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Англо-русский словарь - taste


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Перевод с английского языка taste на русский

 а) вкусить; to taste of fame вкусить славы; to taste of danger подвергнуться опасности;
 б) содержать в себе (что-л.); иметь вкус; This root vegetable tastes slightly of lemon.
TASTE of danger book. подвергнуться опасности
 1. noun
 1) вкус (чувство); sour to the taste - кислый на вкус
 2) вкус (отличительная особенность пищи); this medicine has no taste - это лекарство безвкусно; to leave a bad taste in the mouth - оставить дурной вкус во рту; fig. оставить неприятное впечатление
 3) склонность, пристрастие (for - к чему-л.); she has expensive tastes in clothes - она любит носить дорогие вещи; to have a taste for music - иметь склонность к музыке; tastes differ, there is no accounting for tastes - о вкусах не спорят
 4) вкус, понимание; to dress in good (bad) taste - одеваться со вкусом (безвкусно)
 5) манера, стиль - the Baroque taste
 6) немного, чуточку; кусочек, глоточек (на пробу); give me a taste of the pudding - дайте мне кусочек пудинга
 7) представление; первое знакомство (с чем-л.);
 2. v.
 1) (по)пробовать (на вкус); отведать; fig. вкусить, испытать - taste of danger
 2) различать на вкус
 3) иметь вкус, привкус; to taste sour - быть кислым на вкус, иметь кислый вкус; the soup tastes of onions - в супе (очень) чувствуется лук - taste of
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См. в других словарях

  1. вкус (чувство) keen taste, keen sense of taste —- обостренная способность чувствовать вкус (пищи) out of taste —- неспособный различить вкус nice to the taste —- приятный на вкус to add pepper to taste —- добавить перца по вкусу 2. вкус (свойство пищи) sweet taste —- сладкий вкус chocolate taste —- вкус шоколада to have a nice taste —- быть приятным на вкус to have no taste —- быть безвкусным to leave a bad taste in the mouth —- оставить дурной вкус во рту; оставить неприятное впечатление; вызвать отвращение to distinguish types of oranges by their taste —- различать апельсины по вкусу 3. вкус, понимание true taste —- безошибочный вкус a man of taste —- человек со вкусом an education in taste —- воспитание вкуса in (good) taste, with taste —- со вкусом in bad taste —- безвкусно to dress in good taste —- одеваться со вкусом to have a fine taste in pictures —- тонко разбираться в живописи to smb.'s taste —- в чьем-л. вкусе not at all to my taste —- совсем не в моем вкусе he found it to his taste —- это пришлось ему по вкусу this is a matter of taste —- это дело вкуса tastes differ, there is no accounting for tastes, everyone to his taste —- о вкусах не спорят; у каждого свой вкус 4. такт in bad taste —- бестактно, неуместно the remark was in bad taste —- замечание было неуместным it would be in bad taste to refuse —- отказываться неудобно, отказ был бы бестактностью 5. склонность; влечение,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  вкус; вкусовое ощущение; ощущать вкус ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. дегустировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вкус 2) дегустировать 3) ощущение 4) привкус 5) проба 6) пробовать 7) чувствовать a matter of taste — дело вкуса ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  проба на вкус – galvanic taste ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вкус 2) проба на вкус пробовать, дегустировать - galvanic taste ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the sensation characteristic of a soluble substance caused in the mouth and throat by contact with that substance (disliked the taste of garlic). b the faculty of perceiving this sensation (was bitter to the taste). 2 a small portion of food or drink taken as a sample. 3 a slight experience (a taste of success). 4 (often foll. by for) a liking or predilection (has expensive tastes; is not to my taste). 5 aesthetic discernment in art, literature, conduct, etc., esp. of a specified kind (a person of taste; dresses in poor taste). --v. 1 tr. sample or test the flavour of (food etc.) by taking it into the mouth. 2 tr. (also absol.) perceive the flavour of (could taste the lemon; cannot taste with a cold). 3 tr. (esp. with neg.) eat or drink a small portion of (had not tasted food for days). 4 tr. have experience of (had never tasted failure). 5 intr. (often foll. by of) have a specified flavour (tastes bitter; tastes of onions). Phrases and idioms a bad (or bitter etc.) taste colloq. a strong feeling of regret or unease. taste blood see BLOOD. taste bud any of the cells or nerve-endings on the surface of the tongue by which things are tasted. to taste in the amount needed for a pleasing result (add salt and pepper to taste). Derivatives tasteable adj. Etymology: ME, = touch, taste, f. OF tast, taster touch, try, taste, ult. perh. f. L tangere touch + gustare taste ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; tasting)  Etymology: Middle English, to touch, test, ~, from Anglo-French ~r, from Vulgar Latin *taxitare, frequentative of Latin taxare to touch, feel — more at tax  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to become acquainted with by experience has ~d the frustration of defeat  2. to ascertain the flavor of by taking a little into the mouth  3. to eat or drink especially in small quantities  4. to perceive or recognize as if by the sense of ~  5. archaic appreciate, enjoy  intransitive verb  1. to eat or drink a little  2. to test the flavor of something by taking a small part into the mouth  3. to have perception, experience, or enjoyment ; partake — often used with of  4. to have a specific flavor the apple ~s sour  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete test  2.  a. obsolete the act of tasting  b. a small amount ~d  c. a small amount ; bit; especially a sample of experience her first ~ of success  3. the special sense that perceives and distinguishes the sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a dissolved substance and is mediated by ~ buds on the tongue  4. the objective sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a dissolved substance as perceived by the sense of ~  5.  a. a sensation obtained from a substance in the mouth that is typically produced by the stimulation of the sense of ~ combined with those of touch and smell ; flavor  b. the distinctive quality of an experience that gruesome scene left a bad ~ in my mouth  6. individual preference ; inclination  7.  a. critical judgment, discernment, or appreciation  b. manner or aesthetic quality indicative of such discernment or appreciation ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tastes, tasting, tasted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Taste is one of the five senses that people have. When you have food or drink in your mouth, your sense of taste makes it possible for you to recognize what it is. ...a keen sense of taste. N-UNCOUNT 2. The taste of something is the individual quality which it has when you put it in your mouth and which distinguishes it from other things. For example, something may have a sweet, bitter, sour, or salty taste. I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds... N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. If you have a taste of some food or drink, you try a small amount of it in order to see what the flavour is like. We have a taste of the white wine he’s brought. N-SING 4. If food or drink tastes of something, it has that particular flavour, which you notice when you eat or drink it. It tastes like chocolate... The pizza tastes delicious without any cheese at all. VERB: no cont, V of/like n, V adj 5. If you taste some food or drink, you eat or drink a small amount of it in order to try its flavour, for example to see if you like it or not. He finished his aperitif and tasted the wine the waiter had produced... VERB: V n 6. If you can taste something that you are eating or drinking, you are aware of its flavour. You can taste the chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet. VERB: no passive, V n 7. If you have a taste of a particular way of life or activity, you have a brief experience of it. This voyage was his first taste of freedom. N-SING: N of n 8. If you taste something such as a way of life or a pleasure, you experience it for a short period of time. Anyone who has tasted this life wants it to carry on for as long as possible. VERB: no passive, V n 9. If you have a taste for something, you have a liking or preference for it. That gave me a taste for reading. N-SING: N for n/-ing 10. A person’s taste is their choice in the things that they like or buy, for example...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOOD« the special feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink when you put it in your mouth  (Sugar has a sweet taste. | Has the milk gone sour? It's got a funny taste. | the strong taste of the coffee) 2 »JUDGEMENT« someone's judgement about what is good or suitable when they choose clothes, music etc  (have (good) taste (=make good judgements))  (She has instinctive good taste. | have bad/no taste)  (Mick has really bad taste in clothes.) 3 »STH YOU LIKE« the type of thing that you tend to like + for/in  (His tastes in films and books were very different from her own. | have a taste for)  (I've always had a taste for jazz and blues music. | to sb's taste (=in a way that someone likes))  (She had the whole house redecorated to her taste. | have no taste for (=not like something at all)) 4 »SMALL AMOUNT« usually singular) a small amount of food or drink that you put in your mouth to try it  (Have a taste of this soup and see if it needs more salt.) 5 »WITH TONGUE« the sense by which you know one food from another  (You need a good sense of taste to be a chef.) 6 be in bad/poor taste jokes, remarks etc that are in bad taste are unacceptable, especially because they upset someone  (I thought your terrorist joke was in pretty bad taste.) 7 a taste of fame/success etc a short experience of something that you want more of 8 leave a bad/nasty taste in your mouth to feel angry or upset as a result of seeing or hearing something unpleasant  (The way he spoke to those children left a nasty taste in my mouth.) 9 to taste a phrase meaning as much as is needed to make something taste the way you like, used in instructions for cooking  (Add salt and pepper to taste.) 10 an acquired taste something that you like only after you have tried it several times  (Olives are something of an acquired taste.) 11 there is no accounting for taste used to say that you do not understand why someone has chosen something  (He's so nice - I don't see why you don't like him. But there's no accounting for taste.) ~2 v 1 I...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. taster "to feel, taste," from V.L. *tastare, apparently an alteration of taxtare, a frequentive form of L. taxare "evaluate, handle" (see tax). Sense of "aesthetic judgment" is first attested 1674. Tasteful in this sense is from 1756. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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