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Англо-русский словарь - trial


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка trial на русский

 1) испытание, проба; to give a trial -
 а) взять на испытание, на испытательный срок (рабочего);
 б) испытывать (прибор, машину и т.п.); on trial -
 а) находящийся на испытательном сроке;
 б) взятый на пробу (о предметах)
 2) переживание, тяжелое испытание; искушение; злоключение; to put on trial - подвергать серьезному испытанию [см. тж. trial
 3) ]
 3) leg. судебное разбирательство; судебный процесс, суд; to bring to (или to put on) trial - привлекать к суду [см. тж. trial
 2) ]; to be on ones trial, to stand/undergo trial - быть под судом; to give a fair trial - судить по закону, справедливо
 4) sport попытка
 5) geol. разведка
 6) attr. пробный, испытательный; trial period - испытательный срок; trial run - пробный пуск, пробег; trial trip - пробное плавание; fig. эксперимент that child is a real trial to me - этот ребенок - сущее наказание для меня
TRIAL at nisi prius слушание гражданских дел выездной сессией суда
TRIAL in open court открытый судебный процесс;
TRIAL jury leg. малое жюри; суд из 12 присяжных
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См. в других словарях

  1. испытание, проба trial of strength —- проба (испытание) силы to enter into a trial of strength with smb. —- мериться силой с кем-л. gun (firing) trials —- воен. огневые испытания (оружия) controlled trial —- направленное испытание sea trials —- мореходные испытания trial tank —- опытный бассейн to proceed by trial and error —- действовать методом проб и ошибок to give smth. a trial —- испытывать (опробовать) что-л. to give smb. a trial —- взять кого-л. на испытание (на испытательный срок) on trial —- проходящий испытательный срок (о человеке); взятый на пробу (о предмете) found on trial to be incompetent —- не выдержавший испытательного срока bourgeois values themselves are placed on trial —- проверке подвергаются сами буржуазные ценности to buy smth. on trial —- купить что-л. на пробу to take smth. on trial —- взять что-л. на пробу 2. спец. испытание (в теории вероятностей); опыт (в серии повторных опытов) independent trials —- независимые испытания to get 6 successes in 9 trials —- получить шесть положительных результатов из девяти повторных опытов 3. переживание, испытание; злоключение the hour of trial —- час испытаний the trials and troubles of life —- жизненные испытания и треволнения people strengthened by trial —- люди, закаленные испытаниями life is full of trials —- жизнь полна неприятностей it was a sore trial for him —- это было для него...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  судебный процесс Правовая система США предусматривает два вида судебного процесса - гражданский civil и уголовный criminal. В обоих из них есть две стороны: истец plaintiff и ответчик defendant в гражданском деле, а в уголовном - обвинитель plaintiff от имени штата the people against... и подозреваемый suspect, который может быть арестован только при наличии соответствующего ордера warrant и которому позднее большая коллегия присяжных grand jury должна предъявить обвинительное заключение indictment. Судопроизводство по уголовным делам предусматривает суд присяжных trial jury, petit juty, состоящий из 12 человек в делах федеральной юрисдикции (или по крайней мере 6 человек - по делам, находящимся в юрисдикции штатов). Решение о виновности verdict подозреваемого должно быть принято единогласно (решение Верховного суда 1972 допускает неединогласный вердикт коллегии присяжных для нескольких видов уголовных преступлений). После решения коллегии присяжных судья выносит приговор sentence. Обвиняемый имеет право на публичный суд, но может и отказаться от него; что же касается публики и прессы, то они не могут настаивать на публичности процесса, ибо шумиха в прессе вокруг него может...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  испытание, опыт, проба; испытательный, опытный – functional trial – unique trial TRIAL AND ERROR LEARNING обучение методом проб и ошибок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) испытание, опыт; испытательный 2) судебное разбирательство – trial of interference – patent trial TRIAL сущ. 1) испытание, исследование 2) юр. судебное разбирательство, судебный процесс, слушание дела по существу bench trial — суд без участия присяжных jury trial — суд присяжных new trial — новое рассмотрение дела, новое слушание дела speedy trial — безотлагательное рассмотрение дела судом trial by jury — слушание дела в суде присяжных trial by record — производство по спору о наличии судебного решения (одна из сторон утверждает, что существует судебное решение или какой-либо другой документ, свидетельствующий в ее пользу, а другая сторона все это отрицает) trial de novo — повторное рассмотрение дела по существу 3) проверка 4) проба 5) опыт • - acceptance trials - assessment trials - buy something on trial - by trial and error - comparative trials - development trials - evaluation trials - field trials - manufacturer's trial - order goods on trial - performance trial - proving trial - public trial - random trial - repeated trial - repeated trials - replicated trials - service trials - test trial - trial of pyx - trial of strength - trial trial - trial-and-error method - user trial ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) испытание 2) испытательный 3) машиностр. опыт 4) попытка 5) проба 6) пробный 7) эксперимент adjust trial proportions — уточнять состав бетона by trial and error — методом подбора, методом проб и ошибок design trial batch — составлять пробный замес proportion trial batch — проектировать пробный замес random trial increment model — модель со случайными приращениями (в теории обучения) trial closing operation — пробное включение - dock trial - independent trial - laboratory trial - maneuverability trial - random trial - roadormance trial - single trial - speed trial - trial action - trial batch - trial blast - trial budget - trial census - trial coefficient - trial course - trial estimate - trial flight - trial function - trial horsepower - trial input - trial method - trial operation - trial run - trial solution - trial start - trial state - trial value - truth of trial - uniformity trial ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  попытка проба; испытание field trials ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) проба; испытание (см. тж test) 2) попытка - acceleration-deceleration trials - acceptance trials - basin trials - builder's trials - calm-water trials - clinical trials - commissioning trials - contractor's trials - delivery trials - dockside trials - field trials - foilborne trials - fuel consumption trials - hullborne trials - levitated running trial - measured mile trials - mooring trials - motion trials - operational trials - performance trials - predelivery trials - progressive speed trials - progressive trials - propulsion trials - proving-ground trial - rough-water trials - running trials - sea trials - shore trials - stability trial - standardization trials - standing-pull trial - underway trials ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a judicial examination and determination of issues between parties by a judge with or without a jury (stood trial for murder). 2 a a process or mode of testing qualities. b experimental treatment. c a test (will give you a trial). 3 a trying thing or experience or person, esp. hardship or trouble (the trials of old age). 4 a sports match to test the ability of players eligible for selection to a team. 5 a test of individual ability on a motor cycle over rough ground or on a road. 6 any of various contests involving performance by horses, dogs, or other animals. Phrases and idioms on trial 1 being tried in a court of law. 2 being tested; to be chosen or retained only if suitable. trial and error repeated (usu. varied and unsystematic) attempts or experiments continued until successful. trial balance (of a ledger in double-entry bookkeeping), a comparison of the totals on either side, the inequality of which reveals errors in posting. trial jury = petty jury. trial run a preliminary test of a vehicle, vessel, machine, etc. Etymology: AF trial, triel f. trier TRY ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Anglo-French, from trier to try  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the action or process of trying or putting to the proof ; test  b. a preliminary contest (as in a sport)  2. the formal examination before a competent tribunal of the matter in issue in a civil or criminal cause in order to determine such issue  3. a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation; broadly a source of vexation or annoyance  4.  a. a tryout or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness — compare clinical ~  b. one of a number of repetitions of an experiment  5. attempt  II. adjective  Date: 1555  1. of, relating to, or used in a ~  2. made or done as a test or experiment  3. used or tried out in a test or experiment ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (trials) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A trial is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime. New evidence showed the police lied at the trial... He’s awaiting trial in a military court on charges of plotting against the state... They believed that his case would never come to trial. N-VAR 2. A trial is an experiment in which you test something by using it or doing it for a period of time to see how well it works. If something is on trial, it is being tested in this way. They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials... The robots have been on trial for the past year... N-VAR 3. If someone gives you a trial for a job, or if you are on trial, you do the job for a short period of time to see if you are suitable for it. He had just given a trial to a young woman who said she had previous experience... N-COUNT: usu sing, also on N 4. If you refer to the trials of a situation, you mean the unpleasant things that you experience in it. ...the trials of adolescence. N-COUNT: usu pl, N of n 5. In some sports or outdoor activities, trials are a series of contests that test a competitor’s skill and ability. He has been riding in horse trials for less than a year. ...Dovedale Sheepdog Trials. N-COUNT: usu pl, supp N 6. If you do something by trial and error, you try several different methods of doing it until you find the method that works properly. Many drugs were found by trial and error... PHRASE: oft by/through PHR 7. If someone is on trial, they are being tried in a court of law. He is currently on trial accused of serious drugs charges... PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v 8. If you say that someone or something is on trial, you mean that they are in a situation where people are observing them to see whether they succeed or fail. The President will be drawn into a damaging battle in which his credentials will be on trial. PHRASE: v-link...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »COURT« a legal process in which a court of law examines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime  (a murder trial | The defendant has a right to a fair trial. | stand trial/be on trial (for) (=be judged in a court of law))  (Brady was on trial for assault. | a bank employee who is due to stand trial on embezzlement charges | come to trial formal (=when a case is brought to a court by law))  (By the time the case comes to trial he will have spent a year behind bars.)  (- see also show trial) 2 »TEST« a) a process of testing to find out whether something works effectively and is safe  (a new drug that is undergoing clinical trials) b) a short period during which you use something or employ someone to find out whether they are satisfactory for a particular purpose or job  (take/have sth on trial (=test something without having to buy it first))  (Take the vacuum cleaner on trial for a week; if you don't like it you pay nothing. | trial period)  (The security system will be reviewed after a three-month trial period.) 3 by trial and error if you do something by trial and error, you test many different methods of doing something in order to find the best  (You'll find out by trial and error which flowers grow best.) 4 »WORRY/ANNOY« be a trial (to) to be very worrying or annoying to someone  (My brothers and I were always a real trial to my parents.) 5 trials and tribulations difficulties and troubles  (After many trials and tribulations we reached our destination.) 6 »SPORTS« trials BrE a sports competition that tests a player's ability ~2 v to thoroughly test something to see if it works correctly or is effective  (These techniques were trialled by teachers in 300 schools.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: ON TRIAL. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1436, "act or process of testing," from Anglo-Fr. trial, from triet "to try" (see try). Sense of "examining and deciding a case in a court of law" is first recorded 1577; extended to any ordeal by 1595. TRIANGLE - 1392, from O.Fr. triangle, from L. triangulum "triangle," from neut. of triangulus "three-cornered," from tri- "three" + angulus "corner, angle." "In the huts of witches all the instruments and implements are triangular" ["Handwцrterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens"]. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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