение; повышать точность значения; to insert numerical values in an equation — подставлять числовые значения в уравнение; to predetermine [prescribe, preset] a value — задавать значение; to read value off the scale — считывать показания по шкале; to revise [verify] a value — уточнять значение - value of argument - value of error - value of function - value of variable - AA value - Abbe value - absolute value - absolute biological value - acceptance value - accepted value - access value - acetyl value - acid value - actual value - actual octane value - adjusted value - adopted value - antiknock value - apparent biological value - approved value - approximate value - arbitrary value - ash value - assay value - assessed value - assigned value - asymptotic value - attrition value - available heating value - average value - baking value - base value - bearing value - blending value - blending octane value - bogey value - boundary value - bromine value - buffer value - calculated value - calibrated value - calibration value - caloric value - calorific value - carbonyl value - Cauchy principal value - cementing value - center-line-average value - certified value - cetane value - characteristic value - cla value - clear blending value - closeness value...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the worth, desirability, or utility of a thing, or the qualities on which these depend (the value of regular exercise). 2 worth as estimated; valuation (set a high value on my time). 3 the amount of money or goods for which a thing can be exchanged in the open market; purchasing power. 4 the equivalent of a thing; what represents or is represented by or may be substituted for a thing (paid them the value of their lost property). 5 (in full value for money) something well worth the money spent. 6 the ability of a thing to serve a purpose or cause an effect (news value; nuisance value). 7 (in pl.) one's principles or standards; one's judgement of what is valuable or important in life. 8 Mus. the duration of the sound signified by a note. 9 Math. the amount denoted by an algebraic term or expression. 10 (foll. by of) a the meaning (of a word etc.). b the quality (of a spoken sound). 11 the relative rank or importance of a playing-card, chess-piece, etc., according to the rules of the game. 12 the relation of one part of a picture to others in respect of light and shade; the part being characterized by a particular tone. 13 Physics & Chem. the numerical measure of a quantity or a number denoting magnitude on some conventional scale (the value of gravity at the equator). --v.tr. (values, valued, valuing) 1 estimate the value of; appraise (esp. professionally) (valued the property at {pound}200,000). 2 have a high or specified opinion of; attach importance to (a valued friend). Phrases and idioms value added tax a tax on the amount by which the value of an article has been increased at each stage of its production. value judgement a subjective estimate of quality etc. value received money or its equivalent given for a bill of exchange. Etymology: ME f. OF, fem. past part. of valoir be worth f. L valere ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, worth, high quality, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *valuta, from feminine of *valutus, past participle of Latin valere to be of worth, be strong — more at wield  Date: 14th century  1. a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged  2. the monetary worth of something ; market price  3. relative worth, utility, or importance a good ~ at the price the ~ of base stealing in baseball had nothing of ~ to say  4. a numerical quantity that is assigned or is determined by calculation or measurement let x take on positive ~s a ~ for the age of the earth  5. the relative duration of a musical note  6.  a. relative lightness or darkness of a color ; luminosity  b. the relation of one part in a picture to another with respect to lightness and darkness  7. something (as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable sought material ~s instead of human ~s — W. H. Jones  8. denomination 2  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun  II. transitive verb  (~d; valuing)  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to estimate or assign the monetary worth of ; appraise ~ a necklace  b. to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth ; evaluate  2. to consider or rate highly ; prize, esteem ~s your opinion  Synonyms: see estimate, appreciate  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (values, valuing, valued) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The value of something such as a quality, attitude, or method is its importance or usefulness. If you place a particular value on something, that is the importance or usefulness you think it has. Further studies will be needed to see if these therapies have any value... Ronnie put a high value on his appearance. N-UNCOUNT: also a N, usu with supp • If something is of value, it is useful or important. If it is of no value, it has no usefulness or importance. This weekend course will be of value to everyone interested in the Pilgrim Route... PHRASE: v-link PHR 2. If you value something or someone, you think that they are important and you appreciate them. I’ve done business with Mr Weston before. I value the work he gives me... VERB: V n • valued As you are a valued customer, I am writing to you to explain the situation... ADJ 3. The value of something is how much money it is worth. The value of his investment has risen by more than $50,000... The country’s currency went down in value by 3.5 per cent... N-VAR • If something is of value, it is worth a lot of money. If it is of no value, it is worth very little money. ...a brooch which is really of no value... It might contain something of value. PHRASE: v-link PHR 4. When experts value something, they decide how much money it is worth. Your lender will then send their own surveyor to value the property... I asked him if he would have my jewellery valued for insurance purposes... Spanish police have seized cocaine valued at around $53 million. VERB: V n, have n V-ed, V-ed 5. You use value in certain expressions to say whether something is worth the money that it costs. For example, if something is or gives good value, it is worth the money that it costs. The restaurant is informal, stylish and extremely good value... This wine highlights the quality and value for money of South African wines. N-UNCOUNT 6. The...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MONEY« the amount of money that something is worth  (The alterations doubled the value of the house. | increase/go down etc in value)  (Shares can go down as well as go up in value. | market value (=the amount of money that something can usually be sold for))  (We paid a price that was well above the market value. | of value (=worth a lot of money))  (The thieves took nothing of value. | street value (=the value of drugs when they are sold illegally) | hold its value (=continue to be worth the same amount of money))  (It's a beautiful carpet - it should hold its value.)  (- see worth1) 2 be good/excellent etc value BrE also be (good) value for money used to say that you get a lot of something or that its quality is good, considering the price you pay for it  (- see cheap2) 3 be bad/poor etc value BrE used to say that you do not get much of something or its quality is not very good, considering the price you pay for it  (I thought &10 for a record that only lasts 14 minutes was incredibly poor value.) 4 »IMPORTANCE/USEFULNESS« the importance or usefulness of something  (of great/little value)  (His research has been of little practical value. | sentimental value (=importance that something has for you because someone you like gave it to you, because it reminds you of the past etc)) 5 »PRINCIPLES« values your principles about what is right and wrong, or your ideas about what is important in life  (Western liberal values) 6 »AMOUNT« technical a mathematical quantity shown by a letter of the alphabet or sign  (Let x have the value 25.) 7 »MUSIC« the length of a musical note 8 curiosity/novelty/snob etc value a quality something has that makes it seem interesting or desirable because it is different, new, or typical of high class people 9 family values an expression meaning the belief that the family is very important, used especially by politicians  (- see also face value) ~2 v 1 to think that something is important to you  (I value your advice. | a valued friend) 2 usually passive to decide how much...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: FACE VALUE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1303, from O.Fr. value "worth, value," noun use of fem. pp. of valoir "be worth," from L. valere "be strong, be well, be of value." The verb is from 1482. The meaning "social principle" is late 19c., supposedly borrowed from the language of painting. Valuable is from 1430. Value judgment (1892) is a loan-translation of Ger. Werturteil. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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