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Англо-русский словарь - skirt


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Перевод с английского языка skirt на русский

 1. noun
 1) юбка; divided skirt - широкие брюки
 2) пола, подол
 3) sl. женщина
 4) oft. pl. край, окраина; on the skirts of the wood - на опушке леса
 5) tech. юбка (изолятора)
 2. v.
 1) быть расположенным на опушке, на краю
 2) огибать; идти вдоль края
 3) проходить; проезжать - skirt around/round
SKIRT around/round coll. уклоняться (от чего-л.); You cant skirt round the matter, youll have to give the workers a definite answer.
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См. в других словарях

  1. юбка pleated skirt —- юбка в складку 2. пола 3. подол 4. край, граница; окраина on the skirts of the town —- на окраине города 5. берег (озера, реки) 6. опушка (леса) 7. подножие (горы, холма) 8. полоса a broad skirt of hillocks —- широкая полоса холмов 9. сл. "юбка", молодая женщина, девушка a nice-looking skirt —- хорошенькая девчонка to chase skirts —- бегать за юбками 10. оборка (обивки кресла) 11. диафрагма, грудобрюшная преграда (у животного) 12. кул. говяжья пашинка 13. крыло седла (также saddle skirt) 14. эл. юбка изолятора 15. быть расположенным, идти по границе, по краю, вдоль рубежа; окружать, окаймлять precipices skirted the road —- по обеим сторонам дорги были пропасти the gardens skirted the riverside —- сады шли по берегу реки valley skirted by mountains —- долина, опоясанная горами the sun skirted the clouds with gold —- солнце позолотило края облаков 16. огибать; обходить, идти вдоль края the ship skirted coast —- корабль обогнул побережье we skirted round the edge of the grove —- мы шли по краю рощи 17. проходить, обходить стороной to skirt a hostile town —- обойти стороной город, занятый неприятелем we skirted a swamp —- мы обошли болото стороной 18. едва избежать, быть на волосок (от чего-либо) to skirt danger —- едва уйти от опасности to skirt death —- быть на волосок от смерти 19. уклоняться (от...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  опушка, окраина (леса) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  юбка, юбка изолятора - piston skirt SKIRTING бортик ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) юбка 2) нижнее звено (ректификационной колонны) 3) плинтус 4) (защитное) ограждение 5) юбка, гибкая завеса (воздушной подушки СВП) - A-line skirt - ball-shaped skirt - bustle skirt - cam-ground skirt - filter skirt - flared skirt - piston skirt - pleated skirt - scuffing streaks piston skirt - seabed platform skirt - slender skirt - suspender skirt - tube skirt ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a woman's outer garment hanging from the waist. 2 the part of a coat etc. that hangs below the waist. 3 a hanging part round the base of a hovercraft. 4 (in sing. or pl.) an edge, border, or extreme part. 5 (also bit of skirt) sl. offens. a woman regarded as an object of sexual desire. 6 (in full skirt of beef etc.) a the diaphragm and other membranes as food. b Brit. a cut of meat from the lower flank. 7 a flap of a saddle. 8 a surface that conceals or protects the wheels or underside of a vehicle or aircraft. --v. 1 tr. go along or round or past the edge of. 2 tr. be situated along. 3 tr. avoid dealing with (an issue etc.). 4 intr. (foll. by along) go along the coast, a wall, etc. Phrases and idioms skirt-dance a dance with graceful manipulation of a full skirt. Derivatives skirted adj. (also in comb.). skirtless adj. Etymology: ME f. ON skyrta shirt, corresp. to OE scyrte: see SHIRT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse skyrta shirt, kirtle — more at shirt  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) a free-hanging part of an outer garment or undergarment extending from the waist down  (2) a separate free-hanging outer garment or undergarment usually worn by women and girls covering some or all of the body from the waist down  b. either of two usually leather flaps on a saddle covering the bars on which the stirrups are hung  c. a cloth facing that hangs from the bottom edge or across the front of a piece of furniture  d. the lower branches of a tree when near the ground  2.  a. the rim, periphery, or environs of an area  b. plural outlying parts (as of a town or city)  3. a part or attachment serving as a rim, border, or edging  4. slang a girl or woman  • ~ed adjective  II. verb  Date: 1602  transitive verb  1. to form or run along the border or edge of ; border  2.  a. to provide a ~ for  b. to furnish a border or shield for  3.  a. to go or pass around or about; specifically to go around or keep away from in order to avoid danger or discovery  b. to avoid especially because of difficulty or fear of controversy ~ed the issue  c. to evade or miss by a narrow margin having ~ed disaster — Edith Wharton  intransitive verb to be, lie, or move along an edge or border  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (skirts, skirting, skirted) 1. A skirt is a piece of clothing worn by women and girls. It fastens at the waist and hangs down around the legs. N-COUNT 2. Something that skirts an area is situated around the edge of it. We raced across a large field that skirted the slope of a hill. VERB: V n 3. If you skirt something, you go around the edge of it. We shall be skirting the island on our way... She skirted round the edge of the room to the door. VERB: V n, V round/around n 4. If you skirt a problem or question, you avoid dealing with it. He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement... He skirted round his main differences with her. VERB: V n, V round/around n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a piece of outer clothing worn by women and girls, which hangs down from the waist like the bottom part of a dress  (She wore a white blouse and a plain black skirt.)  (- compare dress1 (1)) 2 also skirts the part of a dress or coat that hangs down from the waist 3 the skirts of a forest/hill/village etc the outside edge of a forest etc 4 a bit of skirt BrE informal an offensive expression meaning an attractive woman ~2 also skirt around ~ v 1 to go around the outside edge of a place or area  (The old footpath skirts around the village.) 2 to avoid talking about an important subject, especially because it is difficult or embarrassing  (a disappointing speech that skirted around all the main issues) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., "lower part of a woman's dress," from O.N. skyrta "shirt," see shirt. Sense development from "shirt" to "skirt" is possibly related to the long shirts of peasant garb. Sense of "border, edge" (in outskirts, etc.) first recorded 1470, and the verb meaning "to pass along the edge" is from 1623. Slang sense of "young woman" is from 1906; skirt-chaser first attested 1942. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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